Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2000, p. 31

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S un d a y, J u n e 4, 2 0 0 0 K « | | l articles for sale ·S A L E * L a rg e S e le c tio n decorative mirrors, all sizes. Now on Sale! Rock Chapel Antiques & Statuary. Open Daily. Hwy.5. 1mi. W. of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel Golf Centre.www.rockchapel.net (905)639-3639____________ S O F A & lo v e s e a t (D e Boer's) ivory tone-on-tone. $825. G re a t c o nd ition . 634-0249___________ SUPER Special Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G S T ! Love yo ur furn itu re ... hate yo u r co lo u rs ? Sofa & m a tc h in g chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C h a irs from $199 F re e E s tim a te s . S en io r D iscounts. F ield s Quality Custom Upholstering. 9-9. (905)632-9090 SW IMMING pool slide. T fi breglass, good condition, $200 Call 6 8 1 - 0 7 9 5 .____ W ASHER & dryer (Maytag), $350/both- Kenmore sideby-side fridge. $200. Old pool table w/accessories, $100. 331-1256 403 Autoparts--- C ity of B u rlin g to n B u s in e s s Lie. environm entally compliant. S c ra p cars w anted We pay cash. 905-637-2319 Pick-up/ Drop-off. M-F 8-5 $0-$5000.Reward- C ars. Trucks. Highest Cash Pric es Paid. F as t D eliveryF re e To w ing . L ic e n s e d Auto W recker Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville) E l l l l trucks for sale IN V E N T O R Y Control P er son- computer skills- Wind ows 95. experience in pur chasing an asset. Hours & d ays of work. 8:30am to 5:00pm , 3 days a w eek C a ll for ap p o in tm e nt (905)465-0233 or fax resume to (905)465-0218 V A L U E Village- Openings a v a ila b le for part-time, days, e v e n in g s & w e e kends. S ta rtin g wage $7.15. Excellent benefits. Ple a se apply: 2340 Fairview, Burlington. Please, no phone calls. Fax (905)631-6894 EARN $200.. $300 . $500., or more per week, Assem bling product in the comfort of your own home. Send a self ad d ressed stam ped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St.. W., Suite 541, Ref. 628. Mississauga. Ontario. L5K 2R8_________ E N E R G E T IC people needed to w ork in an automotive detailing shop. Some experience preferred but not essential. Please drop off resume to: Halton Autocare. 1410 Speers Rd.. #4. O akville, or call 905827-8607_________________ CLEANERS- Team spirited residential cleaning com pany requires full/ part-time M-F Day staff. Competitive wages Experience not re quired. We're great to work for! Call Caroline 905-3367901______________________ S A L E S p erso n needed ASAP for kids store 5 days per week 25-30hrs. (July & August) 40h rs per week. F le x ib le h ou rs w ill train. Ap ply at: Tw ice the Fun, 460 Brant St.. Burlington or call 639-9105 or 336-1578 L IG H T A s s e m b ly w ork a v a ila b le fo r d ay shift. F le x ib le hours a va ila ble. Dependable team players, good eye/ hand coordina tion. Fax one page 905632-6804, em ail: ncssales@aol.com DRIVER- Part-time, even ings and w eeke n ds. 2 ye a rs d rivin g exp erience required. Automobile sup plied. R e p ly: S ho p pe rs Drug Mart. Attention: Janet M c K iern an , 470 Appleby Line. Burlington PAC KERS- Light Plastics Plant- West Oakville. Full time night shift & part-time afternoon shift. Applicants must have good eye/ hand co-ordination and be fluent in E n g lis h . F a x resum e: 905-847-3126_____________ S U B C O N T R A C T O R S re q uired for p ostal sorting and delivery. Early morn ing. R e lia b le veh ic le re quired. Forward resume: SC V Contracting. R.R. #2. Burlington, L7P-4X9. call 905-524-1023_____________ D R IV E R with van/ pick-up truck req uired 8am-5pm. M onday- Friday. Local courier must live in Burling ton. M a le/fem ale. Don (905)308-4408, evenings/ weekends.________________ E X P E R IE N C E D fle x ib le part-time floral designer re quired for busy downtown O akville shop. Please fax resum e to: 905-338-3591 or call 905-845-7573. Attn: Heather Stadig.____________ S T U D E N T S welcomedReliable & mature. W e e kends off! Full-time DaysMon-Fri., Benefits/ training/ tra n s p o rta tio n p rovided. (D.L. required). Call Molly Maid, 905-681-7484 10 people with car required to work 4 days per week to deliver/ retrieve catalogues in Burlington/ Waterdown. Earn up to $300. Call Philip @ 336-8373____________ W O R K in d e p e n d e n tly to fold/ sort uniform s. Ind u strial sewing helpful. Full & part-time available, days, nights. som e weekends. (905)847-2524, leave message____________ LAN D S C APE Maintenance people required. Experienc ed. reliable, hard working, c lean app ea ra n c e. M ust have own transportation to yard. Call Rick. (905)6376288______________________ B U S Y c o ntra c to r see ks general labourers/ handyperson. Seasonal part-time leading to full-time. call Sun evening or LM, 905336-8063__________________ HOMEM AKER/ PSW/ HCA re q uired p erm a n e n t full/ part-time for care facility. Benefits. Shift work. Please c a ll P a tty or H elen. (905)335-3463____________ D R IVE RS & Inspectors re q u ire d for T o ro n to A uto Auction. Phone John Parm (905)875-2915, ext. 604 or fax resume to John Parm (905)875-3219 P O S T A L Jobs. $48,323/ year- Now hiring- No e x perience- Paid trainingGreat benefits. Call 7 days: 1-800-429-3660. Ext. J3226______________________ C L E A N E R S req uired for office cleaning in the even ings. Part-time. Burl/ O ak ville areas. Call (905)3302639._____________________ G E N E R A L cafeteria help required- straight days, no weekends, experience pre fe rre d A p p ly in person: 2285 S p e a km a n Dr., Mississauga.______________ H A L T O N T a x i re q u ire s Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Drivers for nights & w ee kend s W ill tra in . C a ll Doreen (905)844-0441 C AREG IVER Live-in for el derly lady. 3 days/ week or w eekends. B u rlin g to n home. References. Experienced. (905)333-6217 LOO KIN G for Adult carrier for Sunday Sun d elivery, O akville 38c per paper + gas. C a ll Rick (416)9386302______________________ S H O P M a in ten a n c e/ car cleaning person required full-time. Must have drivers license. C a ll (9050842-3001____________ AVON- Join Now and Re ceive $50. in Free Product. G re a t S um m er Job. C a ll Judy: (905)336-0477 CO URIER Drivers required full & part-time with own ve hicle. F lu e n t in E n glish . Please call (905) 795-3213 L O O K IN G for w ork? Are you 16-24yrs old? Out of w ork & schoo l? W e can help! Call (905)681-1140 FLO RA L D e sig n er Oakville/ Burlington. Parttime Please call 637-9367 I telemarketers W E L D E R S & G eneral L a bourers. V a rio u s shifts a v a ila b le Apply: C W C . 3040 New St. Burlington. (E. of G uelph Line) Fax: (905)632-7118_____________ R E G IS T E R E D M a s s a g e Therapist required im m e d ia te ly. O a k v ille office. Please call (905) 849-4785 F U L L - T IM E O p h th a lm ic Assistant required for Op tom etrists office. Fax resume to 905-639-0640 D E N TA L Assistant. HARP C e rtifie d . F u lltim e w eek days. O a kville . 3+ yea rs experience. Fax: (905)8278651______________________ FULL-TIME Physiotherapist required for O HIP clinic in Burlington. Fax resume to: 905-632-1735_____________ D E N T A L Assistant- F u ll time required for Burlington dental office Please fax re sume to: 905-643-2892 X-RAY TechnologistSummer relief- 30hrs/week in M ilto n , c a ll 905-8788831 FOUND: Man's bike down town Burlington. P le a s e call to identify 634-2455 9am-5pm or 332-5482 after 6pm.______ LOST- m a le Shi-Tsu, May.30, Upper Middle/ 3rd Line. Black/ W hite. O ur two sons h a ve lo st th e ir best friend . P le a s e c a ll 905-469-2966 F O U N D gold b ra c e le t in SE Oakville. (905)616-4824 ECE/ HCA Mom of 16-mos. d a u g h te r a v a ila b le full/ part-time. Lots of T L C & fun! 336-6332.____________ M O TH E R of two has day care available. Nutritious meals, indoor/ outdoor fun. Lots of TL C . Ages 1+. W a lk e rs / M a in w a y area. 319-2834__________________ D A Y C A R E a v a ila b le for toddlers, Crafts, outings, books, nutritious lunches Near parks. Third Line/ Rebecca. (905)825-0978. daycare wanted LIV E - IN , 2 school-aged children pre-schoooler. Irregular day hours, evgs., week-ends Housekeeping, cooking. Im m e d ia te ly. (905)842-8255.___________ R E L IA B L E , caregiver re quired for 2 boys ages 7 & 10. Bronte area. Mon-Thur. Som e light housekeeping required. 905-847-7741 M O TH E R S helper needed fo r 2 g irls ages 9m on & 4 2yr's. F le xib le part-time hours. Sherwood Heights area. References required. 905-829-8490_____________ A lo ving o ld er w om an to care for our 2 1/2yr. old. Preferably in our home, oc c a s s io n a l d ay or short eve n in g sta rtin g August. N on- sm oker p re fe rre d . 336-7853_________________ U R G E N TLY required: two staff for O a k v ille schoolaged camp & to continue into Sept (if possible). (1) S up erviso r, (1) A ssistant Teacher Must have a car or van to take children on local trips Call 847-8375 Marlene or faxresume&47-8378 CLASS AZ DRIVER Oakville mobile mix con crete/ top soil co. 5-6 days weekly. Min. 2-yrs experience w/clean abstract. Mechanical ability an asset. Able to handle physical work. Wage depends on experience. Call (905) 338-2550 SIX Licensed Electricians Required tor large construction job located in Burlington. PLEASE FAX RESUME: 700 home improvements 1988 Chevy Silverado Pick Up. R e g u la r cab. loaded, tint, hitch. Runs well. Asking $4800. (905)873-7954 Cottage Cove Cottage Cove, ladies casual retailer, is look ing tor customer service oriented M.S. Electric Co. Ltd. (905) 827-7430 INTERLC )CKING, fences 4 decks. E:xperienced, quality w ork. Ple fe re n c e s . C a ll (905)890 -4632 1996 P ly m o u th V o y a g e r S E- w hite. 5 door, quad sea ts, a ir. p/l, p/w, p/m includes hands-free phone, 135K, $11,000. (905)844_______________ 7049 1997 Dodge G rand C a ra van SE- Great family vehi cle. C a p ta in s c hairs, CD p la y e r, 1 o w n er, 92K M $15,500. 905-331-6348 1995 C H E V B la z e r LS Rockport Edition, 107,000 kms. great condition, certi fied. e m iss io n tested. $18,600. (905)337-9662. g ^ K W l motorcycles 1990 FLH S H arley Davidson- aqua blue, loaded w/ chrome options, showroom condition. $17,900. no GST. (905)335-8354 after 5pm 1981 Y A M A H A 650 Maxim in e x c e lle n t co nd ition $1,000. Call 842-6751 I career training B A R T E N D IN G CourseV en ture Hospitality T ra in ing hands on style course inc lu d in g B a rte n d in g & S m a rtS e rv e c e rtific a tio n w ill be h e ld in O a k v ille . The 4 day training program June 14th & 20th, 6-10pm. June 17 & 18th, 9am-5pm. P le a s e c a ll o u r info lin e 416-631-4039_____________ NO Fee! C a re e r Explora-tions is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan y o u r c a re e r. F un d ed by HRDC. For information/ to re g is te r c a ll G ra c e (905) 333-3499/ (905)878-1240 STORE MANAGER Full & Part-time ·P LU M B E R ·P IP E FITTERS ·M ILLW R IG H TS 100% Quality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior. E xterior. Local calls 905-777-5205 or 416-793-3339 SALES STAFF Mapleview Mall, Burlington location. W ANTED Weekends 4 Full-lime Fax resumes to: 416-780-9735 W AN TED All-China. Silver. Crystal, sewing machines... Doulton, Moorcroft. Quilts, Glass. Watches, dolls, es tates, Collectibles. John/ Tracy-905-331-2477 A N TIQ U E S wanted- furni ture. glass china, s ilve r, jew e lry, clocks, watches, p ain tin g s, old photos. c a n e s .......... B e st cash! (905)-522-4727____________ K v / | l pets, supplies G O L D E N R e trie v e r p up pies. M ale, hips. eye s, heart certified. A va ila b le June 9th/10th. $600. 8278372 Call: 905-693-8932 Fax: 905-693-1064 AZ Drivers- USA/ Flatbed Experience need only ap ply. Late model equipment. .35- 40 per hub mile based on MPG. 500 Mile Radius. Drops & Picks $30. Hourly D e la y s $13. BenefitsHom e weekends- Y e a rly bonus. C a ll P rec isio n Flatbed carriers 1-888-5563346 John Norcott________ A/C, Refrigeration & Heating Mechanic required full-time. Experience necessary. Fax resume: (905)825-2094 COLLISION Repair Techni cian required for busy colli sion centre. Unibody e x perience mandatory. Great w ages & benefits. (905)689-8835____________ M ECHANIC Apprentice re quired fulltime for O akville shop. M ust h a ve basic auto-motive knowledge. Will train. Call (905)842-3001 M AC H IN ISTS/ Toolmakers re q u ire d fo r O a k v ille automation company. Fax resume: (905)465-2485 suites chalet requires Full or part-time R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in c lu d es 2 p ro fe s s io n a l m overs, truck and in s u r ance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. TIM HORTONS 4033 New St (at Walkers) requires · Kitchen Help · Take-out person · Exp. Cook Apply in person: 4000 Mainway Dr. Burlington Attn: Sean Full & Part-time HELP Apply in person. No calls please! AUTO DETAILER Required for busy collision centre Full-time - Call Jeff (905)845-7579 B U S P E R S O N S a n d Host/ H o ste sse s. P e rm a n e n t Part-tim e for e n e rg etic , dedicated individuals with strong sense of team con cept. Call now. Q.B. Sports Eatery. 4460 Fairview (Ap pleby Ln). or call- 905-6379797______________________ L E D O M E B a n q ue t H a lls Hiring Part-time Weekend: W a it Staff- M u st bd 18 years+; Kitchen Help; Bar tenders- Experienced. Ap ply: 1173 N o rth S e rvic e R d .E ., O a k v ille , T el: (905)842-8770 Fax. 905842-8772__________________ TO A D & Firkin looking for experienced wait & kitchen staff Drop off resume to; 4490 F airview St. next to M c D on a ld s d rive- thru or fax: 905-333-9051_________ TIM Hortons- Donut Baker. F ull/ Part-tim e (Benefits/ Competitive Wages). W ill train. Call Virginia/ Tracy 905-336-8533_____________ J U D G E & Ju ry- requires experienced, part-time Line Cooks for evenings & wee kends. C a ll K e vin 3191655, for interview. CUSTO M Drapery, Acces sories. Installation. Re-up h o ls te ry & S lip c o ve rs . W orkmanship guaranteed. R e a s o n a b le ra tes. Ju d y 335-2535 R e fe re n c e s supplied. G A R D E N E R , experienced wanted to tend roses, a n nuals & perrenials around A ld e rs h o t hom e F ew hours/wk. 332-7065. IN The Garden... Friendly P e rs o n a lize d Land scape Gardening Service uses inte re s tin g /u n iq u e . high q ua lity plant m a te ria ls to c re a te an eye p le a s in g d is p la y in m a n y g ard en styles. W ill design, install, restore, prune and consult to su it y o u r in d iv id u a l needs G erard. C ertified Horticulturist (905)332-5273 ^ gardening landscaping L IV E - O U T N a n n y fo r 2 children, full-time Mon.-Fri. August or September start. Weekly salary, plus bonus. paid vacation. (905)257-1567 STOP- I h a v e th e best Nanny, I'm willing to share in my home. Looking for 1 o ther child 3-5yrs. Daily 9am-5pm, Burlington 905332-9507._________________ C A R E G IV E R required im mediately for 2 boys 447. in out home 2 days per week, w ith p o s s ib le full-tim e. (905)681-8126.___________ E X P E R IE N C E D caregiver n ee de d part-tim e for 3 yo u n g c h ild re n . L ig h t housekeeping, references. S tu de n ts welcome. W est Oak Trails. (905)847-6415 E X P E R IE N C E D N annies/ h o u s e k e e p e rs in P h ilip pines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931. L O O K IN G for part-tim e Mother's Helper for 2 boys. 7 months 4 2 years. River Oaks. (905)257-3279 LO R N E Park. Mississaugalive-out Nanny required- 3 kids, c a r e s s e n tia l, c a ll 416-205-2940_____________ R E S P O N S IB L E , lo ving Nanny needed to care for 7mo. old 4 5 year old in our Waterdown home for Sep te m be r. R e fe re n ce s required. (905)689-5445 B U R L IN G T O N fa m ily needs responsible, mature, conscientious, experienced, p erso n , to c a re fo r 10 month old. 2-3 afternoons/ week References. (905) 681-8370._________________ LIVE-IN/ out full-time care g ive r required asap. light housekeeping, four child ren ages 10. 8. 5 4 1-1/2r Flexibility a must. $7.50/hr to start. 331-9649 W E D D IN G P h oto graph y. 100-115 p rin ts , album , negatives, other packages available. Over 20 yrs ex perience. R e lia b le , re a sonable. with references. Picture- Perfect W edding Photography. 639-6710 k A B S O L U T E L Y no selling. No cold calling. Just setting appointments from our Bur lington head office. $9/hr. + remarkable bonus. Perma nent eve n in g s 6pm-midnight. 333-8180 Mrs. Lang W | I weddings W E E K D AY weddings $150. Brant Street Chapel. 6311886. W± l l T l I for sale 1972 B U IC K S k y la rk · top condition, low mileage (905)845-3583.____________ 1992 Eagle Talon- PW. PL. AM/FM cass., 166K. black. 1 owner, excellent condition. $4,950. 825-3203 1988 H onda A cco rd Limited. 4 door, automatic. A/C. loaded. R u n s and looks great. $2750. C all _ 905-637-9409_____________ 1991 Escort. 5-speed, atr, L a d y d rive n . 99.5 0 0 K . $2500. Call (905)845-7808 1997 P o n tia c G ra n d Am SE. V6. auto, fully loaded. $10,950.; 1996 Ford Tauras GL, V6, auto, fully loaded. $10,450. (905)469-6880 1998 C h e v ro le t C a m a ro convertible- red. auto. A/C. PW. PL. PB. PT. air bags, cruise, certified & emission tested. 68K, $21,000 neg. 631-1466_________________ 1995 E a g le T a lo n E S I117Km. 5 speed, air, tinted, stereo. $8300/obo. (905) 337-9614_________________ 1988 M e rc e d e s B enz 300E - b lack w ith b la c k in te rio r, new tire s , good condition 220Km. $10,000/ Qbo. 844-9014_____________ 1989 Tem po- 1 o w n er, good c o nd ition . 192Km . service records, as is. $850. 825-9107._________________ 1988 Cadillac- new brakes & tires, cold a/c, many new parts, needs som e work. $1000. (905)876-4733 1990 Chev Sprint 2-door. 5speed. good c o nd ition . 107,000 km s.. c e rtifie d , $1950. Call 333-8229. 1987 Shadow- automatic, good ru n n in g c o nd ition , highway driven, one owner, $950, assor/obo. 632-1660 1991 Honda Accord LX. 2dr, black, automatic, one o w n er, c lean. 181K. Etested. Certified. $5200. 845-9090_________________ 1984 O ldsm obile C utlass Suprem e, runs well, as is $700./best offer. 637-6058 W i [ | u l cars wanted Assistant Manager required lo r Burlington modern hardware store. Applicant needs to be self motivated, energe tic, personable, & must have hardware retail exp. Salary comm ensu rate with experience S U P E R IN T E N D E N T COUpie for Burlington high-rise apartm ent building. Must be e x p erien c ed in ren ta l a d m in is tra tio n , m a in tenance and cleaning. Un derstand landlord/ tenant m atters and strong repor with tenants. Salary plus 2bdrm apartment. Reply Box 1757, c/o The Post. 2321 F a irv ie w S tr., B u rlin gton L7R2E3___________________ SELF-M OTIVATED individ uals w/entrepreneunal spirit required immediately. We are business professionals, creating passive residual in com e & tim e freedom by helping w/global expansion of a telecom m unications and utility provider Leader ship and people skills are an asset C all 1-888-6537 520 or send resu m e (905)637-8791_____________ F A M ILY Golf. Oakville, re quires C ashiers im m edia tely. R e lia b le , outgoing, frie n d ly in d iv id u a ls to h a n d le b usy fro n t cash register, an sw er phones, and h a n d le c u sto m e r inquiries. A great place to w ork! C a ll P a tric ia Lawrence. (905)842-6120, Fax: (905)842-6122________ M A T U R E C o n c ie rg e re quired im m ediately in the Oakville area. Condomini um exp erien c e an asset. Indoor environment, good rate of pay. benefits, rotat ing shifts, fluent in English oral/ written. Fax resume to: T riPart Protection. Inc. 905-632-1217_____________ A P P L IC A T IO N Recruiters needed for Argos and Tie C at gam es. At The S kyd o m e and/ o r Ivo r W ynne Stadium, part time work June to October. $10. an hour. C all (416) 4443050 ext. 291______________ J U B IL E E Fruit M arket re quires permanent full-time Produce Clerks & Cashiers, a va ila b le to work flexible hours including weekends. $9.00- $10.00 p e r hour. A p p ly in p erso n with resume: 104 Allen Street. Oakville (905)842-0378 PAIN T & Wallpaper store in B u rlin g to n req uires parttime help with the possibility of becoming fulltime in the F all. S om e d ec o ra tin g & sales experience preferred. Please forward resume to: J. Fucella, 2052 Deer Run Ave., Burlington. ON L7M2E7 G ARD EN Centre Assistant Manager Horticultural ex perience. Full time. Apply with resume to: Langholm Nursery 6711 Hwy.25, Milton or fax: (905)878-9350. Telesa les New positions in expanding Oak. co. It you are selfmotivated and eager to learn, we provide paid training & commission. Minutes tram Bronte GO. Students welcome. IN T E R N E T Support Technician. Internet P rovider looking for Technician for a Support position. Know l edge of wtn95/98 and inter net p ro g ra m s an asset. Please fax resume to: (905) 637-0140 office-clerical P E T & house sitter a va il able July & August. Semi retired senior. Loves animals. 631-5145___________ M A T U R E multi-skiiled tra desman w ill housesit and or do maintenance for ac commodation. (905)849-2566. Tel: (905)465-3924 Fax: (905)825-8305 ^ music, dancing & dramatic instr. Burlington import dealership requires a First Choice Haircutters i V STYLISTS | J wanted for extremely Milton, Waterdown. with commission starting at 40% * J guaranteed hourly wage [ based upon exp. Benei fits. Advanced training [ & equipment provided, i No clientele necessary. | $300. Signing Bonus J paid upon completion ! of probationary period | Call Robert or Brenda, ) I at (905) 319-3155 or (905) 689-7003 i busy locations in Bud., i Excellent pay structure Receptionist Fulltime, Mon.-Fri. Experience preterred. Apply with resume to: Box 1756, c/o The Post 2321 Fairview St. Burlington, L 7R 2E 3 PRE-SCHOOL te a c h e r ECE or equivalent. Starting sum m er 2000. C a ll Brant C h ild re n 's C e n tre . 6345518 ^ teaching opportunities P ia n o & th e o ry le sso n s, registered teacher. RCM & p o p u la r W a lk e rs L in e / New. W e n d y V e rd u ijn . 634-6852_________________ f t r # i | l daycare available IF yo u 're 9-11 year daughter is not impressed w ith s u m m e r cam p or daycare, call me! Summer fun, hikin g , sw im m ing, b akin g, le a rn in g abo u t nature. 335-1684__________ FUN, safe, reliab le child care available starting July. C P R . rec eip ts . H C C R . Burloak area Call Sandra. 637-8052_________________ EXPERIENCED, hard-work ing. reliable, live-in Filipino n a n n y from o ve rs e a s , seeking employer to spon sor. Please call Lisa (416) 496-0562_________________ T H E H a lto n C h ild C a re Providers Association off ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372; Oakville 847-6595 L O VIN G Mom has spaces a v a ila b le in m y hom e. Plenty of activities and TLC. CPR/ 1st aid Burloak/ New Street 333-0118 Apply to box# 1758 The Burlington Post 2321 Fairview St. Burlington L7R2E3 M E T IC U L O U S c le a n in g Years experience w/fastidious c lie n te lle . C ustom se rvic e - w e e k ly clien ts. Thursdays, Fridays available. Louha, 634-4871 H O N EST and reliable per son is a va ila b le for com plete house cleaning. Ap prox. $50/house. 631-5277 leave message.____________ F E M A L E hou se c le a n e r a va ila b le . E xp e rie n c e d , part-time. Several openings a v a ila b le in B u rlin g to n . Please call Ben. 336-1873. SHIPPER, RECEIVER/ Administrative Assistant for O akville Architect. 3 days/week. Qualifications: Excellent organization & communication skills, word processing. FAX RESUMES TO: (905)844-5277 OFFICE help required full tim e. C o m p u te r s k ills necessary. Flexible hours. Som e S a tu rd a ys . C a ll (905)842-3001 DISPATCH For auto, parts whole sale. Knowledge of keeping small parts in order. Good knowledge of O ak./B url/M iss. Able to lift 50lbs. C all John Bloom, 2-4: Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. (905)845-2118 ESTHETICIAN required for upscale Spa in Burlington P le a s e contact L a u rie at (905)333-1555____________ H A IR S T Y L IS T needed part-time/ full-time. For in terview call M ichael SOSBS 1-4546 Oakville's Premier Salon & Spa requires Fulltim e Experienced B A L L H o c key LeagueMen's 3 on 3, Starts June-6 th. 10 man team. Limited space. C all Now!!. 905335-8520 hayrides HAY/ Sleigh Rides. Horsedrawn. Groups. Birthdays. Families. Party Room. Un cle Porky's, 1/2-Hr. from B u rlin g to n . 1-800-2039093. D R IV E R S FULLTIM E. W ith G Lie. std + auto, trans. Able to drive 1 1on van into TO o r sm all car driver for O ak/M iss/M il/Burl. Able to lift 50lbs. W ill consider car & driver for local deliveries.... M O N E Y P rob le m s? G a r n is h ee s ? Too m any p ay m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bankruptey Trustee:(905) 631-0600, STYLISTS W ith or without clientele. APPLY IN PERSON AT S A LE S Clerk required full tim e for new h ealth food store in Burlington. C a ll 416-258-4907. fax- 905567-7052 Daycare W anted Quality Pvoviders N eeded FREE REGISTRATION & > P a y cheques ® > P a id s t a t u t o r y & c h ild s ic k d a y s ^ T r a in in g & S u p o o rt A g e n c y s u p p li e s e q u ip m e n t r e s o u r c e m a t e r ia l & s u p p lie s ^ In s u r a n c e c o v e ra g e ^ R e l i a b le back- up personals A R E you tired of the bar. the personal ads, being in tro du c ed to p eo ple yo u r frie n d s th in k you'd like? Misty R ive r Introductions, Ontario's traditional match maker Toronto at (416)7776302, S o u th W e st (519)658-4204. Call: John Bloom, 2-4, Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd. Oak. (905) 845-21 18 A D U L T Carriers to deliver door to door early mornings 7 days a week. Required for O akville & Burlington. E x c e lle n t d e liv e ry co m m is sions. Vehicle is required. P le a s e c a ll (90 5) 8293670 8 a m. to 1p.m., Mon. to Thurs. Ask for Mr. Brad Lucas Images Int'l Oakville Town Centre I 280 North Service Rd. DENTAL H yg ie n ist, dynamic Mississauga multi p ra c tic e n e a r S q u a re O n e /H w y.40 3 fo r some eve n in g s. 2pm-7pm and every Saturday, 9am-1pm. (905)890-0101; fax: (905) 890-0219_________________ RN Manager for busy medi cal clinic, O a kville . P re v io u s m ana g em en t e x p e rie n c e p re fe rred . Venipuncture experience an asset. Fax resum es: G. E va n s at MCI- 416-4402797 WANTED: Mazda Protege1.8L, 5 speed, air, reason able price. Good condition. Call Martin 849-1199 E X P E R IE N C E D carpenler(s) w anted for growing Halton construction compa ny. Should be able at times to work unsupervised and run s m a ll crew. W ag es communsurate with experi ence. Fax to (905)854-1024 I companions S T E P into summ er with a pretty, s lend er, mid 50's blonde lady. Sincere with sense of humor. No m ar ried men please. 632-4851 B urlington/W aterdow n Please call: 632-0551 O akville Please call: 337-9221 W eC X .W fa tC fl Y piwrumOBC*. | n

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