8 O akville Beaver W eekend Sunday O ctober 29, 2000 It's like there's N O G S T A D D E D O r, u s e y o u r S e a rs C a rl a n d d o n 't p a y fo r o n e f u ll ye a o n a ll fu r n itu r e t a n d s le e p s e ts Sears stores close to you, close to home Furniture and sleep sets are available at Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy 5 & 403, Erin Mills Power Centre (905) 820-6801 S ave `HERITAGE1 QUEEN PANEL BED Sears reg. 1299.97. 699.97 Ensemble consists of headboard, footboard and rails. Matching pieces also on sale " It's like there's NO GST ADDED' offer: Sears w ill deduct from the item price the same dollar am ount as the GST you w ill pay. GST equivalent reduction does not apply to purchases made under tax-exempt status. Excludes deferral fees, delivery, m ainte nance agreement and installation charges, items in our Liquidation/O utlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Sunday, November 12, 20 00. 1 /2 price 3671SS COMFORT PLUS SLEEP SET ·" Don't pay' offer: Don't pay u n til October 20 01, on approved cre dit, w ith your Sears Card. M inim um $ 2 0 0 purchase. $3 5 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at tim e of purchase. Excludes items in our Liquidation/O utlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Sunday, October 29, 2 0 0 0 . Ask for details. 'D /601 Furniture Shop; excludes baby fu rn itu re Plush or firm. Twin-King sizes. Sears reg. 2399.98-3699.99. Set 1199.99-1849.99 Save *351 OUR LOWEST PRICE OF THE SEASON! `CHAPEL HILL' SOFA Sears reg. 1149.99. $798 Matching pieces and custom options also on sale Sears. For the many sides of you.7 ' S tore H ours: M on-Fri. 10 :0 0 am -9 :0 0 p m S at. 10:00am - 6 :0 0 p m S un. 12:00p m -5 :0 0 p m 3050 Vega Blvtl., Mississauga, Ontario furniture & appliances store vliolc coord in ated furniture V isit o u r wel Sears furniture & appliance store M is s is s a u g a Canada's largest election of major appliances .sears.ca (9 0 5 ) 8 2 0 -6 8 0 1 N P1041300 Copyright 2000. Sears C an ad a Inc