10 Oakville Beaver Weekend (Continued from page 7) The Kensington 25 La k esh o r e R O a k v il l e oad W est Sunday, October 29, 2000 Wellspring, cancer support cen tre, 2545 Sixth Line, has Drop-In Let' s Dance - social dancing at Sir John Colbome Centre for Peer Support, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Seniors, Lakeshore and Third Line, Reiki, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Mondays 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Call Introduction to Journaling drop-in, 827-7394 o4 338-8097. I to 3 p.m. Call 257-1988. Bruce Trail Association has Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Lakeside Hikes for fun and fitness Sir John Colborne Centre, with the Bronte Bunch every Lakeshore and Third Line, 1 to 4 Monday. Meet at Coach & Four, p.m. Cost: $20. back door, 7:15 p.m. Walk at own Parent Support Group, every pace. Bring flashlights. Call 827Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Pinelands 8768. Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., Burlington. Non d e n o m in a tio n a l support with trained leaders for parents of teens in trouble at home, school, A C O N T I N U I N G SERI ES P R O F I L I N G T H E STAFF OF and the law, abusive " C A N A D A ' S BEST C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R " or taking drugs. Part of Association people I work with." L o ri K e lle r of Parent Support Lori is a d e v o te d sports m o m Lori has b een a m em b e r of Groups in Ontario, o f tw o very a ctiv e ch ild re n , th e O ak v ille B eaver 1-800-488-5666. Cabin Fever, Jo sh u a 12 a n d M ich elle 5, A cco u n tin g te a m for 11 years drop-in program for busy w ith b a se b a ll, h o ck ey Liaising w ith h er ow n parents and care an d sparks. A cco u n tin g co -w o rk ers an d givers Tuesdays, 1 to 3 p.m. at Lori also sp e n d s her sp a re th e A dvertising d ep artm en t, Oakville Parent tim e fu n d raisin g for th e kid's Lori assists in th e set-u p of Child Centre, 337 Kerr St. Call 849sports o rg an izatio n s. e a c h n e w sp a p e r (w e call it 6366. ' d u m m y in g th e n ew spaper). WED. NOV. 1 Lori finds th e p e o p le at th e La Leche League invites B eaver to b e "like a family mothers and expec It is definitely not a chore tant mothers inter coming in to work, it's a fun ested in breastfeed ing to meetings on experience each first Wednesday of day because of the each month at 8 p.m. Share experi ence and informa tion. Children wel come. Call Celine 844-5910 or Tricia 257-3715. Wellspring, can cer support centre, 2545 Sixth Line, has Drop-In Peer Support, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Relaxation & Visualization drop-in, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; and Reiki, 1 to 3:15 p.m. Call 257-1988. Wednesday Evening Fun Runs, for beginner carriage and children. Travel. Changing and veteran run ners, meets 7 p.m., technology. Now's the time to capture the life at The Running and times of your family "The History of Us" is Company, 118 Thomas St. Free. a unique how-to booklet that shows you how to Call 815-1952. research and create your own family heritage Glen Abbey Toastmasters Club album. Discover tips on: How to preserve letters meets Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. at Church and mementos. Labeling and dating photos. of the Incarnation, How to conduct family interviews and more. 1240 Old Abbey Lane and Dorval. Call 338-1435. Receive a complimentary "The History of Us" THURS.NOV. 2 booklet when you tour a Lifestyle Retirement East Oakville Community Adult Community. (Offer available to the first 200 Centre, Maple Grove United people to tour a residence.) Church, 346 Maplegrove, 1 p.m., cards and refreshments. New members welcome. schedule a tour and receive your copy of Call Thelma Perras, "The History of Us" please contact: 844-5584. All-Candidates Diane or Eileen at The Kensington - 844-4000, Night, Iroquois Ridge Ratepayers, 7 Carrie or Elaine at Churchill Place - 338-3311. p.m., Sheridan Public School. All-Candidates Night, River Oaks 01 Cl Association of V A s k about our other Residents - ROAR, locations in Mississauga, Burlington, Ward 5, 8 p.m.. N orth York, Forest H i l l and Thornhill. River Oaks School Toddler Time, a drop-in pro gram for parents and their toddlers, 12 to 18 months, Mondays 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Oakville Parent Child Centre, 337 Kerr St. Call 849-6366. TUESDAY OCT 31 Tiny Tots on Parade, 10 a.m., Towne Square, Lakeshore and George. Kids are invited to come dressed in costume for trick or treat ing downtown, sponsored by Oakville BIA. (Note new time - pre vious years events held at 1 p.m.) M e e t th e T e a m