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Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 2000, p. 18

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18 Oakville Beaver W eekend Sunday O ctober 29, 2000 D R IV E C A R E F U L L Y T H I S T u e s d a y , O c to b e r 3 1 C hildren sh o u ld understand a n d fo llo w these rules. V isit only fam iliar neighborhoods and avoid darkened houses. Stop only at houses and apartm ents that are well-lit and display decorations indicating they are participating in trick-or-treat activities. Do not enter homes or apartments without adult supervision. W alk, d on't run, from house to house. D o not cross yards and lawns where unseen objects or uneven surfaces can present tripping hazards. If y ou're w elcom ing trick-or-treaters to your home, keep a light on, so it's easy to see stairs and steps. Pick up tools, sprinklers, trash cans or other objects from the yard so children w on't trip o ver them. K eep fam ily pets aw ay from the front door, so they w on't frighten children. People in strange dress may also scare or irritate animals. W rap treats if they are loose or homemade. O n hom em ade edibles, add your name to the package, so parents will know where it com es from. Halloween is a one-night affair. D iscourage any visits before or after the actual or com m unity-designated date. Slow dow n. Watch for children darting out from between parked cars. Be particular ly careful w hen backing out o f driveways. At twilight, or later in the evening, watch out for children in dark clothing walking dow n the road, on the shoulders, or the median. If you're driving children to hom es o f specific friends or relations, make sure they fasten their seat belts. Be sure they get out o f the car on the curb side. Trick-or-treaters, both y o u n g a n d old, sh o u ld abide by th e fo llo w in g : · W alk on sidewalks, not on the street. · Do not run out between parked cars or zig-zag across the street going from door to door. Cross streets at intersections or crossw alks. · Wait for proper traffic signals when crossing the street. Look all ways before crossing, and walk, don't run across streets. · If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic. · Avoid any horseplay, pushing o r shoving w hen w alking clo se to street traffic. · Avoid using bicycles if costum es can get caught in the spokes. If bikes are used, follow all appropriate traffic rules. Some tips fo r parents to ensure a safe and enjoyable trick-or-treat outingfor their children. · Give youngsters an early meal or a filling nutritious snack before they go out, so they w on't be tem pted to eat candy or other treats before they get home. · Insist that treats be brought hom e for inspection before an y th in g is eaten. · Wash fruit and slice into small pieces. · Report anything that appears suspicious about the treats to the police. · Remember, when in doubt, throw it out. M M B flM B M M M B M M M M B a i ENJOYING YOUR TODDLER Join us fo r a morning of c ra fts , songs and lots of fun with parents and children. Tuesdays, 9£>0-10;15 a.m. a t Glen A bbe/ O R JOHN D. THOMSON GENERAL MANAGER HURON SERVICES GROUP LIMITED MART® O a k v ille P la c e 8 4 2 -3 7 3 0 "Quality service to the distribution industry since 1969". 418 NORTH SERVICE RD. EAST UNIT 3C OAKVILLE, ONT. L6H 5R2 H o p e d a le M a ll 8 2 7 -4 1 4 1 Wednesdays 10:45 am - noon a t Kerr S tre e t Registration is required. For more Information call & 4 0 - e 3 e e O aktow n Shopping Plaza 8 4 5 -6 6 7 4 (Open 'til midnight) U pper O ak ville Sh op pin g C entre 8 4 2 -3 9 3 4 m OAKVILLE PARENT-CHILD CENTRE The TEL: (905) 845-4075 FAX: (905) 845-4802 The place to lease or buy for over 36 years! DOMINION OF CANADA General Insurance Company Metro West Regional Centre 1011 Upper Middle Rd. E. i t SPRIGGS INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 1275 North Service Road West 849-8473 550 Kerr St. G lenleven C hrysler M ississauga Burlington Oakville Fax (416)798-7525 (905)681*4035 (905)844-9232 (905)845-1634 159 Church Street PLYMOUTH · JEEP · EAGLE · DODGE TRUCKS Oakville, Ontario L6M 3M3 Telephone: (905)825-6400 Fax: (905)8 2 5 -5 9 2 9 844-0202 ftakvillp Ontario L "TM 1 2 3 8 8 R o y a l W in d s o r D r iv e , O a k v il l e I *1 905-845-7575 LO C K W O O D ! K«C H RYSLER 845-6653 175 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, Ont. (Between Kerr & Dorval) | I locket press C o llisio n /ree / D riv e r I m p r o v e m e m % / d W hite O aks P reschool I 1 0 5 5 M c C r a n e y S t. E ., O a k v ille 5 , 3. o r 2 D ay 2 hou r p rogram s fo r 2 1 / 2 - 5 y r old s E x c e p tio n a l R a te s YOUNG DRIVERS*of Canada -( j j T h a t's w h a t p a r e n ts a re f o r . £££52 A 467 Speers Road Oakville, Ontario 844-1893 w w w .y o u n g d riv ers.co m ace ipac s t i l l a v a i l a D ie F o r m o r e in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e c a ll F a m o r L o r r a in e Q u a lity P rin te rs * C reative D e signers (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -7 2 0 0 O A K V ILLE DO DG E C H R Y SL E RL T D . & >7ec/f.e * t if l / £er<He6 F ir C r /tfn d G w 8 4 5 -5 2 0 0 ext 260 1 PICKOF THE CROP 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST FORTINOS (905)631-7227 Joe Fax: (905) 631-1167 Zukiel Franchise/Owner F O R T IN O S (N E W S T .) L T D . W h e r e H arry P o tter and T h o m a s th e T an k E n g in e h a n g o u t 646-4TH UNE AT SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6L 5B2 8 4 4 -5 3 6 3 C O MP U T E R NET WORK SERVI CES Quality Computer Service and Custom Computer Builders with Walk-in Repair Depot E x e c u tiv ea n dP ro fe ssio n a lR e c ru itm e n t "Committed to Your Search M s" Art Rivard, C M C , President Glen Abbey Executive Centre 1155 North Service Rd. W ,, Unit 1, Oakville, ON L6M 3E3 TEL. (905) 845-4211 FAX (905) 845-5772 FINE EUROPEAN CRAFTSMAN-DESIGN 5111 New Street , Burlington, ON C .H .R .P . MADD M other's A gainst D ru n k D riving HALTON CHAPTER DRIVE SAFE. DRIVE SOBER. IB E R T Y UPHOLSTER Y >Sofas · Chairs · Dining Chairs >A ll Custom Fabrics & Wood furnishing C .N .S . C A N A D A IN C . 2 -1 1 3 5 NO RTH S E R V IC E R O A D E A S T O A K VILLE O N TA R IO · L6H 1A7 Office: ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 - 0 5 6 0 Fax:(905)847-9592 125 Cross Avenue phone : 0 0 5 - 3 3 8 - 3 0 4 4 · FAX 905-338-3047 w w w c n s c a n a d a co m \Jmail: aflg eiccu p ro liiik .co m In te rn e t: w w w .e x e cu p ro lin k .co m y Call John (905)469-3122 8 4 4 -0 0 9 6

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