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Oakville Beaver, 21 Jun 2000, A7

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Wednesday June 21, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 COMMENT F a m ily th a t b a k e s A chance encounter in a bakery, of all places: a woman I haven't see for years shouts from the kitchen, her hands busy with some dough. She wipes her hands and shouts again. Now decked out in baker's whites, Jeanette, a woman with indefatigable energy, stood in the middle of her kitchen, the proud owner of a village bakery. The Village Bakery in Mount Forest, to be exact. This community activist could - and did - spearhead some of the best projects for the small area where she and her family lived for years in Oakville. She'd have people over to her house and, as t o g e t h \ s ta y s to "We used to talk to people but we felt wide smile on her face. The girl behind the cash register looked vaguely famil as if we were in a bit of a bubble," she iar. I clued into the fact that the young explained, adding that as small business girl I'd seen years ago wandering down owners of a photography business in the school hallway, blonde hair back in a Oakville, talking to clients over the perky ponytail, was her daughter, a phone was part of everyday life. But here, in the bakery, conversation poised teenager taking orders at the is always happening; face to face. counter. The family moved from Oakville "It's just so great talking to everyone years ago to do something completely all the time," she said, her smile widen different - sell their Oakville home and ing. Again, I marvelled at her energy, try their hand at a small town business. still bubbling 12 hours after she'd begun They wanted, she explained at the time, baking for the busy day ahead. She's back in the kitchen letting her a business that would involve the whole family; where the kids and parents could daughter and other workers handle the work side-by-side. I recalled the mur- customers. Jeanette speaks glowingly of murings of unease from some people at where they live above the bakery, a ren the time: oh, how can they do that, at ovated space literally under the same roof as their business. Their commute that time of their lives? Well, as she said at the time, why these days is just down a flight of stairs. We picked out our baked goods and not? They researched and found the place had them boxed up in those oh-so-wonthey were looking for; a place very close derful white boxes. She emerged from to the children's grandparents, as it hap the kitchen and handed over a couple of pens: the Village Bakery on the main those pear flans...."You can share!" she street in Mount Forest. She'd been up said, again with a smile as we said good since 2:30 a.m. just an average weekend bye. How appropriate, I thought, as we all working day for a baker. Oakville is getting so busy, Jeanette took a piece; even as a baker she's into commented as she continued to knead co-operative ventures. "Nice to see you the dough. We talked of this and that as again," we called as we left the warmth of the shop. And meant it. the crowds came in and out D IA N E H A R T she offered fresh coffee and (surprise) home made goodies, she'd speak pas sionately of the need to get involved in your own community; of everyone pulling together to accomplish one goal; of the importance of co-operative ven- One option for Premier....resign "Hey, I'm not a politician, lawyer, teacher, nor part of a special interest group. I don't normally question government legislation because the past governments had integrity and treated everyone with equality. I don't personally know Michael, Janet, Ernie, Leslie or Tom from Ontario. I'm hopeful that they have Ontario's future at heart, although I must admit that I now wonder. I believed that I had a premier, not a dictator... I speak English and my children are in F r e n c h L e tte rs to th e E d ito r input, what group will be next in line for the government's gun sights. My name is Joe Average Citizen and I am proud to be Canadian. But, for the first time in my life, I am not proud to be an Ontarian when our provincial govern ment's policies are threatening our very lives and our children's education. Michael, do the proper thing and resign and let the voting public decide who is telling the truth. Michael, you have met your "Walkerloo." There is now Ontario blood on your hands... resign, resign. tures to maintain a quality of life. Jeanette is the type of person any community treasures. She got things done. I watched for years in admiration as this energy dynamo, a volunteer, pro pelled people to sign up for committees, engaged school officials, organized end less details for summer community fairs, undertook a seemingly impossible park rehabilitation project and a host of other thankless tasks. For years, she was the linchpin of the small school and surrounding communi tyAnd now, here she was, shouting her hellos from the back kitchen of the Village Bakery in Mount Forest, a cosy bakery filled with the warm smells of freshly baked bread and mouth-watering goodies. Freshly baked bread lined the shelves, mouth watering brownies, home made cookies, deadly decadent chocolate biscotti, home made pies, wonderful slices of a pear flan, gor geous, irregular shaped butter tarts almost an inch thick, a big apple pie, empire biscuits, plum almond cobblers, and hot coffee to wash it all down with. Wow. If, as they say, you can judge a village by its bakery, this one is superb. This is my bakery, said Jeanette, a Erhart Szyiko Immersion, and I thought we lived in a province where law, justice and fair treatment could be had by all. I once was proud to live in a province where no one was placed above the law including the Minister of Education and Premier Mike Harris. I believe in fairness, not gov ernment heavyhandedness, change and wellplanned progres sive government policies, not jackboot and dracon ian government laws. I believed that Ontario was once a place where its citizens could hold their heads up, proud and high. Ontario was once a province for all Canadians -- laws and legis lation were fair and equal. But now under Tory rule, Ontario's law-abiding citi zens are constant ly singled out by the Tories and continually brow beaten into sub mission. Our forefa thers fought in two world wars and many other world conflicts for the freedom, equality and qual ity of life that we once enjoyed in our province. Over the past six years, finger pointing, "It's not my fault; it's Bob Rae's fault" antics and mean-spirited government pro paganda ads paid for by all Ontario residents have taken centre stage. While Ontario is the second largest landmass in Canada, our quality of life and liberty as down loading and tax cuts, taken out of the environment, healthcare and educational min istries, have placed many lives of Ontario resi dents in peril. The g o v e r n m e n t 's silly student code of conduct legis lation, the singing of O Canada, dress code rules, the squeegee law etc. are but a smoke screen to steer the general public away from the Tory real agenda. I wonder... once the current education Bill 74 and Bill 81 are passed without proper public Q> C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e Monday, June 26,2000 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 4 ,2 0 0 0 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. O A K V IL L E M e e t in g s Tuesday, June 27,2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 <yy*EZ <yy*Ez oy*Ez Q ood ye citizens o f the f a t Timm, o f O akville a n d a ll visitors here-to, Beruseye w e ll the fo llo ivin g : A fte r Having served as O fficia lTbzvn Crierfo r Co, these 11 years p a st, 'Betty J(ading has elected to retire fro m this honourable p o sition a n d pass on the S ell fIhe Tow n o f O akville therefore, zvishes to announce to one a n d all, th a t, on Sunday, Ju n e 25, 2000 a t the V illage o f Olde O akville in Lakeside B a rfd u rin g the O akville `W aterfront fe s tiv a l, there sh a ll take place, a com petition, betw een those interested in vying fo r the position o f O fficia l Tow n Crierfo r the fa ir Tozvn o f Oakville. , are encouraged to compete or a tte n d this special event, a n d to cheer on yo u r preferred hopeful. B asted this day in the Tow n o f O akville, in the year o f Our Lord, 2000. Oakville citizens (18 years of age and over) interested in competing for the title of Oakville Town Crier, must complete the application form which is available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1225 Trafalgar Road or by contacting Pat McPherson at 845-6601, extention 3136. Monday, July 10,2000 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C ouncil & C ommittee T ouchtone P hone L ine 815-5959 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE QUOTATION Q-29-2000 FOR THE SUPPLY/DELIVERY/INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT FLOORING AT GLEN ABBEY RECREATION CENTRE, 1415 THIRD LINE, OAKVILLE, ON SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Depart ment, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 until 12:00 noon. Local Time, on TUESDAY, JULY 4,2000 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes are available at the offices of the Purchasing Department, telephone (905) 338-4197. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R. J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services O A K V ILLE TRANSIT OPERATIONS STUDY OAKVILLE GO STATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE N O T IC E O F P U B L IC M E E T IN G S The Town of Oakville is carrying out a study to address operational needs at the Oakville GO Station including: · Improve the opportunities for buses to access and leave the `bus only' area of the Oakville GO Station at Cross Avenue; · Improve the operations of the `bus only' area of the station during the immediate short term; and * · Improve the capacity of the `bus only' area to accommo f.otnw.ill Rond date bus demands that are expected over the next 15 S TU D Y years at the station. AREA A P P L IC A N T & O W N E R : 1387623 O N T A R IO L IM IT E D File: 2 4 T -0 0 0 0 3 /1 4 0 2 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed amendment to the Town of Oakville Official Plan and a Draft Plan of Subdivision as submitted by the above-noted applicant. The meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council at which time the Staff Report and recom mendation will be considered. This meeting will take place on Monday, July 10,2000, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend these meetings and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explana tion of the purpose and effect of the proposed application, describing the land to which the proposed application apply, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed application apply is shown below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Any written submissions and/or questions may be directed to the Don Parsons, Planner at the Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON., L6J 5A6, Tel:845-6601, ext. 3132 or email to dparsons@town.oakville.on.ca. * A copy of the final Staff Report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as of Tuesday, July 4, 2000 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Location -- The subject lands are located on the south side of Dundas Street East between Highway 403 and Winston Churchill Boulevard. The subject property is comprised of 17.955 hectares of land which are legally described as Part of Lot 2, Concession 1, S.D.S. The munici pal address is 2346 Dundas Street East. Official Plan -- Figure Ind. D, Land Use, Winston Park Industrial District, designates the subject lands "Arterial Commercial, light Industrial and General Industrial". Zoning -- The subject lands are zoned C3A (Arterial Commercial), Ml (Light Industrial) and M2 (Medium Industrial) subject to Special Provision 89(434). Proposal -- The applicant seeks approval of a site specific Official Plan amendment to permit office uses not related to an industrial operation on the subject lands and the elimination of a portion of the proposed Coventry Road connection from its current location to connect to Winston Park Drive. The applicant also seeks draft plan of subdivision approval for the land. Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on Monday, July 10, 2000. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 21st day of June 2000. John Ghent, Manager, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department V A public information centre has been arranged to present the study findings and preliminary proposals for the station `bus only' area improvements and expansion. The information centre is scheduled for: PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Date: Time: Place: Tuesday, June 27,2000 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville Room N E W DATE The purpose of the public information centre is to receive public comments about the proposed improvements at the station. The information centre will be an informal drop-in centre where those who attend will be able to discuss the study with representatives of the Town of Oakville and the consultants, and provide comments. Anyone with an interest in the study is invited to attend and partici pate. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you cannot attend and would like to provide comments, please forward them by July 7,2000 to: Ms. Joanne Phoenix Mr. Neil Ahmed, P. Eng. Oakville Transit P.O. Box 310, 480 Wyecroft Rd. Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Tel: (905) 845-6601 (ext. 3504) Fax: (905) 338-4166 E-mail:iDhoenix@town.oakville.on.ca McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2P8 Tel: (905) 823-8500 Fax: (905) 823-8503 E-mail:nahmed@mrc.ca Following the public information centre, the preferred alternative will be reviewed in light of comments received. 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6

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