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Oakville Beaver, 28 Jun 2000, Classified, D5

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 Classified TheOakville Beaver DOES YOUR C O M PA N Y NEED: · THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 BONUS! All classified ads appear @ .wwOakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - F rRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. townhouses for rent Real Estate 100-165 -Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 - Auto 400-465 -Help Wanted 500-599 - Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 S/E Burlington. Walk to GO! 4-level. 4-bedroom split, inground concrete pool, main floor familyroom with gas fireplace & wet bar, finished rec.room. Open House, Sat. & Sun.. 1pm-4pm, 688 Ardleigh Ores. $224,900. (905)632-5753. No Agents OPEN House. Sun. 2-4pm, 773 Forest Glen Ave., (near Burlington Golf Club). $359,900. Ravine lot. 3bdrms, flagstone terrace. more. 631-7038_________ ALDERSHOT- 3 bedroom, 2 floors, completely fenced yard. Many extras. Move in condition! $249, 000. 6344489 between 7-9pm ANCASTER- Walk to most amenities, 2 storey. 4 bed rooms, 3.5 baths. 60*115'. 3300 sq.ft. $340,000 (905)648-2382 · · · · SALES RECOGNITION SALES FORCE ASSESSMENT NEW AGENTS OR DISTRIBUTORS MARKET DEVELOPMENT COMMON SENSE If you need assistance any of these areas contact pie for confidential appointment. 4TH LINE/Rebecca 3 bed room, Bungalow, hard wood floors, central air. large yard. Available Aug. 1 $1350/ + utilities. (905) 849-4013________________ S.E. Oakville Link, 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, C/A, C/ V, finished basement back ing onto park. 5 appliances, Sept. 1st. $1425/mo.+ utilities. (905)829-2321_______ LEASE to buy- Burlington/ Lakeshore/ Central- Spa cious 3 bedroom, fireplace, sundeck/ patio, sunroom, storage in basement, 3 car. $1250/mo. with purchase option. 822-8477 BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5bedroom home, 2 baths. 5 appliances, double garage, inground pool, private yard. Lakeshore near 4th Line. Immediate. $2200/mo. 1413-585-0049____________ 4 bedrooms, large familyroom, 25x12 with fireplace. West Oakville, close to High Schools & Public Schools. (905)845-0729___________ ALDERSHOT: 3-bdrm. c/a, parking 3 cars, storage, laundry, dishwasher. Walk everyw here. $1000./mo first/last. July 1st/Aug. 1st. (905) 3 33 -6 4 9 6 , leave message. SPACIOUS 3 bedroom bungalow with finished basement. Hopedale Mall area. Aug. 1st, $1250/mo. utilities. 825-1462_______ LAST Chance! Last Chance! Last Chance! Burlington beachfront bung alow. 2-bedroom s, fire place, deck, appliances. $950/mo. (905)607-4753 BURLINGTON- 3 bedroom home for rent. Palm er/ Centennial Area, families only. S 1200./+utilities. Available Sept.4.416-757-0747 BURLINGTON. 3-bdrm bungalow, finished base-^ ment. Near schools/ shops* No pets. July 30th, $1250./ mo. -futilities, (905)2574125 after 6pm.___________ BURLINGTON. Brant Hills. 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, C/A, rec.room. $1250/mo.+ utilities. July 16th. (905) 639-4503_______________ NORTH Burlington- 4 bed room, single fam ily. 1.5 baths, eat-in-kitchen, dou ble garage, close to schools & shopping. $1275/mo. + utilities. No pets. References. Available July 1st. (905)335-2623. EXECUTIVE 4-bedroom. 21/2 baths. 5 appliances. C/A, 2-car garage, woodburning fireplace, hardwood & carpet, landscaped lot with gazebo, playhouse and deck, $l800/mo.+ utilities. Active Management, (905) 333-5506. E xt.50. Call (906) 333-1706, Ext.29 for details on other executive rentals___________________ O A KVILLE Beautiful de tached executive home, 3bedroom, 4 baths, 3 levels, 3 parking, Imm ediate. $2,500./mo. 905-257-6961 RECENTLY renovated 3bedroom house available for rent immediately. Close to downtown O akville. $1,900. m onthly plus utilities. Call (905)847-5374 to view. F a m /fy , / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. KING bed- pillow-top, ortho pedic mattress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell for $675. (906)971-1777 KITCHEN Cabinets, white washed oak, uppers & low ers. $1000/obo.; GE stove, white, like new, $250. (905)332-9193___________ KITCHEN cabinet doors, oak & pine; variety of brand new electric motors; kiln. (905)689-4019 _________ MOVING- Pine cannonball bedroom suite, highboy dresser, dresser w/mirror; D/R table 60' x40' +12* leaf, 6 chairs, 45'Lx16' w hutch; O ffice desks (5 'x 3 1" )/ chairs; (905)-639-4048 M OVING -SALE Large deep freezer $100, G er man Wardrobe $100,Na tional Geographic series with hardcovers form 1978 to present $200.2 German beer hall tables with benches $20/each, 2 draw er lateral filing cabinet $20. S tair stepper $50. Call 825-1462________________ SHOW cases- different siz es can be used for jewellry, collectibles... Best offers. Shiras Jewellers 905-6818281____________________ SIT On It- Don't Sit In Itl Replacem ent foam for cushions. R esidential/ com m ercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090__________ SOFA com bination of leather antique brown and exotic gold chenille fabric. High curved back accented by brass studding. $2,700. sell $1,499. New from model home 905-336-0786 SOFA with matching loveseat, cream with soft pastel colours, excellent condition, $1000. Call 319-1262. SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your co lours? Sofa & m atching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C hairs from $199. Free Estim ates. Senior Discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 THE W aterbed G allery store closing sale. 3350 Fairview St., Burlington, Everything must go. 639-5600 "TITANIC" Lounge - the ul tim ate Deck C hair, mint condition $650.00, will let go for $400. (905) 337-9441 VACUUM Cle&ner. Raindow SE series. Like new condition, hardly used. New $1800. now $750. (905) 827-5136 WASHER & D ryer- good w orking condition, $150/ each. Call (905)331-5427 after 6:30pm. W HEELCHAIR, Electricpower 9000, gently used, New. B attery, $500 obo. Can (905)336-8680 after 6 pm. 1998 VW Beetle, green, alloy wheels, cruise, p/w, 34 k . Original owner, wel' m aintained. $18,950. (905)849-0376___________ 1994 GRAND Caravan SE certified, excellent condi tion, w ell-m aintained, 180,000 kms . $5500. (905)827-8716 after 6 pm. 1994 Toyota C orolla wagon, m int. 5-spd, air, pw/pl, cruise, upgraded stereo. 115K. One owner, well maintained. 58,875./ obo. (905)844-5626 1988 HYUNDAI 2-door, auto., 121K., in good run ning order. $800 obo. Joe Luyk, 845-7597__________ 1995 Buick Regal Custom, 3.1 V6, ABS, very good condition, 67,000Km. certified. $10,000. 827-5291 1995 P ontiac S u n fire - 2 door, P.S., P.B., A/C, am/fm cassette, teal. 110,000km's. $7500.060. 905-845-1421 ESTATE Sale. 1997 Buick LeS abre LTD, loaded, e xcelle nt co ndition Certified. Asking $16,000. (905)338-2509___________ 1972 TR-6,. Excellent Red w/black interior. Roll bar, new tires, possible new top. $7,800.060. 905-338-7008 1994 Corvette convertibleblack on black, 6 speed. 30,000Km . Summer car only from new. pristine condition. $28,000. (905) 842-5380 1987 CAMARO auto., Troof. 2.8L., $1000 as is. 633-9815 leave message. 1997 Grand AM SE- V6. A/ C, PDL, PS. PB, new tirejs. brakes. 115K $9,600 319-6235 1990 Grand AM LE. autp. air, good tires, new brakes & windshield. Certified l?y GM. Emission tested. 96K. 1 owner. Lady driven. Knows way to malls & pre school. $4,000. 905-6317353__________________ _ 1994 Toyata Camry LE, auto, 4-dr, a/c, leather, 165K, highway. Great con dition. $11,000./best otter. (905)257-5902. I cars wanted WANTED Dead or Alive. 7 days · 24 hrs. Call (905)876-4594, (905)4679484, Milton.___________ BARRACUDA · Looking for a Barracuda. Years ranging from 1965 - 1969. Please call (905)333-9171________ motorcycles SUZUKI GS400cc. New paint (red), seat re-done. Needs m echanical work. $450./best offer. (905)6372028.__________________ 1984 Honda 750 Shadow, new tires + 1983 Honda 750 Shadow parts bike. $2300/obo. 689-5816 Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited JS SERVICES Ph#: (905)467-7619, Fax#: (905)257-6198 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent WANTED All-China. Silver. Crystal, sewing machines.. Doulton. Moorcroft,Quilts, Glass. W atches, dolls, paintings, collectibles, estates. John/Tracy-905331-2477________________ PAIN TING S, Antiques-* Wanted: Furniture. Glass. China. Silver Ring Boxes. A ddison radios, Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939 Burlington. K f | | ] pets, supplies FREE to a very good, loving home- 2.5 year old male English Setter. (905)8279762.____________________ FREE to good home, 7 year old Doberman. Good with kids. Needs fulltim e parents! (905)632-2713 GERMAN Shepherd pup pies, purebred. CKC regis tered. tattoos & shots. Solid blacks & black/ tan. (905)257-5927.__________ GREAT Danes. Harlequin, male & female. CKC regis tered. Top bloodline. Exceptional all-round pet. Various pricing. Ready to go. Inq u irie s welcom e (416)571-9366___________ [ i l l 1 cars for sale 1995 FORD M ustang 3.8L, 5 speed, airbags Sunroof, air. 3 MTINT, 6 disc shuffle & C.D player. H unter green w /m onogrammed tan plush clean interio r. C ertifie d & emission tested, black hood bra. 130.000km. $11,200. Call (905)633-8386________ 1988 MUSTANG 2.3 A uto/Trans., A/C. Runs good. Needs body work. $600.00. Call (905) 8440511 ask for John 1999 TOYOTA Rave 4 take over lease, only 16.000K, fu lly loaded, brand new condition. (905)827-5466.___________ 1995 CAMARO Z-28. 5.7, T-tops, auto, keyless entry, certified and emissions, full warranty till 2004. Private sale, must sell. 75,000 km. $18.900./best offer. (905)336-0429. Came 5 H [a?m ta < Ifk Lard 9{e(san 5 2 0 0 L a k e s h o r e , B u r lin g to n A beautiful furnished room. Kitchen facilities, parking No smoking. Walker's Line/ Fairview Frst/ last. 333-3540 QUIET adult home- share kitchen & bath. West Oak ville. parking, references. 905-847-0579. 905-5109579,call to view._________ FRANCIS Rd Shared kitchen, bath, living room. $350/mo. Parking & cable included. (905)681-1715, evenings________________ ROOMS available, share facilities- kitchen, laundry. Responsible working male preferred, non-sm oker, $380/mo. North Burlington. (905)319-3398 CERAMIC Molds, about 800, excellent condition; 3 large kilns; metal shelving; heavy duty racking. (905)689-4019.__________ CHESTERFIELD, Bauhaus, light sand color, textured material. Excellent conditkxv $175. obo. 639-1485. DININGROOM set- table (3 leaves), 4 chairs & hutch. French Provincial. $500 obo. Call (905)637-1917. DININGROOM set. Queen Anne cherrywood. Hespeler-made, table w/leafs, 6 chairs, buffet, hutch, $1000 obo. 335-7933.___________ DININGROOM table, oak. octagonal w/leaf. 4-swivel chairs. $150; King waterbed 24-coil m attress, oak fram e/ headboard $150. 333-3589.__________ DRYER, Beaumark Heavy Duty, Super Capacity, only 1-yr. old, $275 firm. 3367643 after 6 pm. ENTERTAINM ENT unit; Ikea, pocket doors, oak veneer, w40*xd23"xh80". Excellent condition. $275. Call (905)337-2923. FREE Eistimates... Got wobbly chairs...w eak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture. 9-9, daily! 6329090____________________ FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove. 30' ; Automatic W asher/ Dryer also apartment size. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)-549-1911 GOLF clubs and case. $75.; Preserving Jars, vari ous sizes, $4./case; Electric lawnmower, $50.; Rival Meat S licer, $30.; (905.) 336-0416._______________ JENN-AIR Range. 4 burner, g rill, convection oven, wok. steamer, downdraft exhaust/ electric. (905) 332-3206 or (905)330-7941 STONEY Creek. Detached townhouse w/garage. 1350 sq.ft., 3 large bedrooms, master w/ensuite/ walk-in closet. Newly renovated. Ceramics, carpets, c/air, dishwasher, finished base ment. Professionally land scaped. Near schools/ shopping/ highway. $138,000. Open house dai ly 12-8pm. (905)643-6637. S p a c io u s 2 -B e d ro o m A p a rtm e n ts w ith m a g n ific e n t v ie w s o f th e la ke ! (905) 681-7126 Professionally managed by L.T. Greenwin Properly Mgml 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lotts» Studios *1-Bdrm «1-Bdrm+0en »2-Bdrm · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd.. Real tor. 333-4347. 827-7728 B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E 175SO. ft. 2nd floor office for rent. Commerce Court off Fairview & W alker's Line. Dave. 332-8257 or 336-1950 evenings. DOWNTOWN Oakville for lease. A vailable im m ed iately. $550/mo. Call Forbes 416-420-3952 or (905)8429275____________________ MODERN office for rent 1,500 sq.ft. Speers/ Third Line. Oakville. C all Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597. I mortgage, loans ACCESS Money -Private Financial A ssistance, required to be approved $10,000 and up financing. R.R.S.P., Lira, Rif. Pension fund from Ex-employer. Call toll free; 1-888-657-1062. Toll Free Fax 1-888-7031492. We act as consultants on your projects. 7 days per week. MFC ROOM available for pro fessional person. 3-bdrm home to share with two other men. West Oakville. Share utilities. Quiet cres cent. Days, 827-6358, evgs. 465-3792________________ PROFESSIONAL, non sm oking fem ale seeking same to share executive townhouse in Bronte Har bour. $650/mo. inclusive. (905)469-6101___________ NON-SMOKER to share large home, Bronte on Lake, large deck, A/C, laundry, $500/mo. inclusive. (905)827-7311____________ LARGE room- furnishedNorth Burlington. Clean, responsible person. $375./ incl.. cable. Pool. 331-7758 or (905)616-0879._________ SHARE townhouse, quiet area, all appliances, park ing, large bedroom, ensu ite. c/a. Female perferred, non-smoker. $550. plus half utilites. First/ Last. (905)315-8795. m shared accommodation ( 905) 6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm BURLINGTON- Available August. 1st. Large 2 bed room. seperate entrance, cable included. $750./mon. 905-639-3623____________ BURLINGTON. Large 2bedroom apartment. Small, renovated complex, quiet area. Lilnan Court. Park ing. Available Aug/Sept. 1st. (905)574-9180. BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno vated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake views! Refurbished. Prest igious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701___________ 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lington. 1&2 Bedrooms Available Aug./ Sept. From $795/mo. (905)632-0129 LARGE Central 2 bedroom adult building, quiet clean & secure. $990/mo, includes parking & heat. A u g .1st Pager (905)543-2153 LAKE Views. $950/mo. modern 1-bedroom + den. Bronte Village area. Call Annette M aynard. Sales Rep., C oldw ell Banker Home & Fam ily. (905) 825-7777________________ B U R LIN G T O N . P ark-like setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Goff Course. Bachelor available Aug. 1st. U tilitie s and appliances included. (905)335-3001 DOWNTOWN Burlington 3storey century. Recently renovated modern 1bedroom Available Aug. 1st. Call Derek. (905)257-6529 CAN ADI AN A . Q uiet, well m aintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1&2-bedroom s available Septem ber. 5220 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. (905 632-5486________________ DOWNTOWN O akville. Lakeshore Rd. 2-bedrooms, deck, A/C. $1050/m o.+ A vailable Ju ly 1st. Call Forbes (416)420-3952 (905)842-9275____________ 2-BEDROOM apartment at 110 South Foster Park, Oakville. Immediate. Utilities included except hydro. (905)849-8411, 6pm-8pm BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate, 1-bdrm, sin gle executive, all inclusive; cable, parking, brand new appliances $950./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. NORTHSHORE Towers. 1Bedroom Apt availa ble Sept. 1st. From $725./mo+ parking. Utilities incl* No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am-7pm. 681-1307* Burl. O A K V ILLE : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. Walk to everything. 1&2 bedrooms from $795. 845-1777________________ BU R LO AK 3-bedroom , ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $825/mo. Burling ton Mall 2 bedroom base ment. 4 appliances, fire place. $649/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690.___________ 2-BEDROO M rental. $750./mo. + utilities. Ask for Jen, (905)631-3064_______ B A R KLEY Tow ers. B ur lington. 1&2 bedrooms from $630/mo. July 1st. Hydro, heat, fridge, stove. Parking available. No pets. 6 3 2 0961, M-F. 9-5pm & 6:308pm, Sat. 9-5pm The C e n tre 's p e rso n alized instruction in this nursing assistant program is the difference! W e a re com m itted to y o u r successi S m all C la ss Sizes! · P ractical training! · W o rk p la ce m e n ts ge t y o u in th e d o o r to jo b · A , .N S BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court · 9 5 % o f o u r s p r in g g r a d s a re w o r k in g i th e h e a lth c a re f ieldj| 1&2 Bedroom Apts Available July/Aug. R avine View ! Includes utilities. Parking Available Course Begins Sept. 11, 2000 333-3499 or 878-1240 W W W .th e c e n tre .o n .C a The Centre M LfDeadqmm* Training- (905) 690-1896 SOUTH Burlington. 1-bdrm. basem ent. W alking d is tance to downtown. $975/ mo. plus utilities. July 15st. (905)577-2537.___________ 2-BEDROOM Suites among refined tenants in luxury build in g s d o s t to Burlington Mall. Call "The Princess' . 639-8009 or T h e Regency" 681-8115_______ I f f f J rentals FEMALE, quiet, for base ment apartment near Bur lington Mall, $500/mo. all inclusive. First/ last, July 1st. (905)681-5395. *2-B E D R O O M A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 DOWNTOWN Oakville. 1bedroom, available July 1st. $825/mo.+. C all Forbes 416-420-3952. (905)842-9275 REFURBISHED A p a rt ments. Downtown Burling ton. Elizabeth Manor, 477 Elizabeth Street. 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments with spectacular view. 634-9374 SPACIOUS 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (9 05)333-9846. Noon-8pm_______________ B U R L I N G T O N Lakeshore. near Burloak. 1bedroom, facing lake, great view. July/ Aug. $875/mo.+ parking. (905)639-3301 DOWNTOWN, Burlington. 2&3 bedrooms. July/ August. Freshly painted with new cabinetry. Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321___________ BRANT/QEW . Bright 2 bedroom basement apart ment. parking, close to GO. $700/mo +hydro. July 1st. (905)631-9938___________ LUXURY 2 bedroom apart ments newly renovated. 1100 sq.ft & up. Features 4 appliances with parking $950 & up. Ju ly 1st. (905)523-7794 LAKE Eugenia lakefront cottage. 3 bedroom 1hour 35mins up Hwy 10, near Flesherton. W aterski. snowski. Talismon 5 mins. Asking $172,000 private. (905)542-1207,___________ IC llV J item s under $100. 505 careers 505 careers 505 careers 505 careers 505 2 tub chairs, rose velvet, excellent condition, $100/pair. (905)827-1771 BEAUTIFUL 8 ft High blue spruce. $95. Come and dig it up. (905)844-9111 BED, Ikea, double,w ith mattress & headboard, very clean, $100. Call 637-9198 BED- girls mates's, white. Excellent condition. Asking $75.319-8656 _________ BIKE: Raliegh 16", girls $50. New condition. (905) 825-5951._______________ T T T T FURNISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm C orporate Condos Homes. 6 appliances, TV, VCR. stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Daily, W eekly. M onthly. From $1295-2795 month. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7368) L/M LOOKING for an Executive R ental in the $1500 to $5000 range? We can help! Several to choose from. (905)847-5095. E x t.70. Kathy Murray, Salesperson, Active P roperties Inc. (Broker)__________________ ACCOMMODATION rentals available to stud ents from $200 & up.Single & double occupancy avail able plus meal plan. Must be student, September 1st. (905)523-7794 BIKE: Raliegh 16' , unisex, $50. New condition. (905) 825-5951________________ CRIB, white wood w/mattress, used for one child, excellent condition, $100 637-9198._______________ DOUBLE bed w/bookcase headboard, fram e, m at tre ss/ boxspring. $100. 632-8380_______________ DOUBLE sofa bed, rust cotour. $100. (905)825-5951 FREEZER, Apartment size, $100. firm. Excellent working condition. 842-3217 LAWNMOWER, electric. $30. (905)339-1226. LOVESEAT, cream striped, Bauhaus. looses cushions, $100. Good condition. 637-6337_______________ MATES bed, 2 drawer. $70. 338-9937_______________ SINGLE bed- beech, head, footboard & rails. $50. 3389937____________________ SOFA. 3-seater, brown, great for cottage or basement. $100.319-3520. STOVE, 30" white, oven never used, perfect condition, $100, Call 637-9198. TODDLER Bed, white tubu lar c/w mattress. Excellent condition. $50. (905)681-0311 TY M cDonalds Teenie Beanie Baby 1997, 1998, 1999 excellent condition, $25. Call (905)825-2106. VICTORIAN wood screen door $75. (905)335-6893 WHITE wicker bassinet with islit skirt and bedding. $90. Excellent condition. (905)339-1226. 3-Bdrm 2-Level "If you enjoy working with people and enjoy a challenge, go lor a career at Air Canada. " M a r ia , M ., C u s to m e r S a le s a n d , S e rv ic e , A je u t Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Air Canada, one of the world' s leading airlines, has attractive opportunities to work for an industry leader committed to excellence in customer service. Customer Sales and Service Agents -- Reservations Permanent lull-time positions -- Requirements · · C om p le tio n o f Grade 12 o r aca dem ic e q uivalen t Preference w ill be given to candidates w h o are bilingual (English-French) o r flu e n t in English o r French and one of the fo llo w in g languages: Japanese, Cantonese, M andarin, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, German, Italian, Korean · D em onstrated interest and experience in serving the public Excellent c o m m u n ic a tio n sk ills Effective sales skills S trong c o m m itm e n t to te a m w o rk A b ility to w o rk days and evenings Call 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 Toronto Call Centre Mariposa Co- op · CO-OP LIVING · CHARMING 1 bedroom up per apartment. Available July 1st. Parking, heat, hy dro included. Close to Brant & QEW. $800/mo. 7191757____________________ ALDERSHOT 2 bedroom, stove fridge, dishwasher, fp. parking. $935/mo. heat & hydro included. August 1st. References. 632-0697 3-Bdrm Townhomes 1-1/2 Bathrooms 1150 Gable Dr.,Oakville $1171/mo + utilities No deposit July/August/Sept. (905) 829-5294 O A K V IL L E - 2&3 Bed rooms availableimmediately through S e p t.1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 PARK like setting. 3-bed room townhouse near Tyandaga G olf Course, B urlington. 1-1/2 baths, fireplace, finished base m ent. hardwood floors, fridge, stove. Available Aug. 1st. (905)335-3001. BLUEFIELDS, Burlington. 2&3 Bedroom townhomes. hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. A u g .1st. $795/mo. (905 )338-7207.______________ BURLINGTON - Luxury 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 ap pliances. 1300 & 1600 Sq. Ft. plus basement, fenced backyard. $1100. & $1200. plus utilities, parking, $40. (905)639-0950.___________ BURLINGTON: 2-bed room from $915.60/mo.+ utilities. Aug. 1st; 3-bedroom from $1029/mo.+ utilities. Aug. 1st. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190. S tarting salary: $10.17 pe r h o u r Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW LBdrm trom $779.1 Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc: included) GEORGIAN Apartments. July/Aug/Sept. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm LUXURY apartm ents in downtown Hamilton, start ing at $850./mo. 1 bed rooms. available July. A/C, fridge, stove, dishwasher, security, exercise room, above/ underground park ing. Quiet, clean, newly renovated. Cal 905-523-7794 OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafal gar. 2-bedroom from $879/ mo. Parking included. Well maintained building. (905) 338-2276________________ -DIPLOMAT 2* Sub lease Sept. 1st., 2-bedroom +den. +pantry, lakeside, outdoor pool, quiet, east tree views, $1326/mo, 681-8006. O A K V ILLE - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R enovated 2Bedroom. New appliances, windows. J u ly ls t. from $895/mo. (905)844-5474 C ENTRAL Park V illage Lovely 3-bedroom end unit. .1.5 baths. 3 appliances, recroom w/fireplace, under ground parking, recreation centre. N on-sm oker. No pets. A va ila b le Aug.1. $1200/mo. -futilities. First/ last. 631-6847.___________ VILLAGE Square, 2-bdrm, 2 bath, 6 appliances, a/c, jacuzzi, 1 parking. July 1. $1400./m o. (9 0 5 )6 4 3 3556.____________________ PINEDALE Estates! Mar velous view and location! Walk to GO. 1-bedroom, 5 appliances. 24hr security, indoor pool, w hirlpool, sauna, gym. tennis, indoor parking, A/C. A vailable A u g .1st. $975/m onth. (905)333-3989____________ KING/ Plains/ QEW. Bur lington. New 1,355 sq.ft. 3bedrooms, 3 appliances, cl air, garage. 1-year lease. No pets. Available imme diately. $1500/mo. -futili ties. (905)330-7902. ^ condominiums for rent Station Attendants Permanent part-time positions Requirements · A b ility to p e rfo rm ra m p and cargo fu n c tio n s , in c lu d in g heavy ph ysica l w o rk ou tdoo rs · · A b ility to a ttend and pass a five -w e e k fu ll-tim e tra in in g pro g ra m W arehouse and h e a v y -in d u s try experience an asset TYANDAGA 2&3 Bdrm s-Juiy/Aug. New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. S tarting salary: $1 1.64 per hour, w ith a m in im u m o f 20 hours pe r week Cabin Cleaning Attendants Permanent lull-lime positions Requirements (905) 336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0016 BURLINGTON Down town. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1.2&3 Bedroom A partm ents w ith scenic views. 632-1643__________ SOUTH B urlin g to n. 1bdrm, second flo o r of house. Walking distance to downtown. $675/mo. plus utilities. July 1st (905)5772537. 510/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for ever.... whenever! Share savings with reverse call ing. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)6318202____________________ AP P LIA N C E S - fridge. 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 BABY cradle w/bedding, stroller, car seat, swing, bassinette, Jolly Jumper. Clothing. All excellent condition. 333-4624. BEDS, New- Com plete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)681- 9496 BEDROOM set- 7 piece, Cherrywood, all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers, King size 4 poster bed w/rails, dresser & tri-fo ld mirror, large chest, nightstand. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $7,800.. sell $3,700. 905-304-5573____________ COTTAGE specials- wind ows, doors, toilets, vanities, tiles, mirrors, furn- (sofa's, dressers, bedends & frams), A/C, tables/ Chairs & lots of other stuff. Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. · · A b ility to p e rfo rm cab in s e rvicin g and a irc ra ft cleaning fu n c tio n s , in clu d in g ph ysica l w o rk A b ility to pass a one-w ee k fu ll-tim e tra in in g course S tarting salary: $8.32 per h o u r Candidates fo r the last two positions m u s t pass secu rity clearance and m eet o u r m edical standards. D em onstrated c u sto m e r service experience is also needed, as are good com m unica tion skills and a valid d riv e r's licence. Finally, you m u s t be available to w o rk day, evening, m id n ig h t and weekend shifts. C andidates fo r all these positions m u s t be Canadian citizens o r landed im m ig ra n ts. All The Advantages of Condo Living 12w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Available August O416-390-6279® WEDGEW OOD: Brand new, 1 bdrm plus den, club h o use / gym. 5 ap pliances. Ensuite washer/ dryer. $1000./mo. plus util ities. Immediate (905)4670905 or (905)469-1053, Jen. 1-BEDROOM condo- am ple amenities. "Empress' across from Burlington Mall. Near Go/ Hwy. 24-hr secur ity. Underground parking. Ensuite washer/ dryer, fire place. Heat/ hydro/ cable included. Available August 1st. F irst/ Last. $975/ m onth. C all Francesco 634-8678 or 6^-5 91 4 BURLINGTONExecutive BDRM + DEN & end unit townhouse near BDRM SUITES Fairview GO. as new, 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fire place. C/A, 5 appliances, garage, deck, $1,260.+ utiftes. Aug 1st (905)681-5527 BURLINGTON- large 2bedroom , B luefields Dr. Fridge, stove, laundry, parking. $825/mo. +utilities. Aug. 1st. 315-8363._______ BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom. Glen Abbey, 5 appliances, c/air, gas fireplace. Imme diate. $1,395/mo.+. Harwinder, pager# (905)568-2121; cell# (416)833-7554. EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse. North Oakville. 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, familyroom, 5 ap pliances. fireplace, air, ga rage. July/Aug.$1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management. Warren Hill, (905)338-1130 Waterdown 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1 ,2 ,3Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk to everything Util. incl. from $695. (9 0 5 ) 6 9 0 -4 4 5 4 (9 0 5 ) 6 8 9 -1 6 4 7 OLD O a kville - Beautiful building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 1bedroom from $925./mo.; 2bedroom from $1125/mo. Call (905)845-8254. leave message Interested candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to submit their resume, indicating the position of interest, to Air Canada Personnel Services, 6420 Silver Dart Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5P1A5. Fax: (905) 676-1319 You are kindly asked to retrain trom calling. Applicants who have been tested o r interviewed lo r this position w ithin the Iasi six months w ill not be considered at this time. OAKVILLE East. 392 Pine Ave. Renovated. Near GO, Downtown. 1-Bedroom, Avail, im m ediately from $7957mo. (905)337-0910. OAKVILLE. Bright, cheerful approx. 1.OOOsq.ft. base ment apartment. Full kit chen & bath. Suit profess ional. $900/mo. (905)2577038____________________ 1&2 Bedroom Suites avail able. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $85Q/mo. (905)844-1106 At Air Canada, we want to tly higher when it comes to employment equity. We therefore encourage applications from Aboriginal peoples, women, members ot a visible minority and persons with a disability. <§> AIR CANADA u 'H'w. airccinadci.ca

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