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Oakville Beaver, 28 Jun 2000, D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER office-clerical Wednesday, June 28, 2000 HUSBAND/ Wile team reFast paced automotive company requires the following fulltim e positions immediately: C o n s id e r jo in in g th e O n ta rio L o tte ry an d G a m in g C o rp o ra tio n ! O u r c o n t in u e d a n d s u c c e s s fu l m is s io n to p r o v id e q u a lity e n t e r ta in m e n t f o r c o n s u m e r s p r o v id e s n e t re v e n u e s t h a t s u p p o r t g o v e r n m e n t in itia tiv e s fo r b u ild in g a b e tte r O n ta r io . C u rre n tly , o u r B u rlin g to n w a r e h o u s e is lo o k in g fo r... quired for local janitorial service. Must be experi enced, have transportation and be bondable. (905)842-0840,___________ PERMANENT evenings Burlington call centre. No cold calling. No selling. Setting appointments for our representatives. Full training provided. Call Mrs. Kane 333-8180___________ GREEN THUMB LANDSCAPING is looking for someone to run our office. This is a F/T year round position starting mid-July. SERVICE ADVISOR & WARRANTY CLERK Successful individuals w ill possess excellent com m unication skills, the ab ility to prioritize, m eet d e a d lin e s and be d e ta il o rie n te d . Applicants m ust enjoy dealing w ith the public and have a neat appearance. (An autom otive technical background would be an asset but THE RIGHT PERSON MUST BE: · Fully functional with AccPac 6.1a including A/P, A/R Quick Invoice and G/L. · Fully functional with Paymate 6.60 · Fully functional with Access · Fully capable of handling a 6-tine phone system · Capable ot running dispatch tor winter snow clearing services The right person must be able to work independently, deliver excellent customer service, have a fabulous telephone manner, be able to give direction and help out the service crews via a 2-way radio system as well as ensure that all invoicing, payroll, cheque runs and gov't remittances are done accurately. I! you are looking lor a ca reer with a great company, torward resume and salary expectations by June 30. Slot Bench Technicians_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y o u w ill b e re s p o n s ib le fo r th e r e p a ir o f a ll o u r e le c tr o n ic e q u ip m e n t a n d th e ir c o m p o n e n ts in c lu d in g C.P.U. b o a rd s , B.V. h e a d s , a n d c o in m e c h a n is m s . T h e te s tin g a n d v e r ific a tio n o f all n e w s lo t re la te d s o ftw a re , o ff- s ite te c h n ic a l a s s is ta n c e a s w e ll as k e e p in g in v e n to r y o f p a rts re c e iv e d , re p a ire d , a n d s ta c k e d w ill a ls o b e re q u ire d . Y o u r e le c tr o n ic te c h n ic ia n c e r tific a te o r d ip lo m a is c o m p le m e n te d b y o n e -y e a r o f e le c tr o n ic b e n c h re p a ir e x p e rie n c e a n d e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills .T h e a b ilit y to o b ta in a n d m a in ta in a v a lid A .G .C .O . lic e n c e is re q u ire d . P le a se a p p ly in w r it in g , to : H um a n R esources, A n n e tte M a n cin i, DRIVERS & Inspectors re quired for Toronto Auto Auction. Phone John Parm (905)875-2915, ext. 604 or fax resume to John Parm (905)875-3219___________ WATER company requires DZ driver for deliveries. Ap prox. 40 hrs/ week. Pay ne gotiable. Call (9 05)3328279.____________________ MATURE Telemarketer re quired- evenings & some days, Oakville Salary Bo nus. Call (905)849-4700 X139, for more information. we w ill tra in the successful candidates) Excellent benefit package. BUSY Forward resumes to: Box 6282 c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Road Oakville, Ontario, L6K 3S4 AZ Driver W anted- local city, clean abstract. Lot's of hours, great family opera tion. (Oakville). Rick (905)827-0844________________ S8-S12/HOUR. Students for order taking/ deliveries. Full/ part-time, call 905847-3548________________ O akville salon, located in Mall, requires a Stylist. Salary + up to 40% commission. Call Cosimo. (905)825-1977___________ Fax (905)335-2316 or apply in person between 7-1 Oam to 3077 Guelph Line (2nd driveway N. of Hwy#5). Halton H ealthcare Services represents the blending of two well established, community-oriented healthcare facilities, ()aki 'llIe-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Milion District Hospital. SENIOR ACCOUNTANT M is s is s a u g a b a s e d m a n u fa c tu rin g c o m p a n y re q u ire s a s e n io r a c c o u n ta n t to m a n a g e all a s p e c ts o f its a c c o u n tin g d e p a rt m e n t. M u s t b e c a p a b le to p r e p a r e d e ta ile d c o s tin g a n a ly s is , g o v e r n m e n t r e p o rtin g fo r m s , m o n th ly f in a n c ia l s t a t e m e nts a n d c o m p a n y p a y ro ll. N e tw o rk in g / IT e xp e rie n c e a n a sse t. S a la ry c o m m e n surate w ith e x p e rie n c e . P le a s e re p ly to: c /o T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r B o x 6 2 8 3 S p e e rs Rd. O a k v ille , O n t. L 6 K 3 S 4 O n ta rio L o tte ry and G a m in g C o rp o ra tio n , 1771 A im c o B oulevard, M ississa u g a . ON L4H 1H7 F a x:(90 5)6 25-8 299 We thank all applicants for their interest; however, o nly those being considered will be contacted. A n Equal Opportunity Em ployer HANDYPERSON- Flamborough area. Must be able to do carpentry work. Will suit retired peson. 333-3969 PRODUCE Clerk- Part or Full-tim e Experienced. Call Mario or Joe 6 3 9 0319 (Burlington Store) AZ Drivers required imme diately. Flat deck & tankers. Clean drivers abstract required. Call: (905)681-0007 LOOKING for work? Are you 16-24yrs old? Out of work & school? We can help! Call (905)681-1140 HAIRDRESSER & appren tice with cutting experience required full-time for down town Oakville salon. Call Sam @ The Hair Centre 842-1444_______________ RECEPTIONIST required fulltime and Esthetician re quired part-time for busy Glen Abbey Spa. Fax re sume: (905)338-0014 or call Marla: (905)469-4825 Administrative Assistant You will combine ;i professional demeanor with outstanding customer service skills as you provide administrative assistance lo lire Department Head of Pharmacy and secretarial support for pharmacy staff. Your duties will include reception, mail, recording and transcribing departmental committee minutes, pharmaceutical inventory' management, maintaining a current database, and other projects as required. Knowledgeable of medical terminology, you have a high sch<x>l diploma and at least two years' related experience. Your computer skills include Mcdlech. MS Word, lixcel, and PowerPoint Thoroughly fluent in l.nglish, you also have a basic knowledge of Ixxikkeeping Please apply lo: Human Resources Halton Healthcare Services 327 Reynolds Street Oakville, ON Ij 6J 31.7 Fax: (905) 338-4137 e-mail: hrQotmh.on.ca Wi* Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation & is se e kin g Societe des loteries et des jeux de I'Ontario P/T M A N A G E R St. John Ambulance, the number one first aid traing and first aid kit supply company in Canada. Is looking lor a P/T person to sell, co-ordinate fundraising, and help administer the Oakville Branch. This position could lead into F/T employment with benefits. iUNOCt Sunoco Car Wash/ Country Style/Gas Bar Please fax resume with salary expectations by July 7 to: Neal Wagman (416) 923-4856 or email: nwagman@on.sja.ca The BEHAVIOUR INSTITUTE is now hiring facilitators to work 1-on-1 with children with autism. Flex, hours. Competitive wages. Must have: B.A. or B.SC. (or enrolled) in psychology; exp. work ing with children; initia tive; enthusiasm; flex ibility. Transportation an asset. Fax resume: (905) 570-0778 STATION SUPERVISOR (Car wash experience preferred) F/T CAR WASH ATTENDANT Also F/T & P/T STAFF FOR COUNTRY STYLE & S/S, F/S GAS BARS Fax your resume to: 1-905-513-1723 or apply in person 10-6pm, M-F 1020 Dundas Street West, Oakville or call Irene at 416-894-2165 TAKING A YEAR OFF SCHOOL! Full-time Cashier/ Attendant LOCAL Automotive parts rebuilder looking for indi vidual with m echanical skills and abilities. This is a full-time position. Wages based on experience. Please submit your resume Box 6281, Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. ON. L6K 3S4 Customer oriented, self starter, will train. Apply in person to M a p le G ro ve E sso, 542 M a ple G ro ve Dr, O a kville LONG MANUFACTURING has openings for (2) MAINTENANCE MECHANIC/ MILLWRIGHTS Oakville/ Burlington area Licensed Millwright/ Maintenance Mechanics, with minimum 5 yrs experience essential with the ability to run machine shop equipment, welding, fabrication, press set up experience, die changes experience, good troubleshooting skitls, PLC experience, good team player Midnight shift Please mail or fax resumes to: Halton Healthcare D o w lin & A s s o c ia te s L td . is looking for Several Qualified WARRANTY CLERK Required for high volume dealership. Ford experience preferred. Mail or fax resume with salary expectations: 900 Walker's Line, Burlington L7N 2G2 Fax: 905-632-9643 ELITE Renovations We are looking for Cabinet In stallers. must have some experience. We offer com p etitive salary. C all Joe (905)847-5891 or fax re sume (905)827-6339 S E C U R IT Y O FF IC E R S M u s t be a b le to w ork w eekends. If y o u a re in te re s te d in e n te rin g th is e x c itin g fie ld F A X Y O U R R E S U M E T O : (9 0 5 ) 8 2 6 -4 9 2 6 Due to extensive use of communications equipment all candidates must be able to speak English in a clear and concise manner. Transportation and experience are assets. DZ DRIVERS WANTED F O R A W E L D IN G D IS T R IB U T O R O P E R A T IO N . P lease a p p ly b y fax: Coring for S xlay (irowing for Ihtinl; all ti/i/tllctiHls. I m m v iv k o nly 11wise In !h ` litlerrieiretl tellI he cniiltitTetl. ORDER DESK/ INSIDE SALES Chemical distribution company requires a full-time representative. Ideal candidate must have excellent telephone manners, accurqate kedboarding skills, de tail oriented for customer follow-up and able to work in a team environment. Please tax or mail your resume stating salary expectations to: H.R. MANAGER, 1400 Advance Rd,,0akville, ON, L6L 6L6 No phone calls please! or fax 905-825-8425 MEDICAL /DENTAL (905) 335-0301 SERVICE ADVISOR Immediate position available 4 day work week, 11:30am-10:30pm. Ford and Reyn olds & Reynolds computer experience an asset. Human Resource Department 460 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON L6K 2G7 Fax: 905-842-8906 RECEPTION TRAINING · Certified · Full & Part-time · Computerized Tintbfottons. L e a d in g B ra ss V a lv e M fr. w ith clean , a ir c o n d itio n e d p la n t re quire s: STOREFRONT Permanent Full-time Days START NOW: Get two paid days off in August Apply in person, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville S H IP P E R /R E C E IV E R M in. 2 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in clu d in g fo rklift. G r. 12, a p titu d e fo r n u m b e rs, m e c h a n ic a lly in c lin e d a n d e n e rg e tic. C o m p e titiv e w a g e s , b e n e fits a n d p ro fit sh a rin g . Fax resume to Gerry Manning or John Trebble at 905-844-4472 Ford Lion itn O ffic e M a n a g e r Fulltime, Mon.-Fri., 8am - 4:30pm. 5 years experience in a fast-paced environm ent and an accounting background required. Duties include payroll, benefit admin., government remittances plus all aspects of office work. Salary commensurate with experience. HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE Previous applicants need not apply 6 37*3415 ACCOUNTING CLER K Experienced in all aspects ot accounting including payroll. Accpac Plus & Micro soft Office experience. Please fax resume to: COMFACT CORP. (905) 339-3407 PERMANENT part-timeReception (days, evenings, weekends) Previous Real Estate experience an asset Com puter litera te in MS Word/ related software. Ex cellent interpersonal skills. Fast paced environment be well organized. Mail/ Fax resumes to Angie. Royal LePage, 2072 Lakeshore. Burlington. L7R.1E3, (905)637-3781________________ Receptionist/ Animal Suires are Attendant, for 20-30 Fax resume: (905) 855-1450 Attn: Ms. Caissie Tel: (905) 822-7414, Ext. 233 AUTO TECHNICIAN Busy shop has opening tor qualified tech seeking se curity and better earnings potential. We offer excellent working conditions, full benefits and a quality product. L ife g u a rd WHITE OAKS CALL CENTRE SUPERVISOR W e ll e s ta b lis h e d B u rlin g to n c o m p a n y re q u ire s a n in d iv id u a l to s u p e rv is e 20 te le -s a le s re p s w h o se t a p p o in tm e n ts w ith c o n s u m e rs c o a s t to c o a s t fo r o u r s a le s s ta ff. R o ta tin g s h ifts . E a rn in g s p o te n tia l $ 1 , 0 0 0 . / w k ly . + +. E x p e r ie n c e n e c e s s a ry . Fax resume to: Personnel FITNESS & RACQUETS CLUB FULL TIME TENNIS PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Adult Programming Junior Coaching Admisitration of Tournaments/ Special Events Teaching Lessons & Clinics Conference Centre & Hotel Tennis bookings QUALIFICATIONS Ths enthusiastic and vibrant Tennis Pro must pos sess strong coaching and communication skills, ef fective administration ability, computer literacy, and superior interpersonal skills. No phone calls please FAX o r d e liv e r re s u m e s to: W hite Oaks C onference R esort and Spa "H U M A N R E S O U R C E D E P T " 2 5 3 T a y lo r R o a d , N ia g a ra -o n -th e -L a k e , O n ta rio L O S IJ O ( 905 ) 333-1738 PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Full-time, day shift, entry level position with paid ben efits and training. If you are an energetic, self-moti vated, detail oriented team player with effective com munication & basic math skills, an ability to do some lifting & a desire to prove your worth, send your re sume to: TECKMARK LABEL #23 - 850 Legion Rd., Burlington, Ont L7S1T5 or fax to (905) 681-7072 For Burlington residential apartment complex, to work flexi ble hours incl. evgs & weekends, 20-30 hrs/wk. NLS, 1st Aid and CPR required. FAX RESUME TO: 416-364-6087 SALES A ssociates, fu ll/ part-time, required imme diately by Fabricland, Oak ville. Applicants should be out-going, energetic, peo ple-oriented. available to work days, evenings and Saturdays. Interested ap plicants please apply in person with resume to Manager at: Fabricland Distributers. 140 Rebecca St., Oakville, Ontario.______ EMAIL Processing B u s i ness: Resposibilities: OnLine Email Processores. Work at home. 10-15 hrs/wk. No up-front money required. Earn P/T $500$ 1, 000/ $ 2 ,000- $ 6 ,000+. Fax resume to: (905) 336-8505 ^ Apply to: Service manager Halton Honda of Burlington ph 632-5371 Fx 681-0098 Hush Puppies C anada "We make people's favorite shoes" We are looking for an enthusiastic, sell motivated individual to service our existing account base in Toronto and Southwestern Ontario. Duties in this entry level position will include: in store merchandising, special events, and product knowledge seminars. The job will also include some in office coordination work. A reliable car and the flexibility to travel are required. Please send resume to: office-clerical office-clerical -- sero n o A growing Biotechnology Company located in Oakville has several bilingual positions available. All positions require creative problem solvers with a customer focus & a patient-friendly approach. Exceptional communication skills and sound knowledge of computer-based tech nology. Fully fluent (written/ oral) English/ French are some of the qualifications required for the following: BUSY Veterinary Clinic re- Fax# (905) 704-5627 Hush Puppies Canada Ltd. Fax: (905)847-1570 Email: frieseja@wwwinc.com hours/ week. Must be avail able days, evenings and weekends Experience pre ferred. Mail resume; 3060 Lakeshore Rd.W., Oakville. ON L6L 1J2_____________ Managers Full & Part-Time Field Managers required in Oakville. Successful candidates will have supervisory skills and be able to manage a full-scale catalogue distribution business from their home. Exciting income potential for the right person. Must be able to be bonded and have a reliable car/ van. N O IN V E S TM EN T. Interviews to be held locally. Fax resum e to C arm en King (416) 650-1653 SALES M A N A G E R Required for high volume dealership. Ford experience preferred. Mail or fax resume with salary expectations: 900 Walker's Line, Burlington L7N 2G2 plus F/T. Desired require ments: Com puter with access to internet & email. Full o n-line training provided. Contact: M ake_B illions@ Hotm ail com____________________ FULLTIME Collector posi tions available. (2), down town O akville. W ill train successful mature applic ants. Experience in collect ion an asset Hourly wage + benefits. Contact ted or Dianne at (905)815-8303 CREATIVE? Energetic? Enjoy working with child ren? Join our dynamic After School team, commencing September. Music, sports, drama, computers, science an asset. Apply in person, Glenburnie School. 2035 Upper Middle Road, Oak ville or Fax: (905)338-2654 before Friday. July 7th. QIP Equipment Ltd. in Oak ville has an entry level po sition available. The job in volves shipping/ receiving as well as office duties Please send resume to 2172 Wyecroft Road. Unit 11. Oakville L6L 5V6 or fax (905)827-2147___________ Customer Care Logistics Specialist: F/T You will be responsible lor order entry, shipment confirmation, invoicing, inventory reconciliation, return/ credits, co-ordination of collection of receivables and resolution of service problems. Post secondary education and Customer Care experience, some accounting experience preferred. Experience in Oracle Financial is a definite asset. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO JOIN AN AWARD WINNING SALES TEAM? To do so, you must be energetic,outgoing, enthusiastic, assertive and goal oriented.' If you fit this description and are a marketing program graduate or have related experience, then you may be the next addition to our team. As an entry level Sales Consultant your responsibilities will inclu de new and e xistin g a ccount deve lo pm e nt and servicing. As a member of our team you will receive an a ttra c tiv e c o m p e n sa tio n p acka ge , in c lu d in g salary, commission and incentives. R e p ly in c o n fid e n c e to : M a rk Y e s fo rd , R e ta il A d v e rtis in g M a n a g e r c /o T h e B u rlin g to n P o s t 2321 F a irv ie w S tre e t, B u rlin g to n O n L7R 2E 3 F ax: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -9 1 6 2 We thank all applicants lor applying, however only those considered will be contacted. Fax: 905-632-9643 W ANTED: A d u lts n e e d e d to d e liv e r th e O a k v ille B e a v e r d o o r to d o o r . N o in s e r t in g o r c o lle c tin g r e q u ire d W e d n e s d a y , F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y . V e h ic le re q u ire d . E x ce lle n t pay. If in te re s te d c a ll b e tw e e n 8 :3 0 a n d 6:3 0 M o n d a y to F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y b e tw e e n 12 n o o n a n d 5 p .m . at Customer Care Support Specialist- F/T You will provide health information to consumers and handle direct customer interactions. RN or min. of a BSc/BSc. Pharm with 2 years of customer care experience in the medical field. You must be flexible in working hours. YMCA OFOMCVLll Are you a bright, enthusiastic and energetic individual who wants to work with a great learn? We have a permanent part-time 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2 RELIEF Assistant Superin tendent required part-time for Oakville highrise located d ire ctly on the lake. C overage required for alternate nights and alternate weekends only. Compensation to be dis cussed. Call Shari, (905) 825-9616________________ Customer Care Reimbursement Specialist- Contract You will be responsible for direct customer inter actions relating to reimbursement access. Post-sec ondary education required, preferably BSc. & 2 years of customer care experience in the medical field. You must be flexible in working hours. Fax or email resumes stating position applying for to: Customer Service Representative position available. The shifts will be two evenings and Saturday afternoons. Applicants must have prev ious customer service and sales experience. A crimi nal reference check is required prior to starting. Attn: CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER 410 Rebecca S t,, Oakville, L6K1K7 or Fax : (905) 842-6792 BURLINGTON POST R EQUIRES A D U L T CARRIERS to deliver the Burlington Post door-to-door in Aldershot Gas allowance. The Mississauga News is seeking a tY tY 905-825-9449 Sandra.Davidson@serono.com Thank you lo r your interest, however only those under consideration w ill be contacts. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Requires Please call 632-0588 Bob Ext 264 NEW Faces Wanted- Kids/ Teens/ Petites. All ages/ sizes for fa sh io n / hair shows, movie extras, catalog work. TV. $2090/hr. (905)-336-5455. F u ll time Advertising Sales Professional Qualifications include: · · · · · · previous sales, marketing or public relations experience a positive, pro-active, entrepeneural attitude a strong desire to succeed highly developed time management skills outstanding communication skills a seasoned individual who has been involved in the community CLEANING positions avail able in Oakville, Trafalgar Rd. and QEW area. 6pm10pm, Mon.-Fri. $9.50/hr. Experience an asset. Please call 1-877-202-0030 ATTEN TIO N Students. Looking for part or full time summer campaign workers for Big Brothers of Halton Annual Funtastic campaign. For information call Evelyn Rea or Shannon Kelly. 339-2355._______________ Wholesale pharmaceutical co. seeks an experienced W A R EH O U SE HELP Day Shifts available. Safety shoes required. The Oakville Beaver Oakville's Award Winning Community Newspaper Bilingual Accounts Receivable Clerk Must have collection experience, communication and customer services skills and the ability to work in a computerized environment. This entry level position offers a competitive compensation package. Please contact Krithia at (905) 844-0577 Has an immediate opening for a Previous newspaper experience not required. We offer an outstanding compensation package, an exciting work environment and opportunity for advancement at one of Canada's most successful community newpapers. Please forward your resume before July 7th to: W A N TE D : LO A D ER S W e d n e s d a y , F rid a y , a n d S a tu rd a y 6 a .m . S ta rt PART-TIME DRIVER Day, Evening and Weekend hours available. Must have own vehicle. To apply please call Pearl, Cirlculation Dept. (905) 845-9742 Please fax resume to: (905) 560-7013 Must have safety shoes Some Heavy Lifting Call Krithia (905)844-0577 ELTON M anufacturing needs production workers for both day shift & night shift. Heavy labour in volved. Please apply in person at 886 N ipissing Road in Milton, or fax your resume to (905)878-9211 CLASS "A" Driver required for busy tracking company. U.S. delivery. Above average pay with benefits. Clean abstract and 2 years U.S. experience required. Boom experience an asset. Fax resume to: (905)681-7445 HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. (No students please.) (905)3361489____________________ Assistant to Service Co-ordinator HVAC contractor seeks an energetic, detail minded person to maintain com puter database, analyze costs vs. sales for contracts, and prepare and follow-up on renewals. MS Office required. Strong number skills, good writing skills and a willingness to work hard also required. Fax NUTEMP: (905)338-6677 1101 North Service Rd. E. Oakville L6H 1A6 Attn: John Knowles The Mississauga News 3145 Wolfedale Road Mississauga, Ontario L5C 3A9 hospital, medical, dental THE OAKVILLE BEAVER ^PART-TIME DRIVER « Required to work weekdays & weekends « Suitable for a mature, outgoing student a r Car required. Fax resume to: 905-632-1024 535 hospital, medical, dental 535 hospital, medical, dental WELL- Established West S um m er S tu d en ts ParaM ed HOME HEALTH CARE WANTED To w ork W ed n e sd ay, Friday and S a tu rd ays Sh ifts ava ilab le C a ll K r ith ia Attn: Charlene Hall Circulation Dept., Burlington Post No Phone Calls Please DRIVER required full-time Mon. to F ri.. 6 a.m. start. 35-40 hrs/w eek, no weekends. Must have clean DZ license. S12./hr. Apply in person with abstract, in the m orning o nly, 431 Wyecroft Road. Oakville. LANDSCAPERS required im m ediately, fulltim e, by Oakville based company. Applicants must have: ex perience. valid d rive/s license & Land 1 & 3 licenses. Call Chris: (905)828-6767 R e c e p tio n is t/A d m in . A s s t. Oakville financial planning firm seeks an individual with excellent communication skills and outgoing personality to fill the role ot Receptionist and Admin istrative Assistant. Must be capable of working in a fast-paced environment and handling different tasks simultaneously. Excellent computer skills (MS Office) are a must. Experience with investments and insurance an asset Please fax your resume with salary expectations to (905) 337-9985 We thank you lo r your interest but only applicants in vited lo r an interview w ill be contacted. Come Join a Winner Visiting nursing program award o f CCAC contract CLAPPISON Inn. (Hwy 5&6). Waterdown requires H ouse-keeper/ Maid & Front Desk Night Clerk. P a rt/F ull-tim e. Apply in person or fax (905)689-6615 Registered Nurses & RPN's Mental Health & Pediatrics specialists & ET specialist, Continence adviser also Shift nurses Mississauga Dental Office seeking an experienced part-tim e Assistant. The position would involve Tuesday m ornings and Saturdays and may have the chance to include more hours in the future. Please contact Amanda at (905) 820-3200 or Fax resume: (905)820-9346___________ (905)844-0577 WELL established year round pool and spa company looking for service techs, asst, manager, service manager & sales person. Fax resume to (905)849-7721 · Competitive salary · Employment benefits · Team environment · Skill development · Work in Halton Region Th e Oakville Beaver Call 905-847-1025 Fax 905-847-1038 We are an equal opportunity employer DENTAL Assistant- for specialists office 30-32hrs/ week Seeking an excep tional team member If you are enthusiastic, caring and dependable we have an excellent position for you. All enquiries kept confiden tial. Fax resume (905)849-8428

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