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Oakville Beaver, 28 Jun 2000, D7

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER E o D7 MAINTENANCE - FREE u c o V X -- O ) o Golf Green and get rid of the lawnmower. WEEDS INSTALL a Synthetic Golf Green or synthetic turf, (not grass) Here's the Oakville contingent to the International Children's Games in Hamilton. BACK ROW: Emily Pomeroy (coach - swimming), Stephanie Yager, Anna Douderine, James San Pedro, Joe Bajcar, Lisa Kellenberger, Abby McMillan, Andrea Browne, Stephanie Allport, Lauren Edwards, Chelsea Aboud, Sarah Tamer, Julia Carter, Ian Hay (coach - girls soccer). FRONT ROW: Melanie Mackay (chaperone - swimming), Robyn Alp, Thomas Millar, Sara Hay, Monique Bocchinfuso, Laura Ens, Sarah Burt, Alex Tontini, Christina Bilenki and Diane Hink. ABSENT: Laura Connor, Scott Samuel (swimming), Elizabeth Legierski, Florian Storek (track and field) and Bruce Burton (coach - track and field). Commercial or Residential Properties PUTTING GREENS as low as $2,900.00 f O lt t in a Call for your free estimate 1-877-PRO-PUTT English Riding School Oakville sends contingent to international kids' games BERT1N STABLES 3 445 Dundos W. (Hwy. # 5 ), Oakville ( 1 - 1 /2 Miles West of Hwy. # 2 5 ) website www.bertinstables.com e-mail: bertin@webtv.net 827-4678 For only the second time since their [ inception in 1968, the International > Children's Games are being held outside * Europe, in Hamilton July 1-7th. And Oakville is being represented by 25 athletes and three coaches in three different ' sports -- a soccer team and a swimming ' and track and field contingent. They'll join more than 2,000 athletes between the ages of 12 and 15 from over 72 countries around the world. In the swimming competition, five girls and four boys from the Oakville Aquatic · Club will race at the McMaster University I pool on July 3rd and 4th, swimming heats in the morning and finals in the evening. Here's the swim team: GIRLS ... 12year-old Stephanie Yager ... 13-year-olds Lisa Kellenberger, Laura Connor and Anna Douderine ... and 14-year-old Robyn Alp. BOYS ... 13-year-olds Scott Samuel and James San Pedro ... and 14-year-olds Joe Bajcar and Thomas Millar. Emily Pomeroy will coach the group, and Melanie MacKay will act as chaperone for the squad. The track and field athletes are Elizabeth Legierski and Florian Storek. Elizabeth will be competing in the shotput and the 400 metres. She is just finishing Grade 9 at Iroquois Ridge High School and was a competitor in this year's OFSSA provincial track and field championships, placing 10th in the 300 metre hurdles. Florian Storek will be graduating from Grade 8 this year and will be competing in the 100 metres and long jump. Bruce Burton will be coaching the track and field squad. Oakville is also entering a team in the girls' soccer competition. They will com pete against five other teams including a team from Scotland. The Oakville contin gent is made up of players from the all-star program within the Oakville Soccer Club, from both the U-14 and U-15 age groups. Coach Ian Hay expects the team to be com petitive against all other teams in the sixgame, round-robin format. Most importantly, the games offer the athletes a once in a lifetime opportunity to play against and mingle with athletes from around the world, both during the actual games and while staying in the Athletes Village at McMaster University. The Games are for young developmen tal athletes, 12 to 15 years of age and the cultural events are for all ages to celebrate. Everyone is welcome to attend the opening ceremonies scheduled to take place at 6:30 p.m. at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton this Saturday ( July 1st). During this time, there will be a spec tacular opening video and pyrotechnics pre sentation, cultural and millennium mosaic performances, parade of athletes, flag rais ing, lighting of the Games Torch and a finale concert by McMaster and James. Tickets are $10 and are available at Copps Coliseum and the Hamilton Place box offices in downtown Hamilton, or by calling Ticketmaster at 905-645-5000. For more info on the Games, call 905-546-2000 or visit the website at www.hamilton2000.hamilton.on.ca. G©p ° 0 p £R A T lV E E D V ) C ^ '° The Co-op S taff and Students of CENTRAL ONTARIO JUNIOR "A" DEVELOPMENT CAMP July 24th to 28th River Oaks Arena, 6th Line, Oakville 1 1/2 hours of ice time daily with Paul MacLean, 1 hour Dryland training for O.H.L. Tier II, Bantam and Midget age players. Oakville Trafalgar High School wish to thank these employers for providing co-op placements February - June 2000 Animal Hospital of Oakville Balfour, Campbell & Assoc. Dental Office Berkshire Securities Bronte Creek Project Canada Centre for Inland Waters City Parent Newspaper Dalmy's Doug Barker & Assoc. - Municipal Engineers E.J. James - Music Dept. Honeywell Hospital for Sick Children John Knox Christian School Le Chateau Marks & Ciraco - law office McMaster University Medical Centre Pathology Dept. Merrill Lynch - Affinity Services - Toronto Muskoka Woods Sports Resort National Bank Oakville Fire Dept. Oakville Humane Society Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Peach Bezerk The Waterstreet Group Watersedge Engineering Ltd. White Oaks Secondary School Wyldewood Golf Club PAST CAMP ATTENDEES O.H.L. DRAFT PICKS AND MEMBERS OF THE 2000 PROSPECT TEAM Rob Hisey Dave Clarkson Chris Gill Corey Locke Nick Bailey John Gleed . Markham Islanders Markham Islanders Markham Islanders Markham Islanders Cambridge Junior ` B' Mississauga Reps - Sault Grey Hounds - Belleville Bulls - Sault Grey Hounds - Ottawa 67`s - St. Mike's Majors - Mississauga Ice Dogs - Barrie Colts - Erie Otters - Barrie Colts - Belleville Bulls Warren Wheeler Toronto Young Nats Craig Bertrand London Bantams Josh Gartner Simon Mayer Scott Heidman Toronto Young Nats Markham Islanders North Central Predators - Peterborough Petes '99 Prospect Team Players Currently Playing Major Junior Bill R ochefort George H alkidis Jason Kowalski V ictoriaville N orth Bay Centennials Owen Sound Platers QMJHL 4 0H L 0H L Program Director PAUL MACLEAN - 905-827-9796 Head Coach Prospects Team 1 9 9 9 /2 0 0 0 Playing Experience: Junior Hockey, member o f the Vernon B.C. Lakers, Cdn. Junior A Champions o f 1990. Professional Hockey: 9 8 /9 9 season Nijmegen Tigers (Dutch First Division). ASSISTANT-STYLIST Jr. needed for busy Oakville Salon. P/T Leading to F/T. G reat O pp o rtu nity. Call (905)827-6058_________ BARTENDER- Part-time. A pply with resume: Winchester Arms. 450 Ap pleby Line or fax 905-6342778 ATTN: Michelle CAREGIVER will provide positive and fun home away from home. Healthy snaks/ meals, lots of indoor/ outdoor activities. Munns Creek/ 6th Line area. Call (905)844-4600!___________ W ANTED experienced C.N.C. set up/operator for M ill/ Lathe fo r O a kville Steel Processing Company. Call (905)825-8825________ L " V i r | office-clerical FULL-TIME Receptionist. Required for Bosley Real ·Estate in O akville. Days ·and some evenings. Must .be com puter litera te . .Excellent permanent job. Call Shirley (905) 845-9350 ' or fax resume to (905) 8454051 V S f S hospital, """ r p r l medical, dental E.C.E. resumes now being accepted from mature, exerienced individuals. esumes to: C rescent Nursery School. 404 Morri son Rd. Oakville. ON L6J 4J9; Fax: (905)842-8328. We thank all applicants but advise only those selected for interview will be contacted. S FULL/ PART-TIME day care available starting Au gust. R eferences. Re ceipts. Upper M iddle/ Headon Rd area 332-7183 LIVE-O UT nanny for shared arrangem ent. 2 children, 18 4 5 mos. Full time, S.E. Oakville. Nonsmoker, ECE/ Experience preferred. References. (905)337-9095 or after July 1 (905)845-5725._________ LIVE-IN Nannies/Housekeepers, in P hilippines seeking em ploym ent in Ontario. Min.wage, no fee to em ployers. Call O.E.A.(416)699-6931 LIVE-IN/OUT nanny re quired for 2-1/2 year old boy. Some light house keeping required, hours fle xib le . North Oakville. (416)947-3701____________ FULL-TIME care required for 2yr old girl. North Bur lington area. Light house keeping. Non-smoker. Pet friendly. NNEB or equival ent. References. Reply Box 1764 Burlington Post. 2321 Fairview. Burlington. L7R.2E3________________ MOTHER'S Helper for 2 boys. 1yr 4 newborn. Full time. Light housekeeping. Non-smoker. References required. 825-4288_______ LIVE-OUT required. River Oaks area, for two boys ages 6-yrs 4 14-mos. Full time. Mon.- Fri., 7am-6pm. Must be non-smoker and have own car. Generous salary for the right individual. References. (416)365-8083___________ CommunityNotices D eaths CLINKARD, John W. ("Clink") - John (Jack) W ith e rs C lin k a rd , w e ll kn o w n T o ro n to b u s in e s s m a n died p e a c e fu lly at O akville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Sunday June 25, 2000 after a short illness. Mr. Clinkard, recently retired after more than 60 years in the printing Industry was known to many as T h e Clink'. Born on the Sixth of Whitchurch, Mr. Clinkard started work at an early age. By 17, he was in Northern Ontario prospecting for minerals and by the tim e he returned to Southern Ontario, Jack's love of nature was well developed and never lost. Mr. Clinkard started his prin ting career at The Recording and Statistical in 1933 as a m e s s e n g e r boy. He ro se q u ic k ly to a s s is ta n t m a nager and s h o rtly a fte rw a rd s became the Production and Office manager. He always attributed his successes to hard work, a good m em ory and hard w ork. M r. C linkard loved his country, Canada, passionately, and during World War 2, served in the armed forces as part of the Midland Regiment. Stationed in British Columbia, he trained soldiers in survival and jungle w arfare. Proving that survival is often a state of m ind, Mr. Clinkard walked, alone, 25 miles w ith a ruptured appendix out of dense bush to h o s p ita l. A fte r th e w a r, he returned to The Recording and Statistical and in 1948 left The R&S to start John Lloyd Press. In 1950, he accepted the position of Manager for Hind & Lownes and in 1954 started his own business, Sterling Lithographers Ltd., which continues as a fam ily run business to this day. Jack m arried Kathleen King, his w ife of 45 years, in 1955 at the Anglican Cathedral in St. John's, Newfoundland in fro n t of nearly 3000 p e ople. In 1 9 7 0 , he becam e P re s id e n t of Safeguard Canada and served in this capacity until 1972. Mr. Clinkard was a Member of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A .M . o f Canada, Y ork Lodge No. 156 and Fifty Years a Master Mason. He was a lo ng -tim e m em ber of the Toronto C raftsm en Club and the T o ro n to Board of Trade. Clink leaves to mom, his wife Kathleen Madge C linkard, nee King, three daughters, Mary Elizabeth Jeffery, Susan Blaker Hickling, Jacqueline Anne Fabiano, s o n s -in -la w , and g ra n d ch ild re n Amanda (M andy), C ourtney, K ristin, Nathan, Tyler, John and Forrest. M r C lin k a rd w ill be re m e m b e re d by fa m ily , friends and colleagues fo r his high standards, in both, his personal and business life and his w illin g n e s s to help oth ers. He w ill also be remembered fo r his aura of cigar smoke, his b o w tie s, his en cyclo p e d ic know ledge, his, "N o th in g is Im p o s s ib le " a ttitu d e and his irascible nature. There is no such word as can't in the English dictionary and, "Never Give In, Never, Never, Never." The Clink was tru ly an institu tion w ithin an institu tion. The Clinkard fam ily w ould like to extend its thanks to Dr. Black fo r h is he lp and s u p p o rt and to the incredible staff on 4 East at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital for the compassion and care th e y sh o w e d C lin k . F rie n d s m ay c a ll at the NEWEDUK FUNERAL HOME MISSISSAUGA CHAPEL, 1981 Dundas Street West (1 block East of Erin Mills Pkwy) Tuesday from 2-4, and 7-9pm. Complete funeral service w ill be held in the Chapel Wednesday (Today) at 11 am. Cremation to follow . In Memory of Clink, donations to World Vision or a charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by the fam ily, w w w .legacy.com . Neweduk Funeral Home (905)828-8000 D eaths BRADLEY, Lena "Lee" (nee JamanJWith all of her family by her side on June 23,2000, at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, at the age of 76. Beloved wife to Clifford, who loved and knew her only as my "J" (abbreviated from her maiden name). Dear Mom of Debbie Lewis and her husband Danny of Brampton and Rick and his wife Laura of Oakville. Proud Nana of David, Jennifer & Ricky and Zach. Survived by her sisters Rose Weaver, Doris Melson both of Toronto, Mary Markle of Windsor, Kay Jaman of Winnipeg, her brothers Bill and Sam Jaman of Gardenton, Manitoba, where Lena was born and raised until she moved to Toronto in the early 1950's. Pre-deceased by her sister Sophie Jaman, brothers John, Pete and Nick Jaman. She will be dearly missed by all her nieces, nephews and friends. Both Lena and Cliff enjoyed spending their time together at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 114 in Oakville and also at the Bingo hall. Friends w ill be received at Ward Funeral Home 109 Reynolds Streeet, Oakville, on Tuesday from 2-9 p.m. and on Wednesday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. A funeral service will be held in the Chapel at 11:30 a.m. with a private cremation to follow. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 114 in Lena's memory. Deaths HARTMAN, Madeleine - The Lord has called Home on Thursday, June 22, 2000, Madeleine H a rtm a n o f B u rlin g to n in h e r 7 4 th y e a r. Madeleine w ill be sadly missed by her beloved husband Irwin. Cherished m other to Lorraine, Philip and Trudy, Annie and Jim, Edna, Sandra and Gary. M uch loved G ram m a and G reatGramma. Private crem ation has taken place. Special thanks to ICU, Joseph Brant Memorial H o s p ita l and ICU W e s t H a m ilto n G eneral Hospital for the care and compassion shown to Madeleine and her family. "If tears could build a stairway and heartaches make a lane. We would walk a path to Heaven, and bring you home again, so m ourn not fo r the cocoon, for the butterfly has flown." Always loved, never to be forgotten. ENROL IMMEDIATELY 15 Mos. to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tional daycare experi ence incf: computers. 6:30am-6:00pm. Transportation avail. EUROPEAN, experienced cleaning lady available Own transportation, please call (905)844-0821. PROFESSIONAL cleaning lady will clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)631-1306 I public notices PHARMACY TechnicianE xperienced. p art-tim e. .R equired im m ediately at .Shoppers Drug Mart. Must be a v aila ble all shifts. Competitive wages. Reply w ith resum e to Laurie Doyle. 470 Appleby Line, Burlington. L7L.2Y2, or fax ACADEM Y Preschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy .45) 335-0515 MOTHER/ G randm other team, both CPR/ First Aid certified. All ages welcome. Kids will enjoy supervised activities. Appleby/ Upper Middle. 336-7265________ W M L ^ \ daycare w anted W ITNESSES wanted....... Anyone who witnessed a slip & fall accident outside Rob's No Frills at Conventry W ay/ Guelph Line on Sunday. N ov.14. 1999 at 4:30pm/. Please contact Jean Lamg 905-335-6068 MEDICAL R eceptionist needed part-time for busy walk-in clinic in Oakvilledays, evenings & w eek ends. Please fax resume to Kimberley. (905)849-7883 MEDICAL S ecretary re quired for Endocrinology Clinic & Research Centre. (Oakville). Medical experi ence prefe rre d . Fax (905)337-0044.___________ DEN TAL A ssista n t re quired fu ll-tim e in North B urlington o ffice . X-ray certified. Experience pre ferred. Fax resume to: 905-332-5240____________ DENTAL Hygienist required part-time (approx. 6-12 hrs/ week) for busy North Oak ville practice. Fax resume: (416)635-4406 HIGHMORE, Florence May (nee Meadus) October 23,1940 - June 27, 2000. It is with great sadness that Tina, Tanya, Tammy, Neil and Greg announce that Our Lord has called our Mom, Florence, home to paradise to be with him and her beloved Graham. Mom fought a courageous battle with cancer right up until the end. She has always been a blessing and an inspiration to her family and friends. Heaven is a little fuller today, God look a new angel home. Your legacy, Mom, is our lives. Mom is pre-deceased by her soulmate and husband Graham, her parents Levi & Mildred Meadus and her brothers Les & Gord Meadus. Visitation to be held from 7pm9pm, Wednesday & Thursday at the Ward Funeral Home, 52 Main St. South, Brampton. Funeral service to be held 1:00pm Friday at Redeemer Lutheran Church (375 Clark Avenue, Brampton). Interment St. John's Dixie Cemetery, Mississauga. P ersonals YOU don*t have tp spend the future alone. Misty River Introductions. Ontario's tra ditional matchmaker, has matched hundreds of peo ple for long-term relation ships in 1999. (519)658-4204. CHILDCARE needed our home. July 3- Aug.31st., for 3 w ell-behaved children, ages 7-10, Brant/ Upper Middle. Generous wages. Call 335-1057 evenings. FREE room & board to care for 2 boys. 7-yrs. & 21-mos. S hift w orker. Burlington Mall area. 634-5282. FULL-TIME, long term livein Nanny needed for 2 kids aged 3 4 5. Call weekends (905)825-4141 __________ BABYSITTER required for 3yr. old girl 4 6yr. old boy. M ainly evenings 4 weekends. Lakeshore/Maple Grove Area. (905)815-0633 FULL-time live-out Nanny, needed for 2 children, our home. Mon-Fri. Perk. Oak ville. Call Elizabeth 844-0666 DEVENISH, Edmund - W orld War 11 veteran, member of the Royal Canadian Legion (Bronte Branch #486) and previous long time resident and business ow ner (Oakville Taxi), passed away suddenly in his 78th year at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Burlington on Saturday, June 24, 2000. Dear son of the late P eter Jo se p h and M a rth a (C a m p b e ll). B eloved husband of 52 years of Betty (Low). Dad w ill be sadly missed by children, Carolyn (Richard) of Cranberry Portage, Manitoba; Peter (Ellen) of Barrie; Susan (Rob) of Prior Lake, Minnesota; Ed (K aren) or Kanata; P a tric k (W anda) of Portuguese Cove, Nova Scotia. Granddad will also by missed by 12 grandchildren. Ed (Ebby) is survived by his brothers Charles, Peter, and Jo se p h and s is te rs H elen and M a ry. Predeceased by brother James (Jim m y) Ed will be also be remembered by his nieces, nephews and m any frie n d s . F a m ily and frie n d s w ill re m e m b e r and s o re ly m is s h is w o n d e rfu l o p in io n s on life 's m yste rie s and his fre e ly offered advice and tremendous gift of humour. Godspeed on your journey to everlasting peace. Fam ily and frie n d s may v is it W ard Funeral H om e, 10 9 R e yn o ld s S tre e t in O a k v ille , Tuesday, June 27th, 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. A b rie f pra ye r session and Legion M e m o ria l Service w ill occur during the evening visitation. The Funeral Mass to celebrate Ed's life w ill be held at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, 196 Kenwood Rd. in Burlington on Wednesday, Ju n e 2 8 th a t 11 a .m . In lie u o f flo w e r s , donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Family and friends are invited to meet at the Royal Canadian Legion (B ronte Branch #486), 79 Jones St in Bronte following the funeral mass. INTERLOCKING, fences & decks. Experienced, quality w ork. R eferences. Call (905)890-4632 ADULT supervisor required for 10. 14 & 16 year olds in our West Aldershot home 3 full days/ week. (905)5284822____________________ CAREGIVER required for 3 children (7.543) Part-time, days only. Summer stud ent welcomed. 4th-Line/ Rebecca. (905)815-1747 OCCASSIONAL evening or week-end babysitter who has completed babysitting course- needed for one child. 257-8113. PRO Moyers. Short/long FULL ft PART TIME KITCHEN EMPLOYMENT distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs.. 7 -da ys/w k. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777____________________ MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 InM em oriam SANKAR, Moses - In loving memory of a c h e ris h e d H u sb a n d and F a th e r w ho passed away on June 28, 1980. It's been 20 years since you left this earth, And in that time we vowed. That through our sadness in loosing you, We'd live to make you proud. Your children, grown and working now, Your strong and honoured wife, Your three grandchildren, one wilh your name, Give honour to your life. Sadly missed and always loved by wife Esther, children David, Naomi, Levi, Dan, and families. Emma's Backporch ft Water St Cooker II you are goals oriented with an ability to learn, please apply in person to RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional movers, truck and insur ance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. Straw berries N O W P IC K IN G S T R A W B E R R IE S Rhubarb,Rom aine ft Peas EMMA'S BACKPORCH 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. Burlington E2H5EZ2SH TH E Slye Fox Public House We're looking for additional serving staff for our e nth usia stic team! Show us you have the per s o n a lity and experience and we'll provide competi tive wages and winning at mosphere. Come see John at ta s tw a y Plaza (New/ Walkers), fax: (905)336-8028. CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers. bed co-ordinates, fab rics, table/ chair access ories. Call Sherry. 634-6706. "TH E FARM" D e Paoli Pick your own - ready picked (please call) ^ gardening& landscaping 905-873-2050 - 877-7976 Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat., Sun. & Hoi. 8-3 Call for availability North on Trafalgar Rd. pass 401, 1Km. West of 15 Sideroad (Stewarttown). First farm on north side TREE-CONCERNS? G reenscape Tree Care quality trimming and prun ing, tree and stump re m oval. Free estim ates. Fully insured. Call (905) 469-1817_________________ f iiT I tutorial BAKER & Counter Prep re quired fulltime Mon.-Fri. Ex perience not n ecessaryw ill tra in . R eferences required. Apply in person to Kevin, Bukamaranga Bean & Bagel. 3305 Fairview St. Burlington (Beside Chapters) SEARCHING for fun loving energetic Waiter/ Waitress 2-4 shifts per week/ days/ weekends. @ Cedar Springs Helath Club. Must be interested in a healthy lifestyle, attitude #1. will train for skills. Fax resume to: Anqe 905-632-4041 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DENNIS JAMES BAKER C la im s a g a i n s t th e e s t a t e o f D e n n is J a m e s B aker, la te o f th e T o w n o f O a kville in th e R e g io n a l M u n ic ip a lity o f H alton , w ho d ie d o n th e 17th d a y o f A p ril, 2 0 0 0 m u st be in o u r h a n d s b y J u ly 2 9 th , 2 0 0 0 a fte r w h ic h d a te th e e s ta te w ill be d istrib u te d . Funeral D irectors O A K V IE W FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family FRENCH- in the summer!Have fun learning/ keeping up french with games, great books and lots more. For all ages. Affordable rates. Call Karen 905-827-9734 V f / | l daycare available DAYCARE in my home. 6th Line/U pper Middle, starting October 1st. Susan, (905)338-2154.___________ TA LE N TE D Cook- parttime- experienced & quality conscious, positive, attitude required. Call Brett/ Ivana, Pearl Street Cafe. 905-6399450. MOTHER of two will care for your child ren in my home, during the summer. Burtoak/ New. 631-7775. JENNIFER ANNE KOUTNY by her s o lic ito r WILLIAM B. KERR 233 Robinson Street Oakville, O ntario L6J 4Z5 FISH, Izilda "M a rti" - On Monday June 26th, 2000 at her home in Oakville, Marti Fish in her 95th year. Wife of Allan J. Fish. Also survived by her sister, Bobby Tait. Marti was a teacher in Kapuskasing and North Bay in Northern Ontario and a form er resident of Fort Frances. Born in Nova S c o tia and g re w up in T im m in s . A Memorial Service w ill be held at Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, Ontario (905)844-3221, on Thursday, June 29, 2000, at 11 a.m. Memorial donations may be made to the Oakville Humane Society or to The Rotary Foundation. 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·John Murphy · Patrick McDermott 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2

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