www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, March 23, 2017 | 20 ^ H a lto n Oakville halton.ca () 311 Take step s to stay s a fe continued from p.10 Public Health inspectors respond to all reported incidents, in which hu mans were bitten or scratched by an animal. In 2016, there were 1,013 reported incidents of human to animal expo sures investigated in Halton, which is a 14 per cent increase over the aver age number of reported incidents each year between 2011 and 2015. The response can include confin ing animals involved in the incident, sending specimens for testing, deliver ing vaccine to physicians and ensuring rabies vaccination for cats and dogs involved in the investigations are cur rent. Public health inspectors also con duct surveillance, provide education and communicate the risk of rabies to the public. Ruf says Halton Health has used several approaches to provide educa tion and communicate the risk of ra bies by: · Providing information about ra coon strain rabies to local physicians, veterinarians and animal control ser vices · Distributing information packages to schools, pet stores, veterinarian of fices and other pet-related businesses in the Aldershot area of Burlington, which is where the ten raccoon strain rabies cases have been identified · Updating the Region' s web page to include current information on rac coon strain rabies cases and continues to be updated with the current num ber and location of cases · Distributing media releases to in crease awareness of raccoon strain ra bies cases and to promote preventative measures among the general public. Halton Health says there are a num ber of things you can do to protect your family and pets from the threat of rabies: · Avoid animals that are behaving strangely and report strays to munici pal Animal Control Services · Report all animal bites, scratches, and possible exposures to the Health Department as soon as possible · Ensure dogs and cats are kept upto-date with their rabies vaccinations · Don' t let pets to roam free and keep them indoors at night to prevent contact with wild animals · Teach children to avoid unfamiliar cats and dogs · Do not attempt to relocate any wild animals. Halton Health says it will continue to communicate information to resi dents about racoon strain rabies in 2017 so long as surveillance indicates it is necessary. The presence of raccoon strain ra bies in Ontario is expected to persist for several years, according to the re port to Halton' s Health and Social Ser vices Committee. n c r .m u REGION Yard Waste Collection Begins April 4 Collection Areas A, B, C and D S ta r tin g April 4, y a rd w a s te is to b e c o lle c te d once every other week, o n t h e s a m e d a y as y o u r g a r b a g e . Place your yard w aste a t th e curb by 7 a.m . th e m orning o f your collection day, b u t no sooner th an 5 p.m. th e evening before. · Use paper yard w aste bags or reusable, rigid containers (no lid) w ith a yard w aste label. · Do not use cardboard boxes, plastic bags, com p ostable or b iod egradable bags. ft · Tie and bun dle brush no larger than 2 m x m (6ft x 3 ft) w ide, w ith branches a m axim um 3 ft o f 7.5 cm in diam eter. · To order a yard w aste label at no charge, Yard Waste Leaves # Brush * Weeds 0 Trimmings visit halton.ca/wastetools or dial 311. · Yard w aste can also be d ro p p e d o ff at th e H alton W aste M a n a g e m e n t Site (5400 Regional Road 25, M ilto n , M o n d a y to Saturday, 8:00 a.m . to 4:30 p.m.). Visit halton.ca/hwms for fees. If you use a private contractor to m anage your yard w aste or bulk brush, it is y our responsibility to inform th e contractor o f th e tim e and specifications for placing yard w aste and bulk brush at th e curb for collection. BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BESTBUY MARCH 17 CORPORATE FLYER © · · · · · · · Acceptable materials Leaves & w eeds Sticks, tw igs & tree trim m ings D ecorative cornstalks Pum pkins Fallen fru it from trees Yard and garden trim m ings Tie and b un dle brush no larger than 2 m x 1 m (6ft x 3 ft) w ide, w ith branches a m axim um o f 7.5 cm in diam eter. Visit halton.ca/waste to find o u t m ore ab o u t w aste collection in H alton Region. Visit halton.ca/wastecalendar and use our o nlin e calendar tool or d o w n lo ad th e O neH alton ap p to check your schedule, sign up for w aste rem inders or to print a single page calendar for th e year. O rd e ra full printed version o f th e 2017 w aste collection calendar using our o nlin e form or by calling 311. Yard w aste is tu rn ed into h ig h -q u ality com post w hich is m ad e available for residents to pick up, free of charge , at th e Com post Giveaw ay events at th e H alton W aste M a n a g e m e n t Site: · Spring C om post G iveaw ay M ay 8 to 1 4 ,2 0 1 7 · Fall C om post G iveaw ay S ep tem b er 1 6 ,2 0 1 7 For m ore info rm atio n visit, halton.ca/compost In the March 17th flyer, page 3, the Epson WorkForce EcoTank Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer (WebCode: 10386526) was advertised with the incorrect price. The correct price is $549.99 with savings of $50. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. The War Amps Key Tag Service It works! Nearly 13,000 sets of lost keys are returned every year. o · · · · · Unacceptable materials Tree stum ps and trunks (over 7.5 cm in d iam eter) Sod, soil, clay and rocks Plastic shopping or garbage bags Plastic flo w e r/p la n t pots (acceptable in Blue Box) F lo w er/p lan t m arkers and tags R eam "Thank you for the safe return of my keys! My car fob would have cost $265 to replace,so I am especially happy to have it back."- Joffre Order key tags online. rimmings Ltd EXPOSED AGGREGATE (Pebble) · DRIVEW AYS · FRENCH CURBS · PATIOS · STEPS ·W ALKW AYS · GARAGE FLOORS Bulk Brush Call-in Collection O n e pile m axim um per collection t 6 ft Branches: M axim u m o f 7.5 cm (3 in) in diam eter, and 2 m (6 ft) in length 3 ft · Piles: m axim um 1.2 m (4 ft) high x 3 m (10 ft) long along th e curbside · Bulk brush m ust be free o f loose debris such as leaves and trim m ings. This is a call-in service only. U nscheduled bulk brush and piles larger than th e specified dim ensions w ill not be collected · · Bulk brush is collected by a p p o in tm e n t only, from April 4 to D ecem ber 8, 2017. Dial 311 to book your collection date. Visit our website to make a donation or for information about leaving a gift in your will. Charitable Registration No.: 13196 9628 RR0001 E TheWarAmps 1 800250-3030 waramps.ca u a lity A t < g ^ ) ua Its Best! Call F ernando FREE ESTIM ATES 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 www.concretetrimmings.com