1 3 | Friday, A pril 7 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LT O N .com Halton Medical Officer of Health earns big paycheque continued from p.7 Haltons Commissioner and Medical Officer Hamidah Meghani earned $371,07139 and benefits totalling $1,104.48. Acting Commissioner and Medical Officer of Health Matthew Ruf took home $150,634.90, plus $707.21 in benefits. Commissioner of So cial and Community Ser vices Alex Sarchuk received $186,147.56, plus $874.24 in benefits. Director of Water and Wastewater System Ser vices Kiyoshi Oka earned $183,215.32, plus $858.54 in benefits. Director of Water and Wastewater Treatment Da vid Andrews took home $175,262.32, plus $826.92 in benefits. Director of Legal Ser vices Robert Gray earned $175,877.23 plus $828.12 in benefits. Director of Financial Plan gional Police Service paid its Police Chief Stephen Tanner $277,968.91 plus $19,010.88 in benefits. Deputy Police Chief Bob Percy took home $202,590.05 in salary and $18,616.74 in benefits. And, Deputy Police Chief Carol Crowe earned $196,596.48 plus $13,969.12 in benefits. Deputy Police Chief NisHalton Region Chair Gary Carr Police Chief Stephen Tanner han Jude Duraiappah took home $192,161.76 and ben efits totalling $5,414.65. The police service' s Ex ecutive Officer, Chief's Staff Inspector Ivan Paul LOrtye earned $157,533.08, plus $19,312.34 in benefits. Sheridan College Former Sheridan College president and vice-chancel lor Jeff Zabudsky topped the list from the college, earning $458,177.63, plus $2,084.28 in benefits. Current president and vice-chancellor Mary Preece, who was previously Sheridan College' s provost and vice president of academic, but stepped into the role Zabud sky left on Nov. 1, 2016, was reported as earning $230,302.08, plus $6,241.32 in benefits. ning and Budgets Jinsun Kim earned $161,261.17, plus $730.92 in benefits. Director of Children' s Ser vices Marybeth Jonz took home $160,828.60, plus $2,711.81 in benefits. Director of Employment and Social Services Jodi Guilmette received $140,868.16, plus $662.66 in benefits. Halton Regional Police Service Dr. Hamidah Meghani k,,m *69' Connoisseur California on all premium ! AtmosPhere f! M ake Your Own W ine Wines 1 YOUR WI NE MAKI NG ESTABLI SHMENT THIRTY ( 750s Save i H o u rs : T u e s d a y -W e d n e s d a y : 1 0 :3 0 a m -6 p m T h u r s d a y -F r id a y : 1 0 :3 0 a m -8 p m S a tu rd a y : 9 a m -5 p m S u n d a y -M o n d a y C lo s e d ' ' · . . * a batch! Call for appointm ent. I Meanwhile, the Halton Re E v e ry b a tc h m a k e s 30 b o ttle s . * F ir s ttim e c lie n ts o n ly , w ith c o u p o n . 1144 Speers Rd. Oakville · 905-842-7507 · www.thirty750s.com Vachon Insurance Group 2 0 0 -5 4 6 8 D u n d a s S t. W, T o ro n to , O N 1 -8 0 0 -7 6 6 -8 6 6 2 v a c h o n in s c e .c o m As independent insurance brokers, w e have freedom of choice. So should you. We'll present you with more options designed to better match your protection and budget needs. D on't settle for one quote from your insurance agent. Let us help you get your m oney's w orth. G e t o n fr e e in s ta n t o n -lin e q u o t e a t w w w .v a c h o n i n s c e .c o m C a ll u s a f t e r q u o t e , a s y o u m a y b e m i s s i n g d i s c o u n t s y o u d e s e r v e ! HOST FAMILIES NEEDED! ^ Open Your Hearts and Homes this July S p a n i s h s tu d e n ts a r e c o m in g to B u rlin g to n a n d O a k v i ll e a n d w e n e e d fa m ilie s to h o s t! T h is is a w o n d e r f u l o p p o r tu n ity fo r c u ltu ra l e x c h a n g e . S tu d e n ts a tte n d vinyl b i l L T B E T T E R B ro n te & D u n d a s , O a k v ille c l a s s e s a n d a c tiv itie s M o n d a y to F rid a y . e l l ip s e S H U T T E R S ! R e m u n e r a tio n o f $ 8 6 4 to o f f s e t c o s t s . fasada.ca 905.827.3331 I HunterDouglas Gallery- l f J f iT R U B IL T [ ^ F j " For information please contact Veronica S T U D E N TP R O G R A M S 905-637-0879