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Oakville Beaver, 27 Sep 2000, Classified, C5

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Wednesday, September 27, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. houses tor sale COUNTRY E state Home 20-min. from 401. 5-bdrms, 2.9 acres, p riva te sale. Near G eorgetow n. U p grades galore. Jan Close. $639,000. Appt. 519-8533816. For virtual tour click on; h ttp ://h o m e p a g e .m a c. com/rjthomas/iMovie Theater.htm l. F o r q u ic k tim e player c lic k here: h ttp :// www.apple.com/quick tim e/ download.__________________ B U RLING TO N- W a lk e r's / Darien. F inishe d b a s e ment, fenced ya rd , all upgrdes. 4 + 1 bedroom, 4 bathrooms, C/A, F/P, dou ble garage + m ore. $259,900. 331-9805________ WEST O akville . 5-bdrm sidesplit, finished basement w/FP, 2-baths, double car garage, in gro und pool, $259,900. 465-2685 3-BEDROOM town houses to buy or rent fo r O ctober or November. Please call Va nessa 905-568-2121. apartments * flats for rent C lassified A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S ^ T he Oakville Beaver BONUS! All classified ads appear @ TM oakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! Circulation: 845-9742 " Real Estate 100-165 ` Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 * Auto 400465 ` Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 B Fall Festivities at 1285 Ontario St., (at M aple) Exceptional 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts I (Some furnished suites avail, short-term) r Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna Complete Rec Facilities · Utilities Incl. | From $855. u r l in g t o n T ow ers ? FR00T0G0 1987 O LDS C u tlass Ciera, 148K original, em is sion tested , im m acula te condition, must see. $3000 obo. (905)337-0282.________ 1989 P o ntiac G rand Am. running condition, good en gine, new Rainforce tires, needs body work, as is. $300 842-8159_________________ 1990 Mazda MVP LX. 3L. V6, Beiae. loaded. A1. Etested. Certified Won't Last! $4,395. (905)634-9875 1997 Volvo Wagon, loaded, low kilometers, red W. black interior. Excellent condition. $30,000. Certifed, emmision (905)338-7248 or (905) 6242220 X 279 ask for Rob 1991 Infinity Q45. fully re conditioned. Must see to appreciate. $14,500. obo 847-7649_________________ 1989 P lym outh Acclaim , Blue. 4-dr. 4-cyl. air. am/fm cassette. Excellent condition C ertified. E-tested. $2500 (905)847-9804_________ 1987 V olksw agon Fox, 4 speed. 200K, good work ingcondition.$850. 332-5848 1995 CHEV Cavalier. 4-cylinder, autom atic, air, 87K. $7,000. 335-5177 after 3pm 1997 BMW M3. 2 doo r 5 speed, 74K. e s to ril blue, s ilv e r gray le ath er, rear wing .$44,750(905)825-8778 1998 Camry LE- CD player, A /C, keyless entry, 72K. w ell m aintained. Good deal 0 $359/mo take over 1yr. lease. 905-847-0959 1997 Buick LeSabre, 4-door, lo aded. new brakes, excellent condition, 145K, $14,900. E -tested . C all 335-5587_________________ 1995 Taurus Wagon GL- 6 cylinder. 3.8, excellent con dition. 1 owner. Regular m aintena nce. G ood on gas. $8,500. 905-639-4050 ext 264____________________ 1981 F ire b ird - 5.7L V8. black, 50K, new exhaust, tint, CD, sunroof, excellent cond itio n . $4,500. obo. 827-4967 -- -'Come pick-your-own or ready picked Apples, Pears, Plums, Grapes FREE Weekend Hayrides to the 10 acre Pumpkin Patch Animal CorralwCome see our new Spooky Barn Get lost in our new corn maze*School tours available Lots ot Fall decorations^Fresh Apply cider 573 Parkside Dr., Waterdown,Hwy5.W. lo Evans Rd Open Daily 10-6pm Crop Report 689-16§2 639*8583 Mon&Thurs: 9-6 Tues,Wed,Fri: 9-8 Sat., 10-5; Sun: 11-5 www.ontim.com btowers@lara.on.ca Business Informa tion Systems, Computer Informa tion Systems, Electronics Engi neering, Technology Info., Technology Computer and Telecommunication Electronics. Come See what DeVry Inst itue can do tor you! Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 booth #103 Halton Business Institute Career Training A Skills Upgrading Computerized Diploma Programs To ensure your future success speak to us at The Job Fair, Booth #102 Rapidly expanding Oakville Manufacturer is currently looking lor the following personnel to join our team: MANUFACTURING MANAGER Oversee production, quality, cost control, training and maintenance. Experience with various equipment for metal sheet forming, stamping, spot welding and machining. Proven managerial and leadership skills a must. Engineering/ technical degree required. Min. 10 years experience. ACCOUNTANT At least 5 years experience in general financial accounting Must be able to generate and maintain m onthly financial slatements, year-end audit pro cedures. Control and reconcile associated ledgers. Supervisory and Windows 2000 experience pre ferred. Accounting designation an asset. Box 6297, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 Business Skills Computer A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S items under $100. A Q U A R IU M , hexagon shape w/stand. Light, heat er, filte r plus more. $100. $100.332-0383____________ CD'S classical and country approx. 40. $60 ./a ll 6391013______________________ CHAIR with ottoman. $30. 634-0604__________________ CO W BO Y boo ts- M en's. Size 8-1/2 $40, 639-1013 FISHER Price kitchen, great c o n d itio n $45. firm . 637-5923_________________ FRIDGE- average size- al mond. Good second hand. $50- 639-1013_____________ KARATE suit, plus sparring boots, gloves, helmet, suit 58 year old $50. 632-8655 KING waterbed-*$100. 905335-2769__________________ L IT T L E T ikes easel. 2sided. red. excellent condi tion, used by 1 c hild $35. 639-8197__________________ L IT T L E T ikes w orkshop w ith tools, great condition $45 firm. 637-5923_________ O R G AN , H am m ond S p inet M 100, e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . T re a d m ill, like new . E xe rcise Bike. Two sets of G olf C lubs. Evenings (905)338-8180.________ PEREGO s tro lle r w ith toy bar- approx. 4yrs. old. Asking $75. 681-2994__________ PO O L T ab le - D u fferin, * 5`x9'. mahogany, like new. Offers. (905)338-1062. PRECISION II Classic golf clubs, w/bag. S tarter set. Great condition. $100. 6322101______________________ QUEEN bed frame- Center support, heavy gauge, rug roller. $60.631-3316 QUEEN size m attress and box sp rin g 2 years old. $100(905)634-6128________ STO VE , H o tpo int, s e lf c le a n in g , A lm ond, good condition. $100. (905)8440965______________________ REFRIGERATOR- 18cu. ft. 2 door, great shape. $100. 845-4751__________________ SINGLE bed includes head and footboards, mattress 4 *o x spring. Excellent coodition. $100, 331-2713 S IN G LE bed, m a ttre s s 4 boxspring, excellent condi tion, $40. (905)632-7362 S P E A K E R S , A d vent II. good condition with stands. $50. 639-6028_____________ STOVE- self-cleaning, elec tric. works well. $75. OBO. 639-1013__________________ SUPER Nintendo system. 2 c o n tro lle rs , 8 gam es $75. 632-8655__________________ articles for sale CHESTERFIELD, loveseat. beige $100. Phone 8753425.______________________ COM PUTER M onitor. T oshiba 14*. neve r used. $150. (905)-510-4488 D INING RO O M , 14-pce cherrywood, double pedestal table. Chippendale chairs, buffe t, hutch, server, all dovetail. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. (905)567-9459_____________ DO U B LE d re sse r w ith 2 m irrors, 2 end tables, king headboard. $400,631-8124, leave message.____________ D R IVER S and Inspectors required fo r Toronto Auto A u ctions. Phone John Parm. 905-875-2915 ext. 248 or fax resume to 905-8753219._____________________ ELECTRIC scooter. 1993 Flyer. Excellent condition, asking $1100. C all 3 3 8 1677 after 5pm_____________ A P P LIA N C E S : M aytag, frid g e 4 s e lf-c le a n oven. Both 3 years old and white. Call (905)-510-7220. FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? S o ft foam ? T ired lo oking wood finishes?... then call Reids for alt furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily. (905)632-9090 HO TTU B R entals. W ee kend / W eekly R ates. In cludes delivery, installation, pick-up . etc. Drake Spa Rentals Inc., (905)6337763______________________ HUTCH, ta b le , chairs, $175., din in g room table. $75.. antique copper wash in g m achine, antiq ue v ic trola- floor model. Dressers, bottles 4 jars. Marble table top 4 w h ite W estinghouse stove. 905-827-9520 JEN N Y Lind baby crib, change table , high chair, stroller, car seats, maternity clothes etc. 847-7544 LABW ARE: Fum ehood, ovens, microscopes 4 much more. (905)-510-4488 LOSE weight, get healthy, have e x tra energy, d e stress 4 get a good night sleep. 100% natural 4 Dr. recom m ended. 905-5215132______________________ LO VES EA T w /m atch ing chair, by Kroehler. Neutral tones. Narrow strip- taupe/ brown/ peach /white. $175. 634-9401 after 5pm________ M IN K c o a t- ankle legnth, excellen t cond itio n . Size 14. A sking $1,300. 8 2 7 4137______________________ P IA N O 'S - Used- Kawai, Yam aha. H e in tz m a n ..... Kevin Ellis. The Piano Man ` T un er for the U n iv e rs ity ' www.pianom an.on.ca 905319-TUNE(8863)___________ Q U A L IT Y fu rn itu re - love seats, sofa 4 end tables. Rockston coffee 4 end tables, mi sc. 333-3818_______ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G ST! Love your fu rn itu re ... hate y our co lours? Sofa 4 matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C h airs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom U p ho ls te rin g , 9-9, (905)632-9090_____________ THE W aterbed G allery Store C losing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600.______________________ WATER distillers, stainless steel (905)-510-4488 Training UNEMPLOYED? CAREER CHANGE? CONSIDERING TRAINING? is the ORLY school in Burlington with a lull-time Placement Director- Come see us tor more into @ booth #173 C E N TR A L O ak v ille , s e lfco n ta in e d 1-bedroom a p a rtm e n t, p riv a te e n tran ce. parking, $650/m o. in c lu s iv e , a v a ila b le O ct. 1st. N o n -sm o ke r. (905) 846-3756._________________ O A K V IL L E L a k e s h o re / K e rr B rig h t, sp a c io u s 2bedroom, (above stores), 4 appliances, parking. Oct. 1st. $995/mo+ hydro. (905)8423196_______________________ GARDEN apartment, ground floor. Walk to Spencer Smith Park. Spacious 1-bedroom, with high ceilings, hardwood flo o r, c e ra m ic s 4 v e rtic a l blinds throughout. Full rec. 4 security. October. $887/mo. includes one underground parking + double AirMiles® (for limited time)! (905)6398583______________________ COMPLETE main level of 3 bedroom bungalow in quiet B u rlin g to n core. 3 b e d room s, air, a p p lia n c e s . Large yard, hardwood floors, no pets/ sm oking. C re d it check. $13 75 in c lu s iv e . Rocco 905-934-4640 evening or 631 -5600 weekdays LA R G E 2-bedroom a p a rt m ent, b lo ck s aw ay from dow ntow n O a k v ille . Pool. Available Oct./Nov. $11507 mo. inclusive. Lots of seniorst (905)844-1934_________ O A K V IL L E 3 bedroom tow nh ouse. app lia n ce s, garage, available October 1. $1250/m onth + utilities., Newly decorated. (905) 2702693______________________ O A K V IL L E - 243 Bedroom to w n h o u s e s ava ila b le Nov. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management. (905)876-3336 BURLINGTON: Luxury 3 4 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 applianc es. 1300 4 1600 sq. ft. p lus b ase m en t, fen c e d in backyard. $1100 and $1200 plus u tilitie s , parking $40. (905) 639-0950.____________ BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom from $92 6/m o.+ u tilitie s . N o v.1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. N ear s c h o o ls , s h op ping. Park-tike setting. 333-1190. BURLINGTON large 3-bed room, Bluefield Dr., fridge, s to v e , la u n d ry , parkin g, $92 5 /m o n th plus u tilitie s . October 1st 315-8363. CENTR AL B u rlin g to n . S in g le F am ily hom e. Im mediate occupancy. $1395/ mo. (Full in-law 2-bedroom upp er apa rtm e nt can rent fo r $60 0 /m o . and 1-b e d room basem ent apartm ent can rent for $400/mo. For details. (905)638-1099 NORTH B u rlington, nicely decorated. 3 bedroom flat. 2 a p p lia n c e s .C /A , cable, parking, la undry, suit non sm o k in g cou p le . $84 5/ m onth p lus half u tilitie s . F irs t 4 la s t. 335 -45 64 leave message_____________ RENT to Own in Quinte Re gion. Retirement is financially easier. 3-bedroom 2-storey townhouse. $625/mo.+ utili ties. Loyalist Realty Inc., 1866-969-9966 or (905)8252547______________________ N O RTH O a k v ille . 3bdrms, 1-1/2 baths, broadlo o m e d , 4 a p p lia n c e s , w a lk -o u t. $1 2 2 5 ./m o . in c lu s iv e . Im m e d ia te . No pets. 845-9636_____________ LA R G E 3-bedroom , O c t.1st. From $1129./m o. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage, park-like setting. Longm oor Dr, B u rlin g to n . (905)681-0070____________ LU X U R Y tow nh om e w ith lake views at 37 Southaven Place, O akville, (just E. of B ronte R d.). D e c .1st. $2,600Vmo.+ utilities. Avail able fo r in s p e c tio n Fri. O ct.6th . For appt. to view c a ll 9:30am -4:3 0pm : (416)440-6366, Ext.1 PINEDALE E state ` G e o r gian m o d e l' C o ndo fo r Sale- 2 bedroom , 2 bath, bea utifully deco ra te d . $169,000. For appointment »call 631-2972 N. B u rlington - 1 +1 den condo. Close to Hwy 5 & QEW. $114,500. Call 905319-8601__________________ WE specialize in Condomini um Sales & R e nta ls. C a'I Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 'commercial space INEXPENSIVE w arehouse space fo r lease. 120 0' heated. 1000' unh eate d. Third L in e / S peers. Joe Luyk. 905-845-7597. Funding may be available to enhance your employments prospects! Come visit Halton Dufferin Skills Evaluation Ctr ©booth 186 GROWING CONSTRUCTION OFFICE REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING TAKE-CHARGE PERSONNEL: THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Will be at the Halton Job A Career Fair, Booth #1 6 2 , to discuss your training options tor a brighter future! PROJECT MANAGER Experienced Project Manager able to oversee and plan for large/ small projects. Good interpersonal skills. Coordinate union labour force. University degree or equivalent required. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Good typing / computer skills. Experience in M.S. Office 2000, Spreadsheets, etc. Self-starter and positive attitude are musts! Resumes to: Box 6298, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 MINISTRY OF FINANCE G roup Managers, Audit $56,325 - $69,485 Join the regional tax office in one o f these tw o opportunities to manage audit staff conducting field audits under the Retail Sales Tax Act. You w ill: recruit, train and develop audit staff; allocate audit assignments; evaluate jo b performance; resolve complex audit issues; provide technical support. Location: Mississauga. File 358. Qualifications: management skills/experience in an auditing environment; ability to lead, co-ordinate activities and motivate staff; thorough knowledge o f the principles/practices o f accounting/auditing techniques; successful com pletion of CA, CMA or CGA designation or successful com pletion o f a recognized university degree plus/including courses in introductory financial accounting, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, taxation, either cost accounting or management accounting, and one o f auditing, taxation, cost accounting, management accounting or finance; demonstrated ability-to interpret related legislation; knowledge o f CAAT; strong interpersonal and com m unication skills. OFFICE space a p p ro x im ately 960 sq. ft. $736/ month, in cluding property taxes and water. Q EW / Trafalgar (905) 84^-3521 tr & 'C t '& Q TRAVEL ONLY Operate your own home-based travel business! Let us show you how. Lobby booth #2 Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 UPGRADED 142 Bdrm Apts with scenic views available at two prime downtown Burling ton lo c a tio n s . B e a u tifu l grounds. Professionally man aged. 478 Pearl St. (905) 632-1643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)634-9374_____________ DOWNTOWN Burlington. 3s to re y ce n tu ry . R e c e n tly re n o va te d m odern 1bedroom Available Oct. 1st. Call Derek, (905)257-6529 BASEMENT apartment. 3rd Line/ Rebecca area. $675./ month in clusive. Parking. S uit sin g le person. Nonsmoker/pets. 905-825-9544 1-B E D R O O M base m en t apartment, quiet area. Quiet m ain flo o r te n a n ts . F ully furnished, utilities included. Yard, patio 4 laundry facili tie s . C lo se to O a k v ille Place.Immediate. $795. (416) 201-6982, leave message. LAKEFRONT estate setting/ 1 bedroom. Fireplace, pool, la u n d ry . P riv a te patio . B e a u tifu l. $1100 + Hydro. S u it s in g le person. (905)337-2072 BRONTE area. 2 bedroom basement apa rtm e nt. $800/mo.. utilities included. Cal 827-7875._____________ BACHELOR apa rtm e nt in North O a kville hom e. Nov.1st. $5 7 5 ./ mo. S uit single C h ristia n , nonsmoker. 842-1537._________ CAN ADI AN A .Q u ie t, w ell maintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1&3-bedrooms available December. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486_____________ O A K V ILLE : L a ke sh o re / Kerr. 1-bedroom, Nov. $720; 2-bedroom, Oct./Nov., $825. N on-sm okers, no pets. (416)233-7441_____________ Senior Field Auditors $1,018 - $1,227 per week 500 career training W aterdow n 50 & 75 John $t. W. Large 1 .2 .3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk lo everything Util. incl. Irom $695. (9 0 5 ) 6 9 0 -4 4 5 4 (9 0 5 ) 6 8 9 -1 6 4 7 The YMCA Career/ Job Training For individuals ot all ages. Internet access and job search resources. Numerous professional and life skills workshops available Freeof charge. We'll show you how to prepare, plan and train. Boom# 125 Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 September 20tfi. 9:30am-7:30pm Burlington Convention Centre The regional tax office, retail sales tax section, seeks three individuals to conduct comprehensive audits o f various large, com plex taxpayers to ensure com pliance w ith the Retail Sales Tax Act. You w ill: determine audit approach, extent o f tests conducted to ascertain com pliance level; conduct in-depth audits; present findings. Location: Mississauga, with travel. File 357. Qualifications: extensive experience in/knowledge o f advanced auditing, financial-statement analysis, accounting theory, accounting systems; knowledge o f computer technology, Retail Sales fax Act; ability to render decisions affecting taxpayers' fiscal operations; interpersonal/communication skills to resolve contentious issues; CGA, CMA or CA designation or successful com pletion o f a recognized university degree plus/including courses in introductory financial accounting, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, taxation, either cost accounting or management accounting, and one of auditing, taxation, cost accounting, management accounting or finance. Note (all positions): proof o f designation or academic qualifications must be attached to your resume in order to be considered. Applicants must clearly indicate on their transcripts w hich o f their courses meet the position's academic requirements. A pplicants w ho obtained their qualifications outside Canada must submit proof that these qualifications have been recognized as eq uivale ncies ini Canada. Ca Resume must be received by Oct. 6, 2000. Quoting appropriate file number, send to: Ministry of Finance, Human Resources Branch, 33 King Street West, Oshawa, ON L1H 8H5. Fax: (905) 433-6588.. O A K V ILL E : 190 K e rr, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. Walk to everything. 142 bedrooms from $795. (905)845-1777_____________ 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean adult b u ild in g , dow ntow n B u rlington. A va ila b le Oct.7th. $725./mo includes utilities. (905)631-0191 or (905)643-8979._____________ G EORGIAN A p artm ents. Oct./Nov. 1,243 Bedrooms. Heat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm 4 6:30-8pm FU R N ISH ED room w ith kitchen fac ilitie s , separate entra n c e . N ear S h eridan College. 842-0272__________ F R A N C IS Rd Shared kitchen, bath, living room. $ 3 5 0 /m o .1 s t 4 last. Immediately. Parking 4 cable in c lu d e d . (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -1 7 1 5 , evenings W A L K E R 'S /N E W - $475/ mo. Parking, cable, laundry/ kitchen privileges included. Responsible working adult. Nov.4. first/last. (905)3333895; (905)510-3895. UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. Large room in townhouse, near bus, walk to Sheridan College. Non-smoker 905845-8693__________________ ROOM, some meals includ ed. Use of hou se, pool. Q u ie t fem a le p re fe rre d . Non-smoker. On bus route. $100/week. Phone 331-1678 after 4:30pm BU RLO AK/ L a ke shorefu rn is h e d room w /kitchen privileges. Suit male nonsm oker. $ 55 0/m o. in c lu sive. 631-5884 evgs._______ W AN TE D SE B u rlin g to n Student room and board. 5 day w e ek- fo r 20w eeks. call 333-0989______________ SEPARATE entrance, large room , $40 0/m o. Includ es h e a t/h y d ro . F irs t/ la s t. 1 year. C e n tra l B u rlin g to n . Oct. 1st. (905)634-8724. TE N T, eight man canvas tent $40 obo 637-5923 TR U C K cap · fib e rg la s s , fits a v erage s ize truck, $ 1 0 0 .0 6 0 . 639-1013 TV- floor model, color, $60. 634-0604__________________ VC R- 4 head H .Q ., like new, $ 7 5 .0 6 0 639-1013 WHITE computer desk (sol id ), w ith hutch, and w ith chair-, E xce lle nt condition. $100. 331-2713 LU X U R Y . New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VC R. 6 a p p lia n c e s , ste re o . 1-3 baths, health ce n tre , s e c u rity . D aily. W eekly, M o n th ly . From $12 95-2995/ m onth. Visa. M aste rC ard . A m Ex. C all 681-RENT (7355) L/M D o w n to w n Burlington 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts Available Oct./Nov. Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping. Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 1,243 Bedroom Suites avail able. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $875/mo. (905)844-1106_____________ O A K V ILLE . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 2-bedroom, Nov. 1st. 3-bedroom , O c t.1st.; (905)844-9006; 205 Queen Mary D rive: 3-bedroom , Oct. 1st; U tilitie s included. (905)844-9670_____________ 2-BEDRO O M A p a rt ments $790. (U tilitie s ineluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Openl 1-flpm. 639-5761 ALDERSHOT- 1 bedroom basement apartment. Suit single. F rid g e / stove. $600./m on th. F irs t/ Last. Oct. 1st. 528-0799_________ BR O N TE -O N -TH E -LA K E : im m aculate, 1 -bdrm , s in gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,2 5 0 ./m o. Evenings (905)827-2266. FRESHLY Decorated: 243 B e droom s- som e 2-le ve l! OctiNov. Low-rise building. Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (Bur lington); 1460 T yandaga Park Dr. (905 )3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 ; 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015 TW O bed roo m c ond o fo r rent near the Lake. $1250/ mo. all inclusive. Call Tony, (905)875-1110______________ f l w l houses for rent BURLINGTON: new house, Appleby/Upper Middle area. November 1st. 4-bedrooms, 1800 sq. ft. 3 3 1 -3 3 8 7 or (905)-516-6388.____________ B U N G A LO W . up sca le neighbourhood, walk to town (H o lyro o d A v e .) Tw o+ 1 bedrooms, updated kitchen 4 2 baths, skylig h ts , central vac. 6 appliances. Beautiful p riva te tree d lo t. $2300. Penny Cates. Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp. 338-9000 or 844-4844________________ S T O P L o o k in g l Need a home to rent in the $1500$30 00 range? C a ll me! (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -1 7 0 6 . E x t.70. Kathy Murray. Sales Repre sentative. Active Properties Inc.________________________ T Y A N D A G A E xe cu tive 4bedroom with den, double garage. 2 fireplaces, all ap p lia n ce s. J a c u z z i, lawn sprinkler system. Available end of October. $2400/mo. References. Non-sm okers. (905)333-5506, Ext.50 OLDE Oakville. 2-bedroom, steps from lake, downtown. Balcony, deck, appliances, A/C, finished basement, new broadloom 4 ceramics. Ref erences. No pets. $1950/ month plus utilities. November 1, 844-3663____________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy. or cre a tiv e fin a n c in g ava ila b le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. B ro ke r, (9 0 5 )6 3 9 5258 Re/M ax Escarpm ent Realty Inc., Realtor_________ E A ST B u rlin g to n , new 3bedroom semi. 1-1/2 baths, g a ra g e . 4 a p p lia n c e s . $1200./m o . u tilitie s . Oct. 1st. A c tiv e M anage m ent. (905)333-5506. Ext.55 SO UTH East O a k v ille - 3 bedroom bungalow, fireplace, central air. gas heating, sin gle car garage, lovely back yard. W alk to M aplegrove P.S. $1850 plus utilities. Call (905 845-3271 $10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for e v e r.... w h enever! Share savings with reverse c a ll ing. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738 . (905)6318202______________________ 1000'S of yards of carpet for sale. Call Scott (905)6392200______________________ 75 4 65 gallon aquarium complete. $600. 690-0686 after 6 pm. A L L new 100% genuine leather sofa, loveseat, chair still packaged. Cost $8,500. Sell $3,500. 416-746-0995 A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 doo r; S tove; M aytag a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 BABY change table/ dress er. Off white. $100. 905331-8003__________________ B E A U T IF U L baby grand piano. Excellent condition, $2,450. Delivery available. call 905-227-9458__________ BED, Queen black iron ca nopy, orthopedic mattress/ box, s till packa ged. Cost $1200. Sacrifice, $525. Can deliver. 416-741-7557 BEDROOM set, 8-pce cherryw ood, 4 -p o s te r sle igh, chest, trid re s s e r, m irro r, nightstands, all dovetail, new, still packaged. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3,500. (905)5674042______________________ BEDS, King pillowtop or dou ble orthopedic mattress set. new in plastic. Cost $1500. Sacrifice (King $625) (Double $375.) Can deliver. 416-7417557______________________ BE DS , New- Com plete: D o uble . $220; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free D e live ry. C all (905)681-9496_____________ BR AN D new - typ e w rite r, $40., bike, R a leigh for 4,5,or 6yr old $100., Phon ics game, best offer, also S n ow blow e r, 5.5 Honda, a ntiq ue lam p, com puter 433, no screen, a ntiq ue sew ing m achine. All best offers. Roll top desk, wood veneer, $150. 336-3992 C A R P E T. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster 4 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom 4 hall for $349. Indudes carpet, pad 4 installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 ACADEMY OF LEARNING See us in booth # 104 at the Halton Job & Career Fair Let's discuss your future! An equal opportunity employer www.gojobs.gov.on.ca © Ontario WANTED All-China. Silver, C ry s ta l, cam era/ audio equ ipm ent, sew ing m a c h in e s ... D o ulton, M oorcroft.Q uilts. Glass, W atch es. dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477_____________ A L L antiq ues, old radios, M oorcroft, m agazines pre 1970. s te rlin g , fe a th e r w e ight sew ing m achines, w a tche s, old books, etc. Mark 634-7570____________ BETTER cash- Faster pick up for your used applianc es- fridges/ stoves/ washer & dryers. C all 905-5491911______________________ W ANTED: Juice extra ctor wanted. Slightly used gear type model eg Juiceman II or G reen Power. (905)6339144, leave message_______ PA IN TIN G S , A n tiq u e s W anted: Furniture, Glass. China, S ilver Ring Boxes. A ddison radio s. Estates purchased. Kart (905)6816939-Burlington.____________ W AN TED : old Lego Call 690-0686 after 6pm I firewood G U AR AN TEE D dry 100% hardwood. 'O n ta rio 's la r gest F irew ood re ta il. M arc's Q ua lity F irew ood, (905)-257-6366 M a n u fa c tu r in g S o lu tio n s S A N M I N A Sanmina Corporation is a leading electronics contract manufacturing services company providing a full spectrum of integrated, value-added electronic manufacturing services. The company provides these services to a diversified base of leading OEMs in the communications, industrial and medical instrumentation and high-end computer sectors of the electronics industry. Sanmina's Enclosure Systems Division, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario is currently preparing to move into their new facility, one of the largest of its kind in the world, which w ill house state-of-the-art enclosure design, manufacture, integration and test capabilities. i P R O F E S S IO N A L fem a le seeks same to share con do. N. B u rlin g to n . C /A. washer 4 diyer, dishwash er. $ 45 0-5 50 + u tilitie s . Available Nov. 1st. Refer ences required . 9 0 5 -3 3 6 9904______________________ M ATU R E person to share 3-b e d ro o m tow nh ouse. Large bed roo m , p riv a te den. $550 p lus u tilitie s . Immediate. 631-5548._______ N O N -S M O K E R to share la rg e hom e. B ronte on Lake, la rg e deck, A/C, la u n d ry , $ 5 2 5 ./m o. in clusive. (905)827-7311________ SHARE 3-bedroom house, furnished, Guelph/ New. All a m e n itie s . S uit w o rking single. Immediate. $600/mo. in c lu s iv e . C e ll: 416 -67 80576, leave message. v^ ^ vacation S A N M IN A - B U IL D IN G FOR T H E F U T U R E J o in u s in o u r n e w w o r ld c la s s f a c i lit ie s . W e h a v e im m e d ia t e p e r m a n e n t f u l l - t i m e o p p o r t u n it ie s , w it h o v e r tim e a v a ila b le : Brake Press Operators Welders -- Must be capable of performing own set-up, first off approval and running parts on Amada, Wysong and/or LVD 3, 4, 6 or 8 axis machines -- Qualified aluminum and steel welders. Must be able to read blueprints and weld in both Mig and Tig applications. -- Must be able to operate and handle power grinding tools, remove weld excess and finish grind component parts. Grind/Cleanup The above positions are available for both day and night shift and we require Brake Press Operators for weekend shift as well. Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor Irom $689* 1 -Bdmi Irom $779* 2-Bdrm Irom $899* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newty decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 4-bedroom with Pool south/ west Florida. Country setting (941)426-6587____________ I C l l V ] items under $100. 25" console colour TV with c o n v e rte r. $50. obo C all 681-8898__________________ 3-IN -1 F is h e r P rice pool ta b le , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n $50. 331-2713_____________ ADMIRAL kitchen appliances Olive, good condition $100. Call (905)634-2267_________ APT. size stove, white G.E. good c o n d itio n , $95. obo 310-7788 PEAR L Jam Concert tic k ets. Thursday. October 5. 4 tickets. 844-0969. I cars for sale 1995 Nissan P a thfind er, black, chrome wheels, a/c, new rubber, 5-speed, am/fm cassette. 148K (highway), w ell m a intained $11 ,500 firm. 338-7897_____________ 1993 Saturn, 5-speed, A/C. AB, am /fm c a s s e tte , new tires, well maintained, certi fied. 214K, $2500. (905)631-1075 Sanmina offers an attractive and complete compensation and benefits package, including a Deferred Profit Sharing Program, an Employee Stock Purchase Plan and ample opportunity for professional growth both within Canada and other international Sanmina Divisions. When you join Sanmina, you'll find a workplace where people are empowered to perform. Explore the challenge -- and experience the rewards. Send your resume in confidence, or apply in person to: Human Resources Department Sanmina Enclosure Systems Division 1385 Huntingwood Drive Scarborough, Ontario M IS 3J1 Fax: (4 1 6 ) 754-4846 E-mail: recruiting@devtel.com '(2% disc, included).

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