C2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, October 18, 2000 B e s t W h e e l s · O a k v i l l e O a k v il l e B e a v e r Spo rts · N ew s · En t e r t a in m e n t Special edition T-Bird sold out in record time The Neiman Marcus Edition Ford Thunderbird that went on sale on Sept. 25th was sold out in two hours and 15 minutes. All 200 of the prized cars, destined to become collectors' items, were sold via a toll-free phone number. The quick sale is a world record for any vehicle offered through the Neiman catalogue, and the car sold out faster than many other products and events. The phone number was pub lished in Neim an's Christmas Book. All 25 phone lines set up to take the calls were busy with in 10 seconds as callers jam m ed the lines in search of the elusive T-Bird. "This shows that we have really hit the mark in terms of consum er excitem ent," said Thunderbird B rand M anager Mickey D'Armi. "This car sold out faster than an N'SYNC con cert. Thunderbird will be one of the hottest products on the plan et when it comes out next year and this record sale shows that the public can't wait for the return o f the classic American Dream Car -- the Thunderbird." The 2002 Neiman M arcus Edition car features a unique elegant silver and black color theme and a removable top with the Thunderbird insignia etched into the porthole window. Inside the steering wheel and shift knob are silver, and under stated Neiman Marcus emblems are featured on the instrument panel and floor mats. Collectors will be issued a special vehicle identification number (VIN) as a guarantee of authenticity. The Neim an M arcus T hunderbird is priced at $41,995. While the 200 unique Neiman Marcus Edition cars are sold, car lovers are not shut out of T-Bird excitement. The new 2002 model year Thunderbird will be on sale at Ford dealerships next summer. QUALITY CERTIFIED Just like a g reat p air of w orn in jeans, Quality C ertified vehicles tend to put people a t ease. They come w ith a 3 d e y /5 0 0 k m money beck guarantee, 1 0 0 point inspection, factory w arran ty and 2 4 hour roadside assistance. This is one instance w here a little used happens to m ake all th e sense in th e world! $ 5 0 0 R eb ate on th e purchase o r lease of any Ford Quality C ertified pre-owned vehicle with th e Grad P rogram 2 0 0 0 . See d e a le r for details. Honda Insight top fuel W Purchase Financing up to 48 months on all al miser The 2001 Honda Insight, the first gaso l in e - e le c tr ic hybrid vehicle sold in North America, earned top honors for the second straight year in the US Environmental Protection Agency annual report on auto motive fuel economy. With an aver age fuel econo my of (US)64 mpg, the Insight surpassed the next most effi cient vehicle by more than (US) 16 mpg. The Insight e m p l o y s 2000 Cirrus Purchase Financing ipto 48 months on a! ^ P u rc h a s e > Financing up to 50 months on all 2000 Dod; Caravan i Grand k Caravan expires 0<l20j 2000/2001 M a n y to c h o o s e f r o m , , a ll c o lo u r s . V m m e d ia te D e liv e r y N eons 175 W y e c ro ft R oad,O akville (between Kerr 8 c Dorval) f i v e s t a r C H R Y S L E R * R « 4 x ilts a re assignee I to <k\ )l<rshi|) O akville's o n ly Five Star Certified Dealership Q / O w w w .lo c k w o o d c h r y s le r .c o m & & & & & 0 ^ t 0 4 " 0 0 0 0 Honda's innova tive IMA (In te g ra te d Motor Assist) hybrid technolo gy, combining a 1.0-litre, 3-cylinder gasoline engine with elec tric motor assist for improved efficiency.