35 | Thursday, May 4 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LTO N .com Marta Marychuk Reporter mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Artscene "Connected to your Community" P e te r P a n J r . Glenburnie School recently staged the production of P eter Pan Jr. Top left, Erin Susla plays Wendy Darling and Emmanuel Sheriff portrays Peter Pan. Above, Emily Samp son, who plays Tinker Bell, acts in a scene with Erin and Emmanuel. Left, actors perform a scene as some of the ships pirates. | Graham Paine/Metroland fjlmca c in e m a s 171 S p e e r s R o a d (a t K e rr) O a k v ille 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -6 3 9 7 guardians of the galaxy vOL. 2 (PG) MAY 5 King ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SwORD (14A) MAY 12 SNATCHED (14A) MAY 12 DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: THE LONG HAUL (STC) MAY 19 pirates of the Caribbean: dead men tell no tales (STC) m a y 26 General: $ 8 .5 0 Children (3-13): $ 6 .5 0 Seniors (65+): $ 6 .5 0 Tuesdays: $ 5 .0 0 www.film.ca facebook.com/filmca @FilmCaCinemas