www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, April 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 | 44 M arta M arychuk Reporter mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Artscene "Connected to your Community " Local performers featured in circus-style show Zacada Circus School presents All Aboard beginning Saturday, April 29, featuring four performers from Oakville. In All Aboard, performers and audience become passengers on an astounding train ride through the wonders of the circus. Led by the mysterious and magi 'm m cal conductor, Zacada' s circus artists amaze and inspire with feats of skill and grace. Oakville native Daniela Mendoza performs on the silks. It is her first performance in a Zacada produc tion. Sierra Wilson of Oakville also performs on the aerial silks. Natalie Coleman and Kathryn Milne, who are both from Oakville, perform dance movements and group acts in the show. Zacada Circus School was opened 10 years ago by Kosta Zakharenko and Christine Cadeau -- former Cirque du Soleil performers. Zacada offers a full range of class es, camps and training for the be ginner through to the professional level. A leading school in circus arts, Zacada students come from a large area of southern Ontario includ ing Halton, Niagara, Hamilton and Brantford. Shows for All Aboard run from Saturday, April 29 to Sunday, May 7. Times vary. Tickets cost $28 plus HST for adults, $ 2 2 plus HST for seniors, and $ 1 7 plus HST for children. To purchase tickets or learn more about Zacada Circus School, visit goo.gl/ W EFm ee. Zacada Circus is located at 6 8 7 Barton St., Unit 101, in Stoney Sierra Wilson of Oakville will perform on the aerial silks in the Zacada Circus School production of All Aboard. | Submitted photo Creek. B ig M o v ie s , S m a ll P ric e s ! 171 Speers Road (at Kerr) Oakville 905-338-6397 www.film.ca THE BOSS BABY (STC) M A R C H 31 SMURFS: THE LOST ViLLAGE (G ) A P R IL 7 THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS (STC) A P R IL 1 4 BON c o p BAD c o p (1 4 A ) FREE S c REENING A p RIL 19 ( n a t io n a l c a n a d ia n film da y ) THE ciRcLE (s tc ) a p r il 28 D facebook.com/filmca 1 i ©FilmCaCinemas