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GARAGE SALE Sat., May 6th ~ 8 am - 2 pm 2270 Yolanda Drive Tools, Dremel, torque wrench, bench grinder, pressure washer, Motorola walkie talkie, household items, cameras, etc. Oakville ARMANDO'S PAINTING 20 Years Experience Interior & Exterior, Window Caulking fully insured, Deck Painting and Staining, Remove Wallpaper Senior's Discount 100's of References PAINTER, 30 years ex perience. Can do almost any type of work. Wall paper removal. Excellent workmanship, English/ French speaking. Free Estimates. Call Peter 905-330-8476 PERFECT PAINTING & Repair Highend Craftmanship Professional Painters Residential custom painting, kitchen cabi nets painting, water damaged ceilings repair, flooring/staircase, bathroom/kitchen renos. References. Seniors discounts/free estimates. 647-702-9502 **SPRING SPECIAL** In effect now! G&J Painting. Exterior / Interior, Pressure Washing, Sand & Stain decks and fences. Free Estimates, Family owned business 647-402-7606 647-808-1338. ASPHALT PAVING, INTERLOCKING, CONCRETE Ask a b o u t o u r e a rly b o o k in g special A ngelo Fazio a n g e lo f@ k in g s ta rp a v in g .c o m 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -5 5 5 2 and 9 0 5 -6 3 8 -0 9 2 6 4 1 6 -6 2 7 -8 9 8 3 BREMEN PAINTING Interior/ Exterior painting. We don't just paint houses, we beautify homes! Proudly serving the Greater Toronto Area since 1984. We owe our success to our constant pursuit of high end quality and customer satisfaction. Free estimates! Call 905-616-7727. bremenpainting.ca bremen_construction @me.com VILA ROOFING Roof replacement and repair, experienced quality work, various as phalt shingle options to fit any budget, licensed and insured. Shingles guaranteed 10 year la bour warranty. Free esti mates. (647)272-9476 david@vilaroofing.ca www.vilaroofing.ca Tree/ Stump Service STUMP REMOVAL, tree and hedge removal. Fence repairs and builds. Fully insured. Timberwood Property Services. Call for your free esti mate. 905-659-2657 info@timberwoodps.ca For ALL masonry jobs: Bricks, stones, chimneys, etc. Remove basement metal window frames & install bigger windows, no flashing. All jobs guaranteed. 35 years of experience. CALL FOR FREEESTIMATE 905- 842-0945 PEYO MASONRY Ltd. MOVING /GARAGE SALE Sat, May 6th ~ 8 am - 12:30 pm 2288 Rougecrest Drive off Glenashton Piano, workout equip, furniture, Gardening stuff... Everything Must Go! Good Stuff Cheap, No Early Birds! Oakville Oakville Garage Sale Sat. May 6 7 am - 12 pm 1254 Fairm eadow Trail Household goods, lamps, picture frames, furniture & more - MOVING! RAIN OR SHINE! Oakville B ricklayer · · · · C h im n e y s P o rc h e s S id e w a lk s B lo c k a n d S to n e w o rk Free Est.~Licensed CALL ROB 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -8 9 4 3 **B URLOAK** PAINTING Season Special B ook now & Save up to 3 5 % off!!! Prep & Paint Specialist R e side n tial, c o m m e rc ia l & in d u stria l O ver 23 yrs exp. 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Moving Sale Sat., May 6 9am-1pm 350 Chartwell Road DOWNSIZING SALE Kitchen items, furniture, living room and bedroom furniture, lamps, books, tools, gardening items, etc 8 - 12 339 & 344 M aple Ave (at Allan) Annual SUPER Sale Antiques, Art, Furniture, Mid-Century, Fabrics, Assorted Bric a Brac find us online at yourclassifieds.ca Someone born in Sesquicentennial 2017? __*____________ .,.birth __, . -x_ Here is your chance to announce the special celebration o f your little one. \ X i- 0 ) EF N W illiam Haggen February 4,2017 This special greeting w ill appear in our upcom ing com m em orative sesquicentennial Canada 150 edition on Friday May 19,2017. Your sesquicentennial baby w ill also receive a special certificate. _ Call Halton Classifieds at: 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 3 - 6 4 8 0 or em ail classified s@ m etro lan d .co m D e a d li n e : W e d n e s d a y , M a y 10t h at 5 p.m .