w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | O A K V ILLE B EA VE R | Friday, M a y 12, 2 0 1 7 | 2 6 Masonry & Concrete Masonry & Concrete TERRA FIRMA Interlocking & Masonr Specializing in New installation of Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Pool Surrounds and Steps. Exterior Parging & Restoration of all aspects of interlocking brick work. Highest quality workmanship and products only. c a ll an expert hom e se rvice s garagesales-shows-bazaars Oakville Oakville lif e r m news.co J. Canon Interlocking Interlock Specialist NEW INSTALLATION · driveways · patios · walkways · pool surrounds · steps · masonry · retaining walls DESIGN · BUILD · MAINTAIN Est. 2001. Senior discounts. Free estimates. Limited Time Discount 15% off Call Today 647-701-7507 www.terrafirmainterlocking.com Painting & Decorating Roofing $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warranty on shingles. Available 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Estimates !!!! 416-995-4105 905-693-9950. RE- ROOFING, Roof installations and re pairs, Chimney and bricks. Quality work. Reasonable prices. Call First Roofing, 416-624-2630 for a free estimate. VILA ROOFING Roof replacement and repair, experienced quality work, various as phalt shingle options to fit any budget, licensed and insured. Shingles guaranteed 10 year la bour warranty. Free esti mates. (647)272-9476 david@vilaroofing.ca www.vilaroofing.ca Tree/ Stump Service STUMP REMOVAL, tree and hedge removal. Fence repairs and builds. Fully insured. Timberwood Property Services. Call for your free esti mate. 905-659-2657 info@timberwoodps.ca b u y sell Tent* trade'hire 9th Annual Garage Sale for a Cause in Support of Halton Womens Place Great deals for a great cause! Saturday, May 13, 2017 8 am - 1 pm 231 Oak Park Blvd Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd - Oak Park Branch The building is located behind Walmart (just west of Trafalgar Rd. and South of Dundas) Funds raised go to help our local shelter, Halton Women's Place, as well as innovative violence prevention and education programs in our community. · Parking Lot Sized Garage Sale · Furniture and smaller items · · Entertainment · Bouncey Castle · Face Painting · Fundraising Activities · ·BBQ Breakfast & Lunch/Coffee/Snacks · Bake Sale · · Games · Mothers Day Flowers · M oving Sale Sat. May 13 8 am - 1 pm 2103 Granby Piano, furniture, small appliances, clothes, books, rug, art, misc. Rain or shine Oakville I Obituaries STEEVES, Nellie February 23, 1923 - M ay 8, 2017 W ith g re a t sadness th e fa m ily announces th e passing o f N ellie on M ay 8, 2017. Left to cherish her m em ory is her loving d a u g h te r M arlene Kroeker, her b ro th e r Dan T om ow ich (Alice), and her sister M aryanne S parrow. N ellie w ill be sadly missed by m any g ra n d ch ild re n , great-grandchildren, and g re a t-g re a t g ra n d ch ild , as w e ll as num erous nieces, nephew s, and cousins. Pre deceased by her loving husband Harold in 2004, her d a u g h te r G eraldine in 2003, and her b ro th e r-in -la w D oug S parrow in 1993. N ellie w ill be g re a tly missed by fa m ily and friends. A M e m o ria l Service w ill be held a t C entral B aptist Church. In fo rm a tio n a vailable courtesy o f W ard Funeral Hom e w w w .w a rd fu n e ra lh o m e .c o m . Call John, 289-922-8754 Email jcanoninterlocking@gmail.com q 2186 Mountain Grove Avenue, Burlington Phone: 905-257-3633 ARMANDO'S PAINTING 20 Years Experience Interior & Exterior, Window Caulking fully insured, Deck Painting and Staining, Remove Wallpaper Senior's Discount 100's of References ASPHALT PAVING, INTERLOCKING, CONCRETE Ask about our early booking special 416-627-8983 JUST PAINT IT... MIKE'S WAY!! Fast Reliable service. Free Estimates! Interior and Exterior! No job too big or too small Give us a call!! 416-786-3631 PERFECT PAINTING & Repair Highend Craftmanship Professional Painters Residential custom painting, kitchen cabi nets painting, water damaged ceilings repair, flooring/staircase, bathroom/kitchen renos. References. Seniors discounts/free estimates. 647-702-9502 Plumbing Angelo Fazio angelof@kingstarpaving.com 905-842-5552 and 905-638-0926 A - - , . : : i c i X c o m -.i: GIANT INDOOR CONTENT SALE PRICED TO SELL Sat. May 13th 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 430 Barclay Cres. Oakville furniture, large and small appliances, antiques, artwork, electronics, baby clothing, books, games, toys, CDs, hand stitched quilts. Oakville Oakville FINAL Garage Sale Sat., May 13th 9 am - 12 pm 312 Robinson Street Bargains Galore! artwork, baskets, collectibles, Housewares + many more treasures. 1 S A IE I Sat. May 13 9 am - 2 p.m. 1582 Venetia Dr furniture, books, clothing, housewares. Something for everyone! W a s tv ia W · No deposit required · Pay upon completion · Guaranteed Asphalt Interlocking & Concrete Work Residential/ Commercial/ Industrial I In Memoriams GIANT ESTATE/ GARAGE SALE Sat, May 13th ~ 9 am - 2 pm 2160 Galena Crescent Upper Middle & 8th Line Quality ladies clothes & shoes, furniture, jewellery, luggage, pictures & frames, sporting & fitness equip., books, Christmas decorations, craft supplies, knick knacks... Oakville EARLY BOOKING SPECIAL A s k fo r V ince O: 905-333-8900 C: 416-989-5712 Email: vince@westviewpaving.com For ALL masonry jobs: Bricks, stones, chimneys, etc. Remove basement metal window frames & install bigger windows, no flashing. All jobs guaranteed. 35 years of experience. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 905- 842-0945 PEYO MASONRY Ltd. To book your classified ad call Olde Oakville Garage Sale Sat. May 13th 8 am-12 noon 339 & 344 Maple Ave (at Allan) ANNUAL SUPER SALE Antiques, Art, Furniture, Mid-Century, Fabrics, Assorted Bric a Brac Original Photography Sale Saturday, May 13 ~ 9 am - 4 pm 3384 Springflower Wa (Just off Burloak) Rain or Shine Most prints under $60. Various sizes and mounts. Mini photo sessions - $10 (10 minutes, max 3 people, 2 unedited digital images) Cash credit or debit GARAGE 905.632.4440 »BeaverJ .UMB Small jobs, plugged drain, faucet repairs, etc. Be it big or be it small, do it well or not at all. Lez (905) 271-1783. Bricklayer · · · · Ad submissions received by Phone: 905.632.4440 Email: classified@ metrolandwest.com For your convenience we accept VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERI CAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH OR CHEQUE. C h im n e y s P o rc h e s S id e w a lk s B lo c k a n d S to n e w o rk Free Est.~Licensed CALL ROB 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -8 9 4 3 MOVING & DELIVERIES Big or Small Moves Physical Help Also Donation Trips & Decluttering 20 Yrs Experience Sam's Oakville r Oakville Garage Sale Sat. May 13 8 am 233 Deane Avenue Custom jewelry watches, silver set furniture, kitchen accessories, linens tools, curtains Garage Sale community notices Announcements 25 Years Experience CALL or TEXT 905-633-6880 Sat. May 13 8 am - 2 pm 1654 Heritage W ay Decor fabric remnants and trims, decor items. Oakvfle Beaver IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring Carriers! i Announcements Need More Room? M. RILEY TREE CARE Tree Pruning & Removal, Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Stump Removal, Fully Insured. Senior Discounts Certified Arborist 9 0 5 -4 8 3 -2 9 3 0 LOST & FOUND (A a HI yourclassifieds.ca Beaver. a a Looking To Rent? Pick your city C all us to see if yo u r stre e t is a v a ila b le - it ju s t m ig h t be! L6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley a How To Make Your Washer Disappear... 3Easy Stepstfy The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. FIND your home C o n g ra tu la tio n s ! " % HOUSES · TOWNHOMES · DUPLEXES CONDOMINIUMS · APARTMENTS C n % , When placing a Double Notice (4.10" x 3. GRADUATION NOTICES BUY'SELL'RENT Check out the Classifieds/ 905- 632-4440 ^ ^ ^ M U O /IL L E Foun d S o m e th in g ? P lace yo u r " F o u n d " ad F R E E o f ch arge. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 Fax: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 em ail: clas sifed @ m e tro la n d w e s t.c o m Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! 1632-4440 email: classified^ metrolandwest.com gottarent.com Find a place to rent ** Call Circulation 905-631-6095 V ie B E r e r