w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, June 3 0 , 2 0 1 7 11 0 Heritage R em em ber "Connected to your Community " To all those who have gone before To all the people who have gone to war To the m en and women who fa ced death To those who will never draw breath To the m others and fathers whose children gave all To the husbands and wives whose m ate answered the call To the children who fa ced life on their own To everyone who talks to a nam e on a stone N o m edal o r ribbon can repay all that we owe The parade and applause are not enough and we know How do you thank som eone fo r everything you have and everything you are W ithout you, never could we have accom plished so m uch o r com e so fa r I want to say thankyou But no words are enough fo r what you went through T here is one prom ise that I can give O ne oath that I shall never break fo r as long as I live I will rem em ber that we owe all to you A person, a people that I never even knew I will rem em ber R. Stacey LaForm e, C hief, M ississaugas o f the New C redit First Nation A former ironworker, Chief LaForme is also a poet and Remember is one of his best-known works honouis Veterans. It was recently included in a time capsule at a ceremony held at the Bronte Veterans Garden. Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Elder Garry S ault performs during a ceremony a t Bronte Veter ans Garden celebrating Canada's 150th, St. Dominic School's 60th anniversary and acknowledging our Veterans as items, including a medicine pouch and the poem here were placed in a tim e capsule to be opened in 10 years. Inuit Elder Naulaq LeDrew lights the Qulliq (traditional oil lamp) a t the Oakville Community Foundation (OCF) AGM at the Oakville YMCA in June. For more on Truth and Recon ciliation events this year in Oakville, see story on p.12. V a c h o n In s u ra n c e G ro u p 2 0 0 -5 4 6 8 D u n d a s S t. W , T o ro n to , O N 1 -8 0 0 -7 6 6 -8 6 6 2 v a c h o n in s c e .c o m A uth entic M ontessori at its B est - F o r Ages 18 m o .-1 2 yrs. > An empowering curriculum that engages children > Individual focus to define your child's learning »Community atm osphere that makes students feel included and valued > Creative expression allows your child to explore their own interests and talents As in d ep en d en t insurance bro kers, w e have fre ed o m o f ch oice. S o should you. We'll present you with more options designed to better match your protection and budget needs. D o n 't settle fo r one q uo te from yo ur insuran ce ag ent. Let us help you g e t your m o n ey's w o rth . Get on free instant on-line quote at www.vachoninsce.com Call us after quote, as you may be missing discounts you deserve! ' R EG ISTER TO D A Y ! ' S p a c e i s l i m it e d fo r S e p te m b e r! I Buying? Selling? Re-financing? Call us for a quote at Jam eson Glas D. K evin H axell FAIRVIEW GLEN M ONTESSORI SCH O O L 905.634.0781 · f a i r v i e w g l e n . c o m 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -0 7 6 7 e x t. 2 2 2 /2 2 3 ZZ. - © Personal PkfeSS iMad Sefu V u cea t Crnpetitif e prates 1 2 7 6 C o rn w a ll R oad, U n it C, O a k v ille O n ta rio , L6J 7 W 5 T : 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 0 7 6 7 · F: 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -5 5 5 2 · w w w . h a x e l l l a w . c o m · l a w y e r s @ h a x e l l l a w . c o m