Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 29 Dec 2000, B10

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B10 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, December 29, 2000 Prudential Real Estate GLEN ABBEY B R O N TE HARBOUR EAST O A K V IL L E ! R EN TA L -ated home on a ravine. 3 bedrooms a. I year lease from M arch 1. IN L A W SU ITE $359,900 Fabulous home in F ( 1400 sq. ft. suite. 6 Irg bdrms, Immoculate. Call Mike to view. 2800 sq. ft. + cipal rooms. n 338-5550 IN PRESTIGIOUS GLEN ABBEY! $172,900 3 bdrm , 2 -1 /2 bath, small w ell kept com plex, spotless condition. Just move in, close to everything you need. DIT VORBECK 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 S T U N N IN G RAVINE/RIVI $329,900 'Exclusive listing' on 250 ft. deep lot < Spacious bungalcw w/bsmt W /0. Eat-in kitchen, sizes and more. Great opportunity!! JEFF PL M IL T O N & C O U N TR Y 8 44-2950 ahoi@sympatico.ca 1 s s i s ; a i m. I! uiet crescent. 3 /4 ' strip hrdwd cabinets & brdlm, ceramics. V A L U E PR ICED D E T A C H E D ! Consider this! For $ 2 0 3 ,9 0 0 Large treed lot, 3 bdrm bungalow , hrdw d firs, eat-in kitchen, a ll b rick e xt., newer furnace and A /C . A N N K IN G 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 NEARI $349,000 ceptkitche & spotless. FRANK BUBUC 338-6550 W A N T E D T O LEASE · · · · · · 5 b e d ro o m E x e c u tiv e H o m e A p p ro x . 4000 s q . ft. F in is h e d B a s e m e n t P riv a te la rg e lo t · P ool U p to $7,000 p e r m o n th F e b ru a ry 1 P le a s e c a ll P A T R IC IA H A R R IN G T O N O U R B U Y E R 'S D R E A M H O M E · 4 o r 5 B edroom E xecutive H om e · Finished Basem ent · R avine se ttin g p re fe rre d · C ul d e sac o r q u ie t c o u rt · P o o l/H o t tu b · E a rly s p rin g clo s in g · $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 L O C A T IO N A N D CURB APPEAL $239,900 W e ll m a in ta in e d . N e w ro o f, in te rio c k in g b ric k d riv e w a y . F in .b s m t. C O U R T S E TTIN G - GREENBELT $44 9 ,0 0 0 B eautifully m aintained & decorated, 3160 sq. ft. M attam y executive home. Hot tub & large deck A must see! ROWLEY LEWIS 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 L U X U R Y & C O N V E N IE N C E $124,900 Beautifully decorated, large den pli ter bdrm . Eat-in kitchen, spacious terrace! Den Budington MANUELA COELHO 331 1 /2 A C R E , PR IM E S O U T H E A S T $615,000 W ell m aintained. Fully finished basement. orden. Pool. IA N If y o u r home fills the above requirements p le a s e c a ll P A T R IC IA M ARG AR ET DYNE 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 halHord@ spectranet.ca H A R R IN G T O N O R JEFF P E A R C Y COM M ERCIAL CORPORATE CLIENTS W A N TE D ! $2750/m o. Exec, rental, 4 bdrms, huge kitchen M /F office. M /F fam. rm ., gardens out back w /pond, waterfall. Flex poss possibfe. CATHERINE HILL 338-6550 D O W N T O W N OAKVILLE $ 10 .0 0 /ft. Gross lease fo r 5000 sq. ft. on busy corner. Ideal fo r offices. Lots o f nature lig h t. PETER W. C O U N T R Y L IV IN G IN T O W N $209,900 Uniquely designed C alifornia style townhouse. Secluded ravine location. 3 bdrms, 2 -1 /2 bath. Private rooftop patio CAROL PEREY 8 4 4 -2 9 50 E A S T O A K V IL L E B E A U T Y FOR SALE OR RENT - PRICED RIGHT! TULLOCH 8 4 4 -2 9 5 0 realtor@ cgocable.net UPPER MIDDLE/ WALKER'S LINE $599,000 Goraeous bungalow on .46 acre lot. Hrdwd Iks, updated $229,900 W a lk to the lake from th is raised baths, kitchen & more. Grcular drive, located in area of $1miMion* b u n g a lo w on q u ie t street near the h arbour, homes PETER W. TULLOCH 844-2950 reahor@cgocable.net A lso fo r re nt. FABE FEDRIGO 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 B U Y ! ! DON'T RENT BEAUTIFUL END UNIT O N WIDE LOT! LARGE BUNGALOW O N OVERSIZED LOT BUY YOUR KIDS A SW1MMII $99,900 2 bdrms, 2 parking spots 4 appl air. Wth 5% awn your $212,900 Immaculate 3 bdrm. West Oak Trails. Fully hn. bsmt. Fenced Huge oak kitchen and DR addition w/island and pegged hrdwds, $349,000 Fabulous Fdgawood, montWyrast rs $1,022 49 ind. P .I.T. + condo fees @7.24% MIKE yard with l/lp a tic & hot tub. Spacious layout, shows like new! LRwith wood F P . Mature 75x150 lot. large rec room w/4lh bdrm. inground pod! luxury master bat MORETTI338-6550 mikemoreH@ius1phonehome.com JUDI BROKKlNG SCOTT 338-6550 jbrakking@hofne.cani Incredible value, 'w l not last!!' JEFF PEARCY 338-6550 MIS. For personal viewing call I F A M IL Y N E IG H B O U R H O O D $209,900 3 bdrm home. Eat-in kitchen, pie shaped k generous room sizes, western exposure! Call today. mfield@spectranet.com MARY-ANNE FIELD 338 O N E OF A KIND! $339,900 M in t c o n d itio n , s tu n n in g d e c o r, o p e n , s p a c io u s , b rig h t, fe n c e d 5 0 ft. lo t. V A L U E P R IC ED D E T A C H E D ! Consider this! For $203,900 Large treed lot, 3 bdrm bungalow, hrdwd nrs, eat-in kitchen, a ll brick ext., newer furnace and A /C . A N N KING 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 L O C A T IO N , L O C A T IO N !! $179,900 Popular River Oaks Icwnhome in fabulous condition. Ideal far entertamers - open concept bkhen/laRiily roomwih fireplace & goad size dining room Don ! waiH C a S WANE M/TTAA 338-6550 dbdflan0ooius W E S T M O U N T SUPER B U Y ! $319,900 This beautiful 4 bdrm home features: hrdwds, 9 ft. ce gourmet latchen cclifonMa shutters & deck. Quick ooss avaiabli C A T H E R IN E G A R A N T 3 3 8 - 6 5 5 0 FOR LEASE MARY-ANNE FEU) 338-6550 m M &pectn POLSKI PRZEDSTAWICIEL KUPNO I SPRZEDAZ NIERUCHOMOSCI Posiadam wieloletnia znajomosc Oakville Oferuje bezplatna wycene domu. ocene staanu technicznego. oraz porady zwiazane z przygotowaniem do sprzedazy. K O SC IK Tel: blur© 338-6550, dom 257-5972 email: bozennakoscik@hotmail.com b o i En n a S T U N N IN G UPSCALE H O M E - NORTH $414,900 O p e n co nce p t fa m ily ro o m / kitch e n , Two offices. W alk fNE 3 3 8 -6 5 5 0 u a l it y T h a t S ets U s A part . C a ll A P r u d e n t ia l P r o f e s s io n a l T o d a y ! JUDI BROKKlNG SCOTTm RO SS CESCON'm MANUELA COElHO'm GONCZ'm BOZENNA KOSaK-m PIlATZKE'm IR tor* RON TWISS'm DIT VORBECKV |M | McCOKMICXi ASSOC (T) TOWN CBJTO REALTY r · f

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