11 | Thursday July 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com SIU rules Halton officer used appropriate force to effect arrest by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff D o es y o u r fin a n c ia l a d v is o r k n o w y o u r life goals? Marc Nutford F in a n c ia l A d v is o r 2387T rafalgar Road Unit E2 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 9 0 5 -8 2 2 -2 0 2 3 Ontario' s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) has decided not to lay charges against a Halton police officer in connection with injuries received by a 35-year-old man outside an Oakville restaurant on March 5, 2016. In a report released today (July 18) SIU Director Tony Loparco noted that on March 5, 2016 police were called to Marlborough Court' s Lourice Mediterranean restaurant at 2:15 a.m., after receiving reports of a disturbance. Officers reported finding a man in the restaurant' s parking lot w ho appeared to be unsteady on his feet and intoxicated. They said despite being told to calm down the individual aggressively moved towards them. According to a civilian witness, the individual allegedly shouted that he was a soldier and was going to kill everyone in the restaurant. W hen officers attempted to arrest the man for public intoxication they said he resisted arrest. As the struggle continued one officer delivered, what the report refers to as three "palm heel strikes" to the man' s face. The individual was also taken to the ground at one point. The man was released from police custody at 8:30 a.m. the same day and w ent to a hospital where he was diagnosed with a broken nose. The SIU assigned three investigators to this case and during the course of their investigation interviewed four civilian witnesses and five officer witnesses. Loparco noted the amount of force used by the officer was justified given the situation. "I am satisfied the complainant was loudly and actively resisting his arrest by police and, as such, was taken to the ground in order for the officers to gain control and to handcuff him and later, two to three palm heel strikes were delivered to his face w hen he refused to cooperate in a search and was spitting on officers," said Loparco in his report. "I find that the degree of force with which the complainant was taken to the ground and the delivery of the palm heel strikes to his face fell w ithin the range of what was reasonably necessary in the circumstances to effect his lawful detention." The SIU is an arm' s -length agency that investigates reports involving police where there has been death, serious injury or allegations of sexual assault. w w w .e d w a r d jo n e s .c o m /m a r c - n u t f o rd Mem ber - Canadian Investor Protection Fund E d w a rd jo n e s M A K IN G SEN S E OF IN V E S TIN G OPEN TUESDAYTO SUNDAY 7 A M -3 PM Other Sides Available Offer ends A u g u st3 1 ,2017 2501 Prince M ich a e l D rive, O a kville Off Dundas St. (#5 Hwy) between Meadowridge Dr. & Eighth Line - Shoppes on Dundas Plaza 9 0 5 .2 5 7 .5 1 2 6 · www.sunnysidegrill.com I was eatin g th e sam e things day a fte r day. Now I have more than 150 choices... and delivery is free! Get delicious, frozen m eals, soups and desserts delivered d ire c tly to your home. Made for Seniors R equest y o u r FR E E M enu C atalo g u e Today! 1 -8 4 4 -4 0 9 -0 0 5 0 H eartToH om eM eals.ca Live Balanced - Live Better at the Queens Avenue Retirement Residence Experience a retirement com m unity where tradition m eets charm! Designed to promote the perfect life balance. C om e view our new m odel suite and explore what the Queens Avenue Retirem ent com m unity has to offer. C a ll 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -0 8 6 2 o r e m a il in fo @ q u e e n s a v e n u e re tire m e n t.c o m to b o o k a v is it. Queens Avenue Free D elivery*. No Obligation. Delicious Choices. * s o m e c o n d itio n s m a y a p p ly . HEART T O HOME MEALS Q u een s A v e n u e R e tir e m e n t R esid en ce 1 0 5 6 Q u een s A v e n u e O a kville, O n ta rio L 6 H 6 R 3 w w w . q u e e n sa v e n u e re tire m e n t. com DELICIOUS MEALS M A D E FOR SEN IO RS' Retirement Residence