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Oakville Beaver, 21 Dec 1999, A4

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Tuesday December 21, 1999 * Halton trustees re-elect chair JUBILEE 2000 T h e R o m a n C a t h o lic P a r is h e s o f O a k v ille in v ite y o u to jo in u s f o r o u r c e le b r a tio n o f th e b ir th o f J e s u s C h r is t a n d th e b e g in n in g o f th e y e a r o f th e G r e a t J u b ile e . Ethel Gardiner takes on third term By Dennis Smith SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER T tttt IN V IT E DT OT H EF E A S T ST. DOMINIC 2415 Rebecca Street ST. JAMES 231 Morden Road ST. MICHAEL 181 Sewell Drive ST. MATTHEW 1150 Monks Passage MARY MOTHER OF GOD St. Marguerite School 1359 Bayshire Road O Cfl-rO O CHRISTMAS EUCHARIST Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christinas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day For other schedules, call St. Andrew Parish 844-3303; St. Joseph Parish (Portuguese) 825-2043: St. Anthony Parish (Polish) 845-6067; Holy Trinity Parish (Croatian) 842-2386. Trustees have opted for con tinuity at the Halton District School Board, choosing Ethel Gardiner as chair for a third straight term. Gardiner defeated Burlington trustee Sheila Flook by an undisclosed margin. Last year the Halton Hills trustee also defeated Flook, but only when a lot was drawn after a tie vote. In the vice-chair contest between two Burlington trustees, Michael Ellis was elected over David Abbott. Milton trustee Erica Andrew said Gardiner provided excel lent leadership during her two previous years as chair. "Her leadership skills have been honed and sharpened dur ing the past year," said Andrew. "She has employed optimism, knowledge of regulations, polit ical innovations, resiliency, and gentle humour. She also pos sesses excellent conflict resolu tion skills." Andrew said Gardiner's speech to the recent Mission 2000 strategic planning confer ence demonstrated her ability to influence, communicate, build bonds and act as a catalyst for change. "In her speech she highlight ed the value of every single employee group in this board," said Andrew, who added the speech evoked trust. In her election speech, Gardiner said she values public education and wants to protect and improve it. "We want to focus on contin ued improvement, innovation and success," she said, adding that providing proactive career goals for students is also impor tant. She's also hopeful the board will adopt a mission statement of guiding principles through the strategic plan currently being formulated. Gardiner said she will invest energy and commitment to resolve issues. "We've made gains to restore trust and the momentum must not slow down or at the very worst, stop," she said. In nominating Flook, Oakville trustee Lynn Roberts described her as "helpful, approachable, thoughtful and respectful of the opinions of others." She said Flook is an excel lent listener who's always ready to hear and consider opposing viewpoints. "Her bottom line concern has always been `Is it fair and is it good for the kids,?' " Roberts noted. She said the board should support and develop members who want to take on leadership roles. "In the end, we will become a better board for allow ing each person to grow." Flook suggested trustees choose change over continuity when voting for chair. "As individual trustees, we each bring something unique to this board table," she said. "Each one of us has our own strengths and by rotating the chair the board is then allowed to grow by the sharing of these different strengths." Flook said she has strength, leadership skills and time for the job and would treat all trustees equally and with respect. She also promised to provide board meeting information in a timely matter with no lastminute items unless they were critical. "If something must be added to the agenda at the last minute, you'll receive a phone call," she said. "Then at least you're not walking into the unknown, which I believe we have done more times than we've should have in the past." Both candidates for chair are entering their sixth year as trustees. o rstyip firectorp B A P TIS T CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-4157 I'KEM SYTEKI AN TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 354 U pper M iddle Rd. at Trafalgar (Enter from Trafalgar to W hite O aks Blvd. E,, N. on Litchfield) Rev. F erae Reeve tP Region upgrades web site In September 1999, Halton R e g i o n announced three new web-based services. Wherels RepLocator and Halton Career O p p o rtu n itie s available from http://www.regio n.halton.on.ca. These services, and many others, can now be accessed more quickly, thanks to upgrades to Halton's web infrastructure. The Halton community latched onto internet technolo gy ahead of many other communi ties. In 1997,47% of Halton busi nesses had inter net connections and it is projected that by 2000, 75% of Halton businesses will be online. Compare that to the overall statistics for Ontario 32.2% in 1997 and a pro jected 70.0% in 2000 (GD Sourcing.com), it is not surprising that Halton Region's website, online since 1995, receives on average, 600 user visits per day! "With more services and more visits, it was time to upgrade our 1995 technolo gy," said Ralph Blauel, advanced technology spe cialist, Halton Region. "But we needed to balance the cost of highend computing with cost-effec tive solutions." That's where p a rtn e rs h ip s make a differ ence. Halton Region networks with local munic ipalities, the Halton District School Board, and Halton libraries to form HITC (Halton In fo rm a tio n T e c h n o lo g y Committee). The combined knowl edge and experi ence of this group allowed Halton Region to upgrade their infrastructure at a s ig n ific a n tly lower rate than the public sector offered. UNITED AM S T .J O H N 'S U N IT E D C H U R C H Dunn S t & Church S t 905-845-0551 Dec. 24 - 7:00 p.m . Fam ily Service Presentation by the Music Drama Group 10:30 p.m . Traditional Com m union Sermon by Rev. Jim McKnighl Dec. 26 - Intergenerational Service New Year's Eve, 7:p.m . Service Sunday School - Nursery - Creche Rev. Jim McKnight - Minister Elaine Morris - Minister Brian L. Turnbull - Dir, o f Music_________ ANGLICAN CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 141 Bronte Road ANGLICAN ST. JUDES ANGLICAN CHURCH Downtown - C orner of Thom as and William Streets. 844-3972 or visit our website at w w w .ta p .n e t/-stju d e s/ 842-2800 Christmas Eve Service December 26 5KX) pjn. Young Children's Service 7 K)0 pjn. Family Service 11 K M ) pjn. Christinas Eve Carol Service Sunday, December 26 Sermon:"Dave Cooks The Hirkey" An Intergenerational Service Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Praise and Worship Service Message: 827-2546 Friday, December 24 Christmas Eve 4:30 p.m. Family Eucharist Blessing of the Crib 7:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist 10:30 p.m. Midnight Eucharist Christmas Eve - December 24 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. A Children's Christmas Liturgy A Family Eucharist A Traditional Christmas Eucharist Solemn Midnight Christmas Eucharist PENTECO STAL COMMUNmr CHURCH THIS SUNDAY 10:00 AM Worship Celebration 6:30 AM Choir Presentation "More than A Story" Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 6:30 p.m. 6 Sunday, December 26 (Boxing Day) Worship Celebration af 10:00 a.m. 2 4 3 5 M u n n 's A ve E. Lit Sixth l int*. N t>i l J|>jKi' M iddle Kd.) "Behold, 1 Make All Things New" Pastor Lambert Baptist Concurrent Children's Program & Nursery Care Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, December 25 Christmas Day 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist December 24th at 7:00 pan. Christmas Eve Service TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 1250 McCraney St E. 845-3152 (1 block W. of Trafalgar) www.trinity unitedcotn ReverendAndrew King Directorof Muae Cade Falconer Sunday, December 26 Christmas 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Childrens Programme Christmas Day - December 25 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Christmas Day Eucharist F A IT H B A P T I S T CHURCH 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 842-0938 7 K)0 pan. Christmas Eve Family Worship 11 K M ) pjn. Candlelight Communion Service Sunday, December 26 10KM) ajn. Sunday Morning Worship Support, Self-Help Group for Bereavement Available Sunday School. Nursery Care. Youth Devotions ST. LUKE'S PALERMO Hwy. No. 5, West of No. 25 825-3364 Sunday - December 26 11:00 p.m. Morning Prayer C h r is tm a s E v e C a n d le lig h t S e r v ic e Friday, December 24 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Sunday, December 26 11:00 a.m. "He is Master of Time" -11 C orinthians 6:2 6:30 p.m. "Student Night at Christmas" I'llESISYTEIlI AN KNOX wnfown O akville 844-3472 Rev. H arry M cW illiams (9 0 5) 2 5 7 -3 8 6 4 Sunday Service Holy Eucharist C hurch School 10:30 a.m. Rev. Linda Corry -A ffiliatedw iththe P entecostalA ssem blies ofC anada- lore Kd. atpunn ! All Welcome December 24 M APLE GROVE U N IT E D C H U R C H 346 Maple Grove Dr. Oakville 845-5721 Pastor Gordon H. Phillips Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes Pastor Michael Fletcher Music Director Dan Hynek "WHERE THE SPIRIT SOARS AND THE HEART FINDS A HOME" December 24 CHARTW ELL 6:30 p.m. Service recom m endedfor B A P T IS T C H U R C H fam ilies w ithyoungchildren 228 Chartwell Road 844-2801 7:45 p.m. C arol Sing "P eople Who Care " 8:00 p.m. Fam ily Service Join us as we 10:30 p.m. C andlelight Com m union CELEBRATE THE REAL December 26 MEANING OF CHRISTMAS A D V E N T S E R V IC E S 9:00 & 11:00 a jn at 228 Chartwell Road 10:00 a jn at Oakville Trafalgar High School Christmas Eve Services Friday, December 24 5:00 & 7 K M ) p jn at Oakville Trafalgar High School A service for children and adults incotporaling drama, music, and Christmas carols! L S T . S I M O N 'S P * A N G L IC A N CHURCH 1450 Litchfield Rd. 845-8351 Rev. Michael Patterson Nativity Pageant by the children from the Church School Traditional Christmas Eve Worship December 25 7:00 pjn. Family Christmas Eve Worship 11:00 pjn. Oakville Christian Centre 146 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Christmas Eve Service Fri. December 24,7:30pjn. New Year's Eve Service Fri. December 31,8:30 pjn. Special Miracle Healing Service with Rev. Jamed Ali on Sunday Evening at 6:00 p.m. For mote information call (905) 842-8211 (Go 4 lU I Tbe \W *i M in rtia PCA) To .C.C. > M M " M 'T V . «-- -- Friday, D ecem b er 24 4:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist Family Service 8:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist 11:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist 10:30 ajn. Family Christmas Day Worship December 26 10:30 ajn. Worship "Looking towards the new Millennium" Church School Nursery provided We p ro vide support <& c a rin g in times o f need through Stephen M inistries. Weekly Small Groups f o r Youths A Adults B R E T H R E N I\ C H R IST C Saturday, D ecem b er 25 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist R ev. M orar M urray-H ayes 2489L akeshore R d. W . 827-1643 C ornerof B ronte &L akeshore R ds. w w w .w altonm em oriaJ.com Walton Welcomes You this Holiday Season Christmas Eve, December 24 5:00 p jn . Story tellers Service F o r the young & young a t heart O ne Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday, D ecem b er 26 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist W A L T O N U N IT E D Saturday, Jan u ary 1st 10:30 a.m. Millennium Service invites you to come join us at "a church for people who aren 7 into church! " Everyone W elcom e ST. AIDAN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 318 Queen Mary Dr. (comer of Stewart St.) 11:00 p jn at 228 Chartwell Road Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service UNITED ST. PAUL'S UNITED 454 Rebecca S t 845-3427 7:00 p jn . Family Service 8:30 p jn . Family Service 11:00 p jn . Candlelight Com munion Service HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 845-6111 4:00 p.m. The Reverend M a m i Nancekivell, Rector Boxing Day, Sunday Dec. 26 9:30 a jn . Larger Family Service Junior Congregation & Nursery Church 11:00 a jn . Traditional Service Message: What's in the Box?. Rev. Gill December 24 C hildrens Presentation Eucharist for the young & young at heart 11:00 p.m. Midnight Eucharist Dec. 24 11:00 p.m. INVITES Y O U TO SUNDAY WORSHIP Christmas Eve Family Service 7:00 p.m. Nursery Communion 11:00 p.m. Dec. 26th. Morning Worship 10:15 a.m. Nursery Minister: Rev. Paul Crittenden C.D. Associate: Allison Playfair Dir. Music -Michal Rozycki December 25 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist All A ges W elcome Check out our website: www.waltonmemorial.com MUNN'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 257-8434 ST. C U T H B E R T 'S A N G L IC A N C H U R C H 1541 Oakhill Dr., Oakville (905) 844-9430 4- 156 Third Line, Oakville 827-3851 Minister: The Rev. Peter D. Ruddell The Rev. Susan Sheridan December 24-7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Family Service & Carol Sing. December 26-10:30 a.m. Intergenerational Service & Carol Sing ALL WELCOME 9 :00 & 11:00 a.m . S u n d ay S erv ices P astor B ru x y C avey Christmas Eve 6:30 & 8:00 pjn. Services Sun. December 26 9:00 & 11:00 ajn. Services Iroquois Ridge High School 1123 Glenashton Dr. at Eighth Line, Oakville Weekly small groups for Youth and Adults For more information call UOCC's Church Office 827-3266 or visit us at www.upperoaks.org Nursery Facilities Children & Youth Programs Church School · Nursery Provided SALVATION ARMY THE SALVATION ARMY " A Church in Your Community" 1225 Rebecca St. (betw een 3rd & 4th L in e s) 827-5324 R ay.Braddock@ sallynet.org KNOX PRESBYTERIAN SIXTEEN Lions Valley Park Rd. & Hwy. 5 257-2770 PALERMO UNITED CHURCH 2521 Dundas St W. Oakville ( near Bronte Rd.) Christmas Eve 4:30 p.m. For younger children Action songs & Stories Children's Musical Family Worship Cards & Candlelight Communion Christmas Brunch & Carol Sing All Things New Sunday School & Nuisery Provided Friday, December 24th ~ Christmas Eve 4:30 pjn. Family Eucharist (A service designed withfamilies & small children in mind) 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 827-0530 Rev. Karen Inkster 7:30 pm Family Eucharist (A service designed withfamilies & older children in rnind) CHRISTMAS AT THE SALVATION ARMY Open Your Hearts <£ Doors to Divine Encounters Friday, December 24th - 6:30 pjn. Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service Sunday, December 26th -11:00 ajn. "Boxing" Day Worship Service A Time of Gratitude and Thanks "The Gift That Always Fits' N o Sunday School December 26th o r January 2nd C h r is t m a s E v e 1 0:00 p .m . C o m m u n io n S e r v ic e ALL WELCOME 10:30 p.m. 11K )0pjn. Traditional Choral Eucharist (Pre-service Christmas Card sing at 10:30p m ) Sunday, Dec. 26 January 2 Saturday, December 25th - Christmas Day 1 0 K M ) ajn. Traditional Holy Eucharist Christmas Eve 7:30 p.m. Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship The Little Church With The Big Welcome

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