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Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 1999, p. 43

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Friday, December 10, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 43 A high technology repair company in Oakville requires the following fulltime: I r u U a r io 'c # 7 P ix x ^ j RECEPTIONIST MECHANICAL Energetic individual wilh A/P experience, strong customer service& personal computer experience required. Please fax your resume: BRANCH A D M IN IS T R A T O R Required immediately. This qualified person will have tremendous organizational skills, superb people skills, good working knowledge of Office 97 and Instant Oder. Preferr 2 years background m Real Estate or as Legal Secretary and possess a good sense ol humour to work in this extremely busy office. Please fax your resume to Kim Whiteman DRIVER/JANITOR & JR. PURCHASING PARTS PULLER W e offer a wage of $9.00/hr to start with a good benefit package. Individuals meeting our requirements and w h o w ish to join a p ro g re s s iv e and g ro w in g c o m p a n y s h o u ld F A X their resumes to: (905) 825-2009 Is serving up a big slice of opportunity for enthusiastic and friendly people w ho are ready to dig in! Right now, we have immediate openings in our corporate stores for: ENGINEER Burlington Leading International Manufacturer of custom made extrusion blowmolded plastic bottle products has a progressive opportunity tor a Maintenance Engineer to assume full managerial responsibility for all manufacturing equipment and support systems. Excellent salary/benefits program and opportunity for advancement. Fax confidential resume S t o r e M a n a g e r s , C o o k s , C o u n t e r H e lp a n d C o n t r a c t D e liv e r y D r iv e r s If you are bright, courteous and looking for a job you can sink your teeth into, w e want to m eet you! Fast food experience would be an asset. W e offer excellent w ages, flexible day, evening and weekend shifts, paid training and benefits for full time employees. Non-sm okers only please. S end your resum e to our Jo b Centre at 570 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario M 4 Y 2H9, fax (416) 967-3566, phone: 1-8 00-26 5-9762 , or email: h lre _ m e @ p iz z a p iz z a .c a Naylor Group Inc. Please be specific as to which jo b you are applying 905-338-8369 Attn: P. Lowes · EN TR Y Level Collection Opportunities for assertive ind ivid ua ls. C a n d id a te s must possess exceptional communication skills, are highly motivated with ability to achieve targets. Qualified candid ates m ust hold O.S .S .D . post- secondary education. Competitive sal ary/ bon use s. W ill train. Fre nch an asset. Fa x : (905)403-1617 ~ __________ S T U D E N T loans National firm seeks professional, ex perienced student loan col lector. Fast paced, growing office in B urlin gto n. Exce llen t rem un era tion . for junior's postion. Call Mr. Callahan 905-639-6990. 905 - 637-3781 B ILIN G U A L Data Entry/ Of fice Support position avail able immeidately in small West Oakville office. Must be a self-starter and a team player. Please fax resume to: (905)-825-6479_________ T R A V E L C o u n s e llo r for downtown Oakville agency. 844-4324 VOLVO OF OAKVILLE Requires AUTO DETAILER Fax resume or apply in person C A L L from home. Ea sy calling for old clothing on behalf of a registered chari ty. Minimum 6 months ex perience. Fax resume to: (905) 385-1360 or mail to 501 Concession St. Hamil ton. Ont L9A 1C1 A T T N : Cindy B ER R Y L A N C A S T E R P izza P izza is proud to respond to all applicants F a x : (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 -8 8 0 2 Cribs 'N More, Your Baby Superstore Is expanding in Burlington & Ancaster to: (905)335-0357. PARMIME TELEMARKETING | C^Cbudleigh j PR O D U C TIO N TEAM Chudleigti's is a fam ily operated production bakery that has been providing fam ilies with as entertaining taste of th e c o u n try fo r g e n e ra tio n s . W e h a v e im m e d ia te positions available in our Milton plant. We are looking for conscientious and thoughtful team members who enjoy working in a steady environment with others who share the sam e de sire fo r producing a qu ality product and feeling that craftsman's sense of pride in what they do. O u r s te p by s te p tra in in g w ill p re p a re y o u fo r the technical and m echanical know ledge you w ill need to becom e a team le a d e r in a sp e cia lize d area o f ou r operation. We provide a great work environment, job stability, regular feedback on your performance and the opportunity to be a part of a rapidly growing company. If you would like to be a pari of our success please send your resume to: Human Resources, Chudleigh's By fax: 905-878-6979 By mail or drop off: 624 McGeachie Drive, Milton, Ontario L9T3Y5 We appreciate all candidates interest, however only those selected tor an interview will be contacted Previous applicants need not apply H E L P wanted for Hunter/ Jum per show stable. Must have exp erie nce and be w illing to trave l. N o n sm o ker, full-tim e. Accommodation available. Call (905)466-4421_________ B U S Y sew ing shop re quires full-time or part-time sew er. S o m e industrial m achine experience p re ferable. Please call (905)__________ 878-8885 M ICR O FILM Service. Oak ville co m p a n y requires general labour. $7.75/hr. plus benefits. Fax resume/ letter to: (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -1 3 3 8 ; Call (905)825-1166 CASH IER / Sales for ladies clothing boutique. Experi enced only. Apply Dande lions & Roses, 2387 Trafal gar R d ., (L o b la w s M all), Oakville (905)257-7182 H A N D Y M A N , experienced for new home construction site in O a kville . Construction labourer also req u ire d. C a ll Norm or D ia n e (9 0 5 )2 5 7 -7 4 8 1 or (416)605-5248__________ D R IV E R S and Inspectors required for Toronto Auto A u ctio n s. P h one Jo h n Parm, (905)875-2910 ext. 248 or fax resum e to: (905)875-3219_____________ G E N E R A L La bo ure rs & W elders wanted. Apply in person: C W C . 3040 New Street, Burlington, (E . of Guelph Line) U N IQ U E Caregiver for 20-yr old male, private home, 20 hrs/wk. Own transportation. Near Q E W , Stoney Creek. (905)662-1351____________ JA N ITO R IA L Contractor re quires part-time Cleaners for evening and weekend work in Campbleville. Call Frank: 905-371-2032 D ELIV E R Y / Shipping help required. Call Larry 905336-1296, Shipway Stairs, 1795 Ironstone D r., B u r lington_____________________ S E C U R I T Y officers re quired immediately for Bur lington and Oakville. Good rate, ve h icle an asset. Please call 905-525-5554. SHIPPER/ Receiver Assis tant for metal stam ping company. Fork lift license required. Fax resum e: (905)823-5171.____________ S E A R S Clean Air Services has open ing s for appointment bookers, full time positions. H r. wage plus b onus. B urlington location. 905-681-8103 | telemarketers U L TR A M A T IC requires ap pointment setters Monday to Friday. 5pm-10pm. $9/hr + b onus. Leads/training provided. Call Mrs. Young 333-1737 after 1pm. T E L E M A R K E T E R needed part-time. Oakville. Flexible days & hours. Call Angie or Ivan , (9 0 5 )8 4 7 -7 7 7 6 . Ext.221; 1-800-567-2276 Experienced Retail Managers For Oakville, Burlington & Ancaster | office clerical B A flflA II P O S IT IO N AVAILABI Selling lo the Burlington, Oakville, Milton and/or West Mississauga markets Monday lo Friday. The position Involves telephone selling lo r Community A ll A II ADI Experienced Sales Staff Immediate openings in Oakville W arehouse Staff Immedfiate. Must have good driving record TAKE THAT FIRST STEP TO AN EXCITING CAREER IN RETAIL TODAY If you're outgoing, enthusiastic and share our commitment to customer service, we'd like to have you on our team! Opportunities now available at our Burlington Store Service, Special Features and Job Print Sales. Must he doth an organized and flexible Individual who lakes direction well. Fax application to: (905) 829-2326 There may be some moderate travel Involredplcklng up copy, etc. Hourly wage plus commission, appros. 21 hr. weekly. Drop resume to: · ASSISTANT STORE MANAGERS We offer you training, competitive wages, excellent benefits, a friendly and supportive environment and opportunities for career advancement. RELIEF SUPERINTENDENT Required for luxury lakeside highrise condo near Appleby Line. Experience preferred. Please fax resume to: B . W H I T I N G 5 4 7 -5 0 8 0 JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM! Please apply in person at The Shopping News 11 5 8 South Service Rd. W . O akville, O nt., L6L 517 F a x :'*" '8 2 7 -9 9 5 0 Attention: G eneral Director 632 Plains Road E.@ King Rd. While we thank everyone for their interest, only those being considered will be contacted No phone calls please. SEARS CLEAN AIR SERVICES has openings for ESTM/CLOSURS We otter: Full-time positions Qualified leads opportunity for advancement Training Support $3,000 to $4,000 monthly Your requirements: Car a must, direct sales. An asset, positive attitude willing to learn call between 9am-2pm, 6pm-8pm A s k for N ick o r G e rry 1-905-681-8103 Corporate Accounts Administrator Excellent Fortune 500 Oakville client requires a Cor porate Accounts Administrator in their Sales & Mar keting department to set up new customers on the database, manage the rebate system, produce sales reports and summaries. Ideal candidate must pos sess 1-2 years experience in a similar role preferably in a M arketing or Sales environm ent, and be proficient in MSOffice, French would be an asset. $35-$37K. Actively supporting employment equity G EN ER A L LICENSED TECHNICIAN A convenient Place to Work- Flexible hours We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join our expanding service team. GM experience preferred. We offer competitive compensation package. Fax resumes to (905) 87 8 -0 9 6 0 o r call th e S e rv ic e M a n a g e r @ (905) 878-2355 Toll F re e 1-888-878-2354 A tte n tio n D av e F r a s e r S e rv ic e M a n g e r d C h u d le i g h 's ADM IN ISTR A TIV E A S S IS T A N T F U LL TIM E Are you: ·A specialist in your field? · A conscientious, office technology expert that takes pride in getting the job done correctly and on time? · Serious about looking after the details, while accommodating the needs of your team and your customers? Ideally, you'll have: · E xperien ce and training in office productivity technology: Microsoft Office (W o rd , E xce l, P ow erP oint, O utlook Express), Windows95/98, Internet/E-mail, web page design and desk top publishing applications (such as Adobe/Q uark Express) · Strong organizational skills, preferably gained from minimum 2 years experience as an adm inistrative assistant in a sales/marketing environment · Knowledge of Norstar telephone and voice mail system · Experience in general office duties, such as reception and filing If this sounds like you, then we can provide you with an opportunity to work in a fast paced environment where you'll be rewarded for your ability to perform a variety of office tasks and look after the needs of a young and dynamic management team. Fax your resume and salary expectations to us by Tuesday, December 14. In return, we'd like to tell you more about our commitment to giving you the support you need to stay on top of your field of expertise, as you bring our office into the 21st century. Thank you for your interest. We will contact you if you are selected for an interview. Fax: Human Resources (905) 878-6979 Join Our Uniglobe Travel Team Payroll Administrator Large Burlington company requires a Payroll Admin istrator to provide payroll tor 275 employees on the ADP system this position also involves benefits ad ministration and WSIB claims co-ordination. The ideal candidate must possess min. 2 years experience in a s im ila r role and 2nd level CPA would be preferred. $35K. Senior P/T Vacation Consultant w ith Sabre experience. Please fax resum e to: or mail to: U n ig lo b e G len A b b ey T ravel 2441 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakville L6L 5V5 Attn: Karen (9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -7 2 8 5 Please fax Catherine at (905)-276-3836 M a np ow er P rofessional Placem ent D iv isio n catherine.colclough@na.manpower.com S A L E S P O S IT IO N S ·H ave you been out o f the work force lo r a lew years, raising a fam ily ? · Do you enjoy home decorating & helping people? · Are you looking lo r a career that is challenging & rewarding? If so, we may have the perfect job for you! · We are a successful chain ol furniture & gilt boutiques located in Ontario. · We need you to work 15-20 hrs. per week during evening & weekend periods. · We will provide you with extensive training, including a full tour of our factory. To join our team, apply in person, wilh a resume: [OJjU JJ v SJ 409 Main Street East, Milton L 9 T 1P7 D U E T O E X P A N S IO N , B U D D S ' BM W R E Q U IR E S A F U L L -TIM E Class "A" Technician European car experience an asset. Excel lent benefit package. Forward resume: D E N T A L A ssistant- F u lltim e - req u ire d for busy O akville office. M ust be flexible, som e eve nin gs, S a tu rd a ys and d aytim e. H A R P certified. F a x re sume (905)-842-0128 New grads welcome!____________ C E R T IF IE D Dental Assis tant position a va ilab le . T e a m orie nte d p ra ctice. C o m p u te r know ledge an asset. P le a se call (905)257-4910____________ D E N T A L A ssistan t for quality, modem North Oak ville office. H ARP Certified. Expe rt com m unication/ good computer skills. Call 905-257-3368 (msg) R P N & R N req u ire d for busy S p e cia list's office. Oakville. Part/ fulltime. Fax resum e after 6pm : (905)842-3625 W IL LIA M S Coffee Pub re q uires fu ll-tim e kitchen staff. Som e experience a benefit but not required. Ap ply in person to: 2070 A p p le b y L in e (M illcroft S h o p p in g C e n tre ) or fax resume to 319-0967 Attention: Andy Trojner BU D D S' BMW 2400 South Service Rd. W Oakville, Ont. L6L 5M 9 No phone calls please PRESCHOOL POSITIONS · Fulltim e Qualified Nursery School Teacher · Crate D esigns L td . M echanics Required for Oakville based transporta tion company. 2nd yr. apprentice with class 8 diesel exp. and own tools. $15 per hour + benefits to start. C a ll Peter Y u rg e n , weekdays before noon Part-tim e APPLY: 162 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville, ON L6J1H4 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FULL TIME: French Teacher Brant Children's Centre 3180 New St. Burlington L7N 1M 8 Tel: (905) 634-5518 LOT PERSON Must be experienced in car preparation. 905-339-1600 A U T O D E T A IL E R Must be experienced with paint buffing/ polishing and automobile preparation. Only neat, punctual, self-motivated people need apply. DELIVER RESUME TO: A H R has long term posi tions in the following trades: Screen Printer with 4 -co lour pro ce ssin g, 2 years experience; Fitter/ Welders; Press Operators; Conven tional Machinists. Please apply: 850 Legion Rd., #8. Burlington. (905)631-9920 A U T O M O T IV E detailer re quired. Salary commensu rate with experience. Call or fax resume: Attn: Joe, Superior Rustproofing, 905847 -33 33 Fa x : 9 05 -84 78954 · * ». V ."» u 0%. I h LAW CLERK OR LEGAL SECRETARY Lawyer in Oakville with general law practice requires experienced Law Clerk or Legal Secretary to work full/ part-time primarily in real estate, but also in other areas. Must be self starter & able to work Independently. Knowledge of computers & pro grams Including Real Estate Conveyancer, Teranet, P C. Law Jr., and W.P. 6.1 would be a definite asset. E X P E R IE N C E D wait staff required immediately. Per manent part-time positions at intimate lunch and dinner restau ra n t. Lo ca ted at comer of Guelph Line/ New St. Deliver resume in per son: Roseland Cafe, 3029 N ew St., Burlington________ E X P E R IE N C E a must- Line C o o k s - Fu ll-tim e . Ap ply with resum e- W inchester Arms, 450 Appleby Line (at New), Burlington, fax Attn: Michelle 634-2778_________ ES K IM O Joe's Sports Bar, O a kville . All p ositions & shifts available immediate ly. Fa x resum e to: (905)845-6054 550 555 domestic help wanted H O U S E K E E P E R required 2 days per week. East Oak ville. Please call (9 05 )3 39 0700 domestic help avanaoie Andy Trojner BUDDS1BM W 24 0 0 South Service Rd. W Oakville, Ontario L6L 5M 9 The only site you 'l l v - ^ need to find everything in Helton Please fax your letter and resume ia strict confidence to 005-827-6111 ------------------------------------ t---------------------------------------- -- E X P E R IE N C E D dean hard w orking Euro pe an ladies available for cleaning your home, office, restaurant the way you would like it done! V e ry rea so na ble rates. 639-7175. -

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