Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday July 16, 2000 Region gives nod to study on Halton water quality By Irene Gentle SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER A bid to launch prelim inary design work aimed at im proving H alton's lake-based water system was given the nod at £ o q c £ C T > O W ednesday's regional council meeting. Staff are proposing a $29 m illion project to retrofit Halton water plants in order to inject ozone into the system. That would thoroughly M AINTENANCE - FREE disinfect the water while blasting out taste and odour problems caused by increased algae produc tion in Lake Ontario. If approved at budget time, the project would likely add about $30 to the average annual water bill. Many councillors, including Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, believed the public could be sold on higher costs to have clear er, better-tasting water. "I can tell you unequiv ocally, people want some thing done about the taste and odour of their water," she said. "I have no hesi tation in saying the public are expecting us to do something. People are just saying `will you get on with it.'" But Halton chair Joyce Savoline wanted to clarify that the current water is safe. "I think it's important to say that our water is among the safest in Canada," she said. Milton Councillor Rick M alboeuf wondered if treating well water was in the cards. Currently, soil acts as a filtering agent for well water, said H alton's Planning D irector Pat Murphy. But staff assured north Halton politicians that their system would be considered for ozone treatment in the future. Details of program coming later (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 1) residents and commuters of Halton and Peel," said OPP Superintendent Jay C Hope. This week's activities represent the fifth phase of Focus 2000, a series of community based traffic initiatives unveiled by the OPP in March which will continue through October. The Oakville Beaver will have full coverage in Wednesday's edition of Monday's OPP media conference on Focus 2000. STOP -- W EEDS and g e t rid of the law nm ow er. IN S TA L L a S ynth etic Golf Green or syn th e tic tu rf, (not grass) Commercial or Residential Properties PUTTING GREENS as low as $2,900.00 Call for your free estimate 1-877-PRO-PUTT S J -J -.T V iH 1 Accredited Test A Repair Facility l i B f f l 5 M E X H A U S T SYS TEM S Best Prices For Exhaust. Call for Quote. Meineke will pay the taxes on most cars and light trucks. Warranty work excluded... E xp ire s J u ly 22/00. Mustpresent coupon at time of estimate. Not to be combined with any other coupon. $7095 # ^ 7 FR ONT From W W d is c s a )m W W DISCS Includes new shoes or pads, repack wheel bearings, resurface drums & rotors an d in sp e ct entire system . M etallic pads included. Must present coupon. E xpires J u ly 22/00. 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