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Oakville Beaver, 7 Nov 1999, p. 45

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Sunday, November 7 , 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 45 NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN OF SALONS REQUIRES A S A LO N M A N A G E R and E x p e r ie n c e d H A IR S T Y L IS T S IN O A K V ILLE , B U R LIN G TO N , W A TER D O W N AND HAM ILTON W e o f f e r g r e a t c o m m is ,s io n s ; c a r e e r a d v a n c e m e n t t h r o u g h o u t N o r th A m e ric a ; fle x ib le w o rk h o u rs and a s o lid b e n efit p ro g ra m . CALL CENTRE CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Canada's Largest Natural Gas Wholesaler is expanding! 27 PO SITIO N S AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Do you have effective communication skills with good keyboard abilities? Can you handle client inquiries efficiently and cope with a variety of duties? Do you possess a positive, upbeat attitude and can work in a team environment? -Call centre experience ideal · Strong English comprehension a must. We o ffe r: Competitive wage ; Mon. to Fri., 8:30am to 4:30pm; Shift required every 4th week, 12:00 Noon to 8:00 pm PLEASE MAIL RESUM E TO : Attn: Supervisor EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT POSITION Eton Construction (Canada) Inc. is a G e n e r a l C o n tra c to r b a s e d in M is s is s a u g a s p e c ia liz in g in C o m m e ric ia l C o n s tru c tio n . T h is is a fa s t p a c e d a tm o s p h e r e a n d th e in d ivid u al m u s t b e w illing to d e a l w ith p re s s u re a n d tim e d e a d lin e s . T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te m u s t h a v e p ro v e n s e c re ta ria l e x p e rtis e a lo n g w ith o u ts ta n d in g s o ftw a re skills (M S W o rd a n d E x c e l). E x c e lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n skills a r e a m u s t. A b ility to m u lti-ta s k , a lo n g w ith p ro fic ie n c y in o p e ra tin g o ffic e e q u ip m e n t a r e re q u ire d . TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING LIMITED #2G, 344 Lakeshore Rd. E,, Oakville, ON L6L 1J6 Fax: (905) 338-8091 No Phone Calls Please Please submit your resume to: Attention: Human Resources, 2575 Dunwin Drive, Mississauga ON, L5L 3N9 Eton Construction (Canada) Inc., Fax No. (905)828-0211 'uTKM lta OINKS. We are expanding and to ensure our continuous success, we are looking for: A N E W R E S T A U R A N T O P E N IN G S O O N I N O A K V IL L E ! THERMO SEALED CASTINGS LTD a QS/IS0 9000 certified company, currently has an excellent opportunity for self-motivated and experienced... Experienced AZ Drivers Reliable and able to work well with minimum supervision, your background reflects a clean & safe driving record. You are available to work some weekends, holidays, and on emergency runs, runs between Canada and the U.S. Cross-border experience a definite asset._____________________________________________________________ Crew Job Fair all shifts available Come and talk to us about all the benefits o f joining the W endy's family, including: · working as part o f a fun, fast-paced team · learning new skills · competitive wages and benefits full training free uniforms · career advancement · scholarship opportunities. WASH BAY PERSONNEL & APPRECTICE MECHANICS Must have strong computer background Heavy truck exp. an asset but will train. · · · · WE OFFER: Competitive Compensation package .26 cper km/ (.41 cl mile) Paid pick-ups and drops Paid layovers and expenses Fax Resum e to: (519) 634-5052 Exciting growth directed challenges in a supportive setting. For confidential consideration, please apply to: Accounts Receivable A M is s is s a u g a C o m p a n y h a s a n im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r a p a r t-tim e ju n io r A /R C le r k ( T h u r s d a y s & F r id a y s ) P r e v io u s o ffic e e x p e r ie n c e is a d e fin ite a s s e t. P le a s e s e n d r e s u m e to : Box # 20 92 T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r 4 6 7 S p e e r s R d ., O a k v ille , O n ta r io L6K 3S 4 Only resumes of interest will be contacted. Human Resources Manager THERMO SEALED CASTINGS LTD. 9 6 0 Gateway D rive, B u rlin g to n , ON L7L 5K 7 Ph. 1 -8 7 7 -2 2 9 -4 4 4 9 or Fax: 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 6 7 1 While resumes from all qualified candidates are appreciated only candidatesselected for interviews w ill be contacted. No agencies please! Tuesday, November 9, 9 am - 5 pm Quality Hotel & Suites 754 Bronte Rd (Hwy # 25) (just south of the Q EW ) If you can't make it to our Job Fair, send your resume today! H um an Resources,W endy's R estaurants of C anada, Inc., 6715 A irp o rt Rd., Suite 301, Mississauga, O N L4V 1X2. Fax: (905) 677-5297. D iversity a n d fairness: W e n d y's fa m ily values Ontario March of For Fast service placing your Employment ad, fax details to CARGO VANS/ COURIER DRIVERS One of Canada s fastest growing companies as seen in PROFIT MAGAZINE, is looking for fulltim e drivers with own cargo van to join our team. (60% of sales local, 40% of sales expedite). An excellent career opportunity tor those who thrive in a challenging and dynamic environment. 632-8165 Dimes, is dedicated to C o n ta c t: S a n d r a , D r iv e r R e la tio n s , at: G e n te k B u ild in g P ro d u c ts L im ite d , B u r lin g to n P la n t, h a s a n o p e n in g f o r a MAINTENANCE MECHANIC To q u a lify , yo u m u s t be a licensed M ech a nic w ith an O n ta rio C e rtific a te o f Q u a lific a tio n . T w o ye a rs' experience in a P la stics E xtru sio n In d u s try w o u ld be an asset. W e c u rre n tly o ffe r $ 2 1 .4 4 p e r h o u r p lu s s h ift p re m iu m s , and a g e n erou s b e n e fits package in c lu d in g a dental and d ru g plan. Inte re ste d ca n d id a te s are in v ite d to m ail o r fax th e ir resum e b efore Nov. 1 5 /99 , to: TRIPAR TRANSPORTATION "Our business is built on service" Due to continued expansion, we have immediate openings for the following positions: => => :=> => Local P&D driver, straight truck, DZ license Local P&D driver, straight truck, G license Local P&D driver, cube van, G license Highway Linehaul drivers, with overnight LTL experience on Northeast U.S. lanes Warehouse & Dock position, loading of trailers; various warehouse duties Part-time building - maintenance person l.e. painting, snow - clearing, lawn maintenance, etc. Please forward resumes to: Manager- Loss Prevention, Safety & Compliance enhancing the lives ot adults living with disability and is currently seeking Part-time... Xpress 1-800-263-5185 SUPPORT SERVICE ATTENDANTS Working in our Oakville Independent Living Building or traveling within the Oakville Community, you will assist adults with physical disabilities with activities of daily living such as personal care, meal prepara tion and transferring. You must be in good physical condition & possess C.P.R./ First Aid. Specific train ing provided. Varied Shifts. Wage:-$11.04- $13.38hr Paid travel time/mileage. If you share o u r co m m itm en t to im p ro v in g o u r consumers quality of life, apply in writing by Nov.10 to: 259 Robinson St., K « MAJ<CH Oakville, On, L6J 7S7 hk A O F DIMES tax (905)-845-0957 Only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. Equal opportunity employer. W 5 O N T IA R J O Wanted Immediately! US QUALIFIED OWNER-OPERATORS & COMPANY DRIVERS G o o d p a y a n d b e n e fits . M u s t h a v e m in im u m 2 y e a r s v e r ifia b le U .S . e x p e r ie n c e . C a ll T o m B u rle y @ G e n te k B u ild in g P ro d u c ts L im ite d 1 0 0 1 C o r p o r a te D riv e B u r lin g to n , O n ta r io L 7 L 5 V 5 F a x : (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 - 5 6 0 0 Gentek Building Products is an E 0 .E TRIPAR TRANSPORTATION INC. 2180 Buckingham Rd. Oakville, ON L6H 6H1 Fax: 905-829-8513 e-mail: andre.perret@tripartrans.com Suitable candidates will be contacted directly for a personal interview. No agencies please. CLEANING PERSON Part-time (approx. 20 hrs/week) Experienced, to work flexible hours incl. some weekends/evenings at residential apartment complex in downtown Burlington. Own trans portation required. Great working environ ment. High standard of cleaning expected. Sal ary based on exp. Must be fluent in English. 1-800-265-8789 Ext. 237 1-905-457-8789 Ext. 237 Sheridan --, ^ » . Sheridan C ollege Early C hildhood Centres BURLINGTON AND OAKVILLE LOCATIONS We are currently seeking applications lo r qualified Early Childhood Educators to work as occasional and permanent occasional supply staff at our Preschool and C hild Care Centres in Oakville, Brampton and Mississauga. Interested applicants may forward a resume to: © IIIIR A PID LU D/UVE-THSU Oil CHANGE PROFESSIONALS ATTENTIO If y o u a r e a L ic e n s e d S a le s R e p , o r c u rr e n tly e n ro lle d in P H A S E 1 , 2 o r 3 o f p r e -lic e n s in g p r o g r a m ... requires full and part-time Fax resum e: (416) 364-6087 OIL CHANGE TECHNICIANS We are looking for people who possess the following Sheridan College Manager, Early Childhood Centres 1430 Trafalgar Road, 0<*ville, ON, L6H 2L1 Fa x: 905-815-4054 E-Mail: human.resources@sheridanc.on.ca WE NEED TO TALK! C O M M IS S IO N S -U P TO 90% Royal LePage offers ... · · · · LEADING FITNESS CENTER looking for mature, reliable people lo fill the following positions ·Team players *Self-motivated ·Positive ·High energy ·Excellent customer service skills We offer: On the job training, com petitive wages, bonus program and job stability Please submit resumes to: · 1221 Guelph Line (at Mainway, Burl) JobTraining It HALT0N BUSINESS INSTITUTE 4 6 0 B ra n t S t. B u rlin g to n NON-COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT NO DESK FEES OTRAINING G M ENTORING PROGRAM For More Information contact a Royal LePage Office: Pat Thomson, FRI, CRA, CMR, CRB, CRES Area Manager, Broker 2072 Lakeshore, Burlington · 634-7755 John DiMichele, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 3060 Mainway, Burlington · 335-3042 Jim Cheesman, Area Sales Manager, Assoc. Broker 251 North Service Road, Oakville · 338-3737 Nancy Gossling, Area Manager, Associate Broker 326 Lakeshore Rd. E,, Oakville · 845-4267 ^ ^ H lllllllllllllllllllll Reception Membership consultants Personal Trainers Maintenance Full and part-time positions or fax (905)-628-9745 · 645 Third Line (at Speers Rd., Oakville) or fax (905)-847-5313 Call 905-333-1711 or fax 905-333-1414 JOB TRAINING |· ACCOUNTING OFFICE ADM IN. MEDIC AL/LEGAL ASST DENTAL RECEPTIONIST MS IMAGE CONSULTANTS Join the fastest grow ing im age com pany in C anada, as seen on OPRAH. Full and part-tim e, unlim ited earnings, training, car program . C a l l t o l l f r e e 1 -8 7 7 -2 1 2 -3 8 8 8 HILL'S T .V & AUDIO R e q u ir e s a S a le s P r o f e s s io n a l. W e h a v e a n im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r a n e x p e rie n c e d S a le s R e p i n t h e E l e c t r o n i c s I n d u s t r y . T h is f u ll- tim e p o s i t io n in th e H a m il t o n A rea, in a lo n g s ta n d in g a n d u p sc a le d re tail o p e ra tio n . P le a s e fax o r m a il: 351 M a in S t. L 8N 1J4 A ftri: D a v e (Fax)522-3528 royal Le p a g e ^ M M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII How You Find a Great Real Estate Agent. 637* 3415 · INTERNET ' Day a Evening Classes | '· FinancialAid Uay'be Available/

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