19 |Thursday October 5, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Women believe in power of people continued from p.18 ^ "Whichever field a woman chooses to pursue, she should know there is no glass ceiling, as long as she' s willing to work hard and take advantage of all the opportunities that are available to her," said Khan. As a nominee for Woman of the Year, Khan hopes the recognition will encourage others to "strive hard and do their best," she said. "It' s very important for women of all backgrounds to recognize that with hard work, we can achieve great success. It' s important for us to contribute to the well-being of our community and the global community," said Khan. "I try to do the best I can so we can improve the best care available, advance research in this area, so we can improve treatment options for patients." Khan is also an interfaith leader with the Interfaith Council of Halton and regularly speaks at churches, synagogues and mosques promoting friendship and understanding. The Oakville professor also built the Rahma It's very important for women of all backgrounds to recognize that with hard work, we can achieve great success. It's important for us to contribute to the well-being of our community and the global community. Dr. Aliya Khan House -- an orphanage/school for more than 2 0 0 refugee children in Turkey. "It' s very important for us to be very involved in our community and to give back to our community. My success is really the success of our educational system," said Khan. "It' s very important for us to develop respect and friendship amongst all the communities in our country. We should be one community." For more information on MAX, visit http:// maxgala.com/. M E T R O L IN X We believe everyone over the age of 60 should get a FREE baseline hearing test. You can join us by simply booking YOUR test today and encouraging your friends to join you. It takes less than 60 minutes, you don't need a doctor's referral, and there's no cost or obligation whatsoever! This year we're donating $4.00 for every test with the goal of providing FREE hearing aids to those who can't afford them - So bookyour test, bring your friends, and together, we can make a difference! TEST EARS YEARS Have your say on the future of transportation A t Metrolinx, we're w orking to connect you to the th in gs that matter most. In collaboration with our partners across the region, we're creating new connections that will im prove our collective quality of life. We just released our Draft 2041 Regional Plan which outlines how people and g o o d s will move across our great region. C urious about what we've got planned? Jo in us for a presentation and roundtable discussion, where you can share your views on the future of regional mobility. More than 200 hearing healthcare centres across Canada are supporting the cause. We hope you'll join too! Visit our website C a m p a ign Fo rB e tte rH e a rin g.o rg to request an appointment near you! Bronte | 2419 Marine Drive Call Debbie at 1-866-906-9451 When: Monday, O ctober 16 Time: 6 :30 p.m. - 9 :00 p.m. Where: Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, ON L6M 3L1 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. presentation begins at 7:00 p.m. To register visit metrolinx.com/roundtables H e a r in g S c ie n c e s Audiology and Hearing Aid Centre TRUSTED PARTNER OF 0 E3-TM C F ap p reciatio nca 4&QCC_ Advantage Leg io n # N IH B , V A C a n d W o r k e r 's C o m p e n s a t i o n P r o v i d e r H e a r in g te s ts a r e pro v id e d fre e o fc h a r g e fo r a d u lt s a g e s 1 8 a n d older. Som e c o n d itio n s m a y a p p ly . Please see c lin ic fo r d e ta ils. O ffe r not valid in Q uebec. Promo Code: n s p -c f b h -o a k b |