THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 29, 1999 Buy books by the pound at Friends of the Library book sale The Friends of the Library are holding their annual fall book sale Nov. 4th - 7th at the Oakville Central Library, 120 Navy St. Each spring and fall, the Friends (a non profit fundraising and advocacy group) sell used books by the pound. The money raised is put toward Oakville Public Library services and enhancements. In its short five years of existence the group has raised over $60,000 through these Book Sales, an annual Reading Room Raffle sponsored by Oakville Place Mall, and the sale of $10 Annual Memberships. Shopper's will find it hard to beat the bargains found in a diverse selection offered for just $.95/pound. Featured in the sale are Children's books, adult fiction/non-fiction, reference materials, encyclopedias, other languages, and many lifestyle books. Friends' volunteer Janet Shirley knows all about the book sale's selection. Working with a team of six sorters, Shirley has helped prepare books for sales over the past five years. "It's wonderful to see all of the great books that are going to be offered at the sale. Each week I come in to sort them into categories and box them for sale day. It's like having a preview every week. There's something for everyone." The sale, which takes place in the Central Library Auditorium opens to the public after a Friends `Members Only' sale event Thursday, Nov. 4th, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. On Thursday evening a $10 Friends of the Library membership gives members the opportunity to make advance purchases prior to the public sale dates. Advance oneyear memberships are available at the Library and will also be sold at the `Members Only' event. The public are invited to attend the sale starting Friday, Nov. 5th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 6th from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, Nov. 7th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Prices are reduced by 50% at Sunday's sale. For more details contact the Friends at 815-2042. Photo by Ron Kuzyk Rotarians met at Trafalgar Village recently to prepare for the 12th annual Rotary TV Auction on November 19th and 20th. Shown (from the left) with some of the items up for auction are Stephen Cheng, Tim Jones (Co-Chair, Oakville West), Gerhard Hauck, Sylvia Verdenhalven (Co-Chair, Oakville North), George Megaw (Co-Chair, Oakville Trafalgar) and Bob Walker. The official poster of the Rotary TV Auction is in the foreground. The Rotary TV Auction is a project o f three Oakville Rotary Clubs -- Oakville-Trafalgar, Oakville North and Oakville W est Rotary TV Auction: Q | O A K V IL L E 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 W INNER OF PRESIDENT'S AWARD 5 TIMES RUNNING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE THE NEW YEAR HAS ARRIVED EARLY. with special New Year leases on all Hyundai 2000 models. PROPOSAL FOR A PROMOTIONAL MERCHANDISE PROGRAM PROPOSAL NUMBER PROP-28-99 SEALED PROPOSALS for the above will be received by Ihc Purchasing Department, on or before 12:00 NOON, local time on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 New Value Edition ELANTRA VE 2000 SONATA a 2000 Alf the comfort your family needs and sporty features you want with a value package tor 2000.________________________________________ \ 2.01, D0HC, 140 · Dual front airbags ·Air conditioning Take the fast track to mid-sire luxury in the Sonata 2000. It comes standard wffli: · 2.4L, DOHC, 148 HP engine · 4-spd. auto, trans. · Air conditioning · Cruise control · Dual Address: 1225 Trafalgar Road. Oakville, or by mail to P O Box 310. Oakville. Ontario. L6J 5A6. Telephone (905) 338-4197. Specifications. Proposal forms and Proposal envelopes arc available at the office of the undersigned The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the lowest or highest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted · Power windows i door locks · 60/40 split folding rear seat · ETR AM/FM stereo cass. ·Heated power side mirrois · Power windows i door locks · And lots more! MSRP FROM $16,975" · ETR AM/FM stereo cass. ·And lots more! MSRP FROM $16,975* from Per M o ./48 Mos, $1,250 Down Payment, $0 Security Deposit. Freight & PDS Included O THER LEA SEO PTIO NS DOW N PAYM ENT MO. PAYMENT (48 MOS.) Lease from $0 Down Payment, Freight, PDS, and Security Deposit Extra O TH ERLEA SE O PTIO NS DOW N PAYM ENT $ 1 ,0 0 0 MO. PAYMENT (48 MOS.) $0 $1,000 $2,000 $269 $245 $221 $275 $263 $251 $1,500 $ 2 ,0 0 0 D R J Cournoycr. C I M . P Mgr Director. Purchasing & Office Services THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR A SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL NUMBER PROP-30-99 SEALED PROPOSALS for the above will be received by the Purchasing Department, on or before 12:00 NOON, local time on Monday. November 22. 1999 Address: 1225 Trafalgar Road. Oakville, or by mail to P O Box 310. Oakville. Ontario. L6J 5A6. Telephone (905) 338-4197. Fax (905) 8152019 Specifications. Proposal forms and Proposal envelopes arc available at the office of the undersigned . The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the lowest or highest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R J Cournoycr. C.I M.. P Mgr Director. Purchasing & Office Services Z e: - I ui D G ELANTRAWAGON 2000 Enjoy the largest interior space of any wagon in its il class, now with more value for 2000. · 2.0L, DOHC, 140 HP engine Driving excitement plus, in this totally restyled sports coupe with features like: ·2.0L, DOHC, 140 HP engine · 5-speed manual overdnve transmission · Dual front air bags ·Automatic transmission · Air conditioning ·Cruise control · Power windows A · Roof Rack · ncdi hiiiuuw wipci · Double folding 60/40 split rear seat ·And lots more! MSRP FROM $17,975" · R e ar spoiler · 1 5 " alloy w h e e l s · Fog lamps · · And lots more1 MSRP FROM $18,995" Lease horn O THER LEA SEO PTIO NS DOW N PAYM ENT MO. PAYMENT (48 MOS.) $1,250 Down Payment, $0 Security Deposit. Freight & PDS Included Lease from O TH ERLEA SEO PTIO NS $1,500 Down Payment, Freight & PDS Included. Security Deposit Extra DOW N PAYM ENT MO. PAYMENT ( U MOS.) $0 $1,000 $2,000 $289 $265 $241 $295 $1,000 $271 $247 $ 2,000 F IN A N C IN G Ur T O48 MOHmS MtUUTTHX TBURON J SO N A TA THE NEW HYUNDAI DRIVING IS BELIEVING 5 yr/100,000 km Powertrain Warranty 3 yrfiO.OOO tan 24-Hr. Roadside Assistance Program. 'L e a sin gp ro g ra ma va ia ttetomH yw dai F in a n c ia lS e rv ic e s. L im ite dlim eo ffe r Losingp ro g ra mb a se dor n e w2000Sonata61 MSRPfro m$19,995,2000 BantraVE Se d a n MSRPfro m$16,975,2000BartraVEW a go n MSRP fro m$17,975,2000 fiburonBaseMSRPfrom$18,995. m erest me 79 1V735V7.71V7.67V S29W239G25aS253 p e tm o n thfor1 48-m o n thw a fta w a yle a sefora fl m o d e ls T o ta l le a seotigabon o ($14352/$11.472/$12.432*12432OAC. D o w np a y m e n t ol$U5(V$125W1500 plusfirst m o n th lyp a y m e n t equred Securitydeposil (5299to r So n a ta . SOto r EbnlraSedarW taaon S259to rTim ron). froghtn l PDS. lor Ela rtraa n dT ib u ro nm d u d e d FregWa n dPDS lor So n a taextra T a x e s, h ce n sea nd$350adm netrabonle ee x tra . 20.000kmm ile a g ea llo w a n cep e rye a rappies Addtonal kmc tta ig eo f$010 "MSRP lor 2000So nataGl fro m$19,995. MSRPlor2000B antraV ESe d a nfro m$ 16,975. MSRPfor2000Q a n traV E W agonfrom$17,975, MSRPfor2000T ib u ro nBasefrom$18,995.Al MSRPpricese x c lu d efreightlice n se , PDS. a n dfa xe s. D e a le rm a ysel forless. f48% fin a n a n ga v a fe b ieo na f l2 0 0 0m o d e ls0 A .C .lo r24,36o r4 8m o n thte rm s.F in a n c in ge x a m p le $ 1 0 ,0 0 0a t48\ p e ranrune q u a t e$ 2 2 9 .4 0p e rm o n lhlor48m onte CO$ 1 ,0 1 1lo rato ta lle a seo b h g a fe o nol$1101120. Se eHyw dao lO aM teb d etak HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE i TORONTO HYUNDAI H A M IL TO N TO R O N TO QEW 1071 SPEERS ROAD (Just West of 4th l ine) 401 2460 DL'FFERIN STREET LAW RENCE 11905 -845-7791 416 - 787-9789 1225 TRAFALGAR R O A D · OAKVILLE, O N T A R IO · L6J 5A6 > 4 L- M4 ! 1 | t \ $ · f t * > i **» M* t * # » * '· * 1* · > M · 4 I i i + «- * » · * - ' * · * * * - »* · » » r .