Sunday October 17, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 13 Weekend Focus To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Local charities benefit from Legion's generosity T our veterans are getting older." R em em brance D ay w ill be " W henever w e observed at the O akville receive a w ritten Cenotaph at G eorge's Square on he O akville Legion has been m aking the rounds late req u est for Nov. 11th at 11 a.m., "and ly, handing out cheques. The 786-m em ber veteran's w e're asking people, w herever funds, w e tr y to volunteer organization has donated $75,000 to local they are, in their cars or at don ate so m e charities since M ay 1998, says its new president Frank work, to observe the tw o m in m on ey. " Pickles, and its new secretary and public relations director utes silence." Joan Elliott. -- Frank Pickles, The L egion's next fundraising "People d on't think o f the Legion as a gift-giving President event is a Sunday Brunch charitable organization," says Pickles. Oakville Legion today, Oct. 17th, "A lot o f people think o f it as only as a place to at the Legion drink," adds Elliott. Hall at Church and N avy Streets from This has led to a m isunderstanding o f w hat the 11 a.m. to 1 p.m ., follow ed by a swing Royal Canadian Legion, Branch ll 4, is all about, dance at 3 p.m. A dm ission to the laments Pickles. He hopes the outpouring o f financial support over brunch is $7 - $6 for seniors and $2 for children. the past 18 m onths to various charities will change the com m unity's view o f the Legion. The Legion also has a M ixed Darts Its m ost recent donations include $2,000 to League w hich m eets every M onday the Oakville Salvation Army, $2,000 for at 7:30 p.m., a Seniors Snooker Fareshare Foodbank, $ 1,000 to Ian League m eeting every Tuesday at A nderson H ouse, and $250 12:30 p.m . and E uchre N ight each to the O akville Hum ane every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.; a Society and H eart and Stroke M e n 's D art L eague m eeting Foundation. W ednesdays at 7 :30 p.m .; The Oakville L egion's has Shuffleboard and Snooker every also donated $10,000 to T h u rsd ay at 7 :3 0 p.m .; a O akville Care-A-Van. It sup Singles/Social Dance every Friday ports charitable foundations, ..^ .n 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m .; and veterans hospitals, girls and Euchre every Saturday at 12:30 p.m., with boys m inor hockey, provides m eat draw s at 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. w heelchairs to veterans, holds N ew Y ear's Eve celebrations are also public speaking contests, and being organized to `ring in the N ew supports the O akville M arlins M illennium .' Special O lym pics sw im m ing team. M em bers visit and assist veterans in hos "W henever we receive a written pitals. "We help cover their expenses," , request for funds, we try to donate explains Elliott. some money," concludes Pickles. The Legion also serves a free seniors T he m oney is raised from dinner in Septem ber during Legion Week L egion's Poppy Fund, bingos, N evada with tickets picked up on a `first com e, tickets, and general fundraising. first serve' basis. Photo by Barrie Erskine This y ear's Poppy Fund cam paign will For more inform ation, call the Oakville Frank Pickles, President Oakville Legion, and Joan Elliott, Secretary- Public Relations Oakville Legion, begin tow ards the end o f O ctober and con Legion at 845-6271. O A K V IL L E B E A V E R S T A F F By Wilma Blokhuis tinues through N ovem ber past Rem em brance Day. "This year for the first time w e'll be having two m inutes o f silence, instead of one minute, during our R em em brance Day cerem o n ies," says Elliott, "because so many of with another cheque for a local charity. You want the most exposure for your classified ad, right? How's this? o o fk P o O M # lit ooi lollh m on S 60P C · Classified advertising now o n lin e.