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Oakville Beaver, 17 Oct 1999, p. 15

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Sunday, October 17, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 15 6 0 thAnniversary T h e C a n a d ia n R e d C ro s s S o c ie ty Red Cross celebrates 60 years of caring tion to the w ar effort w as handm ade arti cles they sent to the m en stationed o ver seas in W orld W ar II. L ady Edith B ailie, a prom inent w om en ixty y ears have p assed since the in O ak v ille's history w as a m ajor influence C an ad ian R ed C ross first o p en ed the _ *d oo rs to its O ak v ille office. F oundedin the foundation o f the O akville W om en's O cto b e r 10th, 1939, th e O akville division W ar S erv ice league, fo rm ed Sept. 12, 1939. T hough it w as com m on in m any o f the largest v o lu n te er b ased organization in the w orld, w ill be holding their 60th c o m m u n itie s th a t th e W o m en 's W ar S ervice league be run as part o f the R ed an n iv ersary celeb ratio n on W ednesday. C ross, the O akville division w as not incor T h e initial function o f the O akville b ranch w as p red o m in an tly fun d raisin g for porated into the O akville and D istrict R ed C ross Society, as it w as form erly know n, the O ak v ille W om em's w ar S erv ice league an d local ch u rch es, w hose m ain co n trib u until Jan u ary 13, 1943. Prior to this m erg SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER By K athryn Harrim an S er, L ady B ailie served as presid en t o f the W om en's W ar S ervice league.L ady Edith Bailie then m ade history w hen she b ecam e the first w om an p resid en t o f the R ed C ross, a position she held fo r alm ost 13 years. In 1947, eight years after the R ed C ross began in O akville, their first b lood do n o r clinic w as held. U ntil S ep tem b er 28, 1999, w hen C a n ad a's blood b ecam e the resp o n sibility o f the C anadian B lood S ervices, close to 200 volunteers w ere involved as T elephone R ecruiters and B lood D onor C linic w orkers. A fter the loss o f this service the R ed C ross prevailed. C oncentrating m ore on th e ir 12 o th e r p ro g ra m s an d se rv ic es offered, the red cross rem ains healthier than ever. "W e're m oving forw ard, w e 're s tre a m lin in g ," ac co rd in g to D onna M c D e rm o tt, C o o rd in a to r o f V o lu n teer R esources. O ne w ay in w hich the R ed C ross, O akville is m oving forw ard, is by restru c turing. O akville, M ilton an d H alton H ills w ere recently m erged into on e larger o rga nization called E ast H alton, run by S usan Lynch, M an ag er o f Field O perations. A lso in tro d u c e d in th is tra n sitio n w as th e C u sto m er S ervice C entre, w ith a goal o f m aking it "easier for clients to access any o f the five program s through the C entre (H om em aking, First A id, H H E S , M eals on W heels, an d T ransportation)" . O th er m ajor changes include a great increase in m any o f the pro g ram s and ser vices provided. `T ra n sp o rtatio n is ex p lo d ing," exclaim s D o n n a M cD erm o tt as she d iscu sses O ak v ille R ed C ro ss' largest p ro gram . To d ate, tran sp o rtatio n has p ro v id ed 645 clients a total o f 15,498 on e w ay trips and has loaned o ut o v e r 1300 p ieces o f m e d ica l e q u ip m e n t to 7 9 3 c lie n ts in O ak v ille an d su rro u n d in g areas. H o w ev er, th e se c h a n g e s a re o n ly recent. W ithin the past 10 years, since th eir 50th anniversary, the R ed C ro ss has set m any m ilestones. E ight years ag o th e A C E (A ctiv e C h o ice fo r E veryone) p ro g ram fo r the 50+ , w as intro d u ced in realizatio n o f the ag ing baby boom ers. A p p ro x im ately 8 years ag o th eir w ater sa fe ty c a m p a ig n and th e ir Fund D ev elo p m en t p ro g ram w ere started. T h ey also, fo r the first tim e, in 1991, h osted the first ev er B lack T ie & G o lf S h o es gala, a to u rn am en t an d d in n er sp o n so red by m any sm all, local b usinesses. N ow in its 8th year, this is the m ost successful fu n d rais ing ev en t that the R ed C ross hosts. A dditionally, the R ed C ro ss' g oals fo r the fu tu re in clu d e the estab lish m en t o f a call centre, w hich w o u ld h av e a facility in both B urlington an d P eterb o ro u g h , as w ell as the addition o f a new van to the afo re m en tio n ed T ran sp o rtatio n service. T h ey also look fo rw ard to m o re y outh in v o lv e m ent through th eir v o lu n teer program s. O n W ednesday nig h t (O ct. 2 0 th ) fro m 7 to 9 p.m . the 6 0th A n n iv ersary C eleb ratio n will be held at the O ak v ille M unicipal B uilding in the T rafalg ar R oom , 1225 T rafalg ar Rd. T h e ev en in g , en titled `60 Years o f C arin g 1939-1999', co n sists o f registration at 7, p ro g ram at 7 :3 0 and refreshm ents and rem in iscen ce at 8 p.m . "Would it not be possible, in time of peace and quiet, to form relief societies for the purpose of having care given to the wounded in wartime by zealous, devoted, and thoroughly qualified volunteers?" Henry Dunant asked this question when he formed the largest volunteer-based orga nization 135 years ago. Today in the Oakville branch alone, over 350 volunteers provide the support needed to run their 13 it programs and services. The Red Cross provides and pays for any training required for their volunteers, including additional training that volun teers are interested in for personal growth. "Each Volunteer, whether they volunteer four hours a week or many many more hours, they are all valued for the commit ment they make to the branch," according to Donna McDermott, Coordinator o f Volunteer Resources. Volunteers tike LyeH Bacbelder, who since December of 1996 has been part of ,u" program in the Oakville Red Cross. Before his involvement, for 30 years he worked in retail, until, as he states, "the downsizing '90s which resulted in the golden handshake and the package for myself and many others". He heard of the Red Cross through word of mouth, how many of the volunteers are introduced to the possibilities of volunteering at the Red Cross, and decided that it was time to make T H A IS A T A Y& M O R E B U F F ET LU N C H E O N - Monday to Friday - NOON to 2 pm F IN E D IN IN G - T H A I Monday to Saturday - 5 pm to 10 pm GUT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE SA TA Y & M OREL RESERVATIONS ALWAYS RECOMMENDED C o n g r a tu la tio n 5 CoUgrUtilUM-^'^ U " Please enjoy -- r ----------, complimentary nn u0Ur 60tfiyr. 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