16 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, October 17,1999 R ed C ross 60 th A nniversary V o lu n te e r s an in te g r a l p art o f R ed C r o ss (Continued from page 1) Looking back at six decades M any things can happen over the course o f 6 0 years. W hen looking back on the history o f the O akville Red Cross, various important events beco a change in his life. Since then he has been driving for the transportation ser vices and lives w ith a "trem endous feeling o f satisfaction at the end o f each day." T he Red C ro ss' volunteers range from those w ho are w ith them for a few m onths to those w ho com m it them selves to their w ork for som e tim es 20 or 30 years. T his kind o f dedication is seen in m any o f the peo ple w ho donate their tim e and energy to the Red Cross. People like H arry E dw ards, w ho has been repairing and m aintaining equipm ent in the R ed C ross for over 20 years, C harlie K lager, the O akville b ra n c h 's d ev o ted g ardener, G rete Senst, w ho brought aerobics in a low key version to those in nursing hom es, and D oris Seaton, a C reations volun teer w ho at 91 years old still attends every m eeting. D oris also volunteered in the Red C ross in E ngland, in the years before she cam e to Canada. T he R ed C ross, how ever, val ues all their volunteers, from the d ri vers o f the van to those w ho w ork at the front desk. E ven the people w ho have helped in the past, either through their regular program s o r their form er blood services, their contribution is appreciated. B ut like any organization, there is alw ays a need for additional skills, talent and time. evident. In 1947, the Red Cross, O akville, hosted their first ever blood donor clin ic and after 58 years o f collecting, testing, processing and distrib uting blood products, the service w as turned over to the Canadian B lood Services this past year. In 1974, the O akville Red Cross began a part nership with the U nited Way o f O akville. Red Cross volunteers canvassed East O akville for the U nited Way w hile the Red Cross received Pictured above is the Oakville Red Cross building 1989. much o f its operating fees from the United Pictured below is a black tie event in golf shoes. Way, who, at that tim e, supported 28 social service and health related agencies. Within the past 10 years, Homem akers have m oved on from the O akville office o f the Red Cross. Though still connected to the branch, they now have grown into an orga nization o f their own and have their ow n o ffic es in Burlington. H ow ever, som e things never change, the Red Cross still maintains its origi nal o ffic e on 167 N avy Street, over looking the Sixteen M ile Creek. The land was purchased from the P olish Friendly Society in 1964 for $ 1 7 ,3 0 0 and the building Above left, Mary Ellen Frederick, past Executive itself was construct- Director, Peter Pick, past President, Mayor Ann ed for $68,925. Mulvale, and Dee Webber, past Homemaking Manager. Rexall Drugstore Vitamin l , 5 Say it w ith flowers... Local & North America today... International Delivery next day. IW U n e 6 3 9 -7 0 0 1 C alcium & M agnesium with Zinc 200 caplets Vitamin J| QQ ' Your Total I Super Health Care 1 nalursl Pharmacy 1 OTC Products Vitamins Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies Full Line Of Home Health Care Products : & + It***? ; SiferfT:Prescriptions Filled While You Wait Or Free Delberv 2 0 1 0M ariaSt, B u rlin gton ,O n tL 7 R 1 K 5 Internet Address: http://www.brantflorist.com E-Mail: gifts@brantflorist.com V itam in E 120 caplets Vitamin Janreson' *9.99 each Fresh M eets & F in e Foods A U nique Food Experience 3 5 0 L akeshore R oad E ast (on A llan ) O a k v ille, O ntario L6J 1J6 Echinacea naica & Vitamin C ^ 60 lozenges OUR REGULAR RETAIL PRICES hRcocaM Office of the Mayor and Members of Council R e x a ll D r u g s t o r e 291 Lakeshore Rd. E . Oakville 905-842-2770 1225 Trafalgar Rd. P.0. Box 310 Oakville, Ontario Tel: (905) 338-4173 Fax: (905) 815-2001 Congratulations on your 60th Anniversary Tel. 845-9303 j ugo - m a r g h e r it a 6 ^COUNtry afFAIR3 , WE MAKE GOOD SCENTS!" 2070 SPEERS ROAD, UNIT 3 ( 2 0 0 Y A R D S W E S T O F 3 R D L IN E ) ( 905 ) 46.970982 * 4 « , # » * * * * * « * O A K V 1 LLE 4 4 4 4 4 4 4* * * * * * 4 4 4 # | 845-0524 3 5 7 B A R T Q S > E > R .,Q A K V liiL « £