Sunday, October 17, 1999 Oakville Beaver - Small Business Week $ n t e y C etc t s , 1: f h G raphics CB Graphics is the source for all your design and graphic needs with over 8 years' experience in the corporate world specializing in the graphic needs o f large and sm all com panies, non-profit organizations and com m unity groups. The use o f a PC based platform assures com patibility w ith m ost standard corporate softw are. O ur p resident, C hris A nton, through p o sitio n s as em ployee social club president, O akville W aterfront F estival's sponsorship com m ittee m em ber and U nited Way rep resen tativ e, has ex ten siv e ex p erien ce in developing graphics for a variety o f special events and fundraising activities. C hris is C hair o f the O akville C h am b er o f C om m erce M em b ersh ip S ervices Com m ittee and sits on the M arketing Com m ittee. J Open Studio Show & Sale Oct 22 to 24 10 am to 5 pm / cordially invite you to see m y 1999 v, A fun place for youth sports leagues. Hey sports teams! Want your own web page? allows amateur sports league coaches to keep track of player and game stats on a team web page! Call now for more information! Information Technology Consulting, Design and Development m in d u ig / o u r s -rfttm s Phone: 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 - 0 0 0 6 Fax: 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -0 0 0 7 : Ms. Chris Anton, President 100 Oakdale Drive, Oakville Ontario L6H 1J3 Business: (905) 337-7174 Facsimile: (905) 339-2810 Cellular: (416) 407-3802 Residence: (905) 339-2715 e-mail: collection o f hand woven, hand dyed & hand printed textiles for your home and wardrobe, including a new collection o f siIk and Q.E.W, chenille scarves luxuriously soft CONSTANCE DR. 1 £1 and gorgeously Lakeshore Rd. coloured. T r a fa lg a r R d . . ' <9 > o o> _ 0) ; § !c ¥ o O £ S CW Textile Designs 1472 Constance Dr. Oakville ~ Christel Wille 7 5 845-1291 BOB MCKEAN B.A., C.R.A. SALES REPRESENTATIVE N O R T HO AKVILLELA WO F F IC E LAWYER "I listen to you and keep you inform ed!" Family Law Divorce, Civil Commercial Litigation, Landlord Tenant, Real Estate, Wills and Estates Leave it to us. We're the Professionals. K E I T H D ,N E L S O N · 20 year Oakville resident · Active member of C.O.F.C. (home-based business committee) · Corporate career in mortgage financing and real estate asset management Please call me fo r honest, professional assistance w ith a ll yo u r re a l estate needs: residential, com m ercial o r investments 3 Lawyer Since 1981 S m a11 Buslness U w ' X or over 15 years. ( /£ t Prudential Tel Town Centre Realty ® Rx 2163 Sixth Line, Oakville (north ofQ.E.W.) fc£tjg| 280 Norib Service Rood West, Oakville, Ontario L6M 2S2 (905) 338-6550 (905) 338-7452 (905) 338-8481 M a t B e a u tifu l B ro n te V illa g e ** M PH H arbouring Unique Shops & Services , H om e o f the New Bronte Butterfly D e alb t o B lo w You Away ECHO-ES 2100 SHR ED `N' VAC TW O-W AY B LO W ER/LEAF VACUUM ·4 The pro choice for easier startup, faster cleanups Lightweight rugged, legendary Echo quality Purrs powerfully, qiielly in 8-hour workshifts Reduces debris as much as 12:1 Fine wood Products has been supplying furniture to meet the needs of our cus tomers and through out this time, our goals and philoso phies have remained consistent. We are now expand ing into Home Rerun at ions. Kitchen. Bath & Ree. Rooms. Our mission as w ith the furniture is total commitment to you. our customer. 1 3 eng a family run business and local manufacturer, we have placed ourselves in a unique class, supplying prompt deliveries, outstanding quality, sincere and professional sales advice and commitment to alter sales service. Call us todav for a free estimate. Custom Wall Units > Hutches & Bullets ·Custom Entertainment UniTs · Kitchen Renovations IB Click Here ECHO-ES 2100 Computer Work Stations · O ffice Furniture SeardL com An idea whose time has come. Classified advertising now online. Leaf Blowers cp m 1661 Lakeshore Rd. RENTALS FINEW Q CD PRODUCTS LIMITED DESIGNERS OF CUSTOM FURNITURE C U R R E N T P O W E R M A C H IN E R Y IN C . W . Mississauga (2 block east of Southdown Road in Clarkson) 822-4211 1200 SPEERS RD., UNIT 6 OAKVILLE ^i\f\HFLE=r C O N S 1 N U C T IU N L" 338-0058 n ;I .1ITT* 1