4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 8, 1999 has Lg gr< A r ea t S e le c tio n o f u ality P rod u cts Q u MARCH FOR RESEARCH: Participants in Sunday's annual Walk for Schizophrenia Research and- °T *» Awareness organized by the Oakville chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, raised more than $12,000. About 80 people participated. Here participants carry placards as they cross the Randall Street bridge. Photo by Peter J. Thompson Seniors are Special th e last Thursday o f every m onth j HAMILTON · WELLAND · OTTAWA · NEPEAN · BARRIE · " R l l l A · BRANTFORD · OSHAWA · ST. CATHARINES · WINDSOR · OAKVILLE · MISSISSAUGA · LONDON i V i f p j Do T h e `3 Leavee any purchase over $499 with this coupon. 1 coupon per customer. Mattress DOUBLE QUEEN K IN G I M # 3 Set *369 SET 3 8 9 SET 4 7 9 SET 7 7 9 DOUBLE QUEEN K IN G 269 329 509 SET 4 3 9 SET 4 9 9 SET 7 9 9 A r e n 't T h e O n ly T h in g s T u rn in g Call the dance professionals at Fred Astaire Dance Studios and you'll be dancing and twirling, too! Ballroom dancing is fun and great exercise. What are you waiting for? Fall Special 5 hours of dance for $25* % Limited t o f i r s t 3 5 callers Set *319 219 279 469 This Fall co * fo * T W DANCE STUDIOS- © J e x t r a f ir m j ' T ' i SUPPORT i l p j INDIVIDUAL rs1 "' SUPPORT mm RED S *. L O O Set`429 299 389 539 DOUBLE QUEEN K IN G SET 4 9 9 SET 5 4 9 SET 8 6 9 DOUBLE QUEEN K IN G 225 Lakeshore Road East, 2nd Floor D ow ntow n OakviDe 1block west of Trafalgar R d. Set`539 459 559 689 SET 6 4 9 SET 7 4 9 S E T102« (Entrance from both Lakeshore Road and parking lot d ! Church Street) w w w .fre d astaire .c o m 'N e w a d u lt s tu d e n ts o n ly 8 4 2 -3 7 9 7 S TO R A G EB E D S M0 INTEREST A__V HV « a for One Year See Store For De With this coupon, coupon per customer. STUDIO I > / \ V / /X s performihg an&yisual arts school ADJUSTBFD DAYB E D Studio PAVAS & Bongo Productions P resen t "SUCCESSFUL AUDITIONS - Kids on Camera" P urchased. S aturday, O ct. 23 & S unday, O ct. 24 fo r T eens & C h ild ren , 8-18 yrs. Factory Outlet I-- 1 ----------S J w ------------ MICHAEL CARUANA ACTOR, ACTING COACH Praised at the top "on set" acting coach for Disney TV series FLASH FORWARD, plus PSI-FACTOR, commercials & infomercials. Director of audition sessions for POWERHOUSE CASTING, LIZ RAMOS CASTING & GLORIA MANN CASTING.. Film & series acting credits include MORE TEARS, NOTHING SACRED, THE SANTA CLAUSE, NAKED LUNCH, SCALES OF JUSTICE, STREET LEGAL, KUNG FU, FOREVER KNIGHT, TRADERS & MORE - plus extensive theatre acting & directing credits and over 40 TV commercials. S le e p F a c to ry p z ` FREElayaway ,,* -.4 T * » -fe · Disposal of old mattress avwt&bf* · M yr?set-t* · We accept all X'*'- · 0W*2 ST'Tsq.l t -cfetf · Senior C8I*6p Ck m «*« . S r ' * Fina. ^iny -vailabte . rWuiKMon W en. M J-j j.m . fSurt.-fn. ifl-fjj.m.. SatunK" ')- ^ ^ 3w?Jw ; 490 Speers Road, OAKVILLE Phone Orders Accepted * 4460 Fairview St. BURLINGTON 8 4 2 -3 3 6 8 6 8 1 -9 0 2 0 Behind M cD onald's E N R O L L M E N T L IM IT E D T O 15 S T U D E N T S T O REGISTER CALL 905-403-9435 STUDIO PAVAS - 2359 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit 27, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K5 %" S.V- R e m e m b e r, w e are the factory. VV» t ·_v t v v WVU