M ilton trustee Diane Rabenda retains her po sition as Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) chair after being re-elected Tuesday, Dec. 5 at the regular m eeting of the board. Rabenda, w h o previously served as chair be tw een 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 4 , w ill serve a one-year term. "I lo o k forward to w orking w ith each o f y ou over the n ext year as w e continue our collec tive m ission to defend and protect the inter- Halton Catholic boardelects chair ests o f our students and further the m ission of Catholic education in H alton," she said. O akville trustee Paul Marai takes over as vice-chair o f the HCDSB replacing Burlington trustee Susan Trites. Marai said he look s forward to w orking col laboratively w ith trustees during his term to ensure positive change at the board and fur ther its already great success. 2 1 |Thursday December 14, 2017 | O A K V ILLE B EA V ER |www.insidehalton.com Peak Home Health Care Wants to Help with Holiday Stress With the Holiday season in full swing Peak Home Health Care wants to remind you that they are here to help. Though the holiday season is a joyous time of year, it can also bring with it a lot of stress. Whether your family is big or small there is shopping to do, dinners to plan, events to attend, school concerts, work deadlines, etc. It can be very difficult to juggle everyone's needs and wants around this time a year. Peak also knows that if a loved one is sick or in need a lot of attention it can be that much more difficult to fit everything in. Peak Home Health Care (PHHC) is a new service to Oakville and the GTA that allows seniors to live at home and have a professional caregiver come to them. Peak's personal care professionals assist with everything from household activities and maintenance, to providing everyday medical assistance for a variety of health conditions. Peak Home Health Care can help keep your loved one's company throughout the holidays, assist with any holiday baking, gift wrapping and shopping, and will also help reduce the risk of illness and injury that often increases at this time of the year. Peak works with their clients to create a comprehensive and client specific plan of care. Plan of Care programs are assessed and reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure quality of care is being met. Whether they are providing assistant services or medical care, every client has an individualized Plan of Care tailored to their particular needs. Moreover, worrying about loved ones being alone at this time of year while m anaging a full schedule can be extremely dem anding. Peak has many different services that can be tailored to meet your family's needs: ·Assistance and Non-Medical Services ·Hourly Care · 24 Hour Care · Couple/Partner Care · Specialist in Alzheimer's and Dementia F o r m o re n e w s , v is it o a k v ille b e a v e r .c o m D o e s o w y o y o u u r r f i n a n c i a l a d v i s o r k n l i f e g o a l s ? Marc Nutford FinancialAdvisor 2387 Trafalgar Road Unit 82 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-822-2023 www.edwardjones.com/marc-nutfo rd Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund Edwardjones' MAKING SEN SE OF INVESTING " / c a n 't b e lie v e * I I w a ite d s o lo n g to g e t h e a r in g a id s ." Why Choose Connect Hearing? · Canada's #1 physician referred" hearing healthcare provider · Convenient locations near you · Discreet, nearly invisible technology · Affordable monthly payment plans The most important thing we can do for seniors within our community is reminding them that they are loved and not alone. Peak Home Health Care wants to help your family enjoy this holiday season together by taking away any unneeded stress. Every member of the PHHC team is required to have their basic CPR/first aid training, receive an annual flu shot, pass the TB test, and are fully bonded and insured. For more information on how we can help, call 905-582-7992, email info@peakhomehealthcare.ca or visit www.peak- homehealthcare.ca. h eaK v // r . C o n n e ct/"^ H e a r in g * ^ # 1 PHYSICIAN I REFERRED 1.888.242.4892 connecthearing.ca V A C ,W C B ,W S IB ,W orkS afeB C ,A D P& O D SPaccepted. R e g is te re du n d e rth eC o lle g eo fS p eecha n dH e a rin gH e a lthP ro fe s s io n a lso fB C . *F re eh e a rin gte s ts a reo n lya p p lic a b lefo rc u s to m e rs o v e r5 0yearsofage. N op u rc h a s er e q u ire d .S o m ec o n d itio n sm a ya p p ly . +B a s e do nn a tio n a lp h y s ic ia nre fe rra lso verth e te n u reofth ec o rp o ra tio n 'sC a n a d ia nb u s in e s so p e ra tio n sc o m p a re dtoth e d is c lo s e dre fe rra lc o u n tof le a d in gc o m p e tito rs .