www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Friday, December 22, 2017 |4 ONiCcom HEATIN G & COOLING $49 DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL 9 locations to serve you better Christmas Eve on Fairway Hills Everyone is invited to take part in the Fairway Hills annual Christmas Eve luminary charity event, in support of the Salvation Army, on Sunday, Dec. 24, from 5:30 p.m. until mid night. Community caroling kicks off in the eve ning at 5:30 p.m. at the Fairway Hills entrance at Dorval Drive and Fairway Hills Boulevard for 30 minutes. The Fairway Hills neighbourhood will be lined with luminary lanterns during the evening hours on Christmas Eve, lighting the way for Santa. This 25-year tradition in support of the Salvation Army has neighbours producing dazzling outdoor decorations and luminary candles. Residents will wish visitors merry Christ mas upon exiting the Fairway Hills commu nity, and welcom e a donation for the Salva tion Army. Last year' s event raised more than $6,000 in six hours. w w w .aireone.com OAKVILLE BRANTFORD (905)849-4998 (519)756-3200 ^ fltl" (905) 632-0505 Santa to pay a visit on Dec. 24 continued from p.1 The display includes a bin where Jackson col lects non-perishable food items for both Easter Seals and the Kerr Street Mission Food Bank. Those visiting the display can listen to the light co-ordinated carols Jackson transmits through car radio at 90.5 FM while people take in the show from the warmth of their car. The display continues until the New Year and as a special treat, the jolly old elf Santa will be making a special appearance on Christmas Eve from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Y angAccounting.ca CRA Tax Disputes Dispute w ith Sold R ental Property Dispute w ith Business Operation Losses inside todays Editorial Artscene B eaver www.insideHALTON.com N o rth O a kville L ivin gM agazine R eal E state 6 30 Sports Classified 32 34 *All flyers not necessarily delivered to all homes YY@ YangAccounting.ca Ying (Kimberley) Yang 1 1 -1 1 5 5N orthS erviceR d. W ,O ak v ille (289) 291-3924 18thF loor, 2S t. C lairA v e.W ,T oronto (647)255-8049 For home delivery & customer service call 905-631-6095, 5300 Harvester Rd., Burlington NEW SUBSCRiFTiONS call 905-631-6095 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.com IV Y B A R + K IT C H E N 'S PRESE N TS BHANDARI Family D entistry since 1984 BRING iN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLiNiC Dr. Vineet Bhandari provides top quality dental care in a friendly, caring environment with his team of dental professionals. He uses modern painless laser dentistry for cosmetic and preventive dental treatments and helps his patients to achieve optimum dental health. It is our goal to help create and maintain a beautiful smile. Dentistry is a positive investment in your health, your confidence and your appearance. N EW Y E A R 'S E V E 2 0 1 7 C A S IN O R p Y A L E D IN N E R & Q A L A D A N C E S U N D A Y D E C E M B E R 31 st D IN N E R S E A T IN G A N D G A L A D A N C E i\$ i ' * V/ > A f t e r C ro w n s a c t u a l pa tien t t r e a t m e n t s by d r . bh a n d a r i This patient went from a consultation to finished teeth in just a couple weeks! We can change lives... Call us to set up your free consultation. 7 P M -2 A M * * * * * 4 C o u r s e D in n e r P r e - F ix M e n u R e s e r v e d T a b le f o r t h e e v e n in g C h a m p a g n e T o a s t & C a n a p e a t M id n ig h t G a la D ance $ 1 1 0 .0 0 PER P E R S O N ( s u b je c t t o HST & D in n e r g r a t u it y ) R e s e rv a tio n T im e R e q u ire d 1 Porcelain Veneers Crowns and Bridges Teeth Whitening Restorations Composite Resin Dental Implants Laser Dentistry Periodontist on site NEW PATiENTS & DENTAL EMERGENOiES WELCOME L im it e d S e a tin g A v a ila b le GALA DANCE Inquire ab ou t our Private D ining Room fo r your Private D inner Party o f 14 Upmarket to Semi Formal Attire For further Inquiries, to purchase Tickets, or make Reservations - email reservations@ivybar.ca 9 P M -2 A M $ 5 0 .0 0 PER PERSON ( s u b je c t t o H S T ) * * G a la D ance C h a m p a g n e T o a s t & C a n a p e a t M id n ig h t V IP G R O U P S A L E S 8 P M -2 A M * * * * R e s e rv e d G ro u p S p a c e fo r th e E v e n in g $ 8 5 .0 0 DR. ViNEET BHANDARi B S c D IH D D S C h e f's s e le c t io n o f s h a r e p la t t e r G a la D ance Call to book your appointment or consultation. PER PERSON ( s u b je c t t o H ST & D in n e r g r a t u it y ) C h a m p a g n e T o a s t & C a n a p e a t M id n ig h t 905.325,511D Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. E vening a n d S a tu rd a y a p p o in tm e n ts available. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -4 8 9 1 · 3 330 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD, BURLINGTON. ON L7N 3MB Palermo Professional Centre 2 5 2 5 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 4 7 0 Oakville (at Dundas Street) · www.bhandaridental.com # © IV Y B A R K IT C H E Nf F A C E B O O K .C O M /IV Y B A R A N D K IT C H E N dgc- ENTERTAINMENT