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Oakville Beaver, 28 Dec 2017, p. 4

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 LOOK DASHING THROUGH THE SNOW Hn EXPERIENCE XI Rash of break-ins before holidays Halton police are advising residents to be vigilant after seven Oakville homes were broken into in just four hours Tuesday, Dec. 19. Between noon and 4 p.m., thieves broke into homes on Watercliffe Court, Trawden Way, Morn ing Dove Drive, Slade Crescent, Martindale Avenue and Bayshire Drive. In six instances, front doors were forced open.In another, a hole was cut in glass beside the door so someone could reach in and unlock it. Police said jewelry and cash were targeted and believe the cases are connected to others in the Greater Toronto Area. A black Dodge Durango was seen in the area during two of the break-ins. Officers have extra patrols in marked and un marked vehicles in the affected areas and residents are asked to be vigilant and aware of any suspicious activity in their neighbourhoods. If such activity is seen, residents can call police immediately and if possible provide a description of a person or vehicle including licence plate. Police also advise residents to properly secure valuable jewelry preferably in safety deposit boxes or in non-traditional areas of their homes (i.e. not in bedrooms). Residents away for the holidays should tell a trusted neighbour to pick up mail/newspapers and report suspicious activity at the residence. People should lock their doors and windows, in cluding the garage. They can also make the home appear occupied with timers for lights, leaving a TV or radio on or closing blinds and drapes. Police advise residents to consider adding win dow security film to glass and deadbolt the front door, using extra locks and at least three-inch screws to reinforce the secondary door and doorframe. People should not approach or confront any per son they believe to be involved in this activity; Anyone with information is asked to contact the Oakville Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 878-5511, ext. 2216 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800 222-TIPS (8477). LEXUS OF OAKVILLE Alberta woman is facing charges continued from p.3 EXPERIECKrC AMAZING 2017 RX 350 FSPORTAWD N o one was injured during this incident. According to M etrolinx, neither train sustained significant damage. Both trains were inspected and returned to service. W hile the accident caused delays W ednesday evening, the m orning rush hour service w as n ot affected. A 42-year-old Alberta w om an, w hose name has not been released, has been charged w ith careless driving, driving w ithout a licence and disobeying a railway sign contrary to the Highway Traffic Act. She has also been charged w ith failing to give w ay to railway equipm ent at a road-crossing contrary to the Railway Safety Act. L E X U S O F O A K V iL L E .C A 2017 R X 3 5 0 F S P O R T A W D LEASE APR Bi-WEEKLY LEASE PAYMENT FROM DELIVERY CREDITS OF UP TO BHANDARI Family Dentistry since 1984 BRING iN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLiNIC Dr. Vineet Bhandari provides top quality dental care in a friendly, caring environment with his team of dental professionals. He uses modern painless laser dentistry for cosmetic and preventive dental treatments and helps his patients to achieve optimum dental health. It is our goal to help create and maintain a beautiful smile. Dentistry is a positive investment in your health, your confidence and your appearance. 1.9%* $259* 40 m o nths d o w n payment $ 4 ,0 0 0 A $4,620* A f» ' t ' actual patient treatments by dr . bhandari This patient went from a consultation to finished teeth in just a couple weeks! W e can change lives... Call us to set up your free consultation. PAYMENT INCLUDES $ 4,000A CREDIT. D elivery C re d its in D e ce m b e r are availab le on th e purch a se /le a se o f a 2017 Lexu s RX 350 ($4,000 on s u ffix A; $ 2,000 on all o th e r suffixes) R e pre sentative lease e x am ple based on a 2017 RX 350 s fx `A ' on a 40 m onth term at an annual rate o f 1.9% and C o m p le te Lexus P rice o f $58,073. B i-w e e k ly lease pa y m e n t is $25 9 w ith $ 4 ,620 d o w n p a y m e n t or e q u ivalent trad e in, $0 s e cu rity d e p o s it and firs t b i-w e e k ly lease pa y m e n t d u e a t lease in ce p tio n . Total o f 86 b i-w e e k ly lease pa ym e n ts required d u rin g th e lease term . Total lease o b lig a tio n is $27,101. 48,000 kilom etre allow ance; c h arge o f $ 0 .2 0 /k m fo r exc e s s kilom etres. O ffe rs end Jan u a ry 2, 2018. See L e x u s o fo a k v ille .c a fo r details ' fvvi A f t e r C row ns > C o m p o s ite P orcelain V eneers C ro w n s and B ridges T eeth W h ite n in g R estorations Resin D ental Im plants Laser D e n tistry P e rio d o n tist on site NEW PATiENTS & DENTAL EMERGENOiES WELCOME LEXUSOF s OAKVILLE 1453 NORTH SERViCE ROAD, WEST OAKViLLE, ON L6M 2W2 ' DR. ViNEET BHANDARi BSc DIH DDS Call to book your appointment or consultation. 9 0 5 .8 2 5 .5 1 1 0 Evening and Saturday appointments available. M o n d a y to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. 905.847.8400 · 1.866.LEXUS.66 Palermo Professional Centre 2 5 2 5 Old B ron te Rd., S uite 4 7 0 O akville (at Dundas Street) · w w w .bhandaridental.com

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