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Oakville Beaver, 29 Sep 1999, D5

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Wednesday, September 29, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 INTERNAL AUDITOR $40 - 55K Entrepreneurial growth oriented company is looking for an ambitious individual to join the team as an Internal Auditor. Must be independent, active in a designation program and is open to travel. Experience in a public accounting firm an asset. Ref #EFT 88647 SENIOR ACCT/ASST CONTROLLER $40 - 60K Our client, a publicly traded company in the rental industry seeks a dedicated, self-motivated individual. The ideal person has 2+ years experience preparing statements, budgets, analysis and exposure to special projects. Active in a designation program is a strong asset. Ref #EFT R8480 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT $40 - 48K Large client in Mississauga is seeking an intermediate to senior accountant. Exposure to account reconciliations, inter-company balances, and preparation of monthly income statements are a definite asset. Must be enrolled in an accounting designation. REF# HA288135 ACCOUNTING CLERK $30-35K Great opportunity available in the West End for an experienced accounting clerk in the manufacturing industry. The ideal candidate should have exposure to high volume accounts payable and/or receivables, be familiar with reconciliations, month end closing, account analysis, and collections. Exposure to ACCPAC for WINDOWS would be a definite asset. REF# AG 188700 Call today for more information on these exciting positions! s R o b e r t h a l f . Specialized Financial Recruiting" 1 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 940 Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3M3 Tel: (905) 273-4229 Fax: (905) 273-6217 Visit our web site @ www.roberthalf.com general help wanted 510 general help wanted 510 help wanted PROSTAFF PERSONNEL INC. C o m e a n d w o r k w h e r e t h e b e s t o p p o r tu n it ie s a r e a v a i la b le . • G r e a t w o r k in g c o n d i t io n s , • In c r e a s e s a v a i la b le w ith e x p e r ie n c e , • G r e a t lo n g te r m o p p o r tu n it ie s w ith h ig h e r p a y a n d b e n e f i t s Burlington, Oakville and Mississauga • Repack, Packaging, Order Picking, • Assembly, Machine Operators, • Quality Inspectors, • Counterbalance and Reach Truck Operators, • Injection M olding Operators, • Tool Room workers, • Millwrights and Maintenance Mechanics, • Reception, Filing clerks, Secretarial, Data Entry. These opportunities and more - ask us about our referral bonus program Walk ins welcome between 9am-4pm 3425 Harvester Rd., Suite 211-A Burlington Call (905) 681-3169 Fax: (905) 681-5369 E-mail: prostaff@netcom.ca stitch Customer Service/ Production SEAMSTRESS/ TAILOR required part-time tor all­ alterations business located on Speers Road in Oakville Experience men's and women's alterations required. Day, evening and weekends hours. Du­ ties include cash desk & customer service. To apply call Filomena at (905) 844-5617 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer FULL TIME WORK O MANPOWER is currently looking for • Assemblers • Production Workers To work continental shifts for our Burlington client. Please fax resume: (905)-336-5727 CAREER MINDED An opportunity has arisen for a local marketing agent in this area. No selling is involved, just daily delivehes to existing customers and new accounts. we mom: • Full classroom training • field support •A guaranteed first year income of $30,000 • Future Mgmt. Opportunities roumomE: • Suitable vehicle • Sell motivation • Organization • Customer service • Long term career goal Please Fas resume to Mr. Dawson at 905-264-8511 "Wanted" Driver/Salespersons lor mobile catering in Mississauga & Oakville area. Good wages, reasonable hours and pleasant working conditions. Only persons with good driving record need apply. Experience an asset, but will train. Call 905-338-1700. Shunt Driver CLASS AZ DRIVER required to work at our Oakville contract location. Some on-road work is required. We otter fulltime wage of $15.08/hr with an exc. benefit package. Please apply in person: ALL-ONTARIO TRANSPORT 5990 Indian Line Mississauga, ON Returning to work? Opportunities with established Oakville manufacturing facility. Requi red-Dependable- team player, excellent eye, hand coordination, basic English/ Math, light assembly work. Steady afternoons. Access to vehicle. Good wages/ benefits. Contact Anna (905) 814-8055 Fax (905) 858-7316 EXECUTIVE HOME SERVICES We Need You/ Rapidly g row ing business needs your help 25-30 hrs/wk, between 8:30- 4pm. Res. cleaning exp. an asset. Paid training. T ransporta tion avail. Call Today and we'll RECEPTIONIST/ SALES Required for busy Optical Retail Showroom. Well groomed, good English, experience an asset. Please fax resume attn: Bijan 416-924-7678 AVON We are not just pocket money anymore. 4 No Start-up Fee! » Free Kill ♦ Offer ends 0ct.29th Burlington: 632-6914 Oakville: 849-1569 have you working tomorrow! 336-1489 LOCKSMITH/ Hardware C lerk - Experience an asset, will train. Drop off resume 578 Kerr, Oakville. WANTED Snowplow own- er/operators and drivers for 1999/2000 season. Please fax resumes/wage expecta- tions/driver abstracts. Also looking for Landscape staff. Fax:(800)261-2788._______ WE are looking for Counter Help at our Oakville Location. A.S.A.P Fax resume to (416) 750-3751 TELEMARKETERSneeded for day shift. Burlington location. Please call (905) 844-9077 Click Here ^BeatGoesOn HaltonSearch.com Hatton s classified advertising is online at www.HaltonSearch.com U.S. M A N U F A C T U R I N G E N G I N E E R I N G W c re q u ire a D ra ftsp c rso n /D c s ig n e r w itli a m in im u m o f 3 y e a rs o f e x p e r ie n c e in c u s to m e r s te e l f a b r ic a tio n . ACAI) M a n d s t ro n g M e c h a n ic a l D es ig n k n o w le d g e a re req u ired . P lease fax y o u r re su m e to: (9 0 5 ) 827-9 5 6 2 . ORTHODONTIC Assistant for fast paced Mississauga office. HARP certified, team oriented. 4-5 days week. Car needed for travel to offices. Fax: 905- 628-9315________________ DICTA Typist/ Med. Secre­ tary. Junior position. For maternity leave. 60wpm. MS Word and Abel knowl­ edge. Fax resume: (905)337-0044 w w w . u s f i l t e r . c o i THE Added Touch; holding Open Interviews. Saturday, Oct.2, 9am-Noon: Tele­ phone Operators; Pickers/ Packers: Retail. Will train!© Must be deta il oriented; work in fast-paced environ­ ment! Ideal for early re­ tirees, students, homemak­ ers ... Apply with resume: 1111 North Service Rd.E., Oakville (E.of Trafalgar) GLENBURNIE School s Be­ fore and After School Pro­ gramme requires two ener­ getic assistants to co-ordi­ nate fun activities for school aged children. Educational/ recreational programming experience an asset. Hours are weekdays from 7:30am- 9am and 3pm- 6pm. Fax: (905)338-2654 ASSISTANTSuperintendent Apt. for part-time work. 1 evening per week & a lternate weekends required immediately for quiet, clean apt. building near Burlington Mall. Cleaning, light maintenance & some adm inistration. Ideal for couple. Call (905)333-1525____________ GENERAL Labourers re­ quired for packaging line, needed for 10:30am start time. Apply in person from Mon.Sept.27 to Oct.1, 9am- 5pm. Southern Fine Foods, 2714 Bristo l C ircle, (off Hyde Park/ Dundas), Oak- ville. No calls please! BUSY leather shop re­ quired full-time worker. No experience rquired. Suc­ cessful applicant w ill be energetic, eager to learn and enjoy working with the ir hands. Call 878- 8885 between 9-5pm. F/T Pharmacy Technician required for 9mon maternity leave. Previous dispensary experience an asset but not essential. Please apply or send resumes- Shoppers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr St, Oakville. LOT person wanted for busy new car dealership. Duties include: Washing & cleaning of cars. Full-time. Apply in person, Gary Croxon, Terrace Lincoln Mercury, 900 Walkers Line or call 905-632-5671. MOLLY Maid-- requires mature, reliable full-time personnel. Drivers License required. Training/ trans­ portation provided. No nights. No weekends. Ben­ efits available. For ap- pointment call 681-7484 INDEPENDENT Adult carriers required for early morning delivery of the National Post in Oakville Reliable vehicle a must. Please call (416)573-8429 with name and telephone number GENERAL Labourer for busy locksmith shop. Train­ ing/ uniforms supplied. Call (905)827-8401 for appoint­ ment or drop resume off to Active Lock and Safe, 2380 Speers Rd., Oakville______ HORSE fence installers needed for fencing compa­ ny. Piece work and hourly available. For more info, contact System Fence 905- 854-1886 or fax 905-854-2044 LITTLE Caesars- Drivers needed- weekends/ week- nights. Cash paid daily. Own car with insurance. Call: (905)335-4623 or (905)632-2311____________ PIZZA-PIZZA: now hiring fulltime/parttime days and fu ll parttim e nights at 2 locations Burlington and Mississauga. Please call Terry (905)339-5133. WANTED: experienced au­ tomotive Cleaner/Detailer. Good working conditions. Apply in person with resume to: 1240 Plains Rd. East, Unit# 1, Burlington. GOLF course maintenance Persons- 3 positions- 6 weeks, 40hrs/wk. $9./hr. Free golf. Fax resume (905)335-1021, Attention Ttm. AUTOMOTIVE detailer re­ quired for collision centre. Experience an asset. Full­ time. Full benefits. Apply 24 Dundas St.E., Water- down, 905-689-8262 CLEANERS required for of­ fices in the evenings (Bur­ lington & Oakville). $7/hr. Car an asset. (905)330-2639 AZ drivers local fuH-time work, operating rack and trap flat beds. Min. 2 years experience. Cal (905)844-3940 E s ta b l is h e d m a n u fa c tu re r o f m a te r ia l h a n d lin g e q u ip m e n t s e e k s a p p lic a n ts fo r th e p o s itio n o f PLANT SUPERVISOR T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill p o s s e s s e x ­ te n s iv e f i t t in g a n d w e ld in g e x p e r ie n c e , m in . 5 y e a rs s u p e rv is o ry e x p e r ie n c e , se lf- o r g a n iz a t io n s k i l ls , e x c e l le n t v e rb a l a n d w r it te n c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills w ith th e a b il i­ ty to s c h e d u le a n d c o o rd in a te w ith in a jo b o r d e r s h o p . E le c t r ic a l a n d h y d r a u l ic k n o w le d g e w o u ld b e a n a s s e t. F a x o r m a il y o u r re s u m e to : P la n t S u p e rv is o r P o s it io n 9 5 5 C e n tu ry D r., B u r lin g to n , O N L 7 L 5 J8 F a x : (9 0 5 )6 3 2 -0 0 2 7 H A W L E Y Pcrtiac ELridc O r iilla r BODY FKEFHTS AND I I I OTII iTSICN FEPAIEEPS to handle a i r f lo w f i x CM ( t i lT is it n O a tre . r a t - t i n e a fb a n r rs , e ^ e r irg s and vvBderds. P a f e t q q x r t o n i t y t o m ate e x t r a ca d i. I f y c u 're ir te E S te d p le a ® C H L O n t o e s to a r tH T ^ a i i r t a r v i f iw , (905) 896-3523 crF/SC re a m s : (905) 896-4562 CLASS A H EA V Y TR U C K M ECHANIC o r S e n io r a p p re n tic e Required Immediately. Union rate ol $20.30/hr. after probation. Overtime af­ ter 40 hours. Hydraulic exp. would be an asset. MAIL/DROP RESUME OFF AT RECEPTION TO: Safety-Kleen, Ltd., 1790 Ironstone Drive B urlington, 0n .L7L 5V3 or Fax: (905) 332-1933 No Phone Calls Please office-clerical office-clerical Acura on Brant, a state-of-the-art im port deal­ ership located in downtown Burlington requires an Evening Receptionist T h e id e a l c a n d id a te w il l o f fe r e x c e p tio n a l p e o p le skills, be w e ll o rga n ized and w ill in g to g o th e e x tra to d o a g re a t jo b h e lp in g e n s u re o u r p o lic y o f d e d ic a te d c u s to m e r service a nd sa tis fa c tio n . F o rw ard resum e: Bob T re g un n o , G enera l M a nage r Acura on Brant 6 2 9 B rant St. B u rlin g to n L7R 2H 1 Fax: (9 05 ) 3 3 3 -3 8 2 0 ® Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz RECEPTIONIST • Part-time position • 4 evenings/ week. Plus Saturdays • Available immediately Apply in person or lax resume to: Lynn Bremner- Office Coordinator 300 S. Service Rd., W. Oakville. L6J 5A2 Fax: 845-3477 CUSTOMER SERVICE Receptionist Etobicoke based int'l company is looking for individual with excellent communication skills & personality. Must be capable of working in a 1st paced environment, and hand ling d iffe rent tasks s im ultaneously . Experience with customs and shipping is an asset. Company offers fu ll benefits and opportun ity for advancement. Foreign languages are an asset. Fax resume to Ms. Clarke at (905)681-2888 SALES R E S I D E N T I A L F U R N I S H I N G S Large, upscale showroom / Pennsylvania House Gallery requires Salesperson with above average track record. Sales and design experience with mid to up­ per middle lines.. Please apply attention: General Manager Richway Furnishings 2575 Dundas Street W., Unit 11 Mississauga, On L5K 2M6 or Fax: (905) 569-0153 CALIFORNIA Hair Works- is looking for a part-time Assistant with experience. Call (905)634-4466 SALES OPPORTUNITIES •Product Manager Our client very well situated in the Industrial electronics mgt. industry. Must have strong sellings skills. • Inside Salea World leader in the mgt. of elec­ trical motors. •Service Sales- must have successful Bus. to Bus. selling and overachiever. •Reg. Sales Manager Successful sales mgt. experience in direct sales & Bus. to Bus. selling. Send resumes attention: AI Terpstra A. TERPSTRA & ASSOCIATES 201 City Centre Dr., Suite 900 Mississauga, On, L5B2T4 or fax 905-306-9367 or call 905-306-9370 EXPERIENCED installer re- quired for windows, siding and doors, truck provided. Call (905)331-9333; fax (905)331-9334, resume re­ quired__________________ TIG Welders required full­ time for Burlington area. Some travel required. Call (905)631-9920 I office-clerical PART-TIME accounting clerk- immediate opening. Duties: A/P, A/R, typing, knowledge of ACCPAC plus VG.1 essential, Micro- Soft Word & Excel & Wind­ ows environment. Send resume and wage expecta­ tions to: Controller, 1151 Heritage Rd., Burlington, L7L 4Y1 or fax 905-319- 2477____________________ CREDIT Collectors/ Nego­ tiators, fulltime permanent, at call centre in Mississau­ ga/ Oakville. Must have a completed college diploma or university degree. Com­ petitive salary. Excellent communication skills re­ quired. Will train. Fax re­ sume to Job #1: (905)403- 1617____________________ PART-TIME office person required. 16-30hours/ wk. Must be flexible from 8am- 4:30pm Mon-Sat. General office duties including tele­ phone, data entry, filing, etc. Send resume to: Royal Mattress, 5041 Fairview St., Burlington, L7L-4W8 or fax 905-681-2294____________ RECEPTIONIST required for a busy medical supply company. French lan­ guage an asset. 40hr/wk. Please send resume to Box 6204, Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. L6K- 3S4_____________________ MATURE individual re­ quired for local construction office. Knowledge of Book­ keeping required, computer familiarity an asset, phone (905)-336-7170 or fax (905)-332-8555___________ PART-TIME Office Assis­ tant for general office du­ ties, data entry, filing and reception. Approx. 20hours weekly. Fax resume to (905)-333-9223 TELEMARKETERS $8 50/ hr+ bonus. Part-time hours 5pm-9pm. Excelent com­ munication and telemarket­ ing experience. Call Billie at (905)890-0093 ext. 108, Fax: (905)890-0094 EXPERIENCED part-time sales staff wanted on wee­ kends for downtown Oakville retail store. Please drop off resume to: Harvest at home. 133 Lakeshore Rd.E., or fax resume to: 416-463-4787 H E A L T H CENTRE Requires FRONT DESK STAFF A busy position for an energetic outgoing personality. Computer skills an asset. Saturday mornings & some evenings req'd. Start immediately. -Part-time & Full-time available- Call 845-1665 RNs, RPNs Required Immediately. Education provided while you do staff relief in the Halton Area. Apply with resume to: We Care Home Health Services 789 Brant Street Burlington, L7R 2J3 Fax:(905)634-6066 JAKE S GRILL & OYSTER HOUSE Now hiring FT & PT Broiler/ Prep/ Line Cooks/ Dishwashers Join the crew! We offer good wages & a great atmosphere. Students welcome! Apply in person or call 639-4084 950 Walker's Line, beside The Travelodge SHIFT SUPERVISOR Required Must be enthusiastic and responsible. Flexible hours, benefits, full training provided. Apply in person to: A8W (Mapleview Centre) Full/Part-time • WAIT STAFF • COOKS Apply in person at: Oakville Town Centre ll-Oakville WANTED Mature Part-time WAIT STAFF (Day Shifts) to join our friendly team lor the upcoming xmas season. Apply at 1154 Sixth Line, Oakville or call 905-845-1222 ItMching opportunities ARE you the high energy individual we're looking for to manage patient recep­ tion/ front desk duties in growing optometric clinic? Are your strengths strong people skills and organiza­ tion? Full-time. Experience welcome, not mandatory. Fax resume/ salary expec- tations (905)-333-0546 SPECIAL Services at Home Workers -Halton. P/T flexible hours. Provide skill development to individuals with Developmental Dis­ abilities. ages 2-up. Parent directed program. Starts $10.50/hr. Call: (905)849- 8000; Fax: (905)849-6980 CERTIFIED Dental Assis­ tant required part-time leading to full-time. Com­ puter knowledge an asset. Oakville practice. Tel: (905)257-4910___________ DENTAL Hygienist requires part-time for Thursday evenings and every other Saturday for Oakville prac­ tice.. Please call (905)827- 6102 personals USED CD OUTLET 5 P a r t- t im e S a le s 5 S u p e r io r M u s ic K n o w le d g e •T A p p ly w ith re s u m e 3350 Fairview St., Across from Ultra Food Mart 535 hospital, medical, dental 535 hospital, medical, dental D E N T A L A S S IS T A N T O u r p r o g r e s s i v e d e n t a l p r a c t i c e is s e e k i n g a n e x p e r i e n c e d , f r i e n d l y , t e a m s p ir i t e d d e n ta l a s s is t a n t t o w o r k in o u r g e n e r a l p r a c t ic e . P le a s e f o r ­ w a r d y o u r p r o f e s s io n a l r e s u m e w i t h c o v e r le t te r to : The Firehall Dentist, Box 460 Waterdown, Ontario, LOR 2HO Fax (905) 689-9328 F a m ily • A ch ie ve m e n t • In teg rity • R espec t W e've go t great things in store for you! S ta ff M e m b e rs F u ll-t im e A ll S h ifts Paid T ra in in g -- e v e ry th in g y o u n e ed to d o a g re a t job. V a lu ab le E x p e rien ce -- e v e ry th in g y o u n e e d fo r a g re a t fu tu re . G o o d T im e s -- w h a t m a k e s o u r c u s to m e rs h a p p y is w h a t m o tiv a te s o u r e m p lo y e e s H o n e s ty , caring , an d a w o rk p la c e th a t feels like h o m e . G re a t o p p o rtu n itie s -- n ig h t sh ifts, flexible h o u rs , tra in in g A pply in person: 125 Cross Avenue o r call: (905) 339-3517. TUnHotitom. A n e m p l o y e r y o u c a n c o u n t o n . WHAT are you missing by being alone? Misty River In­ troductions can help you find that special someone. Toronto's trad itional m atchm aker. (416)777-6302 I lost & found REWARD: Lost cat, gray tabby, white belly & flash on back, amber eyes. Neu­ tered male. Answers to "TiggerV Burloak/ Amelia area. 639-4373, 632-5179 FOUND- giant key ring with lots of key rings on Lan­ caster Dr. Call to identify 905-815-0446____________ FOUND: Large orange & white female cat, approx. 2 years old, declawed. Lower Base Line & Trafalgar. (905)845-1551____________ LOST: Cat- female, spayed, long haired white w /gray patches. Maple Grove area. 842-5288 FOUND: medium/large. Tan dog Aldershot area ■Donnan call 637-7325. FOUND: Male Siamese cat. Guleph Line and New. We call ' Fleetwood". 637-7325 LOST: Parrot, Queens Ave. Sat. 9/18 at 4pm. Call Angela 844-0305 after 5pm CONTRACT Driver, good pay. paid daily. Evenings only; Counter Help, good at mathematics, evenings only, students welcome; Apply in person First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fair- view. Burlington. DAY Staff positions avail­ able working in kitchen and service area. Flexible hours. Min. wage. Apply within: 375 Iroquois Shore Rd., Oakville. No phone calls.____________________ CHAPS: Wait Staff. Full­ time; Line Cooks, Fulltime. Experience preferred. Please apply in person: 2441 Lakeshore Rd.W., Oakville_________________ CASHIER/ Counterhelp/ Cook- Full/ Part-time. Jim­ my the Greek, Oakville Place Food Court. Call 416-596-1863, 905-508- 7023____________________ THE Hanging Tree, 484 Plains Rd.E., Burlington re­ quires Full and Part-time Cook and Wait Staff. Apply in person.________________ STAFF wanted! New Bistro opening Experienced wai­ tress, line cook & driver/ washer required. Please call 465-2668, for appointment LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 PIANO teacher required to teach child piano lessons in my home. References please. Call 336-1263 after 6pm. mm Aim daycare available HOME Daycare for treas­ ured tots and infants, monthly planned activities, lunches, and more. Regis­ tered with Halton-child-care Registry. (905)632-7365. PRIOR daycare supervisor, now loving Mother of 2-1/2 & 5 year old has openings in my home for full or part time or afterschool care. Close walking distance to St. Gabriels/ Rolling Mead- ows school. 335-1596 EXPERIENCED daycare, fu lltim e, infant* toddler. Loving, positive environ­ ment. Snacks, lunches. References. Receipts. (905)319-9604, before 9pm_____________________ PAULA'S home daycare has space for your kinder­ garten students or pre­ schoolers. West Mount area (905)-469-0382 LOVING, caring Mom avail­ able to do babysitting, any age welcome. River Oaks area. Call 257-0992. MATURE responsible mom seeking playmate for 2 1/2 year old boy who is at my home. 11:30am-3:30pm Mon-Fri. Excellent refer­ ences. Walker's/ New area 333-6379________________ VERY loving, caring day­ care from one who loves children. Non-smoker. Many references Reason­ able rates. Fun outings, walks, well balanced meals All ages. Palmer area 335-4171 I daycare wanted PLUMBING Repairs. New Installations, alterations. Basement drains, bath­ rooms, drywall, framing, til­ in g . No Job Too Small. Frank, 639-3874 HARDWOOD Specialist in installation, sanding, staining, design and refinishing. (905)849-3931; (905)573-6336. BATHROOM Renova­ tions, ceramic tiles, dry- wall and handyman serv­ ices. Free estimates call George (905)849-8996. WANTED Immediately- part-time French teacher for Grades 6-8. 8-12 hours per week with possibility of up to 20 hours. after Christmas. Private School. Please phone (905)854- 0890 or fax resume to (905)854-3155. WEEKEND Custodian re­ quired at Walton Memorial United Church 6-8 hrs./week. Job description available at church office 1- 5 p.m. Phone 827-1643 ALMOST senior will help seniors and shut-ins with light meals, house keeping. 3-5 hours. Burlington only. (905)527-3342.___________ SPARKLING clean house by Elizabeth. Professional house cleaning. Excellent references. Friday opening available. Call 545-8894. A-1 Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Phone 637-6974 I handyman ED Timmins Home Improvement. Drywalling, taping, plumbing, rec.rooms, bathrooms, ceramics. painting... References. Free Esti­ mates. 524-6922. FU LL-T IM E/PAR TTIM E childcare provider to assist in established Glen Abbey home daycare. Own trans­ portation. (905)825-2833. NANNY- Welcome to our S/ E Oakville family* 3 child­ ren. Drivers license help­ ful. References. Nov. start. Live-in/out (905)337-8837 NANNY/ housekeeper re­ quired immediately, live-in/ out. Full-time. 6-yr. & 9-yr. old boys. Glen Abbey. Driv- er. Non-smoker. 825-8883. NANNY for 7 month old baby, part-time, Monday- W ednesday's, 1:15pm- 5:15pm, at my home in North Burlington. Non- smoker, references. (905)331-9226.___________ PART-TIME nanny re­ quired for a newborn and 3yr. old. Flexible hours. Driver. My home Burling- ton. 332-0654____________ NANNY, full-time. 6-yrs & 6 month old boys, River Oaks. Legal non-smoker, driving required. 257-0720. SMALL business Specialist- Affordable accounting and bookkeeping. For a free consultation please call 319-3965 PINK Flamingos. Pen­ guins and Pigs for rent. Proceeds to support Mul­ tip le Sclerosis Society. Call Complete Rent-Alls Oakville 845-8301. RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in­ surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733 PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24- hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort­ ers. bed co-ordinates, fab­ rics, tab le / chair accessories. Call Sherry, 634-6706. TAILORED programs for your child in reading, math French. Grades 1- 6. Even­ ings/ weekends. 634-8784 MONEY Problems? Gar­ nishees? Too many pay­ ments? Options to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Tonner, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631- 0600 To Place Your Classified Ad Call 632-4440, 337-5610 or Fax 632-8165 o o C O as C O C O http://www.roberthalf.com mailto:prostaff@netcom.ca http://www.HaltonSearch.com http://www.usfilter.coi HaltonSearch.com U.S.

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