Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 1 Feb 2018, p. 59

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ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT PRIME ADVERTISING POSITION CALL 1-800-263-6480 Or email: classifieds@metroland.com TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY. \ metrolandmedia f ° * Connected to your community® is T h e E metrolandmedia Connected to your community® classifieds f c ifipH, C o c a l W o r k c a w o r k o p o l i s U f& n e W S ca g r fta re rt .c o m \ _ i a j j l l YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS CANADA'S BIGGEST JOB SITE ------------------------------------------- EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com I PHONE: 905-527-5555 • 1-800-263-6480 I FAX: 905-526-6779 • 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. i Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please checkyour ad the first day it appears to ensure it's accurate. ; Metroland w ill not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. Cancellations must be made by telephone. \ 59 A d ve rtise y o u r serv ices in o u r SPECIAL TAX FEATURE A p p e a rin g in the p aper every w eek u n til A p ril 26, 2018. F or o p tio n s and rates please call 1-800-263-6480 or email classifieds@metroland.com * metrolandmedia lgottarent.com Einrl a nlaro tn rontlFind a place to rent Cj YourClassifieds.ca Townhouses for Rentnt Townhouses for Rentnt CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE Townhome $1600/m plus utilities Townhome (W ith G a ra g e ) $1700/m plus utilities Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit • 4 appls.* Eat-in Kitchen • Basement • Parking 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905- 632-2601 Articles Wanted3Articles Wanted3 BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A L L ! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costume Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -2 4 7 7 w w w . t j t r a d e r s . c o m i n q u i r i e s @ t j t r a d e r s . c o m Apartments for Rent Apartments for Rent̂ 1 ,2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting from $1150 190 Kerr Street 905-845-1777 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 1265 Sixth Line 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca TYANDAGAAPARTMENTS Burlington. Lovely 1 & 2 bedroom. Seniors disc. Covered parking. Hydro And A/C included. Call Dianne. 905-332-8979 ALL TEAK fu rn itu re wanted, antiques, watch­ es, paintings, silver dol­ lars, gold, sterling silver, Doultons, jewelry, Swa- ro vs k i f ig u r in e s , old toys , m usica l in s tru ­ m ents. We buy it a ll. 905-979-4447. Free Articles 3 A LITTLE Old W ood W orker Is Calling I t A D a y . FREE w o o d , A sso rted Shapes and Sizes Bob, 905-825-9089 BURLINGTON TOWERS 2 bdrm available February / March 1st Maintenance staff on site, indoor heated pool, tennis courts. Heat, Hydro, A/C, Water and Window Coverings included Great Location in Burlington 905-639-8583 FACING BURLINGTON Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom. Seniors discount. Call Bob 905-639-8009 or Jeff 905-681-8115 Houses for Rent3 SPACIOUS BUNGA­ LOW, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Stainless steel appliances w ith oak cabinets in kitchen. Large liv in g / din ing com bo, open fam ily room. Private back­ yard with deck. Three car parking in drive­ way. Clean and well maintained home. In S ou thw est O akville close to GO Station and shops. $2250+ utilities, available im­ m e d ia t e l y . C a ll 416-528-7520 BUYING DANISH TEAK, Scandinavian furniture, Rosewood & Retro + Vintage Lighting. Call 905-407-9753. Articles Under $100 CHUDHRY NAEEM will pay top dollar for your sc ra p v e h ic le . Call 416-880-1786 LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furn i­ tu re , S te r lin g S ilve r, L ighting, Jewelry, M e­ m o ra b ilia , Toys and Complete C ollections. Anything your grandpar­ e n ts used to o w n . Call Norm's Antiques at 905-703-1107. -for,rent- OAKVILLE 2 BEDROOM s p a c io u s , b a se m en t apartment with separate entrance, in O akville . Renovated washroom . $1250. Utilities included. No s m o k in g /p e ts . Available March 3rd. Call 905-829-1721. WATERDOWN RURAL 3 bedroom, 2-car gar­ age, long driveway, large country lot, 2 minutes to d o w n to w n , idea l fo r small contractor. $2000 +utilities Available March 1st 289-815-1781 Rooms for Rent and Wanted 3 Looking to buy SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE Danish, Denmark, Teak, Rosewood, 1960's Vintage Mid Century Lighting & Furniture, Barrister Bookcases Call: 416-560-0401 level_best@rogers.com OAKVILLE/ TRAFALGAR Road, 1 room for rent, S he ridan C o llege 15 minute walk. Unlimited internet, laundry, every­ thing included. Separate entrance. Available im ­ mediately, $550. Call 365-777-0606 WANTED LIVE anim al traps for non-profit feral cat rescue group. Call or text 905-516-4961 To book your classified ad call 9°5SZ SELL T h eEB e a v e r J W A N T E D : V IN Y L Record & Lps. Turn your albums and 45s into Cash. Also buying S tereo E qu ipm en t, Collectibles and Video Games. Call Frank 416-844-9990 HOLIDAY TEA h o u s e s . $ 289-442-1891 l ig h t 1 0 . Articles Under $100 3 3 ANTIQUE OFFICE chair, 1950's, to refinish, limed oak, arms, casters, Rox- ton of W aterloo. $40. 905-878-9173 BONE CHINA mugs, 6, Royal Albert, mint condi­ t i o n . $ 9 9 . 9 9 . 905-842-1046 BRASS LAMPS, 2, $40 for both. 905-842-1046 CAMCORDER, SONY dig ita l w ith all access. $50. 289-300-1110 CAMERA, CANON film , A1 condition with lenses. $50. 289-300-1110 CAR COAT, w in te r , mauve, fur on hood, as new. $65. 905-632-9295 COMPUTER DESK with Hutch & Swivel Chair. S u itab le fo r s tu d e n t. $50. 289-259-6100 CURIO CABINET, Bom­ bay Co., small, solid ma­ hogany, 3 glass shelves, 11 1/2 x11 1/2 x 38 1/2". $100. 289-707-4604 DOG CAGE sm all. $2. 289-300-1110 DRYER CLOTHES dryer, used, beige, Oakville. $100.00 416-995-1197 DRYER, ELECTRIC fu ll size, Energy guide, ex­ cellent condition, $100. 289-337-1328 FILTER, HOLMES hepa filter, allergen remover. $35.905-319-8102 FLOOR MATS, 4, Volvo 240 740 m odel. $10. 905-827-6306 FRIDGE, WHITE good c o n d i t i o n , $ 7 5 . 905-331-1890 GRIDDLE, NON-STICK electric, Black and Deck­ er, never used. $20. 905-319-8102 JACKET, BMW, new, size XXL, reversible, mo­ tor sports design. $50. 905-827-6306 KNITTING NEEDLES, sets, various types and sizes. $25 for all. LAMP WITH 3 b lack wooden shelves below, a ll one p ie c e . $ 75 . 289-707-4604 LARGE CRYSTAL vase. $25. 289-442-1891 MATTRESS, BEAUTYR- EST king size in excellent c o n d i t i o n . $ 9 0 . 905-827-4955 ORIGINAL MINT porce­ lain bottle, four leaves on Irish chars, Fitzgerald c o l l e c t i o n . $ 2 5 . 905-689-2804 PILLOW, LAVENDER, m emory foam, regular s iz e , as new . $ 4 0 . 905-632-9295 PRECISE HAIR cutting scissors, brand new, $5. 905-689-2804 PURSE, WILSONS yel­ lo w , le a th e r, s m a ll. $100. 289-707-4604 RANGE HOOD, Allure for stove, cream color, good c o n d i t i o n . $ 3 0 . 905-827-6306 REFRIGERATOR. WHITE, used, excellent working order, Oakville, $100.00 416-995-1197 S P O R TR A C K SKI / snow board roo f rack, a d ju s ta b le , 47"- 51", locks , like new. $30. 905-632-4773 STOVE WHITE, used, ex­ ce llen t w orking order, Oa k v i l l e , $ 1 0 0 .0 0 , 416-995-1197 SUITCASE, IN new con- d i t i o n . $ 4 0 . 905-842-1046 TOOL SET, 75 pieces, Ari. $50. 289-300-1110 VACUUM, BISSELL, bag less, compact upright. $30. 905-842-1046 Articles for Sale (Misc.) 3 AIR HOCKEY table, by Carrom. Deep dish and air powered. Excellent c o n d i t i o n . $ 2 5 0 289-259- 6100 MOVING SALE, Wash- er/dryer set, fu ll size, $375. Washer, full size, $225, Dryer, electric, full size $175 . Excellent c o n d i t i o n , c l e a n . 289-337-1328 Ham/Bur) Legals Legals Legals Legals Legals This notice was approved by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice A class action on behalf of students of the Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf (" Drury" ), the Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf ("Whitney"), and the Robarts School for the Deaf (" Robarts" ) and their predecessors (collectively, the "Schools"), has now settled. If you attended Drury at any time between September 1, 1963 and August 23, 2016, Whitney between September 1, 1938 and August 23, 2016, or Robarts between September 1, 1973 and August 23, 2016, the proposed class action settlement will impact you. If you opted out of the class action, the settlement will not impact you. The Province of Ontario and the plaintiff have agreed to settle for a $15 million settlement fund. The settlement includes legal fees, disbursements and applicable taxes, which w ill be deducted from the total settlement amount. There will be a court hearing on April 30, 2018 at the Superior Court in Toronto to decide whether the settlement of the lawsuit and lawyer's fees should be approved. There is no money available now. If the court decides after April 30, 2018 that the settlement should be approved and you are part of the lawsuit, you can then make a claim. You are affected by the settlement if: a) you attended or resided at Drury or its predecessor as students fro m September 1, 1963 to A ugust 23, 2016; b) you attended or resided at W hitney or its predecessor as students from September 1, 1938 to August 23, 2016; c) attended or resided at Robarts or its predecessor as students from September 1, 1973 to August 23, 2016; d) you are a family member of someone who attended one of the Schools between March 31,1978 to August 23, 2016, and that person was living on or after August 10, 2013; or e) you are an estate trustee for a person who was a student at one of the schools during the time periods described above and that person was living on or after August 10, 2013. To receive a full copy of the proposed settlement or receive a more detailed long form notice, please contact Crawford Class Action Services at 1-855-823-0656 (TTY: 1-877-627-7027), or by email at Schoolabuseclassaction@crawco.ca The lawyers acting for the class are Koskie Minsky LLP. You may also contact Koskie Minsky LLP at 1-877-309-9111, or by email at SchoolAbuse@kmlaw.ca If you approve of the settlement, you do not need to take any steps. If you want to object to the settlement, you must send an objection to Crawford Class Action Services by April 9, 2018. Antiques & Collectibles Antiques & Collectibles Articles for Sale (Misc.) 3 Articles for Sale (Misc.) 3 ANCASTER NOSTALGIA AND ANTIQUE SHOW Sunday, February 4th 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. M arritt Hall on the New Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trin ity Road (Junction o f H ighw ay #2 and H ighw ay #52/Trinity Road) Featuring top vendors selling Small Antiques, Old Toys, Dolls, Old Books, Tins, Bottles, Postcards, Coins, China, Records, V intage Paper, A dve rtising S ign s, Com ics. A lso Coke, Brewery, M ilitary, Railroad, Sports, Music, Movie, T.V. & other m em orabilia. The Ham ilton - Brantford area's largest indoor show. 160+ tables. Several new vendors. Adm ission $5.00 For ve n d o r space o r more info. em ail: toyshow @ kw ic.com o r 519-426-8875 *A1 MATTRESS Factory D i r e c t . D e l i v e r y a v a i la b le . All sizes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top sets s tar t ing $ 3 4 0 . Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & 'C r o w n ' s e r i e s , E urotop se ts from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, end -o f - l in e / d is c o n t in u e d i tems available. 905-681-9496 905-338-0803 905-563-6903. CARPET! BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ In s ta ll $385. All types/ Colours. Repairs, re-stre tch ing, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new S ta in m a s te r and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-633-8192 People Search3 NOTICE To anyone who knows the whereabouts of R. INKSETTER. Originally from Copetown, last seen in Waterdown. Please contact 1-306-717-3863. Lost & Found 3 find us online at www.yourclassifieds.calyourdassifieds.ca PIANO, BABY Grand Beautiful shiny black with b e n c h i n c l u d e d . Excellent/ new condition. $5900 or best o ffe r. Original owner, Leave a m e s s a g e . C a l l 905-639-8321. FOUND - PERSONAL A c t i v i t y T r a c k e r . Found on Lakeshore Trail in B urling ton on Sunday, January 2 6 th. P l eas e e ma i l w i t h description: flashlight10 @hotmail.com FOUND CAT: We call Ha- chi. A du lt DSH. Intact Male, Black and White, found near B rant and Gh e n t . B u r l i n g t o n H u m a n e S o c i e t y (905) 637-7325 Sell your no longer used items with a fast working Classified ad 1-800-263-6480 | O akville B eaver | Thursday, February 1,2018 insidehalton.com mailto:classifieds@metroland.com mailto:classifieds@metroland.com http://www.tjtraders.com mailto:inquiries@tjtraders.com http://www.livehere.ca mailto:level_best@rogers.com mailto:Schoolabuseclassaction@crawco.ca mailto:SchoolAbuse@kmlaw.ca mailto:toyshow@kwic.com http://www.yourclassifieds.calyourdassifieds.ca classifieds CARPET Steve 905-633-8192

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