IN T E R N A T IO N A L W O M E N 'S D A Y 41 THE WOMEN BEHIND THE SCENES Today m arks In ternational Women's Day - a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. At the Halton Regional Police Service, m any female civilian employees play im portant roles that are vital to the service's ability to serve and protect our community. There's (clockwise from right) fleet coordinator Jody Percy, a 14-year employee charged w ith finding the best vehicles and equipm ent for Halton officers, including the Tactical Rescue Unit's arm oured rescue vehicle, the police chief's executive assistance Lee Ann McLaughlin, who, over the course of her 30-year career with the service has worked with nine deputies and five chiefs, including Stephen Tanner, Carrie Overholt, a policy and accessibility coordinator, who, after 30 years, continues to enjoy working with the HRPS's various units and the m any people in the organization, purchasing coordinator Susan Chojnacki, a 20-year employee of the service, hum an resources m anagers Karen Bettesworth (right) and K athryn Fryer, and comm unicator M arianne Davidson, who is currently working on train ing dispatchers in the HRPS communications room. Their roles and responsibilities are central to the service's operations, yet, unlike their uniformed counterparts, these women seldom get recognized publicly for their efforts and hard work behind the scenes. On this In ternational Women's Day, we salute them. Nikki Wesley photos | O akville Beaver | Thursday, M arch 8,2018