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Al Vittoria Park Ave. 1433, 28“ 691 OOAKVILLE 290 North Servite Rd‘ W. A! OEW and Dorvul D! SEE YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR HOURS mrr rznnn. 16!! Each Present II'IIS coupon al rash regism wnm nuvcnase Io mew: your vnslanl rebate This coupon IS who a! any Inys H"Us {Canada Ltd slam and may he used m comuncllon mm a maanacluvev couuon DUI Is no! valid wnm any other Toys' R"Us slm coupon len one per puvcnase VOID vlcomed Fmal canyon value WIII Include anullcable [axes Decorator Prints to Grace Pvesem lms coupon :1 Cash monster wnn pulchase w receive youl’lnslanl venue Inns cannon IS valm a! any Yoys"R"Us (Canada) Lm store and may be used In conjunction wnlh a manutaclurev coupon but '5' not valld win any otnel Yoys"R"Us store coupon Lumu on: per nurcnas: Voro â€conned Final cannon value wrll mcluue EDDIICJDIC laxes H1 WE ARE MOVING - MAY 16, 1994- A night depoll box is at the from ofthc and we will be maimzinimr lhc nivht den 861 REDWOOD SQUARE From our present ofï¬ce at 2350 Trafalgar Road : will be maintaining lhc night deposit box a 2350 Tnfalgar Rd 530 Lyons lane for your mnvcnicncc. (Fourth Line I: South Scrvioc Rd.) Phone # 825-9400 7/(#/‘L‘ ‘ [I‘d/my | A nnnnn All!- EEISAVEsz lo SAVE $4 AFTER COUPON Ross Labs SIMILAC CONCENTRATE Case 0124, 385 ml. (Regular or With Iron) OUR PRICE ................ LESS COUPON. . .. OMISSISSAUGA 4559 HuwnIuno SI AIEg linIon OMARKHAM 1525 Demson SI WesIofKZennedy Rd. 'WHITBY 50 Thkkson Rd. 50th oway ~"EWMARKET 17600 Yong eSI. In Uppel (anode Mall OBARRIE 555 Bayh'eld SI North of Hwy. 400 AFTER COUPON LESS COUPON ULTRA riAMb'Ens on PAMPERS PRINTS JUMBO DIAPERS OUR PRICE ............. Procter Gamble JUMBO DIAPEBS 49 EACH AFTER COUPON GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Procter Gamble ' ULTRA PAMPEBS 0H PAMPEBS PRINTS JUMBO DIAPEBS 3 69 Case 1433, 143‘! 16" Each Present "n5 cuupon al cash register wnn uuvcnase to receive your Inslanl lanai: THIS coupon Is vaï¬d at any 1ays"R 'Us (Canada) le slave and may D: used In conluncnon win a manufacturer coupon Du! IS no! valid wnn any omev ons R"Us store coupon mm! on: pev purchase Vma n copied ï¬nal coupon value wull Include apphcanle [axes COUPON Present Ims cnupon al ash remslev wvm purchase Io vecelve your mslanl rebate Thls CDuDOn Is valid at any Toys"R"Us (Canada) Ltd. store and may be used In conyuncllon mm a manulacluve: coupon pul Is no! valld wnln any omev Tuys“R"Us stove coupon lexl one per pulchase V0111 l’ copied Fmal coupon value WI“ Include applicable (axes THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 1.11.1111; DRY THrNs cam?†SIMILA C “In the next 10 years, Ithink you’ll see changes in the boundaries of Hamilton-Wentworth, Halton, Peel and Wellington County,†said Krantz, preferring the term “friendly amalga- mation†to annexation “Of course we have to proceed very delicately,†he said Krantz suggested implementation of HUSR would dn'Ve several political initiatives, including redrawing the boundaries between municipalities. The ï¬nancial strategy will be forth- coming on May 25th, after all public comment on the plan has been heard. Regional council will consider the plan on June lst and, if they chose to proceed, approve it in late June after public meetings have been held. All parties agreed the ï¬nancial strategy will drive the program. While Simpson indicated provincial money in any quantity may be difï¬cult to get, he did say the province was behind the project, due in part to the private-sec- tor approaches to ï¬nancing. Krantz said afterward he felt that will existed among the four Halton municipalities. Simpson noted that development pressures are building in Halton, enough to force growth as soon as it can be accommodated. Milton Mayor Gord Krantz ham- mered away at committee members, saying Halton must “get on with it†and implement the plan before it. goes stale. Both Krth and project consul- tant, Ray Simpson, emphasized the political will necessary to move ahead. The critical ï¬nancial strategy was missing when the final draft of the Halton Urban Structure Review (HUSR) was presented to a special meeting of the Halton regional plan- ning and public works committee on Monday. By BRAD REAUME Special to the Beaver Document trying to Chart path for Halton’s growth W W \\~â€"â€"-â€"ȠW Emu ALL elna sergers at reduced prices Our prices have undergone extensive alterations. THE STTTCHINEEOST Upwards of 5,000 people attended the Oakville Beaver Family Show Sunday at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. More than 60 exhibitors took part and there was entertainment for chil- dren of all ages, not to mention balloons. Community organiza- tions were big winners too. The Oakville ï¬reï¬ghters sold hot- dogs for Canine Vision Canada and proceeds from the Bouncy Dinosaur, went to Oakville Ti'afalgar Memorial Hospital. The big winner of the day was Liz Everitt who won a family cruise for four. Show co-ordinator and Oakville Beaver Retail Sales Manager Kelly Turner, said the show ran smoothly and generated dou- ble the anticipated trafï¬c and that both vendors and visitors were pleased. with the show. - (Photo by Riz/ero Venn/ll) I’llflzb 3A1. MA: â€(“77 --â€"â€"--' __â€"â€"â€"â€"J In I. -â€" -___ A SERGER DEMONSTRATIONS ALL DAY plus i 30 % OFF ALL FABRIC WITH THIS COUPON I - Please be JACQUAR appeared ir in effect f incorrectly. SOLIDS, Ol any inconve v... an ua unquHnU SOLIDSfOur Reg. 127.53 higarbricland apologizes for any inconvenience to its customers. Please be advised that the item POLYESTER JACQUARD SOLIDS, Our Reg. 10.98 m which appeared in Fabricland's BUY 1 GET 2 FREE SALE, in effect from May 2-17, 1994, was advertised incorrectly. It should_haye appeared as JACOUARD om Inn A a SEE ONE OF OUR SPECIALTISTS r > (Exclusive of sale fabric) EXPIRES SAT. MAY 7TH/94 e advised that the item POLYFSTFD' COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION °_COLOUR - Hl-LlTES New styles for ladiesâ€"l‘rï¬eâ€"n‘ 849-6414 Sure now on (his Swiss-designed, any-to use srrgcr will: 2 lo 4 (luau! ova/0d: L'upuf‘ih'ly (III/uran- lid! ln'ul fur pcdvcl smmx. clrmonic loo! control and 5pm! (antral WAS $1,099 Now W699 HAIR COLOUR I. HELP FOR elna LOCK NOW '07: Sat" May 7th ONLY €(J0ticiq‘1 PRO 4 DE May