Illness, weight loss and the simple passing of time can change the shape of the mouth and it may cost extra to have the denture re- -fitted. Such changes are to be expected, says Tomkins, who offers free twelve- month recalls for her patients to check the overall health of the mouth, make adjustments, and pre-empt (potential problems. As the only woman in Ontario ho holds qualifications in dental technology and denture therapy, Tomkins is well acquainted with the trials and tribulations many people go through with their adopted teeth. i' “It takes time, but I feel it’s impor- tant to explain the prognosis, diagno- sis and treatment. My patients have a right to know: ‘Am I going to adapt '0 this quickly?’ Everyone is differ- Properly fitting dentures are not only important for physical appear- ance and self-esteem, but for more practical reasons, she notes. ' If you aren t happy with your den- tures, she asks what' is the clinician prepared to do? “Why should you have to purchase e tra gear? You don’t want to be pickelled and dimed to death, espe- cially if you’ re on a ï¬xed' income. †“The mouth is the beginning of the whole nutrition of the individual. As “part of the digestion process, the food as to be minced thoroughly. And if ;he patient has problems chewing, or their mouth is sore, it limits their options. Who wants to eat baby food?†[major appliance purchase, and make sure the manufacturer backs 1t .up with a written guarantee.†“It depends on the quality of the material. You can get teeth that wear uickly, or last. You get what you ay for.†That’s why people who wear den- tures should make sure the products they buy are warranteed, and built to gust, she advises. “Look at it as a Or so says Nancy Tomkino,a licensed denturist who has just begun making housecalls in Oakville. [Dentures are like carpet Believe it or not, dentures are like cafpet. little maintenance, : flooded m wmtertov mate a ‘ "buddies and is dilrable, ' support a_ variety "f better than a pojo, to watch th aintenance free, ll'year.†‘ =-A suspended flooring systehi used by many sports associations is: being marketed for home use in the '0'“? you can play like the pr9~ .. 'als,athome ' After dieting, the problems start. The (eight that is gained at this point is fat issue rather than muscle, and is very Varietyyin our dict, she explains, is Floor System COuldllmltT Um I In fact, the more weight you lose, Ie greater the drop in your metabolic lte, she explains, which means less and ass food is required to stay at the same reight. In the end, many people give up n fad diets due to boredom with limited )od choices. ADVERTISING FEATURE Dieting just doesn’t work. According to registered dietitian ronica Wolff, dieting actually causes body to gain weight faster, 3 phe- menon known as the “Yo-yo yndrorne.†“While you’re dieting, your body lapts to receiving fewer calories by ;ing them very efficiently,†she (plains. “This can slow down your retabolism, especially if you don’t rercise.†Ly 4, 1994 ADVERTISING FEATURE ADVERTISING FEATURE I by Stephanie Henderson by Stephanie Henderson 'om HM ' w w 40 ,4 iets give way to new philosophyl essential to good nutrition. And if older people are not mincing their food properly, it could contribute to heartburn, choking, stomach prob.- lems, constipation and hemorrhoids. ' â€Iii madame" sly ufactured in Saskatch‘ says, with $0111 -_ plied by the compan ofï¬ce In Salt Lak ' type ‘of; £100" concrete“â€Surfaé'e‘s’fthï¬ ing, bliStering, sweating or " and it won’t warp; .Oflj raged to tearpu me There are no" .. . :cialxoolsteqmred ' Many top 'namés 'i :, played on Dutagxid® 9 its manufacture " “Diets can hurt you physically and mentally, and simply don’t wor There is a solution, however. “As caloric restriction and dieting have only temporary effects and no proven results, a new outlook for this decade is a non-dieting approach to weight management,†she says. fln addition to 110mm [ions are available for {fee , v gymnasium, shuffleboard and ac. car “It _s great. for ’ where you Wauldn’ pet,†Toenz says “Proper nutrition and weight control are the starting points of feeling good about ourselves.†. difï¬cult to bum and mobilize In addition, extreme dieting can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia ner- vosa and bulimia, and can cause other serious health problems, notes Wolff. The private nutrition consultant offers these guidelines for adopting a new way of managing food intake (great to cut out and stick to the reï¬'igerator): ' Don’t cut out, cutback. Train yourself to eat smaller portions. - Think of low calorie substitutes when Problems are much more easily corrected in the early stages. Why not prevent serious health difï¬aulties before they have a chance to take hold? Various jolts and strains can cause misalignments of the spine. When this happens, you need the help of a chiropractor to get your spine back into alignment. Through a series of gentle adjustments, the chiropractor encourages the vertebrae to move back into proper position. Inspector Spine rs coming to a classroom near you. Because it s Spinal Health Week, many classes In schools all across the province are participating in a voluntary program to educate young people in the proper care of their spines Children will be reading aseries of lively booklets (published by the Ontario Chiropractic Association), featuring Inspector Spine, a cartoon-like character who teaches kids as they solve puzzles, play games, and trace their way through mazes. A booklet has been created for each of grades 3 through 6, with an accompanying teacher’s guide for each level. Teachers are encouraged to invite chiropractors to speak to their classesthis week, so that the children can hear ï¬rsthand from a health professional about the importance of spinal health. Inspector Spine shows. the youngsters that the nerves running through the spine act as “wires" connecting all parts of the no body. The spinal cord is compared to a computer cable that carries messages to and from the brain to all parts of the body. Nerves tell the heart to beat, the lungs to breathe, the legs to move, and the face to smile. Kids learn that the spine â€" made of 24 small bones called vertebrae â€" supports the body, helps us to move, and protects the spinal cord. In a fun way, the booklets illustrate that correct posture, proper lifting, regular exercise, and good nutrition can help prevent spinal problems and ensure good health. - 1“! D ISGOVEMESOF Why is the care of the spine so crucial? Because the spine encases the nerves that transmit signals throughout the body, a problem in the spine can lead to more than just a backache or stiff neck (although these in themselves can be debilitating). When there is a subluxation of the vertebrae â€" a misalignment of the spinal bones in which they lose their normal position and motion â€" organs may not function properly and a person may develop symptoms in various systems of the body. Unfortunately, spinal problems are often overlooked as the cause of serious health problems, even though disorders such as migraine headaches, asthma, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, emotional stress, and even skin problems can result from pinched nerves. ' [J ‘3. There are many things you can do to enhance the health of your spine, and at the same time, help you to feel better all over. Gentle exercises for strengthening and toning the body â€" such as yoga and walking â€" are best. Deep breathing, which gives the spine a gentle stretch is a wonderful tonic. p . \ You don’t have to wait for symptoms to evolve before looking into the health of your spine. Remember, just as you would take your car to the auto mechanic for preventive maintenance, you can take your spine to the chiropractor forpreventive maintenance. I 11‘; . - .7.., , CHIROPRACTIC AND GOOD HEALTH ï¬es, and m a_ yanety o 3:11 Sport C0un® game- ‘01 ‘come in brick red, grass est green and gray Deck sports performancevtile “People don’t realize thatzit’s not just looks. The stomach has to work harder if the food is too large.†But self-image is important too, (See ‘Regular‘ on page 22) you are preparing food. How about sub- stituting low fat yogurt for sour cream in dips and on baked potatoes? 0 Improving your eating habits may not be as difï¬cult as you think. Although at ï¬rst you might miss lots of fat and sugar in your food, your taste buds will quick- ly adjust V ' When cooking, use non-fattening fla- vorings such as lemon juice, garlic, mus- tard, herbs, spices, chili sauces and sal- sas. 0 Don’t make any food taboo. You can eat anything you want in moderation. Eating a piece of cake or a donut once in a while won’t make you fat. ' Think about eating more starchy foods such as pasta, rice, beans, breads and potatoes. Starchy foods are ï¬lling but low in fat and a good source of vitamins and minerals. ~ If you are on the run, choose some basic foods for a good meal or snack. Spinal Health Week: You Need a Healthy Spine for Optimal Well-Being THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Milk, low fat cheeses and yogurt, low fat mufï¬ns, fresh fruits and vegetables are all good choices. 0 When eating out, order smaller por- tions. Avoid dishes with with rich sauces or gravy. Ask for your salad dressing on the side. In the convenience of your own back yard on a SPORT COURW game court. Designed for 15 Sports and Games all year round, and custom-built to fit any budget and back yard size. We also carry Duragrid Floor Tiling for your Deck, Swimming Pool and Basement. / A Glen Abbey resident, Wolff can be reached at 825-3792. SPEND MORE QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS MM FOR MORE FUN and |NFO., CALL WWW BONDED, INSURED 0 Complete and partial denture 0 Same day relines and (repairs 0 No charge consultation“ A public awareness program by your local chiropractic association personal, quality service while in hospital, nursing home, or in your own private home; DENTURE SERVICE DENTURIST Omkiné 100 BENTLEY STREET, MARKHAM Phone (905) 479-9010 CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT PERSONALIZED STEPS COVERING ' Idmï¬ï¬mï¬m of Weak Axeas ' Making Wiser Choices Leading CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT [NTI‘IALASSBWEN’I'FRHE PLAN YOUR HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Healthy Lifstyle Planning Weight Management Vegetanamsm‘ ' . Pregnancy, Gwlesherol, Diabets 1/ ‘ Heahh Mental Well-being Abbey‘Chiropraclic 825-9529 1500 Heritage Way Dr. Ron McAlr's'er Dr. Murray McPhaiI Norihoak Chiropractic 338-5951 243 N. Service Rd. W., Suite 203 Dr. Jay Bumess Noninghiil Place Chiropractic Clinic 827-4197 1 131 Noflinghill Gate, Suite 205 Dr. Sandra Simpson NORTH WEST NORTH EAST ArishenkoH/MacDou all Chiropractic 145 Tralalg’arid. Dr. Miche e Arishenkoff Dr. Lloyd MacDouga" Maple Grove Chiropractic Clinic 51 1 Maple Grove Dr. Dr. James Wilson Dr. Patrick Zak Moore Chiropractic Centre 220 Randall St. Dr. Dre" Moore ' Dr. Don Moore Oakville Chiropractic Centre 145 Dunn St. Dr. Richard Fenn Dr. Arnold Roper 338- 'l 548 338-3732 845-5747 845-4541 845-2291 845-1613 Upper Ookville Chiropractic Clinic 849-1400 10]] Upper Middle Rd. E. Dr. Dave Healey River Oaks Professional Building 2-2169 Sixth Line SOUTH EAST SOUTH WEST Bronte Chiropractic Office 2368 Lokeshore Rd. W‘ Dr. Joyce Allman Hossord Chiropractic Clinic 2361 Lokeshore Rd. W Dr. Mark Hassard 7 Dr. Murray Hassard Huggins Chiropractic 467 Speers Rd. Dr. Brian Huggins Ookwest Chiropractic Office 635 Fourth Line Dr. Don Hammond Setting Mmgabiecoah Emotional Suppon CENTRAL To Wes-Me Changeq Show Chiropractic Centre .286 érgus BEL Dr. Grég Shaw Hohon Chiro rocï¬c Clinic 250 Mecroh Rd., Suite 5 Dr. Larry Lou hh'n Dr. Bill tack ouse Dr. Richard G'rolmus OAKVILLE ‘ (905) 845-1518 Dental Hygiene Fitness Weight Loss Hi Authorized Sport Court Products Distributor 338-5558 827 -'|633 847-2225 338-3080 845-9777 842-5489 844-91 17 21