1200 sq.ft.. industrial space ‘with sky" ht in back. 'Speers Fl . /Third Line June 18!. 627â€"5313 OFFICE space for sublet. . proximately 750 work- ble sq‘fl. June 131. Contact ifsa or Bev 842â€"1770 for In 0. PARTNERSHIP Oppor- mnity available. Growing computer sales and service bu iness in Milton has need of a workin partner with hands on nowledge of c mputqr hqrqwafe. gon- $900/MONTH- 1 bedroom luxury building. Rent in- cludes utilities. Liz Harley, Sales Rep, Royal Lepage Rieal Estate Services Ltd. absâ€"3737 TWO bedroom apartment in duplex house, top floor, downtown area. asking $700. plus utilities. M74564 after 4pm. HOUSE Wanted to rent with ï¬rm offer to purchase. $200K plus range (416) 813-5908 flare' andeei'VipherValéfPr'evr- Ebug bu_s_mes_s 9xpenenc9 preferable. Seriohs inguix- ries only. 875-0339 or 375-0387. panmant available imme- Iakely, private entrance, ca- ble, utilities, parking. 842â€"43276. EJWO bedroom basement ONE bedroom basement apartment, spacious, eat-in kitchen, diningroom, cable, Northeas! Oakville, close to all amenities. no parking, $550./month, female non- smoker preferred‘ 842â€"6159. |170l LARGE three bedrooms at Trafalgar/ QEW with security enxrance, parking, pool, ten- nis and exercise room. All inclusive, 338â€"5622. ONE and two bedroom apartments in Iowrise. Oak. ville Place area, $630., and $730. monthly. Heat, hot water and parking included‘ 847â€"1136 kFINISHED Doctor’s offices, retail and ofï¬ce space avail- ‘ ble a‘ attrac‘iva rates at iller Mews (Church and eynolds) and plaza on keshore and Ken' 3!. Call (416) 925-2549 or tax (416) 966-0344. ONE BEDROOM in Bronte. Pool, tennis court, sauna, weight room..$750. monthly. utilities included. Available June 15!. 639-5921. bath. corner apartment acing lake‘ This unit has een totally upgraded. wall to wall. floor to ceiling. Eve- thing in it is brand new. all 847-6146 ’TWO BEDROOM large basement apartment. own entrance. Winston Churchill and QEW. $750. monthly, Mature. quiet person. 829â€"0469 OVELY townhome in an xcellenl complex, walk to hopping centre, near GO tation. backs onto park For ore inlormation call Phil occone, Coldwell Banker artland, 568-98881 IVER OAKS, Three bed- ooms. 1 1/2 baths, 3 ap- Iiances, central air and a- age. Only 5 years od. eautilully decorated, 1500 q.lt. plus pine-finished asement with wet-bar. $149,900, reasonable offers nsidered. 257â€"0165. HIVATE. 4-BEDHOOM tacked townhouse. 'Fal- arwood". Oakvilla. Owner eaving country. Market alue $110,000. Selling for hat's owing: $89,500. Call Pgr. (416)237â€"7221 LSPEERS EXECUTIVE CENTRE Brokers protected 10% comm url. off Brant St, . of QEW. Newer omplex, 3 bdrms. 1 1/2 baths. Bright‘ in. We basement, ca, cv, fp., an. gar. $89.13 condo fees. Rear facing park 332â€"6915 ‘ ‘NN!_SLARE. a bedroom. nday 1-4pm, 1225 al- rwood Dnve, $249,900, .ur bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, wished basement, air, main pen: famiiyropry, oak kitch-‘ EEN House Salurda B. ï¬k cabinets, eat-in kitchen, ,ningroom, family room, yndry. office, 2 car garage nd more. Central air. Area der roof 2260 qut. 39,900. 905-669-3390. Bento offers. his unique, Glen Orchard home, with pano- mic view of ravine, is situated in a quiet, xclusive area of established Glen Abbey. Features include: EAUTIFUL 4 bedroom on ;' x 180' Io‘ on quiet street Waterdown. 2-1/2 baths. Inken livingroom, 2 an- [yo erck_ï¬repl_atce‘s,‘ s_o|id I, hardwbod fldors, newly unrated. 844â€"1565. 4+ bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, finished rec. froom beautifully landscaped lot with pool. iIIlf ‘0 place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-5516 Mon. - Fn’. 8:30 am. - 5 pm. PRIVATE SALE OF HOME 1208 RUSHBROOKE DRIVE End Unit $145,900 Commercial Office Space for Rent from $25_0. _monthly townhousu for sale ofï¬ce business space industtial commetcial space housu for sale apartments condos for sale housing wanted apts. flats for rem 466 Speers Rd., 338-3597 827â€"7367 I170| ofï¬ce a. busineé; space I170| BRIGHT, clean one bed- room basement apartment. Full kitchen and bath. Pri- vate entrance. Olde Oal- Villa, 2 blocks from shop- pin and transportation. $5 lmonlh.845â€"8766 205 Queen Ma Drive. Two bedroom, l1646.61, available June Isl. 3 bed- room, 584635. available July 131. Close to all ameni- ties. Call 844-9670 LARGE newly renovated one bedroom master with ensuite. Separate en- trance. Fireplaca. Ap- pliances. Winston Churchill/06W. June 1st. Aiso available, shared ac- oomociation at other location gMiSSISSauga). Immediate. us. 823-7689. BASEMENT apartment. Complete bathroom. ki‘ch- on, eating area, bedroom. $600‘ monthly, available June 13!. Dale, 845â€"7858. DOWNTOWN one bed- room, Herita 9 building, $750. month includes patking and uti ities, avail- able immediately. No pets. 844â€"6581. LAKESHOREIKERR 2 bedroom 5875 plus h dro. On 2 levels. Bright an spa- cious. Balcony, ensuite laundry, parking. Immediate. 842â€"5100 _BR_ONTE_ />Lakesrhore, 2 bedroom, balcony, in 6-plex. $750 plus hydro. Also 1 bedroom, $575. 277â€"0509, 847-5727. THREE bedroom, North Oakville, near Oakville Place. 'main floor only', bright. clean! Fridge, stove, washer. dryel, broadloom, parking! $859. pIus utilities. available immediately. call 544-0896. SOUTHEAST, 2 bedroom. duplex home, 5 appliances, (laundry). fireplace deck circular drive, rivate lot Close to GO EW. 403. 81100. June 1st. 847â€"6629 NEWLY RENOVATED bachelor in Olde Oakville. Private entrance, walk to Go and hospital. Suitable for single, non-smoker. $595 in- dudes utilities. 844â€"7001. LOVELY two bedroom apartment, downtown Oak- VIHe, appliances. walk-out to patio. 842â€"9275 or 827- 9268 after 5 pm. SUMMER Accommodation or Sheridan School year. Luxury tumished, two bed- room basement apanment, broadloomed, utilities, air, private entrance, kitchen and targe bathroom, two non-smoking females wel- come, $300 for summer, $350 for tall each. Refer- ences. 844â€"5179. OAKVlLLE - 2 bedroom, Dorval and Rebecca, clean quiet small buildin facin Paark- .$.640 99'. man .avai: 'able May 1'5‘h. Call'(905) 277-4728. AVAILABLE June 1st. One bedroom, frid e. s‘ove. Close to Oakvil a Harbour. $650 momhly plus hydro. 845â€"6737 EAST Oakville: Detached bungalow, main floor, 2 bed- rooms, fireplace, air condi- tioning, quiet area near lake. S1050/monlh plus uu'l- ities. 821â€"0974 BRIGHT spacious base- ment apartment attractively decorated. Wood burning stove. 1 bedroom 39 arate entrance. Utilities, ca la in- cluded. Parking, laundy available. $690. monthly. July 1st. 845â€"3755 Condo Apts. 2 5 bedrooms fron $875 per month. 0 5 appliances 0 fireplace - air conditioning - venical blinds . - broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area - parking included - security entrance lease call bitweer 9 a.m.- 5p.m. al: ‘0 mins. from QEW/GO o Exceptionally well maintained highrise - Hydro included - Outdoor pool Bachelor $551. 1 bedroom $599. OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY 825-3327 845-9502 $329,900 houses for sale apts. flats for rent apts. flats for rent AKVILLE BEAVER I I170| l180| l175| BRIGHT 3 bedroom condo lor rent in recently reno- vated building‘ Lake view from 2 sides in Bronte Full amenities including laundry, pool, tennis exermso room, sauna and more, Rent in- cludes utilities, satellite TV, underground parking and appliances‘ lmmedlalely $1 100. monthly. 625-3165 TWO bedroom furnished accomodation for July September for 2 ladies cyom- ing pfrom U. K. Call Jane 416- 724â€"6256 SUITES for rent in quiet beautifully maintained build- ing downtown. Ste out to shops in old Oakvi ie. Lots of seniors in buildin . 1 bed- room from $775, 2 edroom from $900. Call 844â€"6952 BRONTE HARBOUR Club, 2 bedroom, 2 baths, 5 appliances, numerous amenities. $1175. month. Call 827â€"5464. OAKVILLE, one bedroom, June 15!, carpeted. $605, two bedroom, June Isl, $719. No smokers. 416- 233â€"7441 GLEN Abbey condo, two bedroom with fireplace, $930 monthly. Contact Sharon Mcintyre. 844â€"6061. PREFER SENIOR, 2 bed- room apt, Lunit building. on 2nd floor. No pets. Heat 8: parking included. Pay own hydro. Available imme- diately. $573.77/mo. Call 632-4840 Beautiful 2 BDFiM, 2 bath, corner unit, SAN view to lake. 5 a pliances, solarium, Rec. centre, security. 1,250 p.m. (incl. utilities) June ‘lst. "TI-IE GRANARY" Fabulous garden suite on the Harbour. 1750‘ sq. ft. 5 appl. Concierge. $2300 pm. Call: Finola Rayner, Sales Rep. W.H. Bosley Co. Ltd.,Realtor 845-9350 The Rodean Cooperative (the John Scott Building, 350 Kerr St, Oakville) is accepting applications for market value suites. Prices are as follows: 2 bd. - $750.20 i 3 bd. â€" $851.20 i (Prices include parking and cable) Please direct inquiries to the Superintendent at (905) 842-8901. Applications should be made in person at the building; 1 (9 am. - 12 noon) or (2 - 5 pm.) weekdays. _Enjoy the convenience of downtown liv- ing in quiet, well maintained building with: indoor parking, pool and saunas Walk: to shopping, library, theatre and the best restaurants. Glorious all season: view of the harbour and East Oakville. Call for appointment 842-5518 2 Bedroom Apartments Avallablo Close to Sheridan Colle e Oakville Place. Quiet parkâ€"Iikg sgtlipg. or info call: ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE II Call 827-6625 or 825-5519 BROKERS WELCOME Close to Sherid'an College Oakvillé Place. Quiet park~like setting. Variety store on premises. Seniors welcome For info call: - 5 appliances - Broadloom - Balcontes or patios . Socumy entrance - Recreational area A Higher Standard of Value EXCEPTIONAL 1 o 2 o 3 BEDROOM APTS ' Magnlflcent Indoor Pool - New Fitness Centre - Utllltles Included III/Ii Luxury 2 a. 3 bedroom Garden Homes Exceptional 1 Z-Bdrm. Apts. Each with balcony overlooking beautiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for those seeking prime location at an affordable price. 36 EAST STREET, BRONTE MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court 639-8583 2 bedroom 1400 sq.ft. SIR RICHARD TOWERS Luxurious Lakefront Apartments For Rent. Oakville 82 7â€"91 69 Managed by BURLINGTON TOWERS Includes the use of a fabulous recreation complex, all utilities, ca- ble, 5 app. underground parking. Available immediately 1260 Marlborough Court Bachelor 1 2 Bedroom Apts. Avail Immed. Starting 6! $5501andypr m dakville from $905 per month WALLACE PINES II apb. 8: flats for rent condominiums for rent apts. flats wanted 847-5043 MGMT. OFFICE OAKVILLE COURT OPEN: MON-FRI. 10-9/ SA T. 10-5’ SUNJ 1-5 "THE SOVEREIGN" 84457332 845-7545 - Fireplace 0 Vertical bllnds 0 Storage rooms 0 On-slte management - Parking included I170] l180l BRONTE HARBOUR Club. Gorgeous, fully turnished 2- bedroom ground-floor unit. Linda Davies Real Estate. Heahor. 827-7728 WE SPECIAL|ZE in Con- dominium Sales Rentals. Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333â€"4347. 827-7728 BRONTE, 2 storey brick 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 baths, 5 ap- pliances, eat-in kitchen, ï¬re- place, finished basement. garage, fenced |oI on beau- tiful wood lot. quiet sheet, walk to harbour, Non- smokers. Available June 151. $1250. month‘ 827- 5871 BURLINGTON Estate on the water, 40 It boat slip (Lifestyle's of the Rich 8. Famous), $2500 month. Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consultants Inc. 842â€"8383 houses for rent apts. flats for rent condominiums for rent LAKESHORE Rd. West â€" three bedroom house, $950. monthly, downtown Oakville $ocation with com- mercial zonin , walk to lake and park. all Ambrose Grieco, Associate Broker, Century 21 Miller Real Es- tate, 845-9180 or evening 545-7882. OAKVILLE bungalow, 3 bedrooms, finished base- ment, central air, gara 6. Available immediate y. $1100 plus utilities. 568- 3359‘ THREE] four bedroom bun- alow. finished basement. encad yard, convenient lo- cation, 2 baths‘ $975 p!us utilities. References re- quired. 844â€"8372 TWO bedroom house, in Old Oakville. $1,300 plus utilities, also one bedroom basement apartment, close to Go and shopping. $590 monlhl , both available June 13 . 844â€"2953. LANDLORDS! WE have many screened. qualified tenants available! Call any- time if you have a vacancy, 333-5506, Active Man- agement WON'T LAST! Utilities paldl Tastefully decorated 3-bed- room. 1-1/2 baths. carpeted throughout, 4 appliances. parking. patio. storage. Only $995.00! 333â€"5387, Acflve Management FAMILY COMPLEX! Car- peted 3-bedroom. 1-1/2 baths. finished rec.room. garage. 4 appliances, play- gtound. handy shopping. $995.00! 333â€"5387. Active Management NORTH Oakville, four bed- rooms. 1-1/2 baths, four ap- pliances. parking. $1175. in- elusive, Immediate. 332â€"4833. SIXTH Line/ Upper Middle. 6 rooms, 1-1/2 baths. 4 ap- pliances, rec. room. avail- able immediately. $1060 monthly. 634â€"7571, 845- 7529 SIXTH LINE/McCraney 3 bedroom. 2 baths. family room, 2 car parking, com- pletely renovated. June 15:. or July 1st. $1050 month. Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consuitants Inc. 842â€"8383 SMALL community co-op, excellent location 0" Ford Drive. Immediate occu- ancy. 3 bedroom town- ome, 1~1/2 baths. full basement, garage $993. plus 905-829-5294. EAST Oakville. 3 bedroom bungalow. a appliances. two fireplaces. finished basement, separate garage, deck, large lot, adjacent to wooded park, walk to schools and shopping, $1,500 plus utilities. Avail- able July. 842-0947. FOR lease lrorn July 1/94: three bedroom Glen Abbe newer home, garage, yar . appliances; young- family nalghbours. S1200. monthly Ems u‘ilitiee, J. Dou e, Ingsway Nauonal Real 3- tate Ltd. 416-485-2333. LAKEFRONT, Oakville West. New semi-detached bungalow, 2 bedrooms, $1300, utilities included. Re- tired couple. Evenings 827â€"2266 LUXURY HOME, south west Oakville, 4 plus 2 bed- rooms, double garage, above ground pool, we“ a - ointed, $1600. mom . aple Leaf Home Market- ing Consultants Inc. 842â€"8383 THREE bedroom bunga- low. excellent condition, ga- rage, ï¬nished basement. 2 baths. apliances, air, cen- tral locaton. $1150 plus util- ities. June 1st. 847â€"3708 Three bedroom sidesplit, air, close to allamenixies. no pets. 827â€"2025. after 4 pm. LANDLORDS! WE have many screened. qualified tenants availablel Call any- time if you have a vacancy, 333-5506. Active Man- agemem SIXTH Line, Upper Middle, large a bedroom town- house. 1 1/2 baths. 4 ap- pliances, available Jul lst., $995 ‘plus utilities. 416) 481â€"4660. ROOM townhouses, Ho- pedale Mall area. Avail- able immediately‘ Phone Lakeshore Management (416) 253â€"9347. THREE AND FOUR BED- THREE bedroom town- house‘ Upper Middle/ Sixth Line‘ $1050/ month. AvaiI- able immediately. Call after 6pm 849-0268. CLEAN main level - 3 bed- room, living/dining room, large kitchen, 4 piece bath- room, appliances. Large yard. Bus route. Sixth Line WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1 994 PAGE 25 7Upper Middle. Available im- mediately. 827â€"5441 North - $1150/mo. - 3 bdrm T/H. 5 appls., new paint carpets, utilities included. Ask about move-in allowance North -$1000Imo. - 3 bdrm. T/H, 4 appls. River Oaks - $1650Imo. - 4 bdrm., 2 storey home, 4 appliances, air, fireplace. Bronte - $21 OOImo. - Executive T/H near lake, approx. 2500 sq.ft lots of extras. Glen Abbey â€" $2780/month - large exec home. 4 bdrm, den and familyroom. Olde OakvilIeV-V$2595/mo - 3 bdrm., 2 storey restored home. '1'] townhouse {4 for rent iDW FEE INCLUDES: ‘ Advertising ' Lawn “For Rent†Sign ‘ Lease Forms ‘ Legal Advice ’ Properly Managemenl ‘ CLS-Computer Listing Services ‘ 24 Hr. Consultation OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE TENANTS - WE CAN FIND YOU A HOME! REGISTER NOW-NO FEE FOR OUR RENTAL MATCH SERVICE TRAFALGAR 338-1 1 30 mm WHY saunas In. LARGE furnished. bed- room. East Oakville. Pri- vate entrance, share facili- ites, air cable, laundry, swimming pool. very quiet. $400. Imonth. 844â€"2111 l194| |196| |190l l191| FURNISHED room for rent, across from Sheridan College. Great for summer student. $400/ month. 338â€"2808 FURNISHED two bedroom apaflment beside Sheridan College to share with stud~ em or working person, ma|e preferred. immediately, 845â€"5602. LUXURY aparlmen! to share, includes pool, sauna. whirlpooi, indoor shogping. $350/month includes ydro near Sheridan College. Available May 15L 338-9514 ROOMS available in four bedroom house. all inclu- sive, utilities. cable. parking, newly renovated. Near shops, beer store. $325. Available immediately. 338â€"0648 TWO storey, 4 bedroom condo to share‘ Close to Sheridan and Go Train. $325. inclusive. Available immediately 849â€"0351 seeks executive three/ four bedroom home in South East Oakville, 1-2 year lease, Scott White 416-236- 0745. CLOSE to Oakville Place, one large bedroom, parklng, share all facilities. $325. Available immediately. 507-3762. DOWNTOWN, furnished room, plus rec room, park- ing» Gemleman preferred, share facilities. $90 weekly inclusive. 345â€"2607. FURNISHED room, two walk in closem, se rate en- trance, shared ath and kitchen, ajr, TV, parking. Olde Oakwlle, $92. week y, ladies prelen'ad. Call Heakh- or, 336-7492. FURNISHED rooms from $295. Near Oakville Place, Sheridan College and bus stop. Ken, 842â€"0789‘ NORTH Oakville. Extra large furnished room, use of kitchen. laund and bath- room, non-smo er, bus ro- ute. No parking. $78 week- ly. 844-6423. PRIVATE bedsittini room, separa‘e entrance, itchen, bathroom, fully furnished‘ No parking; 3350/ month. 845â€"1592, save message One and Two furnished rooms, separate entrance, remuneration for women wflling to provide occasional care for handicapped tee- nager. 844â€"7673. BRONTE, great house. Yard, air, parking, laundry, fireplace, 2 1/2 bathrooms, non-smoking temale. $400 827â€"8145. ROOMMATE to share 3 bedroom townhouse Im- mediate. Student preferred. Near Sheridan College. $400 inclusive. 338â€"3443 THREE bedroom house, North Oakville, female pre- ferred. likes gardening, ga- rage, share all facilities‘ $450. 845â€"0260 THREE large bedroom townhouse nicely decorat- ed, hardwood flooring. Near Oakville Place. $875. plus. (905) 875-3449 EXECUTIVE HOME re- quired in Oakvilla. Swim- ming pool preferred. Up to $2500 monthly. Ma Ie Leaf Home Markeiing onsult- ants Inc. 842â€"8383 PonESSIQNAg fgmiiy ROOM for rent. $325 monthly Walk to Sheridan College, stores Pool, hot tub, sauna, cabie TV. 905- 338â€"1502 SOUTHWEST Oakville UPPER MlDLE/Dorval. Large furnished room on bus route. Non-smoker. $350.00. First, last. Avail- able immediateiy. 847â€"5040 ROOM and home cooked meals, $115/vveek. Working person or student. Non- smoker. Use 0! facilities. 845â€"2677 KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available (or weddings, anniversaries. parties etc. Call for more information 827-1854 alter 3pm . roomsfonent rd inflamed 93| shared accommodation halls lodges housing wanted to rent room board availabIe, wmted townhouses for rent m REAL ESTATE 100-165 % AUTOMART 100-165 mm! RENTALS 170-196 ‘iJ'I-I'i HELPWANTED 170-196 LEISURE LIVING 200-265 ANNOUNCEMENTS 200-265 If: MERCHANDISE 100-165 m SERVICES 100-165 DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday Issue. Wed. 4 pm. for FTtday Issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday Issue. ADVERflSlNG ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior to next publiwtlon date, Egg boats a. supplies FOR Rent cottage on safe sandy beach, two bed- rooms. !ouc piece wash- room. Call Rhonda for de- tails 844-8507. 1990 LASER II, race equip ed_ Excellent condi- tion. all 844-9661. ber |ass canoes. new and u .03" 825â€"6346 l310| CARPETS - l have several 1.000 yds. ol new Stain- master 8. 100% nylon car- pet. Will do livingroom 8. hall for $360. Includes cer- pet. pad installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639- 2902 TAYLOR SOFT ice cream machine. #710: Hot cho- colate machine; Mini pizza oven. Bun cot1eemakez. Call 905-854-0106. l315| CANOES. 14' and 16‘ fi- FRIDGE, stove. washer, Saar, excellent condition. l|.separate 319-3255. GIRL'S Skyline 10 speed bike. Criterium Series. Used twice. Greai shape. 844-3537 anytime and leave message. GIVE YOURSELF A Lm! Professional Custom up- hols‘ery. Chairs from $198. Fantastic savings on soles. loveseats. sofa beds. di- ningroom/ accent chairs. Great fabric selection. Free estimates. Fleld's Uphol- stery. 9am-9pm. 7-days weekly. 333-6202. MAPLE twin beds, chest, 1930‘ s 8350. Single bed, mattress, box spring $30. Large corn uter table $70. Carpets: wo Indian 8 x 10. 72' Axminster round, 2 pieces copper colour $40 each. 844â€"1190. Everything reduced! Cai'II 844â€"4927 STACKER washer/dryer $600. Soulhbend me!a| lathe $1,000. 3- iece bed- room set $150. ‘tchen set $100. Couch $75. 827â€"1508 SIT ON It. don‘t Sit In it! Re- placement ioam seat cush- ions. Custom fined. All shapes/ sizes. Commen‘cal/ Residential. Free Estimates. Fields Upholstery. 9am~ 9pm. 7-days weekly. 333- 6202. and other hbusehold items. 825â€"1241 RUNNING stroller wanted. Good condition. Call 844â€"1570 evenings. WASH STANDS, one drawer and two drawer, re- finished, 8395 and $495. 827â€"4587. DINING chairs, 6 bIack lac- quer, 48' X 48' eggshell cot- fee table, burgundy queen size sofa bed, glass tea trol- ley. 825-2618. FAXES COPIERS, com- Ruters for home or office. aw and re ossessed. Buy or lease. Cal 842-8259 tion. Biack. Single. Call 347â€"6897 for $15 or 40 lbs for $23 Wow!. Call 905-639-4911 LIFECYCLE: Like new $1600; white office desks $55., swivel chairs $35. La- dies bicycle $45. 338â€"8383 EIANQ ‘STORE Clgsipg UPRIGHT freezer. Md a, stove lablg, 2 chairs! B Q EUTOP}, exceljgntpoqdi; _L_AL_INpR_Y_ . Detergent E uivalent to lemon sZent- 9 '[idg with plgach, 25lbs. To consist of good lot of household furniture etc., pcs. of walnut, oak and J. 8. H. chair etc. Quantity of new furniture and new tools etc. A ood full sale. To be held at "Hume's Auction arm located at 9313 - 4th Line, 3 mi. northeast ot Milton. Usual terms and conditions etc. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 7TH AT 11:00 AM. For Freda WIIIred Lawrence 5075 HWY. 3 25 SOUTH, RR. 3 1, Milton, Ont. (South of Brlttanla Rd.) COMPLETE SALE CONSISTING 0F Fumlture, glass a china, appllances, 9 pc. aolld walnut dlnlngroom set, "Gouriay" uprlght plano, cedar chest, beds and dressers, old plne 2 board top table, chalrs, rockers, wooden lawn chaln, wicker Iumlture (old), bedding, 2 Trlsha Romance prints, stacking bookcase, stove, IrIdge, washer dryer, Ireezer, old canoe, Bolena rotor tlllor, 12 hp. M.T.D. 38 In. cut rIdlng lawnmower (llke new), tools, old plne tool box, shallow well pressure purrp, garden tools, etc. FULL SALE-PROPERTY SOLD. PREVIEW 9 AM. DAY OF SALE. USUAL TERMS. AUCTIONEER: DON COLUNG, MILTON (905) 878-3185 - Visa, MC FREE DELIVERY Call Mr. Cedar at 319-3350 All sizes tor pflvacy hedges. Picked-up. planted G: delivered. Free est. Mduac Landscap In, Acton. 1- (519)-8 3-2790 40| 3-4' @ SSS/do: 5- 6' @ $88/doz oTaller Sizes Avail. - Planting Service Your Own CEDAR CEDAR TREES Sherwood Hume, Auctioneer 905-878-4878 vacation properties articles for sale anicles wanted AUCTION SALE "was. May 5 AT 6:30 P.M. antiques a. an AUCTIONS WEDDING Photography - 100-115 prints in album plus negatives 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 639â€"6710 HELPER wanted to install Central NC. Refrigeration. electrical experience pre- ferred. 849â€"1245. 75,000km original, grey, $1600. certiï¬ed, 842â€"3276. rgEdition. Excellent con- dbietion $5100 844â€"1570 evenings 1984 COLT, charcoal grey, 2 door, hatchback, manual. 100,000km.. safety. glam. 345â€"7234, 416-863- 7609 days 1984 - 1989 Quality re- conditioned care for sale or lease to own. No interest char es. Call 336â€"8674 after p.m. 332-5989 |405 HAIRSTYLIST required full time {or busy salon Main Street. Milton. Excellent wages and benefits, 876â€"1976. 1993 234. White w/gray in- terior. Loaded. AM/FM/CD. 22,000 kms. Fully war- rantied. Very clean. $19,900 ceniï¬ed. (905)685- 9144. |500| Classified hours are: Monday- Friday 8:30 am. - 5 pm. Call 845-2809 1992 TEMPO, 4-door. 52.000km. auto, ps, pb. pm. air, s19reo. Wanamy. $7250. Certiï¬ed. 637-1044 1987 PLYMOUTH OMNI- 1986 JETTA GLI, Wolfs- quired for Mississauga rush courier. Must have own ve- hicle. Experience preferred. Call 905-890-4785 or 1â€"800- 667-4700 between 9am and 5pm 333 A1 Babe 0! a Deal. Cars and trucks wanted‘ Dead or Alive. Best Prices 270-1656, pager 582-8999 COURIER BROKERS re- ABSOLUTELY highest prices paid for your unwanted cars or trucks; fast and iriendly service. 24 hours 905-823-9190. OIL lube, ï¬lter $6.95. Com- puterized wheel balance only $2.00. Rustprool with non-drip oil $49.95. Wind- shield replaced, we pay your $50.00 deductible. 1- 099-6074069 (Hamilton). With this ad‘ l510l Use Visa or Mas‘erCard to pay for your ad. Call 845-2809 ‘required to monitori alarm s stems. Full- time1 p.m.-7a.m. Must have per- sonable tTelephone manner. Tping re- quired. raining provided Phone 338-2099 845-3351 Required Expeï¬ence Essenï¬aL Bruce Kirk For Hair Full-time Assistant CLERK] TYPIST photography carsfw sale career mining cars wanted auto rts, supp ies, repair general help l510| NO Experience Required: A major charity needs agents and managers for outdoor work. Generous commission plus bonuses paid weekly. Stan imme- diately. Call (416) 693- 1220, 9 - 5 or (905) 842- 2266. Students welcome. MAYFAIR BINGO re uires part time counter stat ap- proximately 18 hours per week. Also required a Bingo Caller approximately 18 hours per week. Please contact Norman Harvey at 842â€"4481 belore 12 noon. required for Friday night Sunday 8: Men'- day night. Previous experience ar asset but will train qualified candidate Please apply to: CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Phone: 845-2809 Fax: 845-5516 Ads to be prepaidâ€" Visa, MC, Amex,Chq,Cash I am looking for 2 mature hard-working self‘ starters to earn $600-$1000 per week Positive attitude and a clean pair of jeans is a must. For the right individuals we provide: - Full training program - New company vehicle - Weekly and monthly bonuses . Opportunity for advancement For a Personal Interview call Oakville's premier hair salon and spa - part of the world‘s largest hair care chain re- quires an Experienced Stylist, Mas- sage Therapist and Nail Technician , Applicants must have a minimum of 4-5 years experience. Preference will be given to those with existing clientele. Salary, top commissions and group in- surance. Please forward resumé to The Harris Group 328 S eers Road, Oakville, ntario. L6K 3R9 or call 849-8808 for an appt. National firm still has immediate F/T P/T summer positions for STUDENTS in our Mktg. Dept. No doorâ€"to-door or telemarketing. Guaranteed $11.00 to start. Scholarships 8. mgmt. oppt. avail. No exp. nec. Training provided. Have fun gain valueable resume exp. this summer! Details covered at interview: DEADLINE GET THE BEST PEOPLE Fox THE Jon - Careers General Help 0 Skilled Help - Office Hal-IF elp - Sales Help 0 Flglestaurant Just Place A Help Wanted Ad In The Classified Section call 845-2809 CAREER TRAINING Office Computer Skills in Word Processing, Lotus Database, etc. Students! Apply Now! YOU CAN ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE EVERY FRIDAY! 0 23,000 Circulation - 3 POSTER SIZE GARAGE SALE SIGNS - A HELPFUL HINT LIST 8:; - INVENTORY SHEETS MR. STEWART 33241“ Images International career tra'ning general help Financial assistance available for those who qualify I-IEOI Oakville’s Business School PART-TIME COSMETIGIAN Shoppers Drug Mart 520 Kerr Street Oakville IEOA] Call 847-8686 EIHEOFLEAininG 338-6600 - Accounting - Medical/Legal Office Assistant - Dental Receptionist . WordPerfect . Lotus/Windows Reg. Min. Colleges Universities - ï¬nancial Aid May be Available - Placement Assistance A JOB TRAINING WEDNESDAY 4‘ RM 1\'l I I I! DI 1M“! 9) :- Auclassyiedads must bepremid WeAccept Classiï¬ed ads must be pn paid with Visa, Master Can American Express. Cash I Cheque. - Cheque or cash STUDENT WORKS loo‘ ing for reliabIe. enelget university/cone e stu en for painting. xperienc and vehicle an asset but n required. Call Bill 827â€"1731 WORK AT HOME. Inte national Health and Nutl tion Company needs peop full or part time. Call 411 631-8801. BWER .1 general help career tra'ning