Wednesday, June 30, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER BS ( 3 ® ____ CENTRE Arts & Entertainment • J t K V I L L iline P ia M Ilflm OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR OF THE OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 905 - 815-2022 wwwxM krflkjazzfcsLcDm Oakville Beaver Entertainment Editor Carol Baldwin 845-3824 (Extension 254) Fax:337-5567 Tom Cochrane entertains at the Waterfront Festi val last Friday evening. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Apply for cultural grant Oakville's community arts organizations are invited to apply for 2000 Cultural Grants. The cultural grants process is administered by the Oakville Arts Council (OAC) on behalf of the Town of Oakville. A peer-advisory committee comprised of knowl edgeable members of Oakville's vibrant cultural com munity reviews applications, providing their recom mendations to the Arts Council and Town Council. Groups wishing to apply for grants are encouraged to nominate members to the committee. The deadline for application is Sept. 16th. Cultural grants are available to duly constituted not-for-profit organizations only; individual artists and for-profit enterprises are ineligible. To receive an application or more information, call the OAC at 815-5977. Starting this Fri, "Wild Wild West", Look lor our special Midnight Shows on Canada Day THE W DRIVE-IN T W IN T H E A T R E S On Ninth Line - North of Q.E.W. & South of Highway 5. Phone 2S7-8272 AUSTIN POWERS II 1 THE SPY WHO SHAGGED HEW plus SHE'S ALL THAT MIDNIGHT SHOW: THE C0BRUPT0H □ BIG DADDY (US THIRTEENTH FLOOR I MIDNIGHT SHOW; CflUEL INTENTIONS Gates Open 6:30 PM M O V IE S T A R T S A T D U S K THE 5 DRIVE-IN - your best in entertainment 2 first-run features! FM stereo sound! Children Under 13 adm itted FREE! No babysitting costs L O W E S T P R IC E IN T H E A R E A ! MON., WED., THURS., $6.00; TUES., $4.25; WEEKEND, $8.50. I i S o n g s S ina tra T augh t Me Saturday, July 10 at 2:00 p.m. u T f?. ------! * f p y - * For anyone who is a fan o f "Old Blue Eyes", j ■4 this show is not to be missed! Starring Tommy Ambrose singing classics such as "New York, f t\ New York", "Strangers in the Night" and dm ; many more! ■ nptotoRjmmo* Presented in association with CT1WO12S0 l i i Royal Bank Festival of Classics presents L o v e 's L a b o u r 's L o s t by William Shakespeare July 21 to August 14, Monday through Saturday at 8:00 p.m. Theatre at the Lake, Coronation Park yW j J e s s e C o o k Saturday, August 7 at 8:00 p.m. Don 'l miss this virtuoso guitarist whose "fusion flamenco" style wows audiences from coast to coast! Presented in association with f f B P O y * * H M i Visit the b o x o ffic e , 1 3 0 N a v y S tre e t (a t L a k e s h o re ), M o n d a y to F rid a y , n o o n to 5 p .m .; S a tu rd a y 2 to 5 p .m .; o r tw o h o u rs b e fo re sh o w t im e . For m o re in fo rm a tio n on u p c o m in g sho w s e x p lo re o u r w e b site at B ecome a B ig T icket M ember and Save! F o r Just $30, you get: • savings o f 20% on shows of your choice • first chance at best seats • special offers from local restaurants and retailers Ask about our new BIG TICKET PLUS membership! b y Affirmative Communications. Waterfront Festival star Oakville boy Tom Cochrane wows the hom etown crowd By Carol Baldwin ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR (O akville). So when / com e home, I ju s t w ant to be T bm thedadorT bm the neighbour as opposed to the P laying to a hometown crowd can add a bit of tension to Oakville singer Tom Cochrane's performance, but he didn't show the strain at the Water front Festival on Friday night as he belted out familiar tunes. "It's like playing at a reception. There's going to be a lot of friends here, and neigh bours. And maybe a little more pressure because of that," Cochrane said at an interview before his concert. "But it's a lot of fun." Cochrane, relaxed in jeans and a T-shirt, said the concert would consist of 8 lot of Red Rider material mixed in with some of the newer stuff from his most recent CD X-Ray Sierra. But the Juno Award-winning singer/composer apolo gized ahead of time for not being able to play every one's favourite. "We could do an eight- hour show if we wanted to; there are so many songs. People keep reminding us that we didn't play this song or that song. But we can't play them all," he explained, adding, "But I really can't avoid playing things like Lunatic Fringe and Life Is a Highway.. .Lunatic Fringe is probably one of the most played rock songs in history in Ameri ca in the last 20 years. And Life Is a Highway was the most played song in '93 and continues to get recurring air play in the States.. .I've had a lot of success in the States." Comparing his blended style of rock, blues, Celtic and folk music to an artist who mixes primary colours to create new hues, Cochrane said his music mix is always evolving. "It depends what colours you m ix...That's what I do, I create a hybrid type of music with rock and blues. And I've always done that," he said, adding with a chuckle that the chances of his changing his style and becoming, for instance, a jazz crooner in the near future are pretty remote. "I don't think so. I don't think I could make that drastic a change." As with many traditional Canadian singers, even though I do th a t hem ." Cochrane said his musical style is rooted in folk music. He even referred to folk as a touchstone for his music. "We have a very strong tradition in this country. I have maybe a slightly broader palette in terms of influence. And there's always a spir itual influence in my stuff," he explained. "I don't just sit down to write hit records. I try to write songs that are somewhat autobiographical and sometimes touch on issues...I think that if you make cultural statements in your work, you tend to reach a broader audience, and do it in very legitimate, artistic terms as opposed to being milquetoast about what you do. I think it's important to be a cultural entity." And Cochrane is just that. But, he's an entity with a hectic schedule. After the Waterfront show, the 46-year-old rock er was ready to pack up and head out to performances in Montreal and Quebec City before traveling across the country for concerts in Cal gary and Edmonton, and then a benefit concert in Vernon, British Columbia. Traditionally, he said, summertime is the season for concerts and festivals, while winter is reserved for songwriting. So, although Cochrane is ready to produce another CD, it's not foremost in his mind, right now. He's just enjoying the warm weather and looking forward to August when he'll have an opportunity to relax at home and maybe get in some golfing before he has to hit the concert circuit again on Aug. 20th. His late summer gigs include a CNE performance on the 31 st. Oakville, he said, is another "touchstone" in his life. It's the place he calls home. And even if he becomes a snowbird in the future, he said he'll fly home to Oakville to roost in the sum mer. "It's my hometown. So when I come home, I just want to be Tom the dad or Tom the neigh bour as opposed to the guy who gets out there and sings his heart out, even though I do that here. And I record a lot of stuff in my house," he said, noting that his Coronation Park concert was close enough for him to walk home. "It's a good town. My family loves it." The NEW Coliseum IMAX Theatre / /. MISSISSAUGA'S FIRST IMAX 3-D EXPERIENCE! / ' ' . V ■ ' / ' 1 1 o * y ,s » » » -J r ? ' w i / 1?J TO? 7H 1E 3 W 0 5 M il -sfe A G IA N T 3-D FILM EXPERIENCE " ...a wild fide of a movie..." " ...eye-popping effects from Terminator 2:3-D, Dino Island..." ★ ★ ★ ★ V>\ayers "...has all the stuff kids go for..." T-R E X BACK TO TH E CRETACEOUS AN IMAM 3D EXPERIENCE FAMOUS PLAYERS I M A X T H E A T R E S - CALI NOW FOR TICKETS - The Coliseum Mississauga 309 Rathburn Road West - Square One IMAX Advance Ticket Sales: (90S) 275-4748 -- -------- -- I 905-815-2022 Oakville Beaver Entertainment Editor Carol Baldwin 845-3824 (Extension 254) Fax:337-5567 THE W DRIVE-IN TWIN THEATRES □ BIG DADDY Royal Bank Festival of Classics presents Love's Labour's Lost by William Shakespeare July 21 to August 14, Monday through Saturday at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 7 at 8:00 p.m. By Carol Baldwin MISSISSAUGA'S FIRST IMAX 3-D EXPERIENCE! 1?J TO? 7H1E 3W05 "...a wild fide of a movie..." "...eye-popping effects from Terminator 2:3-D, Dino Island..." V>\ayers "...has all the stuff kids go for..." IMAX - CALI NOW FOR TICKETS - The Coliseum Mississauga 309 Rathburn Road West - Square One IMAX Advance Ticket Sales: (90S) 275-4748 -- --