Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 6 Jun 1999, p. 26

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Employment Opportunities S u n d a y . J u n e 6. 1999 T o Pl a c e Yo u r A d C a l l 632-4440 o r Fax 632-8165 Mo n . - F ri.. 8:30-6pm Pa g e 26 Internet||ecure CHIEF ACCOUNTANT IN T E R N E T S E C U R E IN C ., is a le a d e r in p ro v id in g s e c u re c re d it I ca rd p a y m e n t s o lu tio n s fo r In te rn e t c o m m e rc e . In te m e ts e c u re , a re la tiv e ly n e w c o m p a n y w h o s e s e rv ic e s h a ve h a d u n p re c e d e n te d a c c e p ta n c e in th e in te rn e t c o m m e rc e m a rk e tp la c e re q u ire s a | c h ie f a c c o u n ta n t w ith th e fo llo w in g e x p e rie n c e and sk ills : n E xp e rie n ce in d e v e lo p in g , im p le m e n tin g and im p ro v in g a c c o u n t­ ing c o n tro ls in a ra p id ly e x p a n d in g c o m p a n y e n v iro n m e n t; O P re p a ra tio n o f a n n u a l a n d lo n g ra n g e o p e ra tin g p la n s ; □ P re p a ra tio n o f a n a ly s is to a s s is t m a n a g e m e n t in s u c c e s s fu lly c o n tro llin g a n d g ro w in g th e b u s in e ss ; □ E xp e rie n c e w ith c o m p u te r iz e d s p re a d s h e e ts a nd a c c o u n tin g s y s te m s ; □ P re p a ra tio n o f m o n th ly a n d a n n u a l fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts ; □ E xp e rie n c e in c a s h m a n a g e m e n t o f e x c e s s c o rp o ra te fu n d s ; □ F a m ilia r ity w ith a ll o th e r a re a s o f a c c o u n tin g ; □ E x ce lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills e s p e c ia lly in s u p e rv is io n o f s ta ff; □ P ro ven re co rd o f g o o d w o rk h a b its . T h e su c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te s h o u ld h a ve a d e g re e in a re c o g n iz e d I a c c o u n tin g p ro g ra m s u c h a s C .M .A . o r C .G .A . o r b e in th e fin a l y e a r o f s u c h a p ro g ra m . M in . o f 5 y e a rs a c c o u n tin g is p re fe re d and th e c a n d id a te m u s t h a v e th e a b ility to g ro w a n d p ro g re s s in th is ra p id ly e x p a n d in g C o m p a n y . If y o u a re n o t a fra id o f h a rd w o rk , m e e t in g d e m a n d in g d e a d lin e s , a s e lf -m o t iv a te d p e rs o n , s h o w le a d e rs h ip q u a lit ie s a n d a re d e d ic a te d to c o n tr ib u tin g to th e | c o n t in u e d s u c c e s s o f a d y n a m ic in te rn e t c o m m e rc e c o m p a n y , th e n th is m a y b e th e c a re e r o p p o rtu n ity fo r y o u ! T h e p o s itio n o f | C h ie f A c c o u n ta n t w ill re p o rt to th e C h ie f F in a n c ia l O ffice r. L o ca tio n - O a k v ille O n ta r io P lea se F A X R E S U M E S to (9 0 5 )3 3 8 -2 4 1 4 o r M A IL re s u m e s I to : In te m e ts e c u re Inc ., S u ite 2 0 0 , 1040 S o u th S e rv ic e R oa d E ast, O a k v ille , O n ta r io L6J 2 X 7 , A ttn : P au l M c G o v e rn , C h ie f F in a n c ia l | O ffice r. P lea se , n o p h o n e ca lls . We thank a ll applicants and advise that only those selected \ fo r interview w ill be contacted. EXPERIENCED GRAPHIC DESIGNER REQUIRED FOR PRINT & NEWMEDIA PROJECTS Established, progressive company looking for graphic designer proficient in print and new media development. Candidates will be expected to provide artistic direction and rendering in the completion of complex multi-format assignments. Design and deploy print, web pages and multimedia products using a variety of graphics software applications, techniques, and tools (such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark XPress). Contribute to the design group s efforts to enhance the look and feel of our on-line, print and multimedia products to support our network strategies. • BA/BS in Fine Arts, Graphics Design, Illustration or equivalent experience • 3-5 yrs design experience in graphics software applications,techniques & tools • Experience using both Mac & Windows platforms • Strong communication and interpersonal skills • Ability to quickly grasp new technologies & work in a team environment • Experience as a seasoned contributor We offer one of the best compensation packages in our industry and a comprehensive array of benefits. We support workforce diversity. Fax: 905 319 3236 email: doug@cancable.com 5 REPRESENTATIVES URGENTLY NEEDED The 1998 Federal Budget created a fantastic opportunity for skilled salespeople to now earn above average income. .We need highly motivated S A L E S P E O P LE to help parents with young children, obtain the new C A N A D A E D U C A T IO N S A V IN G S G R A N T Enroling parents into our Registered Education Savings plan entitles every child to qualify for up to $400 A Y E A R T A X FREE Leads, full training, and an excellent commission package with exceptional opportunities for advancement. Please call Mr. David Steiner (416) 604-8733 and fax your resume to (416) 604-9251 Earn Extra $$$$ Immediate Week-end Jobs Our client in Oakville currently has 50 positions available for enthusiastic hard working individuals offering $11/hr. You must have : • Grade 12 diploma or equivalent • Basic computer knowledge • Ability to work week-ends • Ability to do heavy lifting • Your own transportation • Forklift experience All three shifts are available. Excellent opportunity for the right person. Please call Toll Free: 1-888-GO-4-KELLY 1-888-464-5355 KEUy S E R V IC E S The Consolidated Cable Centre, a division of Westburne Industrial Enterprises Ltd., has an immediate opening for a: Wire & Cable Order Desk Person B i l i n g u a l Your responsibilities will include customer service, order entry, quotations and expediting orders. You must be fluently bilingual (French/ English, written and verbal) and dedicated to providing exemplary service to our customers. Candidates must have a grade 12 education (or equivalent) and at least one year of related experience. Product knowledge of the Wire & Cable business is required. Please send your rfeume to: Mary Anne McNeil, Operations Manager, Consolidated Cable Centre, 5600 Keaton Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3G3. Fax: (905) 568-4741. No phone calls, please. i o i W e s t b u r n e Committed to Employment Equity. DZ DRIVERS REQUIRED S H R E D IT requires reliable DZ operators. Customer Service skills an asset and the ability to be bonded is essential. Benefits include a four day work week. Fax resumes to: (905) 855-7732 l i r e d - i t Tiitt hhitbuA. Full-time- Donut Baker Wages with experience also willing to train. Call Karin or Ken (905)-257-1294 2355 Trafalgar R d./H w y5 Oakville location. Devtek Aerospace Devtek Aerospace Logistics Support A division of Devtek Aerospace Inc., is a Manufacturer of complex machined components for the Aerospace industry. We have an immediate opening for the following full-time permanent positions: • Mfg. Programmer Master Cam experience • CNC Machinist Aerospace exp is preferred, all openings • Senior Contracts Admin. Responsible for contract neg., customer liason, price assertions & internal com­ munication of contract & customer req. • Configuration Control/ Engineering Support Person • Tool Room Machinist To apply send current resume to: Devtek Aerospace Logistics Support ATTN: Human Resources Manager 1036 Wilson Ave., Kitchener, Ont N2N 3K5 Fax: (519)893-3144, e:mail: fvegh@westheights.com Devtek Aerospace West Heights Manufacturing is a mid-sized Aerospce Manufacturer of large complex machined components, primarily landing gear. We have an immediate opening for: CNC Machinist/Supervisor Machinist will also have supervisory responsibilities on a permanent afternoon shift. The individual will have a mini­ mum of 10 years machining experience and proven skills in supervision. Manufacturing Engineer w ith estim ating experience in the Aerospace industry CNC Lathe Machinists with a minimum of 5 years experience. To apply send current resume to: West Heights Manufacturing ATTN: Human Resources Manager 1665 Highland Road, West, Kitchener, Ont N2N 3K5 Fax: (519) 576-5119, e:mail: fvegh@westheights.com NETWORK / SYSTEMS ADM INISTRATO R KPM Industries Ltd., a long established Burlington company, is looking for a results oriented, hands on IT generalist with strong interpersonal skills. Reporting to the Vice President Administration, this position will be responsible for network administra­ tion and will assist with all areas ot systems develop­ ment, from desktop to e-commerce. Your computer science education and experience in a client server LAN/WAN environment w ill be instru­ mental in the ongoing development of our manage­ ment information systems. Familiarity with any of the following would be an asset; client server ERP sys­ tems, NT, C itrix , VB, Lotus Notes, Access, SQL, Btreive, Crystal reports and web technology. Please submit resume to; KPM Industries Ltd.K IN G P.0. Box 669, -- -- -- Burlington, ON L7R 3Y5 Fax: (905) 333-3730, email: sheldonv@istar.ca Only applicants under consideration w ill be contacted. Sales L o ca l O p p o r tu n it ie s A va ilab le We have a lucrative and challenging advertising sales opportunity available for a self-motivated individual interested in high income potential w hile m aintaining their own schedule. We need an experienced outside sales professional who has an enthusiasm for selling and an excellent closing ratio. You must be able to handle the pressures o f a fast-paced, deadline- driven environment o f a publishing company. Excellent presentation and communication skills are required. We o ffe r a co m prehensive b en efits plan, protected local territory, paid training, bonuses and in cen tives. Fax your resum e to: The GETKO Group, Attn. TERRITORY 11471, at 1-800-281-2178 V isit our w ebsite at: www.getko.com GETKO Group is an equal opportunity employer. If you are ......... an Industrial Worker!! Our client, H a d r ia n M a n u fa c tu r in g is looking for dedicated hard workers for long-term positions in Burlington. • manufacturing experience is an asset • must be able to work shifts • must be selt-motivated and a team player Heavy lifting involved. Excellent oppor­ tunity. Please call Toll Free 1-888-GO-4-KELLY 1-888-464-5355 m mS E R V IC E S ■ 548,000- 555,000 T e a m E f f e c t iv e n e s s F a c i l i t a to r Burlington location • Experience in facilitating team development within a manutacturing or distribution environment. • Bachelor of commerce or B.A. required • Recognized facilitator certificate • 'Proven' stengths in the following areas: team development, communication, listening, planning, problem-solving, facilitation, and leadership skills. • Develop and Monitor: Training plans and team performance • Identify and implement training opportunities • Ability to maintain good relationships with teams and managers • Travel involved Interested candidates are to submit resumes to the attention of Pamela Dykstra call 634-4445 or fax 634-0011 email: Pamela.Dystra@Olsten.com ^ Olsten Staffing Services" - Equal Opportunity Employer - "Full-time @ A utom otive Parts M anufacturer-O akville" MANPOWER is currently recruiting tor • Production Workers • Industrial Electricians (Lie.) • Industrial Mechanic/ M ill Wright (Lie.) Competitive wages and group benefits. Must have own transportation, 3 shift rotation, production exp. Millwrights/Electrician must be certified, 3-5 yrs exp. FOR IMMEDIATE INTERVIEW fax resume to (905)336-5727 QB drop in now MANPOWER 3060 Mainway Dr.Ste 106, Burl. (Guelph Line/Mainway) mailto:doug@cancable.com mailto:fvegh@westheights.com mailto:fvegh@westheights.com mailto:sheldonv@istar.ca http://www.getko.com mailto:Pamela.Dystra@Olsten.com

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