NEWS R e s i d e n t i a l d e v e l o p m e n t c h a r g e s r i s i n g Council passes bylaw to help make growth pay for itself Residential develop ment charges are on the rise in Oakville. The charges are applied to construction of new resi dential and industrial/ commercial properties, and are charged to develop ers to pay for town capital projects that service new growth including roads, transit, sidewalks and street lights. Town council voted to receive a Development Charges Background Study and pass a new de velopment charges bylaw at a recent meeting. The study, which was prepared by Watson & As sociates Economists Ltd., found that the net costs re- Town of Oakville photo Oakville Mayor Rob Burton quired from development charges over the next five years to finance planned residential and non-resi- dential growth infrastruc ture is more than $199 mil lion. As a result, on average the residential develop ment charge will increase by 27 per cent, depending on the unit type; with the non-residential charge to decrease by three per cent. "Growth and develop ment in Oakville should pay its way rather than be ing financed through tax payer dollars," said Oak ville Mayor Rob Burton. "The bylaw allows the town to continue collecting fees from developers to help fund growth at a man ageable pace in the years ahead." Oakville's population is expected to grow to approx imately 246,400 by 2031. Town staff said develop ment charges provide a considerable funding source to build the infra structure required to ac commodate this anticipat ed growth. Over the past year, Town staff said they worked closely with con sultant Watson & Associ ates Economists Ltd., and engaged development in dustry representatives to develop a bylaw that meets Oakville's future infra structure needs. J8E 1 ff//V G ca. com IMMUNITY FOR OVER 2 0 YEARS! BEST QUALITY. BEST SERVICE. BEST PRICES! 1/2 PRICE A n y C arp e t S ty le $2 .99 ,s,« Installed with Underpad 1500 sq.ft, limit Berber • Twist Plush • Shag Textured Berber FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ONLY C fjL O O /7 //V G TRAFALGAR VILLAGE, (across from Oakville Go Station) Oakville 905.849.4472 O PEN S U N D A Y S ^ U n d d i n 1921 SUPERSTORE 228 KING ST. E. Ham ilton 9 0 5 -5 4 6 -1 9 2 1 M irage Hardwood S t a r t i n g a t $7.99 Installed Hardwood Floors O verhead D oor Co. o f Ham ilton-B urlington Proud to be servicing the GTA for 32 years. 5450 Harvester Road, Burlington Overhead Door (Hamilton-Burlington) Ltd. 905-333-1772 T h e r m a c o r e ® For premium construction and maximum thermal efficiency, a Thermacore® insulated steel door is the ideal choice. This series of doors feature our sandwich construction of steel-polyurethane- steel as well as between-section seals with thermal breaks to reduce air infiltration. With several panel designs to choose from, these doors offer design flexibility, durability and thermal efficiency that will help keep your home comfortable in cold or hot climates. 11 Chiropody**§ D ia b e t ic F o o t C a re , G e n e r a l F o o t C a re C u s to m M a d e O r th o tic s Sore: Feet/Arch/Heel? Ingrown Toenails? Plantar Warts? Hard to Cut Toenails? Corns/Calluses? C o m p re s s io n S to c k in g s & C u s to m M a d e O r th o t ic s D ia b e t ic F o o t C a re & N a il S u rg e ry NEW PATIENTS WELCOME !i» . Nosheen C h a ud h ry Registered C h irop o d is t 905-257-5628 T ra fa lg a r & D undas, Longo's P laza O R D E R O N L I N E A T lV W .O A K V IL L E .M R S G R O C E R Y .C O M O R CALL 2 8 9 -8 1 3 -7 7 0 8 M E DAY D E LIV E R Y TO YOUR H O M E O R O FF IC E . SER IES D E L IV E R E D TO YOUR DO O R! LL SH O P ANY ST O R E IN O A K V ILLE ! P L A C E Y O U R O R D E R . W E D O T H E S H O P P IN G . IT E M S A R R IV E . P A Y M EN T AT D O O R . w .w .w r M r s G r o c e r .v . 'c o m Mi r a g e H a r d w o o d • K a r a s t a n C a r p e t i n g • P e r s i a n Ru g s | O akville Beaver | Thursday, M arch 22, 2018