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Oakville Beaver, 22 Mar 2018, p. 63

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life*newsx classifieds CRAIG, W illiam Alan It is w ith g rea t sadness th a t the fa m ily o f W il l ia m A la n C ra ig announces his passing after a battle w ith cancer, on Friday, March 16, 2018, at the age o f 79 years. Born January 30, 1939 to Catherine Craig (K e n d a l) and W illia m Thom pson Craig, w ith brothers Don Wade and Don Craig (1935 - present) and sister Joanne (1933 - 1989) in the east end of Toronto. W illiam w ill be lovingly remembered by his daughter Denise Seibel and her husband Richard, his son A lfre d W illiam Craig and his w ife Sandy, and his grandchildren Patrick, E lizabeth , Brian, Tammy, Derek, R o b e rt, Jacq ue lin e , and B r itta n y a long w ith n ine g re a t­ g ra n d c h ild re n . A p r iv a te fa m ily service w ill be held. Visit our guestbook online at www.koprivataylor.com PAULOFF, Alexander W. A lth o u g h his h e r ita g e was o f Ukrainian and Russian background, he was born on March 17, 1947 and passed on March 17, 2018. He leaves behind his beloved w ife of 45 years, Carolyn (Buckingham ) and sisters Catherine Husick and Anne Marie T o rtyna and th e ir fa m ilie s . His interest in so many things in life and his quick w it and sense o f humour w ill be missed by his many friends, aunts and cousins all across Canada. He is predeceased by his M other, M arg a re t Fediow and his Father A le x a n d e r D P a u lo ff. He was a member of the wood carving group at the O akv ille senior cen ter fo r many years. He enjoyed his job as an electronic tech at Bell Canada and made life lo n g fr ie n d s th e re . He fought hard fo r a year to buy more tim e as he so loved life , bu t the cancer f in a lly w on the b a ttle . A M em oria l Service w ill be held at W a lto n M e m o ria l C hurch, 2489 Lakeshore Road W in O akville on Sunday, March 25th at 3 p.m. In lieu o f f lo w e rs th e fa m ily requests donations to The Canadian Cancer S ociety research, o r to Princess Margaret Hospital research. STOLARZ, Helen A fte r a b r ie f and sudden illness, He len passed aw ay p e a c e fu lly , surrounded by her fam ily on March 18, 2018 in her 88th year. Helen w ill be lo v in g ly re m e m b e re d and cherished by her ch ild re n , Irene (R o n a ld B id u lk a ) and K r is t in e Patricia (M ichael Zam pini) and by her g randch ild ren Kristen, Katie, Rachel, Alyssa and Brianna. Babcia was also a doting dog sitter to Bauer and Paisley. Babcia w ill be deeply missed by all her many friends and by those whose heart she touched. She w ill always be remembered for her Babcia soup and gardening. The fa m ily w o u ld lik e to th a n k the compassionate staff of the Palliative Care U n it (3N) at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and TLC Seniors. Visitation w ill be held at Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cem etery , 3164 N in th Line, O akville on Thursday, March 22nd from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. A Funeral Mass w ill be celebrated at Mary M othe r of God Catholic Church, 2475 N orth Ridge T ra il, O akv ille , on Friday, March 23 at 1:00 p.m.. Interment to fo llo w at Glen Oaks Funeral Home and Cemetery. Death Notices Death Notices WARK, Melanie Mary W ith deepest sadness, her fam ily informs of Melanie's death on Sunday, March 11. She was welcomed in to the world at Oakville Hospital on the third of September, 1962, by Murray and Lorraine. Proud grandparents were Stuart and Olive Wark, Irma and Lionel Lauzon, now deceased. Melanie leaves behind her m other; her sister Lisa; her beloved nieces Olivia and Hannah Bailey; and uncles Ross (Margaret) and Les Wark. Her soo n -to -b e b ro th e r- in - la w Steve Byfield, and long-time devoted friend Warren Batting also deeply mourn her loss; and she w ill be missed and mourned by other extended fam ily and many friends. In a d d itio n to g r a n d p a r e n ts , M e la n ie w as predeceased by her adoring father, M urray; Uncles Dennis Lauzon and Robert W ark; and her aunt, Carol Castle. Until ill-health and increasing d isab ility forced her to w ith d ra w from some of her activities, Melanie was an enthusiastic volunteer w ith a variety o f local organizations. She was pa rticu la rly proud o f being a V ic t im s ' Services v o lu n te e r w ith Halton Police up u n til her death, and she loved the work she did w ith th e B u r lin g to n Hum ane Society. Folks would have seen her sitting by a Salvation Army kettle at Oakville Place this past holiday season. Melanie fo u g h t an up h ill b a ttle on many fronts as she struggled w ith the long­ term effects o f juvenile diabetes. In the many messages o f condolence rece ived by her fa m ily , c e rta in words recur: strong , courageous, indomitable, resilient, optimistic; and many have remarked on her unfailing mischievous sense of humour in the face o f every challenge. Her fam ily loved her immensely, and were very, very proud o f her. We w ill miss her more than words can say. A funeral was held on Saturday, March 17th, at Oakview Funeral Home. Melanie's m em ory w o u ld be ho no u red by donations to the Burlington Humane Society, or the dialysis un it o f the Oakville Hospital. The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices ZIURAITIS, Regina R egina (o r Rene as her be loved husband called her) Z iura itis passed away peacefu lly on Tuesday, March 13, in her 90 th year, a t Labdara L ithuan ian Nursing Home. She was born in the village of Ruolaiciai, in the parish o f Plunge, Lithuania on July 2, 1928. She met John in the refugee camps in Germany and a fte r the war emigrated to Canada where together w ith her parents, Justina and Aloyzas Ramonas and her s ister A ly te , she w orked on a ranch near Verm illion , A lb e r ta . John also e m ig ra te d to Canada to w ork on a farm in Moira, Ontario. A year later Regina and her family moved to Oakville where John found work thanks to his uncle Frank Ancevich. John and Regina were married in Hamilton in April 1949 at the Church of Our Lady of Mercy and they together w ith Regina's family set up house in Bronte in an old farmhouse on the shores of Lake Ontario near Oakville. Twins Virginia and Aida were born in 1951 and son John followed in 1952. During sittings for her personal portrait, she was encouraged by the artist Zilinskas to take up art. She took classes at the Ontario College of Art and many painting trips and art work were the result. She painted Oakville and its surrounding towns and countryside, then tu rned to the North including A lgonquin and Lake Superior, fo llow ing in the footsteps o f the Group of Seven. She exhibited her oils and watercolours at Anapilis, the Oakville Public Library, the Bronte Post Office Gallery, and fo r years at the McLaren - Barnes Gallery. Throughout the 80's and 90's she travelled w ith John, and often w ith her children and grandchildren in tow, to the Castle M ountain cabins near Banff in the Canadian Rockies, or to Lover's Lane cabins in Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia, as well as the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, from where they explored the countryside to paint her oils and watercolours. Despite John and Regina buying the ir beloved Trobyke (their cottage in Skerryvore, near Pointe au Baril) in 1978, it did nothing to slow down her painting activities. She added Georgian Bay to the beautiful scenes she painted as they would canoe and boat through the many islands and channe ls. Regina was a w o n d e r fu l and lo v in g w ife , m o the r, grandmother and great grandmother, and a te rrific cook and hostess. Her garden, like her paintings, was a masterpiece of shapes, textures, and colours and her pride and joy. Regina (predeceased by her loving husband John in 2006) w ill be sadly missed by her sister Alyte Liskauskas, her tw in daughters V irg in ia (Roman) Dementavicius, Aida (David) Hudson, and her son John (and fo rm er spouse Ramute) Z iura itis , and her g randch ild ren, Andrea (Bogdan) Zuraw ik, Andrew, V irg in ia , Michael Hudson and Jonas (Rima) Ziuraitis, her niece Virginia (Antanas) and nephew Edward (Dalis), and all her friends in Oakville and Toronto. She was the proud great-grandmother of Matthew, Julia, and Natalie Zurawik. Special thanks to her personal in-home caregivers during her last 12 years, Diana, Gerly, Chlaire and Michelle. All the family are grateful for the loving care tha t they provided in the home. Many thanks to Labdara L ithuanian Nursing Home w here she was made so comfortable in her final year. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home, or to the Church o f the Lithuanian Martyrs, or to the Alzheimer's Society of Canada. Visitations were held at the Ward Funeral Home in Oakville, located at 109 Reynolds St, near Lakeshore Rd., at 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 18, 2018. The Holy Funeral Mass took place at the Church of the Lithuanian Martyrs, 494 Isabella Ave., Mississauga, at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, followed by interment at St. John's Cemetery next to the church. Please visit the Book of Memories at www.wardfuneralhome.com J Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. C a ll 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 or ^ mf ^ \em a il classified@metrolandwest.comi s| O akville Beaver | Thursday, M arch 22,2018 insidehalton.com http://www.koprivataylor.com http://www.wardfuneralhome.com

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