Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 3 May 2018, p. 34

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8 in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 3 ,2 01 8 | R e a l E s t a t e ® HomeFinder.ca O P E N HC you are home M i r j a n a W h e e le r Sales Representative www.mwheeler.ca cell: 416.561.2724 office: 905.338.3737 r o y a l Le p a g e T 16 BASTIA W ATERDOWN $ 7 4 9 ,9 0 0 Showstopper! 1900 sq f t fully detached. Qne year new! 2409 Valley Forest Way • $1,674,900 21 Dreams Inc., Brokerage, Oakville MUST SEE stunning 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 3,386 sq.ft.executive home in sought-after River Oaks on generous l ot . Huge master retreat with luxurious ensuite, gourmet kitchen, beautiful professionally landscaped back/front yards w. salt water pool and waterfall, plus numerous other luxury features! Ian Halllord BAA, Sales Representative 647-299-765 3 Top 3 % in Canada ^̂ M̂lllllllllllllllllllllllll r o y a l le p a g e IAN'S LISTINGS 2017 SEAFARE DRIVE - $2,599,886 401 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST - $1,888,000 373 MApLEHuRST AVENuE $1,579,900 317 MApLEHuRST AVENuE - $1,349,900 1176 WILLoWBRooK DRIVE - $1,249,900 580 FouRTH Line $1,199,900 1019 BRIDGE RoAD-$1,158,800 27 rebecca street-$1,148,500 2074 SEABRooK DRIVE $899,900 321 MIcKEY couRT-$859,900 2473 GRAND oAKTRAIL - $749,000 51 Hays BouLEVARD, uNIT 15 - $489,900 Sarah Logue Sales Representative 9 0 5 .331 .679 0 TeamLogue.ca HE/MAXESCARPMENT iqjl TEAM LOGUE 3 bed Oakville town.Quiet enclave w green space & mature trees rear views,fenced yard.Hardwood, upgraded white kitchen w granite, open concept floor plan.Finished rec room w office, upgraded trim package, light fixtures & decor paints OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 PM iSim 44-1240 WestviewTerrace, Oakville • $639,900 acular4 bed home in popular River Oaks.Premium ravine lot.Maintenance-free backyard w custom stone patio. Cozy family room w custom built-in cabinetry, Beautifulhardwood spiralstaircase. Professionally finished lower, wrap around bar w granite, Close to parks, schools, shopping & restaurants, Lynne Kranidis Sales Representative (9 0 5 )3 3 0 -2 8 5 5 oakvillehouses@gmail.com Luxury Executive home in Oakville's Popular w estoak Trails Stunning 4+1 bdrm, 3,5+1 bath home has been beautifully upgraded, including hardwood flooring throughout; an entertainer's dream kitchen with large island; updated baths; detailed trimwork, fully finished basement and more, Fully landscaped yard with desirable western exposure, Located in a premier neighbourhood, walking distance to top schools, parks and trails, Fabu lous U psca le E xecutive 3 B edroom s Freehold Tow nhouse W ith W alk-O ut Basem ent In S ought A fte r B ron te Creek! This S tunn ing H om e Features 9Ft Ceilings, D ark O ak S ta ircase A nd H ardw ood F loors Open C oncep t M ain Floor Layo u t W ith G ou rm e t K itchen, S /S App liances, G ran ite C oun ter Top, B acksplash, G as Fireplace, B reakfast A rea W ith W alk-O ut To Deck. Luxu rious M aster W /E n s u ite & W a lk -In C lose t. B righ t F inished W alk-O ut B asem ent W ith Laundry A nd 2 Pc Bath. A M ust See! S tunn ing C ustom Built H om e Featuring 10Ft C eiling M ain Floor, H ardw ood F loors T hrou ghout W /O p en C oncep t Layout, U pgraded K itchen B acksplash, Pantry, C entre Island, Q uartz C/T, S /S App liances, Bay W indow , Pot Ligh ts, C row n M ou ld ing , Beam ed Ceiling, F ireplace, Floor To C eiling W indo w s In Fam ily Rm W /W a lkou t To W ood D eck W / Treed Backyard. W ood S ta ircase W /R od Iron P ickets, 5P c Ensuite, Huge W /I C lose t & Org. 2nd Ensu ite & 2nd Flr Laundry Rm. F inished Bsm t. S p a c io u s N e w ly B u ilt C u s to m H o m e S itu a te d O n A C o rn e r L o t In B e a u tifu l B ro n te E a s t C o m m u n ity . T h is O p e n C o n c e p t L a y o u t F e a tu re s 9 F t C e ilin g s T h ro u g h o u t, H a rd w o o d F lo o rs , C ro w n M o u ld in g , P o t L ig h ts , S /S A p p l., G ra n ite C o u n te r T op, C e n tre Is la n d & B a c k s p la s h , F a m ily R m W ith W /O To Y ard , O /C L iv /D in . S u s p e n d e d S ta irc a s e , R o d Iron P ic k e ts To T h e B a s e m e n t. U p p e r Leve l L a u n d ry . A ll B e d ro o m s W /E n s u ite . F in is h e d B a s e m e n t W ith 4 P c W a s h rm , B e d rm & E n te r ta in m e n t A rea ! 2170 Emily Circle $839,900 569 Wellington Crescent $1,649,900 323 Woodale Avenue $1,749,999 Office:905 828 3434 | Fax: 905 828 2829 | sold@alaayousif.com | www.alaayousif.com Each year, The Oakville Beaver contributes over $300,000 in support of our community Committed to supporting our town O AKVILLE The Beaver www.oakviNebeaver.com 905-845-3824 ROCCA SISTERS ■ TEAM ■ R S V P C O N C IE R G E C a ll us!Cathy & Tanya Rocca SALES REPRESENTATIVES OPEN HOUSE SUN 2 -4 $ 1 ,1 4 9 ,9 0 0 STATE OF THE ART RENO E x c e p t io n a lly r e n o v a te d 4 - b e d r o o m , 4 - b a t h r o o m h o m e o f fe r s s ta te o f t h e a r t u p g ra d e s & f in is h e s t o p t o b o t to m ! 4 9 , 9 0 0 228 LEXiNGTON ROAD This fa b u lo u s e x e c c a rr ia g e s ty le h o m e in th e h ig h ly d e s ira b le R iv e r O a k s c o m m u n ity has b e e n b e a u t ifu lly u p d a te d a n d w ill n o t d is a p p o in t. $ 1 ,3 9 9 ,0 0 0 PRIVATE O AKVILLE CO UR T This spacious 2 storey detached Oakville home is equipped ' w ith 4 bedrooms, 4 j bathrooms, and a | show-stopping i backyard! $1,5 brand new dream home This brand-new Oakville build b y S ta r la n e H o m eso n a j generously sized, irr. shaped lot feat. huge side lot space and backs onto a gorgeous wooded trail, forest, and across from a future elem entary school. $ 1 ,7 9 9 ,9 0 0 prestigious FAiRwAY Hills Rare oppo rtun ity to ow n a hom e in one o f Oakville's m ost prestigious neighborhoods. The state ly homes o fth e Fairway Hills graciously cradle the Glen A bbe ygo lfco u rse . OVER $1.5 BILLION IN TOTAL SALES VOLUME* FOR BURLINGTON & HAMILTON FOP GROSS COMMISSION INCOME** l IN CANADA FOR GROS COMMISSION INCOME' S *** MEET THE ROCCA SISTERS Peter Anelli-Rocca, Bonnie and Jesse Glen, Daniel Bozuk, Jeanne Hoey, Ryan Davison, Ron Boyko, Ian Mccaig, Mike Stajduhar, Amy Bray, Paula Dissegn Sabrina McCaig, Chris SPiridoulias, Nancy Lundyand Cayla Altorf !, 'SOURCE: RAH-B MLS DATA CUMULATIVE FORYEARS2005-2017 FOR PENDING&CLOSED PROPERTIES s OLD**FOR ROYAL LEPAGE CANADA 2010-2017 ***FOR ROYAL LEPAGE2015 http://www.mwheeler.ca mailto:oakvillehouses@gmail.com mailto:sold@alaayousif.com http://www.alaayousif.com http://www.oakviNebeaver.com

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