Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 16 May 1999, p. 38

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38 Oakville Beaver Weekend 696 FOUND: gray/ white cat, No Frills, Brant St. We call ' CushieV 637-7325. FOUND: lovely dark green Raleigh 'Legend' bicycle. Please call to identify, (905)634-6269.__________ FOUND: Set of keys, comer of Walker's & Lakeshore. Keyless remote entry. Fell off of moving car. 639-3630 FOUND: White cat, near Burlington Mall. 637-5334 MISSING Small. Flame- point, Siamese Female cat- SE Oakville/ Ford/ Aspen Forest. Light cream w/ orange ears, ta ils, feet. Wearing red co lar/ tag. Microchipped. Needs medication/ regular moni­ toring. 338-3299 If you see/ find her we miss her, she's our family. Reward!! LOST & FOUND * Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 700 ROOFING & repairs. Eavestrough and Soffit. Quality work. Spring Spe­ cials. Free estimates. 905- 875-1151. ABLE Renovations. Base­ ments, Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Ceramics, Fences, Decks. Free Esti­ mates. John, 637-5340, Pgr 847-4392___________ DECKS, Decks, Decks, Only Decks! Professional. References. Photo's. Free Estimates! Family business. 12yrs experience. (905)-828-1320._________ FOR all masonry jobs: brick blocks, stone, flag­ stone. concrete, etc. New or repaired chimneys, side­ walks, porches. Best pric­ es, best jobs. Call for a free estimate. (905)842-0945 painting I & decorating EXPERIENCED Painter, 20 yrs experience. Interior/ ex­ terior, wallpapering, wind­ ow cleaning/ repairs. Low rates. Jim 681-1307 HONEST, quality profes­ sional painting, residential/ commercial from $75/ room. Ragging/ m arbling and more from $100. (905)542- 1515 moving & storage PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24- hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. 637-6585 1 +1=Advantage Movers/ Storage/ Packing. 18'-42' trucks. Mid-month rates $39.99..... Free wardrobes. Local/ Long distance. (905)-338-2306, 1-888- 712-7199. www.mover.to RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in­ surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733 OAKVILLE Movers. Experi­ enced, licensed, insured. Two weeks free storage. Free estimates. Senior's discount. Starting $45/hr. 337-9063 CUSTOM Drapery, Acces­ sories. Installation. Re-up­ holstery & Slipcovers. Workmanship guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Judy 335-2535 References supplied. I gardening landscaping EXPERIENCED Gardener, Horticultural Diploma. An­ nuals, Bulbs, Spring/ Fall Clean-ups, Pruning. No Job too Small! 338-1823 Childcare , Child care provided for children 6 weeks to 10 years Now accepting fall Nursery School Registration 21/2 to 5 years Hrs: 9-11:30 am Mon-Fri Call 842-7303 for more information contact Suzanne Cook 735 gardening landscaping 780 mother's helpersA nannies IN The Garden...Friendly Personalized Landscape Gardening Service uses in- teresting/unique, high quality plant materials to create an eye pleasing dis­ play in many garden styles. Will design, install, restore, prune and consult to suit your individual needs. Gerard, Certified Horticul­ turist (905) 332-5273 746 ENGLISH Teaching for for­ eign. Inquires (905)319- 9587. I daycare available ACADEMY Preschool LIMITED SPACE NOW AVAILABLE Fulltime / Part-time Programs for children 15-mos. To 6-yrs. Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa­ tional daycare experi­ ence inch computers & music! 6:30am- 6:00pm. Transportation avail. 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) 335-0515,335-1234 ECE mom has space start­ ing July. Tues, Wed, 3rd day flexible. TLC, fun, nu­ tritious, outings, receipts. Headon Forest. 332-5630 EXPERIENCED daycare full-time. 6-mos+. Lots of TLC, outside walks, music stories, playroom. References. Receipts. 319-9604 before 9pm EXPERIENCED daycare provider, Guelph Line/ Up­ per Middle. First Aid/ CPR, nutritious meals/ snacks. No pets, smoke-free home. References. Receipts. 331- 7165, Mon.-Fri.; 639-5083, after 6pm & weekeryJs. EXPERIENCED Mom offer­ ing daycare in my home. Full day of activities inside and out, all ages, will potty train. 637-7755 Debbie 775 GLEN Abbey- Daycare re­ quired for four year old girl, part time. Please call (905)339-0381.__________ CHILD Care provider re­ quired immediately for 2 preschoolers ages 18mos & 2yrs. for afternoon chift. My home, (New Street/ Guelph Line). Suitable for- mature, responsible stud­ ent over 18. Must have C.A.S. approval, criminal reference check. 681-9544 WALKER'S Line & Lakeshore Road. Sitter re­ quired for 4 year old, 4 hours a day for 4 times a week. Car required. 632- 9181 ENERGETIC loving individ­ ual required to care for 2 sisters ages 2 & 4. 1-2 days per week in our Oakville home starting m id-July. ECE an asset. (416) 604- 7933 NON-SMOKER for 8-month twin girls, in our home, W alkers/ Upper Middle. Wed.-Fri. 8am -6pm. 332- 5342. 780 mother'sheipers/nannies EXPERIENCED live-out Nanny required for 2 boys (18-mos. & 4-years old). Maximum 4-days/wk. Glen Abbey. Car preferred. Non- smoker, energetic. 847- 9205. ENERGETIC, enthusiastic high school or university student wanted for child­ care over the summer. Mon-Fri, 8am-5:30pm, July- Sept., excellet wages, ref­ erences required. Call Denise 335-1057 even- ings only._______________ LIVE-IN Nanny required for 3 children ages 7, 4, 10 months. Minimal cooking, cleaning required. Must be energetic & caring. 338- 9388 LIVE-OUT nanny wanted, S.E. Burlington, 2 children. End of August. Monday-Fri- day 45/hrs per week. 639- 9304 LIVE-OUT nanny required for 6-mon & 2-yr old. For Sept., 8-6pm, M-F. Pine- dale/ New area. 639-4773 FULL-TIME expereienced babysitter for 20-month old in our Burlington home. Light housekeeping. Days. (416)947-4651; evgs.; (905)319-2215__________ TEACHER seeking experi­ enced live-out Nanny for twin boys age 1 & 2yr. old girt. Late August. Glen Ab­ bey, non-smoker, referenc­ es required. 337-8691 LIVE-IN English nanny available ASAP, 5 years experience, driver's l i­ cense, non-smoker, excel­ lent references. (905)523- 4241 BRITISH Nanny with driv­ ers license seeks imme­ diate live-in/out position. Call Pick-A-Nanny (905)692-5464 792 MONEY Problems? Gar­ nishees? Too many pay­ ments? Options to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Tonner, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631- 0600 •PRESIDENT NIXON RESIGNED AND GERALD FORD TOOK OVER. •"PEOPLE" MAGA­ ZINE BEGAN PUB­ LICATION. •HANK AARON BROKE BABE RUTH S HOME RUN RECORD. K2960024 r ie" i¥tord I DEFT | QUICK AND SKILLFUL. Career Training The C anad ian College of M assage and H y d ro therapy announces the op en in g of a new cam pus in N iagara Falls, O ntario § Now Interviewing Prospective Students for September 1999 and January 2000 classes. This new Niagara Falls Campus will be the College's third Campus in Ontario and fourth in Canada.The Canadian College of M assage & Hydrotherapy (CCMH), established in 1946, currently has campuses in Newmarket and Toronto, Ontario. Massage Therapy classes are set to begin at the new Niagara Falls campus in September, 1999. For more infor. please contact the CCMH 416-222-3586, ext. 245 V isit our website: www.collegeofm assage.com . RESUME SERVICES Make a lasting first impression! PROFESSIONALLY PREPARED RESUMES & COVER LETTERS BY HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALISTS. • Resume Consulting • Wordprocessing • Editing Services Avail. • Rush Service & Reasonable Rates /HR INC. (905) 333-3699 FREE Introductory Seminar Presented by: The Question of Why? Sem inars "5 predictions that can change your life forever!" Dennis Chong M.D. and Jennifer Chong P.H.N. Thursday May 20,1999. 7-9p.m. Oakville Central Library For reservations call: 844-0864 INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE required to work part time in the Classified Advertising Department Must be flexible enough to be able to work mid travel to either the Burlington or Oakville locations. Computer literate with some experience on QuarkXPress. The individual will possess pleasant telephone manner, with typing and spelling accuracy as well as good communication skills. Some telemarketing involved. Please fax resume to: (905)632-6165 Attn: Classified Advtg. Manager ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE REQUIRED For Forever Young, Canada's leading publication for 50+ consumers The ideal candidate for this progressive position is an enthusiastic, goal-oriented self starter with an established track record in advertising sales. Responsibilities include the development of National multi-market accounts in Automotive, Package Goods, Pharmaceutical and Financial categories. This diversified posi-tion also includes a retail territory within the GTA. The candidate for this position will be based from the Oakville office, and will be required to report to the office daily Compensation includes base salary, com­ petitive commission package and automo­ bile allowance. To apply for this exciting opportunity, please contact Cathryn Oliver at (905)337- 5554 or fax resume to (905)337-5571 (Oakville office). Deadline to apply for this position is May 19,1999 -CARRIERS WANTED- Summer's Coming!! Vacation Substitutes Required Chartwell Rd. Montgomery Dr. Sable Rd. Macdonald Rd. Manchester Cr. Third Line Alexander Ave. Glenfield Rd. Wales Cr. Brentwood Rd. Sandpiper Rd. Snowdon Doverwood Dr. Glendon Ct. Rebecca St. Ennerdale Rd. Blue Jay Blvd. Tansley Ambleside Rd. Russell Dr. Walby Mayfield Dr. Sandwell Brookmill Rd. Pembroke Dr. Westwood Constance Dr. Richmond Rd. Bridge Rd. Cedarberry Ct. Mansfield Dr. Trudale Alscott Ores. Canning Ct. Valley Briarwood Glenada Cr. Sherin Hixon Glenbrook Ave. Sheldon Canning Ct. Joshua Creek Dr. Wellington Cres. Lambton Dr. Bayshire Dr. Pinegrove Rd. Deraid Dr. Summerhill Cr. Avon Cr. Mahogany Ln. Highridge Ct. Dunedin Rd. Ario Rd. Brays Lane Unsworth Ave. Duncan Rd. Bowman Dr. Tulip St. Amber Cr. Hurley Dr. Water's Edge Dr. Ash Rd. Langtry Dr. Reynolds St. Devon Rd. Saddler Circle Weir Dorian Rd. Carpenter Circle Stonecliffe Arbour Dr. Heritage Way Bennington Gate Kingsford PI. Woodland Drive Malbrook Rd. Pinehurst Dr. P e rm a n e n t R o u te s A ls o A v a ila b le For information, please call Oakville Beaver Circulation 845-9742 Sunday, May 16, 1999 C a n a d i a n T h e r a p e u t i c C o l l e g e Introduces SPORTS INJURY MANAGEMENT Open House Monday, M ay 17 ~ 7:30 - 8:30 pm Begins Sept. '99 For a free information brochure call (905) 632-3200 C a n a d ia n T h e ra p e u tic C o lle g e 1 - 7 6 0 B ra n t S t. B u rlin g to n , O N L 7R 4 B 7 | f i p H A L T O N JOB TRAINING B U S IN E S S IN S T IT U T E 460 B rant St. B u rling ton 6 37 * • M icro C om puters • A ccou n tin g • O ffice A dm in istra tion • M edical/L egal A ssistant • D en ta l R ecep tion ist 3 4 1 5 *also Evening Classes I* F inanc ia l A id M ay be A v a iL ^ / Public Notices Real Estate Seminar 2^ f2L C a m e r in Ml",r RtllEstlt,LM , Broker ^ ^ 0 ? Seminar Wednesday, May 19th • 1st Class Training & Career Development • The Tools you Need for SUCCESS! • If you are Considering a Real Estate Career or are currently enrolled in Phase I, II or III Contact Brad Miller at (905) 845-9180 Invitation to Bid OAKVILLE NEWSPAPER DELIVERIES INVITATION TO BID BIDS for services listed below will be received until May 15,1999 at 5:00 PM Contract commencing immediately. Work consists of delivering in plastic, newspapers, flyers, catalogues and other products to specific drop locations. Work to be completed within specific time periods on W ednesday, Friday and Sunday (early delivery is optional). Tender packages are available at the Circulation Department of The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, On. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! http://www.mover.to http://www.collegeofmassage.com

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