Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 3 Mar 1999, C4

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U4 1 n c UAIY V iL,JLt, tJCAV C,K oak\ ille A Monthly Updntc CHAMBER../ y */ / commerce About Your Chamber Oakville Chamber o f Commerce M a rk e tin g Y o u rse lf ■how e f fe c t iv e a re y o u ? In my Human Resources practice, I am constantly asked to provide candidates for interviews. Here's the scenario. I am interested in sending this particular per­ son for an I.T. position in Toronto. He doesn't have a telephone at home and seems to work from a pager/cell arrangement. N o problem here as long as he calls back. I call him with an urgent request to call me back before he goes into his interview first thing the next day. His cell is switched off and there is no voicemail attached. This has happened before and the reason given at the time was that his sister had the cell that day! Can you imagine what I thought when this happened a second time? Result, he went into the interview without the vital information he needed about the client. Oh, by the way, he really wanted (and needed) this job. How many barriers do we unwittingly place between our­ selves and what we want? Do we consciously know that we are doing this? If not, why not? I once heard an extreme­ ly insightful remark: 'most o f us are p an ofthe living dead-- bom in 1950, died in 1990 and buried in 2025. "In order to successfully gain what we truly desire, we have to be there. What does this mean? Our energy has to be fidly engaged and focused on the situation we are in right now Our presence has to be in that moment and 100% directed towards the situation a t hand Many times other issues, wor­ ries and thoughts are often occupied with (and by) that "yak/yak" voice sitting on our left shoulder and whispering instructions into our ear. "What is he/she thinking o f me right now? What is the mindset here?While all of this is quite naturally a pan of our thinking, if we allow it to control the moment, it kills spontaneity, clear focus and natural enthu­ siasm. A professional interviewer will never allow you into his/her innermost thoughts and opinions, so why bother to second guess? Instead, focus the mind, energy and pres­ ence on who you are, what you can offer and how this transfers in what they want. You can facilitate this by ask­ ing them what they want before you launch into what you have. Make it easy for the listener, by allowing them to be a "fly on the wall" watching you perform the work that you are saying is transferable into their organization. Absolutely paramount to your success, is a ridding of the energy of "I must, I must get this job"! If you can put this overriding thought on one side and allow the interviewer to see the real you, they will be able to better assess the "fit" for their company. That is what it is all about today--"fit". Teaming is everything now. No matter how good you are technical­ ly, if you have attitude, you probably won't get the job. So plan to improve and upgrade yourself, as wdl as your skills! If you have done your part and fully engaged in a dialogue of "what do you want/this is what I 've got", then the remain­ der will work out one way or another. You have no control over the "fit". You have been "present" and focused on your marketing presentation in a laser and informative way. Ask) questions, correct any misconceptions and, most of all say if you are interested and then take your hands o ff it. Last, but certainly not at all least on the list of "how to market oneself" is an exceptional ability to listen. After you have asked the key question of "what kind of person would be ideal for your position?", then listen with a dear focused rdaxed and unduttered mind. Then match your back­ ground with what they want. Take care here--make sure that it is a true match and not a "square peg in around hole" scenario. Our final note. F.EA.R means " False Evidence Appearing Real". Fear freezes, numbs and invalidates our natural energy, personality and presence. It's false and unreal and is part of that "Yak/Yak" voice sitting precariously on our left shoulder. Ignore it and utilize it as a platform to leap off and fly (hopefully into a wonderfully new experience). Good Luck! Elizabeth Clarke is a member o f the M arketing Committee o f the O akville Chamber o f Commerce and owns and operates an H R Consulting Group, specializing in recruitment and counselling. PROUD TO BE A PART The Wellness Counselling Group 603 Argus Road, Suite 107 Oakville, ON L6J 6G6 Director: Liana Renwick-Palermio • Anxiety, Stress, Depression??* • Family Mediation & Teen Counselling - Free 112 hour In itia l C onsultation - Q ualified Psychotherapists Phone:(905) 338-3873 ext.: 22 Pager: (416) 563-2484 Fax: (905) 815-9027 W. MUELLER CONSTRUCTION 1505 Speers Rd., U n it # 3 O akville, Industrial • Com m ercial • Residential -Sewer & W ater Insolation & Repair -Excavating B IL L M U E L L E R Offce (905) 827-6022 Fax (905) 82S0968 " Mobile (416) 948-6139 E-mai muecong@qpcablenet j CarlsonWagonlit O w n e d a n d O p e ra te d b y M cTavish Travel We are part of the world's leading travel management company with 4,000 locations in 125 countries. Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca Street Phone: 827-1100 Fax: 827-4982 e-m ail:mctavish @ inforamp.net ©Copyright 0. Beaver '99 Caroline I. Bieze R.M.T. Registered Massage Therapist Therapeutic, Relaxation Aromatherapy & Chair Massage -a* (905) 339-3950 TIC MEWAQE * f DK3TTAL PWtfWIO f t . , - Ir ■ 1 »' - ||U k ■ 1 ■■ » -------m E w c i r o a i c r r a m s f m y s n m o h d m i y p n □ Reports □ Manuals □ Stationery □ Flyers □ Booklets □ Newsletters □ Carbonless Forms 270 Wypcrotr Unit 100 Oakv.lL Onl.inn I Mt JV1 T e i 8 4 2 - 4 6 6 4 Fai MJ 1101 [mini frrgusnn xm vonol nrt □ FuH Colour Posters □ Desktop Publishing □ Colour Copies □ Laminations □ Drilling □ Folding □ Cutting □ Stapling Q Coasting □ Carlo* Binding Q Shrink Wrapping FREE HCIHIPIMLIVEKT "Oof A ©roup Weve Got The ferty" IWof Doruvon. doing- Oakvie Bering cn 844-8703 319-8555 The Nurses Office M e d ic a l O ffice M a n a g e m e n t N u rs ing In H om e H ea lth E duca tion L IL IA N A CAN ADIC RN BScN 845-1968 P L A N N I N G A N O F F I C E P A R T Y ? 4 medium specialty pan pizzas 1 meal size garden salad 1 meal size caesar salad 40 bread sticks with dipping sanoe Trafalgar Ridge Pl«a cJUSL $49.99 Phis applicable taxes. Recommended for 10-12 people. 1-hour nottoe required for pldk-up orders. g ■ ]| Town Centre I 2 5 7 -5 4 3 3 -Hut* 3 3 8 -0 3 4 4 MAIL BOXES ETC 1011 Upper Middle Rd.E. Oakville, ON L6H5Z9 Colour Copies (8 l/2x 11) 500 for over 30 New Canon Black & White Photo Copier (8 1/2x11) \ 40 per copy for 500 copies 13.50 per copy for 1,000 copies 30 per copy for 2.000 coDies 2.70 per copy for 2,000 copies ] for 5,000 copies j Phone (905) 338-2835 Fax (905) 338-8523 TR O P H IES LIM ITED "Serving Halton for over 20 years" 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 ■=£> CORPORATE AWARDS •=£> ACADEMIC AWARDS O SPORTS AWARDS O PLAQUES & MEDALIONS O SUBLIMATED PRINTING ON PLAQUES & NAME BADGES O ENGRAVING ON GLASS STEINS & MUGS 905- 847-1956 PARADE OF EASTER FAVOURITES Handm ade Belgian Chocolate Bunnies, Chickens & Handmade Eggs Filled w ith Truffles dr Chocolates Easter Baskets Downtown Oakville (905) 844-0104 Paid Too Much income Tax? Have us prepare your '98 personal income tax return, and we'll review your previous three years tax returns, absolutely free: giving you that peace-of-mind that you paid only the income taxes that you owed. In many cases we find that taxpayers have in fact been overpaying their income taxes, and the government owes them money. If this offer interests you, call us today at: (905) 844-5238 ADVISORY TAX PRKPARAITON SKRVICHS 2 0 8 3 G R O S V E N O R S T . O A K V I L L E ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 - 5 2 3 6 Serving Oakville for Sixteen Years - Member of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce Promoting A Healthy (Business Community" For information about becoming a member of the Chamber of Commerce call 845-6613 or Fax 845-6475 J b ncuncbuay, Marcn C re s c e n t N u rs e ry S c h o o l is accepting registration for the 1999-2000 school year. A M & P M P ro g ra m s • 5 , 3 o r 2 d a y s /w k J r . P re s c h o o l & S r . K in d e rg a rd e n R e a d in e s s P ro g ra m s *A fte rnoon Spaces A va ilab le Im m ed ia te ly For m ore in fo rm a tio n please call C h e r y l B r a d le y 8 4 4 - 3 4 3 2 B irthday Lordy, Lordy T h e T w in s A re 40 !! Brenda and Brian Love mom and family Deaths DEMENY, Tibor Thomas- (A long time resident of Oakville then Burlington. Former Vice-President of King Paving & Materials Limited) Peacefully at the Oakville-Tratalgar Memorial Hospital on Friday, February 26th, 1999, surrounded by his family. Husband to Esther for 48 years. Beloved family father to Russ and his wife Ginny Demeny, Susan and her husband William Minnis. Loving Papa to Danielle and Kristin. Cherished Uncle to David, Bill and his wife Cheryl Minnis. He lovingly touched the lives of his family and many friends. He w ill be deeply missed and fondly remembered. Friends will be welcomed by the family at the Ward Funeral Home, 906 Brant Street (at Faitview Street), (905) 634-1234, on Thursday March 4th from 2 until 4pm. A service will be held in the chapel at 4pm with a celebration of Tommy's life to fo llo w . In lieu of flow ers, the fam ily would appreciate donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. KENNEDY, Jam es H .- passed away on Friday, February 26,1999 after a 2 year battle with cancer, at the age of 75. An accountant retired from Maxwell Meighen Associates, and a Royal Canadian Air Force veteran. He leaves behind his wife Dorothy, as well as daughter Linda and her husband Harold of Burlington; and son Jim and his wife Susan of Greensboro, North Carolina. Also surviving are granddaughters Pauline and Crystal, and great grandchildren Jessica, Shauna and Dillon. Services were held on Monday March 1, 1999 in the Chapel of the Oakview Funeral Home with in term ent at Halton H ills cemetery. Memorial contributions can be made to the Ian Anderson House, P.0. Box 61034, 511 Maple Grove Drive, Oakville, L6J 7P5; a non-profit Hospice where he resided his last few days. RAMSDALE, John (Jack) - A t O a k v ille - T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l o n M a rc h 2, 1 9 9 9 . J a c k R a m s d a le in h is 8 7 th y e a r. B e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f M u r ie l o f 6 2 y e a rs a n d lo v in g fa th e r o f L in d a a n d G a ry C ro w e o f B u rlin g to n . L o ve d b y h is g ra n d c h ild re n B ra d a n d M e g a n . B ro th e r a n d b ro th e r- in - la w o f K a y a n d B ert, T e d a n d D o ro th y and R o y a n d M a v is . J a c k w a s a fo r m e r e m p lo y e e o f C h ris tie B ro w n a n d lo n g tim e m e m b e r o f T ra fa lg a r G o lf C lu b . F r ie n d s w ill b e re c e iv e d a t a m e m o ria l re c e p tio n a t th e O a k v ie w F u n e ra l H o m e , 5 6 L a ke sh o re R o a d W e s t ( o n e b lo c k e a s t o f K e r r ) , O a k v i l le o n T h u rs d a y f ro m 2 -4 a n d 7 -9 p .m . In lieu o f f lo w e rs d o n a tio n s m a y be m a d e to th e H e a rt a n d S tro k e F o u n d a tio n . M a n y th a n k s to D r. R o u se a n d th e n u rse s o f 4 E ast. SMITH, Lillian Mary- Suddenly at the Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on February 28,1999. Devoted wife of the late Reg Smith. Cherished mother ot Marlyn (Dave Hay) of Laporte, Texas; Audrey (Finley Dickson) of Port Renfrew, B.C.; and Jean (late Richard) Glazin of Oakville. Beloved Nana ot her grandchildren Linda, David, Ronald, Susan, and Marilyn; Steve, Lori-Anne, Chris and Rob; and great grandchildren Jennifer, Shelby, David Luke, Ian, Eric, Justin, Cassie, Noelle, Kip, Tamika, Evan, Meagan and Alec. Friends w ill be received at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block East of Kerr) Oakville on Wednesday from 2-4 & 7- 9pm. Vigil prayers to begin at 7:00pm. The Funeral Mass will be held at St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, 181 Sewell Drive, Oakville on Thursday March 4,1999 at 11:00am. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. If desired donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Alzheimers Society or the Scarborough Missions. Deaths WOODSTOCK, W. J. (Jim) - Peacefully at Oakville- Tratalgar Memorial Hospital, Oakville, on Saturday February 27,1999; Jim Woodstock of Oakville. Sur­ vived by his wife Catherine (Kit) of Oakville. Father of James and his wife Donna of Hillsburgh; Susanne and her husband Rick Boileau of Burlington. Grandfather ot Karly Boileau. Longtime resident of Oakville, pro­ prietor of The Oakville Upholstering Shop and lifetime member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 114. He w ill he sadly missed by family and friends. If desired, expressions of sympathy to the Oakville- Tratalgar Memorial Hospital- Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Oakville would be sincerely appreciated. At J im 's request there w ill be no formal services. Arrangements entrusted to the Oakview Funeral Home 842-2252. InM em oriam M U L L E R , B ea trice - In loving memory of a dear mother and nanny who passed away March 2nd, 1998. Those whom we love go out of sight, but never out of m ind. They are cherished in the hearts of those they leave behind. With love, Margaret and Lillian. Card o f Thanks TH E FA M ILY of the Late B ryan H ayw ood would like to express their sincere appreciation to all of Bryan's friends, co-workers and family for the many floral tributes, memorial donations, sympathy cards and many acts of kindness shown to us in the recent loss of our son. A special thank you to Andrew and Doug Kocher of the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home, Halton Regional Police and Halton Victim Services for all their guidance care and compassion. John, Ann and Allan Haywood Funeral Directors O A K V IE W F U N E R A L H O M E Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD W EST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors • D on C la rk e • D o u g la s M a n n e rs • T a n ia D i C e n so 842-2252 W A R D F u n e r a l H o m e s HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville 905 - 844-3221 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs Michael Dunne Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Business Directory STAHL'S PLUMBING INC. Master Plumber H on es t, re lia b le , re a so n a b le . A ls o tilin g & d ry w a ll. From Small Jobs to Complete Bathroom Renovations Call Greg Stahl 319-8TIO References available Announce the Graduation of a member of your family in the Oakville Beaver Sunday Milestones! Call Lauren at 845-3824 for details.

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