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Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 1995, p. 22

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O ak vi lle B ea ve r W ee ke nd , S un da y, J un e 4, 1 99 5 - 2 2 DANNY'S Painting. Quality work at reasonable rates. 25 years experience. I n t e r i o r / E x t e r i o r . References. 339-4760; 333-4958. ANNE'S Interiors. Expert wallpapering, painting including faux finishes. Phone for all home decorating needs. 639-0893. I cn moving & storage *#1 AA Honest Boys Movers: Van Line Person­ nel....at bargain rates. Pro­ fessional...reliable.. in­ sured. Guaranteed es­ timate (905) 822-9287. U N IV E R S ITY TU ITIO N LAWN CARE. Cutting, fertilizing, pruning, tilling, clean-up, weed control. Summer packages avail­ able. Seniors discount. Chris 339-0865 TOPSOIL Composted w/active Microbial activity for optimum growth. 3-Way Mix,4cu,yd.=. $96 Super Black, 4cu.yd.=$100 Add. products avail. Taxes extra. Evergreen Farms (416)601-7344 BUDGET Movers. Two professional men $45/hr. includes gas, equipment, mileage, insurance. Free estimates. 24 hrs., 7 days/week. 844-8733. A LTO R F'S Topsoil. Manure, 3-W ay Mix, Screenings, Sand. Cheapest price. Pick-up or delivered. 335-6333 SMALL moves and refuse removal. Excellent rates. Phone Jack, 820-1277. gardening supplies & landscaping CEDAR HEDG ES Ex­ cellent quality, 2ft. to 10ft. from $2. each. Free deliv­ ery. Call Campbellville 1- 519-856-9206 I house & petsitting EN JO Y your vaca- tion/business trip. Have HOUSECHECK SERVICES care for your home/pet. Ex- perienced, reliable, rea­ sonable. 845-8490. private tuitions/schools childcare available ATTN. High school math students - Get ready for your exam! Experienced, qualified tutor can make a difference. Call Jeff at (905) 569-9829. CH ILDCARE available Fitness and nutrition certi­ fied, fenced yard, activities planned, hot lunches, non­ smoking. Summer spaces available. 847-8982. nursery schools nursery schools The Little Scholar Preschool,186 Morrison Rd. East Oakville 849-3878 Introduces "New Programs" Commencing Sept/95 •B e fo re & A fte r Schoo laged Daycare. Open full days on school closures. Serv­ ing a ll E a s t End P u b lic & S e p a ra te Schools. •An enriched J.K. Program, providing in­ struction on Jr. Kindergarten. Computer, m ath concepts , p rin ting books, report cards & more. Class limited to 16 children. •Mum and Tots program, children aged 12 m onths to 30 m onths welcom e. S tarts October/95. • And Mum and Baby's day out - Wed. mornings only, starting October/95. •Continued Programs - 1/2 day standard preschool classes. Mornings & afternoons. •Nanny Services available. W e're open this summer. Have your preschooler join us. 849-3878. 770 childcare available childcare available TIRED of inadequate day- DAYCARE AVAILABLE- care? Experienced mother 2 energetic and funloving of two providing fun crafts, healthy meals and happy indoor/ outdoor environ- boys, 5 and 2 years, look­ ing for playmates for the summer months of July ment. Falgarwood School area Openings August and September. Receipts pro­ vided. Please call and August. We're across from Pilgrimwood School and love the outdoors and trips to the park. Call Kar- 842-0152 evenings. en, 825-8849. DAYCARE available in my home. Hot meals, snacks. Enalish, French speaking. Very experi­ enced. Excellent refer­ ences. 8th Line/Upper Middle Rd. 849-8119 OAKVILLE Race area, re­ sponsible caregiver (near Lome Skuce) summer-fall openings, 844-7185. RELIABLE, loving day­ care. My home. Tipperton Cr. (Bronte). Excellent ref­ erences 827-8880. RIVER O AKS. Reliable, plenty of TLC, crafts, out­ door activities. Refer­ ences available. 257-0646. I childcare wanted BA BYSITTER required East Oakville, Lakeshore/ Ennisclare. Seeking a re- r nsible sitter for our 3yr girl every Saturday 12- 4:30pm, occasional even­ ings. Good swimmer es­ sential. Call after 5pm, 338- 0003. childcare wanted Hfe for 2 children 8:30 - 3:30 or 2:30 - 9:30. Our home. 3 days per week. ECE students wel­ come. 845-9554. EXPER IENC ED baby­ sitter wanted for part time babysitting for two small girls. References required. 849-8082 EXPER IENC ED child­ care for 3 year old wanted Tues. W ed. Thurs. July and August. Our home. Maplegrove area. Call 338-5345 after 7 p.m. and weekends. LIVE-IN /out caregiver for 2 children 3, 5. Driver. Start immediately. 829-4857 after 6 pm. LIVE-IN child caregiver. Own basement apartment plus salary. Near Oakville Place. References re­ quired. Val 842-7055. Reliable, supervised day care at a home in your neighbourhood •Safe, comfortable environments •Reliable local back-up for •Stimulating daily programs Provider s holidays or illness •Trained, professional Providers •Complete insurance coverage •Monthly home inspections 'Income tax receipts supplied and, we welcome full or part-time care for children from 6 weeks of age! Ife e x. Whtch ^ PrUtHomeDtrCm r T jY For information call: 8 1 9 -9 5 5 7 I childcare wanted R E SP O N SIB LE, experi­ enced sitter wanted for our 2 small children, 2 - 3 af­ ternoons / evenings a week. References re ­ quired. C learview area. 829-2260. I nannies available, wanted nannies available, wanted Uve-in/out Nanny, 4 year old, drivers licence re­ quired Septem ber start. References NNEB pre­ ferred. Oakville 825-3551 LIVE out nanny required to begin at end of August and care for two infants and-a 6 year old. Applic­ ants with own child w el­ come. Near Bronte H ar­ bour. Call 827-7109. U V E-IN Nanny for 3 year old. Glen Abbey. Non- smoker, driver. NNEB or ECE preferred. R efer­ ences. 847-3684. nannies available, wanted NANNY required for 2 boys 8 am - 6 pm Mon. - Fri. Non-smoker. Live- in/out. Burloak/Lakeshore area. 416-359-4771 NANNY required for two year old, live-out preferred, non-smoker. Must like dogs and be flexible with hours. Glen Abbey, 825-8301 after 7pm. SOLVE YOUR CHILDCARE NEEDS BY ADVERTISING IN THE Childcare Available Childcare Wanted Nannies Available, Wanted C all C lass ifieds 845-2809 Business Directory STAM PED CO NC RETE By Architectural Concrete Call Now For Spring Savings! •D rivew ays ' P atios ' W alkw ays •Pool D ecks ' Steps Architectural Concrete is a process which will turn ordinary concrete into a rich and decorative textured surface. Our system includes methods of "Antiquing", to create Old World Class and surface texturing to produce a rustic look. Unlimited numbers of colours and patterns are available, includ­ ing custom colours and designs. Advantages of Architectural Concrete • No W eeds • No Oil or Gas Staining Free Estimates References 8 4 9 -8 6 8 8 I V a n d e n N o o r t HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2115 Golden Briar Trail, Oakville •Bathroom s • K itchens •Hardw ood Floor Refinishing • Rec Rooms. • Free E stim ates D a y s -M obile 416-580-4914 Evenings - 842-2868 Complete 10' x 10' Kitchen Only $1599." Includes: Installation *tax • delivery • counter tops 3-fool •5/8 inch construction • adjustable shelves • metal hardware • white cabinet interiors with backings • variety of door styles and counter top colours to choose from • appliances, plumbing & tiles not included CALL BILL (905) 338-7200 fLA W N & Y A R D C A R E -1 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Spring C lean-up - Lawn C utting - Sodding - Eave C leaning free estimates j senior's discounts , PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 844-8385 WOOD N' FLOOR • In s ta l la t io n s • R e p a irs • Sand ing • R e f in is n in g • S ta in in g Affordable Prices KAZ 338-1881 9 NEIGHBOURHOODUinDSCAPE Complete Landscape DESIGN & INSTALLATION INTERLOCKING STONE CUSTO M DECKS ROD YEO 821-2197 Free Estimates Pine S(j Tree Deck & Fence "Extraordinary 'Design & Construction of: • Custom Designs • Interlocking Brick • Decks & Fences • Gazebos f r u "Estimates 7 days a wuQ 336-3063 or pager 1-416-554-1007 Stop Basement Leaks! •BASEMENT WATERPROOFING • 20-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE • FREE ESTIMATES - CALL 24 HOURS SgCROWNSEAL INC. ~ 905-564-3575 OR 1-800-668-5186 METRO UC. 810208 BUILDING SERVICES • CHIMNEYS REPAIRED AND REBUILT • BRICK AND STONE REPAIRS • TUCK POINTING • CEMENT WALKS & CONCRETE REPAIRS •BALCONY REPAIRS •FOUNDATION REPAIRS •SHINGLE REPAIRS Free Est. Over 30 yrs Exp. 844 -2264 Tom LaRose 10% D iscoun t fo r Senior C itizens Your Complete Renovation Stop Blueprints and Plans • Kitchens Custom Homes 1 Additions 1 Basements ■ ReRoofing • Bathrooms • Offices • Concrete work • Replacement windows Ceramics■ Aluminum siding • Rough or Finish Carpentry • Drywall and Painting Quality Satisfaction Guaranteed 849-9556 ^VELLA 'S For Quality & Value in Bathroom Design Renovation, Repair • Professional Workmanship • Full Guarantee • Free Estimates & Consultation 607-3945 C & I V I Home Im provements Basement Finishing Painting - Ceramics Decks & Fencing Doors & Windows Kitchen & Bathroom, Renovations Rnancing Available 0A C : F r e e E stim a te s 905-820-5898 fager *416-377-3052 Bathrooms and Ceramic Tiles Supply, Repair, Renovations, Installed. Also Vinyl Good Prices, Free Estimates, Financing Available Call Frank 332-5565 Clearview Landscaping • Design • Interlocking • Flagstone Free Estimates 829-4297 CONCRETE TRIMMINGS • Curbs -Walkways • Patios • Driveways • Garage Doors • Pebble Concrete • Flagstone Excellent workmanship. Member of BBB. Call Fernando 844-5518 For free estimate • Fences (wrought iron/ wood) • Decks • Gazebos Free Estimates Tel: 847,9010 Pgr:(416)287-4983 CLARKE PAINTING Quality Work at Reasonable Rates Residential and Commercial Free Estimates 338-0874 CUMBRIA MASONRY Brick & block work Fireplaces Chimney Repairs Free estimates John Hodgkinson 8 2 7 -8 9 9 0 DECKS FENCES GAZEBOS Low Prices Guaranteed Work Call 849-1719 DON'T MOVE IMPROVE Quality trades­ men for all your alterations and r e v o v a t i o n s . Free advice and estimates. CdH Paul Fray 8474468 George's SCREEN REPAIRS ■ Windows & patio doors ■ Repaired at your premi ses. Call 823-3356 Impressions Contracting • Decks • Fences • Carpentry • Remodelling • Renovations Pager (416) 330-0949 JO SEPH'S C eram ic Tile & H ardw ood F looring Repairs & Installation Floors & Walls Bathroom Renovations * Free Estimates* 336-2332 K E E P Y O U R M O N E Y ! Call The Renovation Specialists OAKVILLE BATH 842-BATH R esidential Commercial Interior/Exterior 338-8032 Oakville Lawn Service Spring/ Fall clean up, regular lawn cutting, maintenance, small tree removal, aerating, sodding, flower beds. Call Ron 849-6931

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