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Oakville Beaver, 14 Apr 1999, Classified, C4

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1999 Page C4T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r CLASSIFIED To place an ad please call 845-3824 or 337-5610 Fax 632-8165 Mon.- M 8:30 am.- 6 pm REAL ESTATE W ' l n P RENTALS LEISURE LIVING MERCHANDISE 100-165 170-196 200-265 300-375 AUTOMART 400-465 HELP WANTED 500-599 ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-675 SERVICES 700-800 DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 6 p.m. for Wednesday Issue. Wed. 6 p.m. for Friday Issue. Thurs. 6 p.m. for Sunday Issue. A D VER TIS IN G E R R O R S A N D O M IS SIO N S: The Oakville Beaver assum es no financial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be m ade prior to next publication date. All dnssi/ied ads must be prepaid We Accept 1 5 3 Cheque or Cash houses for sale apartments& flats for rent apartments* flats torrent apartments & flats torrent houses for rent SALE by owner! East Oak­ ville. 1450 Prince John Cir- cler. 2300 sq.ft., profession­ a lly fin ished basement, new windows, 400 sq.ft, deck, 3+1 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, ceramic/ hardwood floors. A/C, C/V. Open House; Saturday& Sunday, 2-5pm or appoint­ ment. $217,500. (905)829- 3450._____________________ EAST Burlington- 2 storey. 3+1 bedroom, 3.5 baths, Custom oak kitchen, Ce­ ramics, hardwood, Main floor fam ily room w/F.P. Walk out to large fenced backyard. Professionally finished basement. Walk to shops, schools, lake. GO. Home occupation allowed. $329,000. 905-632-7109 PRIVATE Sale; S.E. Oak­ ville, approx. 2900sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths, beauti­ ful garden, ceram ics. $439,000. Pager#416-376- 1248 PRES T IG IO U S end unit townhouse. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, ground floor fam­ ily room, gas fireplace, fin­ ished rec room, 5 built-in appliances, p riva te back, indoor pool, suana, hot tub. P riva te sale. $189,900. 905-331-0751_____________ 2-BEDROOMS. $155,500. North Oakville, near Upper Oakville Village Plaza. 3- baths, 5-appliances, window coverings, excellent condition, easy access to QEW/ 403. (416)626-3922 m apartrnents/condos for sale Harbourview Plaza Lakeshore & Bronte Rd In the» of Bronte Tourist Area and Close to New Marina. RETAIL UNITS from 450 to 3,000 sq.ft. Available Immediately. (905)825-1261 FRANCHISE lor sale. Mar- ket to the 50+ through publi­ cation, direct mail and trade shows. (905)309-1525. WORK from home! 6 figure income potential. No sell­ ing, not MLM, car pmt, bo- nuses. (905)543-0496 10$K (U.S.) interim funds, investment doubled in 90 days. Guarantee, serious principles onlyl (416)724- 3401______________________ ■ [ j u l mortgage, loans Luxury Living on the Lake DIPLOM AT I & I I 5166 & 5170 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES (Breathtaking lake view & Utilities Included) Billiards • OUTDOOR POOL • BBQ Area Call to V iew : 333-9533 or 333-9522 Professionally Managed by M into Management Limited •M IT Downtown On-The-Lake BURLINGTON PLACE BACHELOR, 1, 2 & 3 BDRM SUITES F itn e s s fa c ili t ie s • O u td o o r P o o l CALL TODAY FOR AN APPT. TO VIEW: 333-9141 Minto Management Ltd. ONE bedroom, air condi­ tion, sunken living room, fireplace. Newly decorated including new carpet. Pleasant well-maintained building with pool, hot tub, exercise room. Close to all amenities, walk to GO. As­ king $114,000. Ca ll 844-9316._________________ P lFRB lndus tda i I L & + J /commercial space ★ ★1 4 6 0 GHENT AVE. ★ ★ (at Brant St.) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts • Studios • 1&2 Bdrms • 1-Bdrm + Den • All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths • Indoor pool & saunas • Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl.' • Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access' BURLINGTON SQUARE 639-4677 Mon-Thors., 9-7; Fri. 9-5; Sat & Sun 11-4 VERY Inexpensive ware­ house space, unheated. 10,000 sq.ft, or less. Oak­ ville location. Call Joe Luyk, 845-7597 A VA ILA B LE in attractive downtown Oakvilles Mews, retail/ commercial/ medical units. 850sq.ft. & 11,000 sq.ft. Contact; (905)845- 6160______________________ O AKV ILLE- Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime retail/office space, 1100sq.ft. + fu ll basement + parking. $1280/mo+ hydro. 842- 3196______________________ O AKV ILLE . Lakeshore & Trafalgar. Two prime offic­ es: 330 & 650 sq.ft. Ca ll 845-5549 Burlington Towers The H ote l A ltern a tive FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES • Furnished Designer Apartments > Fully Equipped Kitchens > Magnificent Indoor Pool > Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. 6 3 9 • 8 5 8 3 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm Sat. & Sun: 10am-5pm w w w .o n tim .c o m • b to w e rs @ la ra .o n .c a Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc., Realtor E. Oak.- 3-bdrm townhouse, $1500/mo. May. Bronte- 2-bdrm + loft T/H, $1775/mo. Immed. Plus- Choice of 3 other houses $2000-$2800/mo. Immediate - May 1st. Call 338-1130 BAD C red it??? Let us Help! Absolute Credit Re­ pair. 335-8851 (24 Hrs) QUIET, Convenient, Well- Maintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Very spa­ cious 3-bedroom, Imme­ diate. From $1000./mo. 637-3921__________________ SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ months. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Bur- lington Towers. 639-8583 QEW/ Kerr, Oakville . Bachelor, from $659/mo. 1- bedrooms, from $759.00/ mo. Includes 2% discount for prompt payment. Excep­ tiona lly well-maintained highrise. F itness room. (905)845-9502_____________ 2-BEDROOM apartments, well located, quiet building. Near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call 634-3635 CLEAN 1-bedroom main floor apartment, parking, laundry fac ilities, heat/ hydro included, $605/mo. Suit single person. 632- 5700; 335-9025.___________ LAKESHORE. Burlington. 2-bedroom, Immediate $900/incl.; 1-bedroom, Ju­ ne 1st, $800/incl. Panoramic view of Lake. Ca ll 681- 7126 Professionally man­ aged by L.T. G reenw in Property Management SEEKING: fabulous, non­ smoking tenants for large, bright lower level of bunga­ low, North Burlington; sepa­ rate entrance, air-condition­ ing, 4 appliances, huge bedroom. $750/mo. all inclusive. Available June 1st. 319-5661. BURLINGTON. 2-Bedroom, Immediate, from $790.; 3- Bedroom, J u n e ls t from $895/mo. Well maintained, quiet build ing. W a lk to shopping. Hospital, Lake. 637-0321__________________ C A N A D IA N A .. Spacious 1&2 bedrooms, 1100 sq.ft.- 1425 sq.ft. From $895. Utili­ ties included. A va ilab le June. (905)632-5486 FREE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All a reas and p rices..... (905)524-3000____________ BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom, May 1st + parking. Two, 1 bedrooms, June 1st. Utili­ ties included. 639-3301 IMMEDIATE. Burlington. 1 bedroom, utilities included, fitness room, sauna, indoor pool/ parking. $840./mo. 318-7259_________________ G EO RG IAN Apartments. Apr/May/June: 1.2&3 Bed­ rooms. Heat/ hydro includ­ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456. M- F:9-4, 6:30-8:00pm, Sun; 11-3pm____________________ BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom apartments. Well-located, quiet building. Near down­ town, buses, h ighway, lake. Call 333-0869________ BURLINGTON.Immediate/ - 2 bedroom- $650./mo., utili­ ties included. 1 bedroom- S597/mo., utilities included. Quiet, near lake. Apply 2435 Second St. Apt.208. 634-8089 (3-6pm)_________ OLD Oakville. 2-bedroom, $998/mo.; 1-bedroom, $875/mo.; in beau tifu lly maintained, quiet building downtown... Step out to shops! Lots of seniors. 845- 8254, Leave message BURLINGTON. 2 bedroom apartment, use of yard, c/a. $720/mo + u tilities. May 1st-June 1st. No pets. (905)333-0211_____________ ONE bedroom basement apartm ent, p riva te en­ trance. 5- Appliances. Furn ished. A/C. Non- smoker/ No pets. $600/all inclusive. 634-1201________ BLUEF IELDS Drive. Bur­ lington. 3-Bedroom town- home, no dogs, hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. May/June $839./mo. 336- 7207.______________________ LAKEFRO NT Burlington! Large 2-bedroom suites available immediately thru May. (Park ing included) 2338 Lakeshore Rd., 681- 8938______________________ BURLINGTON Near Water­ front! 1-bedroom, $725/mo; 2-bedroom, $825/mo. Re­ modeled units. Quiet build- ings. (905)639-5079. 2 bedroom apartm ent Bronte, 1 acre lot. parking, washer/ dryer $675 + utili­ ties. 905-469-8395, 416- 821-2189 BACHELOR Old Oakville. Private, parking. Utilities in­ cluded. Business woman Ava ilab le June 15th. (905)845-5382.____________ B AC H ELO R basement apartment. Available May. 1st. River Oaks area. Park­ ing, cable, utilities included. $500/mo. Female pre­ ferred. No pets. (905)842- 9961. After 6:30pm._______ WATERDOWN 1 bedroom basement apartment, utili­ ties, cable & parking in­ cluded. Private entrance. Single female, non-smok­ ing, nopets. $475/mo 689-1914 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Premier Court • Oakville • Luxury 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments. Air conditioning, and pool! Please Call for Info! (905) 338-3342 BURLINGTON Lakeshore area. Prestig ious, new ly renovated 1-bedroom. $850/mo. & 2-bedroom $950/mo. includes heat/ hydro/ parking. Immediate. 637-6701__________________ BU RLING TO N, luxury 1- bdrm, sunroom, fabulous view, security, indoor park­ ing, fitness centre, pool. June 1st. $900./mo. 845- 1277______________________ REFURBISHEDApartments Downtown Burlington. Eliz­ abeth Manor, 477 E liza­ beth Street. 1&2 Bedroom Apartments with spectacu­ lar view. 634-9374 S. of Lakeshore next to Ap­ pleby college. Lower level 1 bedroom apt., study, open concept livingroom/kitchen. New appliances in lovely home. All amenities, park­ ing. Suit quiet single pro­ fessional, non-smoker $800/mo. with references. 849-7528_________________ 1 bedroom- walk to Oak­ ville Place & Sheridan Col­ lege. Available Immediate­ ly. $700./heat- hot water­ parking included. 847- 1138.______________________ 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur­ lington. Available April: 1 & 2-1/2 bedroom apartments from $695/mo. Call (905)632-0129_____________ 2-BEDROOM, J u ly ls t . $850/mo.+ parking. Sunken livingroom, eat-in kitchen. Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New S t, Bur- lington. 637-9725__________ W ALK to Downtown Oak­ ville. Renovated: 2-bdrm. $778/mo.+ hydro. Imme­ diate/ May.1. Small build­ ing. Laundry. Parking. Se­ curity. 825-5539. O A K V IL L E Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2 bedroom. 4 appliances, parking. $995/mo + hydro. (905)842-3196_____________ LARG E 1-bedroom apart­ ment in small, clean build­ ing near lake, (Bronte). A va ilab le immediately. Parking included. 827-9153 1- BED ROO M apartment ava ilab le now, Harbour- view P laza, corner Lakeshore and Bronte Rd. 825-1261__________________ 2- BEDROOM apt. Marine Dr. Oakville. Available im­ mediately. 4 appliances. View of lake. $1250/mo. in­ cludes u tilities. Contact Scott B.Prior Re/Max Blue Springs. 878-7777_________ 2-BEDROOM apartment at 110 South Foste r Park, Oakville. April 15th. $750/ mo utilities included except hydro, (905)845-7661 DOWNTOWN Oakville. 1- bedroom self-contained basement apartment, sep­ arate entrance, eat-in kitch­ en. parking, M ay.1st. $750/mo, inclusive. 844- 1669. BURLINGTON Downtown; Uniquely furn ished 3 rooms, first floor in house. Kitchen/ dining, office/ den, liv ing/ bedroom, wood burning F/P, deck, garden. $880 /mo. Parking &utilities included, non-smoker/ pets. 317-9253.____________ 2-BEDROOM apartments in tri-plex. Main floor- $1,000.mo./ Upper Level- $700./mo. Close to Oak- ville downtown. 847-3564 SPAC IO U S 1.2&3 Bed­ rooms. F resh ly painted, bright. Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Well- maintained. Convenient lo­ cation. (905)333-9846, Noon-8pm_________________ ★2-BEDROOM Apartments $760. (Utilities included). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open11- 8pm. 639-5761____________ 2350 Queensway Drive, between Guelph/ Brant. 2- bedrooms, $725/mo. heat included. Balcony, new paint, laundry, parking. View Saturday, Noon-1 pm. NEAR Burl/Oak. Two bed­ room basement apartment, separate entrances, 4 ap­ pliances, $620./mo. 632- 5690. McDonagh R.E. SPAC IO U S 2-bedroom apartment. $715/mo. plus hydro, near QEW/ Guelph Line, quiet building. Please call 319-8919_____________ B R O N TE on the Lake. Penthouse, 2-bedrooms, 2 balconies with lake view. Pool, tennis. One under­ ground parking. M ay ls t. Call to view: 827-9169, Sir R ichard Tower, www.on- tim.com BURLINGTON Downtown. W elling ton Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco­ rated 1&2 Bedroom Apart­ ments with scenic views. 632-1643_________________ TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur­ lington. 2&3 bedroom 2- level apartments, Apr/May. Low-rise building. Garden like setting. Private land­ scaped patios. 336-0015, 336-0016__________________ DOW NTOW N Oakville , near Kerr/ Lakeshore. Large, bright 2-bedroom in quiet building near park. Hardwood! Available May 1st. $725/mo. (905)277-4728 DOW NTOW N O akville , near harbour. 1-bedroom, M a y ls t. $600/incl. (No parking/ laundry). 844-2599 DOWNTOWN Oakville. 1- bedroom apartment, $8457 mo. available May1. Call Forbes. 416-420-3952; (905)842-9275____________ BURLINGTON: 700 Ross St. 2-bedroom; May 1 $730/inclusive, Parking. To view call 631-6979 bet­ ween 9am-noon & 6pm- 8pm,______________________ LAKEFRONT Bronte; 1- bedroom, a ll inclusive. Parking, cable, utilities. $1,250/mo. Suit mature single. (905)-827-2266 or (416)-533-4157.___________ G LEN ABBEY: two-bed­ room, p riva te walk-out, laundry, one parking only, jacuzz i bath. No smok- ing/pets. May 1. 847-6831. ■ W M l rentals T T T T T FURN ISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances. C/A, Jacuzzi, rec centre, pool, security, TV, VCR, stereo, from.... $995/mo.l "Snowbirds'... We have Triple A tenants who'll pay your bills while you're south!! 681-RENT (7368). __________________ ^ condominiums torrentWE specialize in Condo­minium Rentals. Linda Da­ vies Real Estate Ltd., Real- tor, 333-4347, 827-7728 BURLINGTON- available June 1st, 2 bedroom, liv­ ingroom, diningroom, en- suite, washer/ dryer includ­ ed. $818/mo includes hy- dro. Call (905)689-7341 GLEN Abbey area. 2-bed­ room condo with fireplace, available July 1st. Call 827- 6827 after 6pm.____________ A V A IL A B L E May.1/ June.1. One bedroom +den or 2nd bedroom. Appliances +washer/ dryer. A/C. W alker's/ Upper M iddle. Forest Chase. $925./month. 639-3336 LIVINGROOM, diningroom, 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. 1430 feet. Appliances, security. All rec facilities. 2 under­ ground parking, $1300. May 1st, Palace Burlington, 844-6976 O AKV ILLE. Glen Abbey, Luxury 4-bedroom, 3 baths, detached, open concept. Entertainers delight. Avail­ able Immediately. $1995/ mo. plus utilities. (905)338- 0800._____________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur­ chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelli- gan, Sales Rep. (905)575- 5478 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor O A KV ILLE . Detached 3- bedroom, 3 baths, C/A, fire­ place. Short- term starting June 15th. $1400/mo.+ util­ ities. Chris Carbone, (905)712-1177 before 5pm; (905)457-1870 after 5pm N.BURLINGTON- Upper level, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, front entrance, livingroom, diningroom, parking. $1075/mo. inclusive. May. 1st. Non-smoker, No pets. (905)-332-8177____________ 3-BEDROOM bungalow, fin ished basement, C/A, large lot. Close to schools, buses. S/W O akville . $1200/mo. M ay ls t. 338- 2040______________________ COUNTRY! Hwy. 25/ Brit- tania. Executive 3-bed- room, 2.5 baths, familyroom with woodburning fireplace, broadloom, ceramic tile, 2- car garage, C/A, acreage, full basement, 3-bay heated garage/ workshop. $1450/ mo.+ utilities. 1-yr lease. May 1st. Active Manage­ ment, (905)333-5506, Ext.53 BRONTE 2 bedrooms.11/2 baths fireplace, a ir $1085/month plus utilities, no pets Available June 15 call 844-6152______________ RIPLEY Court, Oakville. 3- bedrooms, A/C, 4 applianc­ es, fenced garden, single garage. Quiet court close to schools. June ls t. $1100/ mo.+ utilities. 845-3306 BRONTE, ideal location near harbour. Newly paint­ ed & carpeted condo town- house. 4 appliances, 1-1/2 baths, garage. Immediate/ M aylst. $1130/mo.+ utili­ ties. Warren Hill, Trafalgar P roperty Management, 338-1130_________________ PA R K like setting. 2&3 bedroom townhouses near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1 1/ 2 baths, finished basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, fridge & stove. Available June 1st. 335-3001________ WALKER'S/ new St. 3 bed­ rooms, 1.5 baths, 4 ap­ pliances. fin ished base­ ment. June 1st. $1100/mo. 829-1762__________________ LARG E 3-bedroom, June 1st. From $1069/mo.; Very large 4-bedroom, July 1st, $1159/mo; (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park­ like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 BURLINGTON; Availalbe Junelst, 2-bedroom from $892.85/mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park­ like setting; Also, 3-bed- room. $959.18/mo.+ utili­ ties. 333-1190_____________ OAKVILLE. 2&3 Bedroom Townhouses ava ilab le M a y ls t/ J u n e ls t, 4 ap­ pliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Manage- ment, (905)876-3336 2224 Upper Middle Rd., 3- bedrooms, $975/mo. May 1st. Active Management, 333-5506, Ext.52 FURN ISH ED room for rent. On bus route/within waliking distance of Sher­ idan College. Non-smoker. A va ilab le May 1. Ca ll Helen (905)849-7733. A/C, laundry, parking, shared kitchen, smokers welcome. 1 large nannies room. $400/mo. Available May 1st. Also,1 bedroom, $360/mo, available imme- diately. First/Last. 469-8219 N EAR Upper O akville Shopping Mall. Share house. Pool. A/C. $3507 month. May. 1st. (905)- 337- 3848 or (905)-338- 1502______________________ LARG E Furnished room, Upper Middle/ Guelph Line. Air, pool, laundry, cooking p riv ileges. Non-smoker. Immediate. Call 331-9468. A beautiful furnished room. Kitchen facilities, parking. No smoking. Walker's Line/ Fairview. First/ last. 333- 3540______________________ ROOM available. Share liv­ ingroom, bathroom, kitchen­ ette w/one other. Female non-smoker preferred. Parking. Near Sheridan College. $425./mo. 338- 0400._________________ FALG ARW O O D Drive, Oakville . Large room in house. On bus route. All inclusive. Immediate. 845- 8693. shared accommodation KIRKFIELD. Mitchell Lake. 77 North Taylor Dr. (off Hwy 48, across from Shallamar Gas Station). 3-bdrm lake- front cottage, vinyl siding, C/V, 2-air conditioners. Broadloomed. Complete kitchen, w/fridge/ stove. 4- pce bath. Large deck. Electric heat. $99,900. All offers considered. Burlington. (905)632-0068 IC T lV J items under $100. SHARE bright 3-bedroom townhouse. Non-smoker. Third Line/ Rebecca. Park­ ing. $350/mo. First/ last. May.1. 827-3821._________ ROOMMATE required May 1st for large Oakville home w/ pool. $400/mo including u tilities. Cam (416)861- 5357. L ILL 'S V illa . Residential Care Facility. P rivate rooms. A lzhe im ers w el­ come. 24-hr supervision by qualified staff. (905)338- 9088 26" Men's mountain bike. Includes rear carrier & foot straps. 18 speed. $75. 632-3669_________________ BABY jogger stroller, excel­ lent condition, $100. 522- 8178._____________________ BICYCLE, excellent condi­ tion, 18-speed, $95. 335- 3762._____________________ BICYCLE- 10 speed Ra­ leigh, like new. $100/firm. 827-4587_________________ BOY'S BMX 'HARO', GT sprokett, Mongoose stem, Bulldog brakes, PZ bars, $100. 335-6386__________ CHEST freezer, Kenmore, white, 7-yrs. old, good condition. $75. 331-5252. CHILDS bedroom suite, 4- pce, $75. 639-9625, after 6pm or weekends__________ COFFEE table, teak finish, $35. 639-0148____________ COLOUR console TV $50. 639-1310_________________ COUCH, seats 3, excellent condition, $85. 319-8396 Day bed-$60. 842-1048 DAYBED- with mattress and accessories. $100. 639-1310_________________ FLO WE R/COMM UN ION Dress , never been worn, approximate size 12, paid $17Q/asking $100.825-3338 FLO W ER girl/ first com­ munion dress, worn once, girl's size 6, $100. 637-5923 FOUR patio high back chairs with pads & umbrel- la. $40. 844-4003_________ GOLF Clubs new junior 3 piece set. Bag & balls $75. 572-7166_________________ GOLF clubs- jun io r left handed, 3-sand wedge irons, good condition. $75.318-0985_____________ KENMORE fridge upright, gold, Great appliance for cottage. $100. 337-3318 LA D IES Boulet western boots 6 1/2 $30. 319-7466 after 7 pm LAZY BOY chair, Excellent condition. $75. 639-1731 LIFE jackets- package of 3. brand new, $65. 318-0985 M ARX Electric Train set, complete, tin, steam, 1950's, $100. Call John 3 32- 05 72 .______________ MATERNITY clothes, size- 8, tops, pants, b lazer, dresses, swimsuits, great condition, $50. 637-5923. M ICHELIN tires, set of 4. 185-65R-14, excellent condition, $65. Ca ll 335-3762._________________ OFFICE desk & credenza, oak, good condition, $95/pair. 331-5252._______ SOFA & loveseat. Tan vel­ vet, exce llen t condition. Clean, not worn, $25. 690- 1892______________________ STEREO / Radio/ record p layer includes 250 LP records, good condition. $75. 639-1731_____________ STORM Door 34"x80", $75. 842-1048_________________ T A Y LO R made d river's steel shaft. 11 degree & 9 degree. $35/each. 335- 5972______________________ TEAK finished Armoir with shelves & mirror, $45. 639- 0148______________________ T E A K fin ished chest of drawers, $70. 639-0148 VCR for sale. $60. Ca ll 331-7471__________________ W H ITE french provincial dresser with mirror in ex- ceflent condfon.$95.844-4003 WHITE Westinghouse elec­ tric stove, almond, good for cottage. $100,337-3318 APPL IANCES/Recond i- tioned- Washers, Dryers; Fridges; Stoves; With war­ ranties. Parts/ Service also avail. (905)634-3093 any­ time. We'll beat anyones Pricesl____________________ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ APPLIANCES large selec­ tion of modern recondi­ tioned appliances. Fridges, stoves, washers, dryers. Burlington's Finest. Also New appliances available- Lowest Prices. Free deliv- ery 333-4992______________ G RAND Opening- Save Thousands, Antique solid cherry mahogany 9-10- 12pc D/R suites, $1,750/+ up; 6pc bedrooms, (905)- 465-1493_________________ APARTMENT contents for sale newer electronics and furniture. Everything must go! Make an offer 921-2193. A P P LE 2S I Computer- Monitor and color printer included. Asking $600. OBO. Don 332-7067 BUGGED by big phone bills? Save Long Distance. Flat rate $10/mo/ area in and around GTA. Unlimit­ ed talk time. Reverse call­ ing. Ability Tel. (905)842- 3738, (905)631-8202 SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacement foam for cushions. Residential/ com­ mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632- 9090 FREE Estimates... Got wobbly cha irs...weak springs... tired looking wood fin ishes? We do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ fu rn itu re repairs. F ields Custom Furn itu re , 9-9, daily! 632-9090___________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stain- master & 100% nylon car­ pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car­ pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 CHEST type freezer, good working condition. 46"long x27"wide x34" high. $300/ obo. 332-3739 after 6pm. CARPETS , thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/DR for $319. including under­ pad, installation. Warranty. 510-0589__________________ FREE Calling between Georgetown, Acton, Oak­ ville and Burlington. Dial 693-8989__________________ FR ID GE , 2-door; Stove, 30"; Automatic Washer, Dryer, Also apartment size. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)549-1911_________ FRIDGE, stove, washer & dryer. A ll good condition. 637-1562_________________ G AR AG E Sale items 21,000sq.ft., Ontario's big­ gest selection- The Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri- 12-8pm; Sat-9-5pm; Sun- 1-4pm. GAS range 30in 5yrs old, mint condition, self clean­ ing, e lectron ic controls. Must sell $475. 844-0102 GO-KART, off-road. Call 632-0068__________________ KITCHEN cabinets, almond & oak, European, 11x12. See installed. Renovating May 1st. Must sell. 845- 9730.______________________ LADIES golf clubs- Golden Ram. Complete set, rjght handed. 12 clubs, including covers, leather bag, pull cart. $150. 632-6696 MOVING- Antique Dining room table, 6 chairs, side­ board; Drapes; Mirrors; Oc­ casional chairs; Hall bench. (905)-891-5454____________ MOVING: household fum., light fixtures, toys, garden equipement, tools, pictures, and morelll Call 825-1490. OFFICE dividers, five 6'x5', grey cloth, good condition with clips and stands. B.O. Call Jay @ 632-4444 ext 230._______________________ SECOND- hand wooden picnic tables. $20/ each 659-0848__________________ SPRING Price Break!! No GST. Want a G reat New Look On Your Furniture? Give Fields a Calll Sofas from $598. Loveseats from $487. Chairs from $198. Senior Discounts. Fields Custom Upholstering, 632- 9090, 9-9 daily_____________ V ID EO cards: C reative Labs Voodoo-2 16 meg. AGP, $160; Jaton 4 meg. SGRAM AGP $60. 336-0291._________________ W ICKER-RATTAN white, loveseat, coffee/ end tables, 2 arm chairs, 42" round table, glass top, 4 chairs, matching cushions, exce llen t condition, 639-0516. ANTIQUES wanted- furni­ ture. glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cashl (905)-522-4727____________ FILL wanted. Call Bill 690- 2481______________________ WANTED to buy from home gardeners "Lily-Of-The Val­ ley", 'Goutweed" and 'Peri- winkle". Call 689-7745 W AN TED : Mans motorcycle jacket, size 46 Tall and gloves...Call 689- 5816 I craft sales CANADA'S OLDEST & LARGEST Outdoor Antique Market 'Celebrating 40yrs ' ABERF0YLE ANTIQUE MARKET Apr25-0ct 31,99 •Open Sundays, 8-4pm RAIN OR SHINE "Located S. of Guelph. Take Hwy401 to exit #299, Rd #46, Go North 1.5 mi towards Guelph to Aberfoyle. (519)763-1077 I firewood t 21 ST ANNUAL % AUCTION SALE £ WALTON MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH ^ Lakeshore at Bronte Road, Oakville j Sat., April 17 -11 am to 4 pm T Walton would like to thank over 200 merchants, businesses and donors who have contributed to our Annual Fund-Raising Auction. ■k ITEMS INCLUDE: St. Lawrence Cruise, motor home rental, gas BBQ, turn., - k sporting events & concert tickets, signed original artwork, services, lots ot - k gift certificates & much more. Everyone welcome! - k AUCTIONEER: BOB BARETTE - x SNACK BAR • FREE PARKING • Viewing 10 am. -jc (Terms: Cash/ Cheque with proper I.D.) * * * -k * * -k * -k -k * * * -k * 370 pets & supplies 500 career training 500 training matian Viesla cross, male, 2 1/2 years old. Very affec­ tionate, needs preferably a farm. 681-1278____________ PARAKEET , Green A lex­ andrian, with 2 cages, one stand. $300/obo. Call Bob, (905)876-2614_____________ W* [1111 cars for sale 1991 Buick LeSabre Ltd, loaded. One owner, runs beautifully. $3800. o.n.o. Certified. 336-7600 after 6pm.______________________ 1990 Topaz, 4-door, 151km, auto, good condi­ tion. $2100/ as is/obo. Call 631-8222 after 6pm. 1995 Buick Riviera, excel­ lent condition. Fully loaded, including CD player , dark metallic blue exte rio r w/ leather interior. Michelin V tires, 88,000km. $19,000. (905)469-8756____________ 1988 Honda Accord LX, 116K, 4 door, automatic, some rust, non-certified, $1,700. 905-842-9453. 1989 Mazda 323 5 speed, 2 door hatchback. 75,385 km, good condition, certi­ fied. $2,500.634-5156 1995 HONDA Odyssey 7- passenger van, white, tinted windows, air, p/steering. p/ w indows, cruise, 116,000kms., $15,000. (905)634-2093.____________ 1992 Mazda Protege SE. 173,000km, 5 speed, a/c, am/fm cassette, power sunroof, tint. $4,200, cer- tifed.469-9074_____________ 1993 Olds 88 Royale. 86K, New tires, A/C, P/L, P/W, ABS, tilt, cruise & more! Safety-emission certified. $9500. 639-9891 Wk [ l l i l cars wanted ANNUAL Giant Craft Sale! EC Drury High School, 215 Ontario Street South, Mil- ton. Ap ril 24th & 25th, 10am-4pm. Over 80 tables. Arts & crafts from across Ontario . Adm ission $2, children free! General Labourers Light Packagers Day & Afternoon Shifts $87hr & up APPLY IN PERSON Daily, Mon.-Fri. Lighthouse H.R. Services 1500 Corporate Dr. Burlington I P *Vbnu MAINTENANCE PERSON required part-time. To arrange an appointment call: 639-1024 GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Hatton's largest firewood outlet, because we're Halton's best! Marc's Quality Firewood,257-6366 • COURIER DRIVERS Needed Immediately for busy Oakville company. Must have own car or van. Call Wally. • DZ DRIVER Experienced. Call John (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -2 2 4 4 ■ C J i l l pels, supplies B ICHON Frise Puppies. Adorable and loveable. Looking for new home. $450. Available April 632-2735 FREE to good home; cute. 14 month old female Staf­ fordshire cross. 331-6203 H, 1982 w m HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 460 Brant St. Burlington 637* 3415 JOB TRAINING • Micro Computers • Accounting • Office Administration • Medical/Legal Assistant • Dental Receptionist ' also Evening Classes * Financial Aid May be A \a \L / JOIN A WINNING TEAM! An excellent employment opportunity awaits an enthusiastic individual looking for a challenging job in a fast-paced environment. If you like to work hard and have fun we are looking for CO RPO R ATE STORE M A N A G E R S AFTON FOOD GROUP INC Fax/Send resume to; 3380 S. Service Road, Burlington Ontario, L7N 3J5 Fax: (905) 637-7745 $$$A-1 Top Dollar paid for Cars and Trucks. Dead, Alive or Smashed. Cellular (905)301-4882; (905)819- 0934,______________________ W ANTED Cars & Trucks. Highest Cash Prices Paid. F ree Towing. L icensed Auto Wrecker. We sell auto parts too! 827-8015 (Oakville) f c r |T|1 career training NO Fee. 3-Week Course available to help you plan your career. "Career Explo­ rations" is sponsored by Human Resources Devel­ opment Canada. If you are unemployed ca ll G race: (905)333-3499,The Centre for Skills Development and Training. SUMMER Jobs. Looking for persons to help ins ta ll window film on flat glass. No experience required. Driver license an asset. Fax resume: (905)631-8118 CONTROLLER & INTERM EDIATE ACCOUNTANT Required immediate ly for a financial services company located in Oakville, Ontario. Must have 3 to 5 years related experience in ACCPAC PLUS, Payroll, A/R, Canadian & U.S. taxation & financial reporting. Applicants working toward, or have completed an accounting designation will be given preference. Please fax resume & salary requirements to: ROMCO CORPORATION (905)-339-3407 general help wanted CHERYL CRAIG CAREERS CORP. QUALITY ASSURANCE CO-ORD. West Miss. Immed. perm, position. Min. 2-3 years exp. In mfg. envt., well versed in IS09002 (Internal Auditor Cert, req.) Proven ability to train, excellent troubleshooting and problem solving skills as well as outstanding writ- ten/verbal communication skills all a must. A/P SPECIALIST: Burl, firm seeks exp. candidate (min. 3-yrs within med-large corp. setting), well versed in all aspects of A/P. Must have exp. with gov't remittances, inter-company invoices, foreign currencies, bank reconciliations, etc. Innovative, analytical, flexible and unflappable in a high-pressure, high-volume workload environment. Word, Excel, WIN 95. ORDER PICKERS (M/F): Exp. order pickers need­ ed for Burl, warehouse tor immed. long-term temp placements. Min. Gr.12, reliable transportation and safety boots a must. Days, 8am-4:30pm. Start, $8/hr. Please FAX resumes to: (905) 3 3 2 -7 9 9 3 Note: Due to tim e constraints, only those selected for interviews w ill be contacted. We thank a ll that apply. Jobs Jobs Jobs Full time • Part time • Weekend Positions Available •Material Handlers •Driver's Helpers •Reach Truck Operators • Packagers •Assemblers Interested applicants may apply in person: Mon-Fri, between 7am-4pm 3500 Fairview St, Unit B-5 (1 block west of Walker's on Fairview) •Machine Operators •L ift Truck Operators •Shippers Receivers •Order Pickers •General Labours S A T IS FA C T IO N Student Window Cleaners requires hardworking, University students to fill summer Pro­ duction Manager (car re­ quired) and Window Clean­ er position in Burlington, Oakville, & Mississauga. P lease send/fax resume 257 Gatestone Ave.. Oak­ ville, L6J 2G2,Fax(905)338- 3829 .Phone 842-3581 DRIVE CLEAN INSPECTOR Required for Nightshirt We require a mature person with some automotive knowledge to perform the drive clean inspection. WE OFFER: $10. an hour, 4 days week, company benefits, pension and necessary training. For a confidential interview call 905-844-3990 John Trebble SERVICE DIRECTOR Lincoln Mercury 570 Trafalgar Road Oakville, On. L6J 3J2 C lassified E X p r^ s s Now, you can place your ad anytime from anywhere. Our new automated system will help you compose your ad through prompts, schedule your ad and even give you price and confirm all of the above in one easy phone call. 6 p m - 8 :3 0 am Call 632-4440 or 337-5610 l http://www.ontim.com mailto:btowers@lara.on.ca http://www.on-tim.com http://www.on-tim.com

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