in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 24 ,2 01 8 | 60 Place your Garage Sale print ad online and get We're always open! Garage SaleGarage Sale SeaSon iS here! Free rain inSuranCe! R 00 14 16 95 74 EMAIL: | PHONE: 905-527-5555 • 1-800-263-6480 | FAX: 905-526-6779 • 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOurs: MONdAy - FrIdAy 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad the first day it appears to ensure it's accurate. Metroland will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. Cancellations must be made by telephone. CALL 1-800-263-6480 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT Per Day $50$50 FOR AS LOW AS PRIME ADVERTISING POSITION PRIME ADVERTISING POSITION Or email: TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODA R 00 14 00 39 16 BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls WE BUY IT ALL! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costume Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 905-331-2477 Articles Wanted Articles Wanted BUYING DANISH TEAK, Scandinavian furniture, Rosewood & Retro + Vintage Lighting. Call 905-407-9753. IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring Carriers! Call us to see if your street is available - it just might be! L6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley Call Circulation 905-631-6095 Professional Dental Hygiene Cleaning $125 5198 New St., Burlington 905-599-4867 *$30 exam fee applies at initial visit NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of Joean Violet Meyer, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on the 23rd day of June, 2017, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June, 2018. After that date, the Estate Trustees will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have notice. DATED this 9th day of May, 2018. Timothy John Smith and Christopher Rooke by their Solicitors GARVEY & GARVEY LLP 972 Clarkson Road South Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2V7 TAKE NOTICE in the Estate of Violet Elizabeth Marguerite Morrow, late of the C i ty o f Bur l ing ton , in the Reg iona l Municipality of Halton, Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 5th day of January, 2015. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of PATRICIA JOHNSTON please contact the Estate Trustee of the above-noted estate on or before June 8, 2018. Da ted th i s day MAY 10 th , 2018 a t Burlington, Ontario JOHN BROUWERS and CARSON LAW Professional Corporation 3400 Fairview Street Burlington, Ontario L7N 3G5 Solicitors for the Estate Tel: 905-336-8940 E-Mail: Articles Wanted LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furni- ture, Sterling, Lighting, Jewelry, Memorabil ia, Toys & Complete Collec- t ions . Anyth ing your grandparents used to own. Send photo's to normsantiques @ g m a i l . c o m o r c a l l Norm 905-703-1107. WE PAY FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.24 per ball Purchase all year long 416-889-9365 Peter NO MIN QT OR NO MAX !! Articles Under $100 Antique drop leaf table Walnut dining table over 100 years o ld. Brass w h e e l s . $ 8 0 . 100 years o ld. Brass w h e e l s . $ 8 0 . 100 years o ld. Brass 905-632-7713 ANTIQUE EGG baskets f o r h a n g i n g p l a n t s , $25.00. 905-849-7661 f o r h a n g i n g p l a n t s , $25.00. 905-849-7661 f o r h a n g i n g p l a n t s , AVON FIGURINES, sev- eral, unopened, in origi- n a l b o x e s , $ 3 . 0 0 . eral, unopened, in origi- n a l b o x e s , $ 3 . 0 0 . eral, unopened, in origi- 905-864-7150 BRIDGE BOARDS 25 metal duplicate bridge b o a r d s w i t h c a r d s $30 905-847-2731 CERAMIC TILES, 24, Brazi l ian, brown/grey colour 12"x12". $48 Pic- Brazi l ian, brown/grey colour 12"x12". $48 Pic- Brazi l ian, brown/grey t u r e a v a i l a b l e . C a l l 905-878-9173 CERAMIC TILES, Brazil- ian, brown/grey colour, 12" x 12" , new, (24), $2.00 each. pic available. 12" x 12" , new, (24), $2.00 each. pic available. 12" x 12" , new, (24), Call 905-878-9173 CLEANER, CARPET and furniture, Bissel, turbo, l i k e n e w . $ 8 0 . 905-637-9037 CROCK, 5GL, Antique, $65.00 ex. condit ion, 905-849-7661 CUSHIONS, 2 pce set for rocking chair. $12. Pic pce set for rocking chair. $12. Pic pce set for avail. Call 905-878-9173 DRESSER AND mirror, s i x d r a w e r s , L e p i n e . $100.00, 905-849-7661 s i x d r a w e r s , L e p i n e . $100.00, 905-849-7661 s i x d r a w e r s , L e p i n e . DRYER, full size, electric $100. 289-337-1328. ELECTRIC SKILLET, 12 i n c h , n e w i n b o x , $20.00. 905-864-7150 FRIDGE/FREEZER white, used, working, suitable f o r co t t age , ga rage , $100 416-995-1197 fo r co t t age , ga rage , $100 416-995-1197 fo r co t t age , ga rage , GARMIN GPS navi sys- t e m , 1 3 0 0 s e r i e s , $50.00. 905-844-9823 Articles Under $100 GEORGE FOREMAN grill for indoor BBQ. Excellent c o n d i t i o n $ 5 0 . 905-332-8067 GRASS TRIMMER and edger Grass trimmer and edger for sale... $35 edger Grass trimmer and edger for sale... $35 edger Grass trimmer HUMIDIFIER, HONEY- WELL, excellent working c o n d i t i o n . $ 2 0 . 0 0 . excellent working c o n d i t i o n . $ 2 0 . 0 0 . excellent working 905-864-7150 LOVE SEAT, blue, cus- t o m m a d e , $ 9 5 . 905-635-7014 LUMBER, MAPLE, kiln dried, 1"x2"x10' long. $13 905-878-9173 dried, 1"x2"x10' long. $13 905-878-9173 dried, 1"x2"x10' long. M E TA L PA I L S , l i d s , spiles for maple syrup. $6.00 per set, good con- spiles for maple syrup. $6.00 per set, good con- spiles for maple syrup. dition, photo available, Call 905-878-9173 MINI FRIDGE, frigidaire, $90. 905-635-7014 frigidaire, $90. 905-635-7014 frigidaire, NETFLIX, INTERNET u tube connect ion with b o x y b o x . $ 5 0 . 905-637-9037 O F F I C E C R E D E N Z A , $45. 905-635-7014 PAIL, METAL, for maple syrup, w/lid and spiles. $7 905-878-9173 syrup, w/lid and spiles. $7 905-878-9173 syrup, w/lid and spiles. ROCKING CHAIR cush- ions, new, 2 pc sets (x2), $12.00 per set , ions, new, 2 pc sets (x2), $12.00 per set , ions, new, 2 pc sets photos avai lable. cal l 905-878-9173 SALT AND pepper shak- ers, animals, birds, peo- p l e , e t c . $ 5 . 0 0 . ers, animals, birds, peo- p l e , e t c . $ 5 . 0 0 . ers, animals, birds, peo- 905-864-7150 SASSABY CABOODLE, vintage hair and makeup c a s e , $ 4 0 . 0 0 , vintage hair and makeup c a s e , $ 4 0 . 0 0 , vintage hair and makeup 905-849-7661 STOVE, WHIRLPOOL Gold, White, self-clean, ce ramic , ex work ing c o n d i t i o n . $ 1 0 0 . ce ramic , ex work ing c o n d i t i o n . $ 1 0 0 . ce ramic , ex work ing 905-878-5284 TWIN BED and night ta- ble set, Lepine, $100.00, and night ta- ble set, Lepine, $100.00, and night ta- 905-849-7661 WINDOW MIRROR, 5 panes , Ant ique p ine , 1 8 x 6 0 , $ 8 5 . 0 0 . panes , Ant ique p ine , 1 8 x 6 0 , $ 8 5 . 0 0 . panes , Ant ique p ine , 905-849-7661 WINDOW MIRROR, An- tique looking, wood, 8 panes, 29" high x 45" w i d e $ 6 5 . 0 0 . panes, 29" high x 45" w i d e $ 6 5 . 0 0 . panes, 29" high x 45" 905-864-7150 Antiques & Collectibles VICTORIAN EASTLAKE Parlor Settee Set. 5 piece set: double wide seat, gentleman's chair, nursing rocker and 2 chairs. Walnut with new beautiful cream colored upholstery. Must sell, Mint, $400. colored upholstery. Must sell, Mint, $400. colored upholstery. o.b.o. 905-630-4811. Articles for Sale (Misc.) *A1 MATTRESS Factory D i r e c t . D e l i v e r y ava i lab le . A l l s i zes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top s e t s s t a r t i n g $ 3 4 0 . Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & ' C r o w n ' s e r i e s , E u r o t o p s e t s f r o m $390. New Waterbeds, Fu tons, end-of - l ine/ d i s c o n t i n u e d i t e m s available. 905-681-9496 905-338-0803 905-563-6903. BASSET SHELTER is- land slipcovered an- tique white sofa, two c h a i r s , o t t o m a n . Rolled sock arm, two o v e r t w o c u s h i o n seating (sofa), long kick pleat skirt. $1200 seating (sofa), long kick pleat skirt. $1200 seating (sofa), long for all. 905-635-8693 BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! BIG BIG GREENEGG BBQ, large size, complete with accessories + rotisserie. Like new, $1975. Call 905-847-2910. CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new S t a i n m a s t e r a n d 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-633-8192 GIBBARD DININGROOM suite. French Provincial Chantilly Collection. Sol- id cher r y. 12 p ieces Server, 2 Piece China Cabinet, Dining Table wi th 6 Chairs p lus 2 Leaves, Custom made Tab l e Pads P i c tu r es available on request. Ex- c e l l e n t C o n d i t i o n . $ 2 5 0 0 . 0 0 C a s h 905 847 5482 Articles for Sale (Misc.) MOVING SALE, Wash- e r / d r y e r s e t , $ 3 5 0 . Washer, full size, $225. e r / d r y e r s e t , $ 3 5 0 . Washer, full size, $225. e r / d r y e r s e t , $ 3 5 0 . Dryer, electric, full size, $150. Compact Fridge/ Dryer, electric, full size, $150. Compact Fridge/ Dryer, electric, full size, Freezer 46hx19w $140. $150. Compact Fridge/ Freezer 46hx19w $140. $150. Compact Fridge/ All Excellent condition a n d c l e a n . 289-337-1328. P O R T A B L E A I R conditioner, almost new, $ 3 0 0 o . b . o . 905-825-8299 Medical/Health Needs SCOOTER GoGo Elite. New ~ Used Only Twice. Asking $900. (brand new was Used Only Twice. Asking $900. (brand new was Used Only Twice. Asking $2300.) Please call $900. (brand new was $2300.) Please call $900. (brand new was 905-637-2687. Trucks & SUVs 2005 FORD F-150 XLT SuperCrew 4x4, grey, V8 4.6 litre, tonneau cover, box liner, running boards, tires only 1 1/2 year old with lots of tread, brand new alternator and belt, power steering lines just replaced, regular maintenance, non- smoker, 305,000 kms. Runs great and well cared for. $3,495. obo. Runs great and well cared for. $3,495. obo. Runs great and well Call / Text 289-237-3527 905-628-5529 (Dundas) Tutoring CURRENT CERTIFIED Secondary Teacher Available for Tutoring French and Spanish, in Burlington area. Afterschool, evening and weekends. Any age welcome. Call or text Susan, 647-293-1700. Lost & Found FOUND CAT: We call Re- ynard Himalayan Male apprx. 1 year old Found Maple and Brant St. area Can call: 905-637-7325 LOST, MEN'S gold wed- ding band, on Glen Ab- bey golf course, Victoria D a y , r e w a r d . c a l l 905-510-8979 Legals Announcements Legals Announcements Legals Notices (Public) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit, it's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. Call: 905-631-8784 or visit Announcements Business OpportunitiesOpportunities Salon Chair Rental Situated n the heart of downtown Burlington. Seeking Licensed Hair Stylist with clientele. Rent is negotiable. Pleasant surroundings Join us! Call Janis 905-333-2777 Announcements Cumberland Village 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905-632-2601 R 00 14 74 39 04 Townhomes (With & Without Garage) Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance),ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance), Furnace & A/C Unit, Kitchen (SS Appliances w/Dishwasher), Floors/Ceramic and Bathroom. Townhouses for Rent Apartments for Rent 2 Bedroom Oakville $1750 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 Burlington Towers NEWLY RENOVATED 1 bedroom Available July 1st Located close to the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna and fitness centre. Utilities included! Call 905-639-8583 info@burlington Townhouses for Rent Apartments for Rent OLD OAKVILLE near Go. Charming 1 bedroom basement apar tment , own driveway and en- trance. Large windows, newly decorated with outside space, shared laundry. Available imme- diately 905-844-4015 Condos for Rent 1 BEDROOM Condo w i t h D e n a t 2 3 6 5 Central Park Drive, Oakville. One parking and locker included. Open concept kitchen, granite top. Laundry in suite. No smoking. Available May 21st. $ 1 6 0 0 m o n t h l y + Available May 21st. $ 1 6 0 0 m o n t h l y + Available May 21st. u t i l i t i e s . C o n t a c t 905-257-2326 to view. LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Call 905-632-4440 Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 email: classifed@ find us online at