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Oakville Beaver, 2 Aug 2018, p. 58

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 2, 20 18 | 58 ins ide ha lto n.c om be ave r BEYONDTHEPAGES VIEW OUR PRINT EDITIONS Tr en din g reCALLS: PePPeridge FArM gOLdFiSH CrACKerS, MOre MAKe THiS WeeK'S LiST Weekly roundup of current product recalls also includes fish tofu and bicycle pedals bit.ly/2AuCCq0 From breaking news to multimedia features, go beyond the newspaper pages and discover all that the Oakville Beaver has to offer online. www.insideHalton.com FFororor mon thlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthly paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t option soptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptions seeseeseesee Leg gaLeggaLeggaLeggaLeggaLeggatt MazdaMazdaMazdaMazdaMazdaMazdaMazda BurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingt on foron foron foron foron foron for d etails.details.details.details.details.details.details.details.details. 2017 MAZ DA 6 GTDON 'T MIS S THIS ONE! 0R0R0R 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING 0% FINA NCING F ORFORFORFOR 727272 MONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHS CASH SA LE PRICE $32,990+ HST+HST+HST+HST+HST WithWithWithWithWith TTecececTecT hnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnology PacPacPacPackagekagekagekagekage ,, PrPrPremiu memiumemiumemiumemiumemium PacPacPacPackagekagekagekagekage ,, NappaNappaNappaNappaNappaNappa LeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeather,, BoseBoseBoseBoseBose Au dioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudio,, 19"19"19"19" AlloAlloAlloAlloAllo yy Wheel s,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels, TTintedintedintedintedintedinted W indoWindoWindoWindoWindoWindow s,ws,ws,ws, JetJetJetJetJet BlacBlacBlacBlacBlackk M ica, 10,4 98 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 Mica, 10 ,498 km s.kms.kms.kms.kms. 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THURS DAY PAGE 3 SPOTLIGH T Realty I nc., Bro kerageMINRA TE ® *Does n ot includ e commi ssion to buyer/co operating brokerag e 905.3 31.76 53 as lo w as lIsTIN G coMM IssIoN ®* %1FullService T H U R S D A Y N I G H T M E E T U P The Ham ilton-bas ed Conf ederatio n Marine Modelle rs club Confede ration M arine Mo dellers c lub Confede r Landing in Spenc er Smith Park.Ab ove, club member Paul twin elec tric engi nes and a cedar strip dec k. For m or SAUNDERS, SAXTON & WINTER Wendy Saunders Sales Representative Kim Saxton Sales Representative Ruth AnneWinter Broker ~ALegacy of Excellence~ AAAUAUTOTOPRPRPROOOOO OOOAOAKVKVILIL EELELE 2212212 2 t R , O kvillilleee 90 46 24 2 autoprooa net.com MECHANICAL SERVICES dentistoakville.com 905-842-6030 THURSDAY JULY 27, 2017 Page 12 Page 6 Golf legend Jack Nicklaus Canadian Open TuesdaTuesdaT shots with a hockey rBC Canadian Open back at glen Abbey TheTownofOakville has once againwelTownofOakville has once againwelT -ownofOakville has once againwel-ownofOakville has once againwel comed the RBC Canadian Open back to Glen AbbeyGolf Course. The world-renowned event runs from Monday,Monday,Monday July24 toSunday,July24 toSunday,July24 toSunday July30and is ex-July30and is ex-July30and is ex pected to host many of the world'spected to host many of the world'spected to host many of the world' best golf-best golf-best golf ers and attract moreers and attract moreers and attract mor than 100,000 people to Oakville. The tournament'sThe tournament'sThe tournament' opening ceremonies took place Tuesday (July 25)Tuesday (July 25)T -- hosted by course designer and golf legend Jack Nick-course designer and golf legend Jack Nick-course designer and golf legend Jack Nick laus. The opening ceremony gave residentsresidentsr a chance to check out the tournament set up and enjoy amilitarymilitarymilitar flyover by aH13Hercu- les transportles transportles transpor plane. The tournament began with some good news from the federal government onMon-news from the federal government onMon-news from the federal government onMon daywithOakvilleMP JohnOliver announc- david Lea Oakville Beaver Staff see Prepping on p.9 Hours:Monday to Friday: 8am - 9pm Saturday: 8am - 7pm • Sunday: 8am - 6pm Canadian Tire Milton 1210 Steeles Ave E • 905-878-2349 ONLY AT YOUR MILTON CANADIAN TIRE FOR A LIMITED TIME!LED 3-Pack Noma LEDDBulbs, 60W eq.Sale 8.99Reg. 11.99. 299-8750-X750-X750- Feit Electric LE Feit Electric LE F D A19Omni Bulb, 13.5W(Daylight or Soft White)Reg. 6.9952-1390-0 EvEnt99¢WiThcOuPON! FRiDAy, SAtuRDAy, SuNDAy gEt yOuR cOuPONS iN-StORE! Hours: 99 ¢wowthat's only33¢a bulb! coupons save $8with †$†$† 8 coupon on select †††† ect †††† ect ††† †††† † †††† †† †††† † †† †††††† †††† certified ††† certified ††† certified †† bulbs. †axes are apapa plicable to ††††† .†† price before coupon.†i .†† price before coupon.†i .†† price before coupon.† scount applied using in-store coupons. †etails avail †etails available atable ata saveonenergy.ca/cou y.ca/cou y pons.ons. ††eerrmmss andand ccoonnditioditionns apply. s apply. 3 packpackp withcoupon 9 coupon 9 ZAK'SPHARMACYMilton's Independent Pharmacy• Free Delivery• 10% Seniors Discount• All Drug Plans Accepted• Written Drug Info. Available"At Zak'sZak'sZak' We CareAbout YourYourY Health"70 Main St. E. 875-2424 48 pages THURSDAYJULY 27JULY 27JUL , 2017Y 27, 2017Y 27 INSIDE Running a-muck forthe cancer society BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage PolicePoliceP urged to inurged to inurg vestig ed to investig ed to in ate councillor' vestigate councillor' vestig s campaignexpenses ate councillor's campaignexpenses ate councillor'Milton councillors are calling forcalling forcalling fa police investigation into one oftheir colleague's elec's elec' tion campaignexpenses.In an 8-2 vote Monday evening (July 24), council voted in favour of turning a compliance audit of Ward 5 Councillor Arnold Huffman's 2014's 2014' campaign expenditures over to po- lice with a request for a full inv equest for a full inv equest f esti- gation into the matter.Councillors Rick Di Lorenzo and Cin- dy Lunau opposed the motion put forforf th by Councillor Rick Malboeuf, Malboeuf, Malboeuf and Huffman declared a conflict of interest on the matter."This takes the issue out of the hands of this council and takes the politics out of it by turning it over to the police," said Malboeuf in speak-speak-speak ing to his motion. "We can choose to do nothing and let this go, but then we would be condoning the improper and alleged illegal action perpetrated by Councillor Huffman." In speaking with the Champion af- ter themeeting, Huffmanexpressed his dismay in council's's' decision. "I don't understand why this is By Melanie Hennessey CANAD I AN CHAMP ION S TA F F ...4 One in amelonMeleia McGraw, 8, is all smiles as she w, 8, is all smiles as she wshows her medal from Longo's's' an- nual watermelon eating contest in Milton. McGraw devoured her slice in record time, beating her mom and two store employees in the recent competition that included a special visit fromNationalWaWaW ter- melon QueenMadison Laney.GrahaGrahaGr mPamPamP ine /MWMG BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage burlington • milton • oakville COnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTed TO YTO YTO YTO YTO YOUOUOUTO YOUTO YTO YOUTO YTO YOUTO Y rr COMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTY geT HALTOn neWS deLiVered TWiCe dAiLY TO YOUr inBOX! insidehalton/newsletter PLAnning A PUBLiC eVenT? POST iT Here: insidehalton/eventsEVENTS Nominated for Best Trainer, Chris LeBlanc and Best Weight Loss! readersreadersr choice.oakvillebeaver.com Oakville Beaver DIAMOND AwARD FOR BEST IN FITNESS 461 North Service Rd. w., Ut B36 www.primalathletics.ca 647-896-3294 Your home comes alive this time of year, with barbecues, entertain- ing and long weekend parties. Give it a makeover with these Do It Yourself projects recommended by Health Canada that will make it a cool, comfortable and inviting space for everyone to enjoy. Grow your greenery If you live in a house, give your green thumb a whirl and plant trees on the south or west side where the sun hits during the hot-where the sun hits during the hot-where the sun hits during the hot Advertorial Five easy home updates for summer test part of the day. Tree-shaded spots could be as much as 5ºC cooler than the surrounding area, help- ing to cool your home inside and out. Freshen up fabrics Switch up wintertime materials like knits and fleece for loose, light-coloured textiles made of breathable fabric. Choose linens and cottons for your pillows and throws. Stay hydrated During the summer, it's important to drink plenty of cool liquids before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration. Update your glassware or water bottle to something with a fun pattern or bold colours so you'll actually want to drink more water. Deck out your patio Keep your home cooler by cooking on the grill. Make your outdoor living space more inviting.  En- sure there are shaded areas for cooling off -- co- lourful wide umbrellas can help. Set up a hydration station with a pitcher of fruit-flavoured water. Retreat to your cool space During extreme heat, it may be a good idea to stay indoors to take a break from the heat. But that doesn't mean you can't do a fun activity -- visit your local swimming pool, public library or mall to cool off. You can also create a reading nook in a cooler part of the home for curling up with the latest summer read. (NC) BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BEST BUY JULY 27th CORPORATE FLYER In the July 27th flyer, page 11, the Klipsch 10" Front-Firing Subwoofer (Web Code: 10303470) and 400-Watt 12" Subwoofer (Web Code: 10303471) were incorrectly advertised with x2 Web Codes. Please be aware that both of these promotions are for a single subwoofer. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Need New Windows? Diamond Award Winner Visit their showroom to shop for Windows & Doors. 3245 Harvester Rd, Burlington 905-333-6705

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